The Disappearance of Time and Childhood

If there is an elite controlling the world then I want to know who the asshole Sith is... If there is an elite controlling the world then I want to know who the asshole Sith is…

There are conspiracy theorists, mystics, holy men and plenty of other folks who think this world is ruled by an élite and that behind this élite, there is a supernatural, otherworldly force pulling the strings. I’m not going to discuss if this is true or not, you can do the research, read the books, watch the videos and make up your own mind. Some people call them inter-dimensionals, others Reptilians, yet others, The Greys. It would seem these sorts of theories have also petered down into children’s literature.

Crap film. OK film. Kick-ass book.

I am guessing if you were attending elementary school in the early 1980’s, chances are you were forced to sit through and watch Wolfgang Petersen‘s film “The NeverEnding Story” like every other kid. By itself, it’s not a terrible film. However if you sit down to read the original book by Michael Ende, the film , in contrast truly is a spectacular piece of garbage which Ende felt it was. After the horrors of working with a Hollywood film director, Ende then promptly refused further American productions of his other books.

Way better. Way better.

I only know the story because in the early days of the internet, I had a quadriplegic email pen-pal named Jimmy, a writer from Oklahoma who was also attracted to the mystical elements of Ende’s writing. Jimmy had written to Ende in Germany shortly before Ende passed on and told Jimmy as much in his letters. What I find particularly interesting about Ende is that he comes from a Waldorf education background. Meaning, he grew up with the teachings of German mystic and metaphysician Rudolf Steiner and the whole anthroposophy movement. Ende’s work is heavily infused with these esoteric ideas.

It’s unfortunate that many of his other amazing books are not better known to English readers. He did write one children’s book called “Momo” which I think, is actually a bit of an unrecognized masterpiece and deserves some discussion.


“Momo” is essentially Michael Ende’s version of this dimensional reality hack, only his bad guys are called the The Grey Men. They surreptitiously steal people’s time, little by little and by such insidious increments, that at first people don’t notice how their days seem shorter until the day comes that their every second needs to be accounted for, everyone is living under borrowed time, leading pleasureless, hurried, frantic lives. Life becomes all about trying to be efficient, trying to accumulate wealth and in doing so, people have lost their capacity for joy, play, wonderment, and most importantly, love. That’s basically what the grey men want. Momo is the street urchin who eventually catches on to what the grey men are up to and goes about trying to defeat them.

Momo vs. The Grey Men Momo and the tortoise Cassiopeia vs. The Grey Men

Another writer who touches on the same themes is Madeleine L’ Engle. A prolific writer who only found success well into her 40’s, L’Engle comes from the opposite end of the spiritual spectrum than Ende. A devout Episcopal with universalist values, L’Engle was especially interested in that little-studied area where science and spirituality meet head-on. She especially explored these ideas in her Kairos series of books involving the Murray family and particularly in “A Wrinkle in Time”.

Another terrific book. Another terrific book.

Meg Murray, her friend Calvin and her brother Charles Wallace are sent on an intergalatic, inter-dimensional trip to rescue their genius father from IT. During the course of their adventures, they are helped along by 3 shape-shifting benevolent entities (who are supposed to be angels), land on the planet Camazotz, to discover a city where houses are identical, people’s lives are regulated down to the second, so much so that kids playing in the street, skip rope in unison, balls bounce in unison, and mothers come out in unison to call their children in at which point all the doors shut in unison.

Everything and everyone is identical on Camazotz (looks like any suburb nowadays if you ask me..) Everything and everyone is identical on Camazotz (looks like any suburb nowadays if you ask me..)

“Everybody knows our city has the best Central Intelligence Centre on the planet. Our production levels are the highest. Our factories never close; our machines never stop rolling. Added to this we have five poets, one musician, three artists, and six sculptors, all perfectly channeled…We are the most oriented city on the planet. There has been no trouble of any kind for centuries. All Camazotz knows our record. That is why we are the capital city of Camazotz. That is why CENTRAL Central Intelligence is located here. That is why IT makes ITs home here.”

The kids eventually carry out their mission but only after finding out that their most lethal weapon they have against IT and The Darkness is Love.

Pre-School-Programme-Making-it-fit A Montessori preschool

I bring up these two “fictional” books because I don’t think they are fiction anymore. Many of my friends in my age group are raising small children now. Which means any get-together is about them usually discussing day-care and pre-school options, getting them into the “right” pre-school, so that eventually they can get into the “right” elementary school and then the “right” high-school, sign up for the “right” extra-curricular school sports teams which will then lastly, get them into the “right” university. That’s basically planning a kid’s life from ages 3 to 23.

I'd be bored too. I’d be bored too.

This sort of thing makes me sick, angry and sad. It robs a child of having a light, carefree, idyllic childhood, those crucial, formative years where the imagination should run wild, and they should be free to make discoveries on their own, running after butterflies, playing in the mud, climbing trees, swimming in ponds and making snow forts where they can have epic snow-ball fights.

This is what kids should be doing. This is what kids should be doing.


Instead it gets them ready to enter a life of servitude, becoming an efficient cog in the machine, taking orders, thinking inside the box and becoming robots and if they don’t follow orders, they stand to lose everything.

Preparing students for the future - Scene from Pink Floyd's Preparing students for the future – Scene from Pink Floyd’s “The Wall”

I’ll close with a quote by Ende:
“Life holds one great but quite commonplace mystery. Though shared by each of us and known to all, seldom rates a second thought. That mystery, which most of us take for granted and never think twice about, is time. When it comes to controlling human beings, there is no better instrument than lies. Because you see, humans live by beliefs. And beliefs can be manipulated. The power to manipulate beliefs is the only thing that counts.”

Categories: Ascension, Conspirio, Pop culture, Raise your EQ, Shift of the Ages effects, Think like the Illuminati, This is why the planet is screwed up | Tags: , , , , , , , | 14 Comments

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14 thoughts on “The Disappearance of Time and Childhood

  1. The school system is designed to brainwash as much as or more than to educate. It was true when I was a kid and is true today. I was taught the lies about American history in the 50s. Kids are being taught the lies (about 9/11, for instance) today and will go through life believing them until something happens to wake them up. The good news, I like to believe, is that the truth can never be destroyed, just hidden.

    • I’d like to think that as well. I think the biggest problem is that the mechanisms of hiding the truth are getting more sophisticated all the time. Added to this an increasingly dumbed down population whose critical thinking skills and powers of observation and perception are becoming dulled deliberately, this uphill battle has gotten steeper.

  2. Eve

    I remember writing passionate anti-communist essays in grade school. Grade school! Got A’s. Anxious to please. Had no clue about the reality, but I was just writing about something we were taught to hate and fear (we did those drills, hiding under our desks to prepare for nuclear war… omg … talk about brainwashing… as if a flimsy wooden desk would save us) — Pity my passion and writing skills were encouraged in that way.

    EER, I’m not sure things are much different these days. Different mechanisms but same ignorance.

  3. Eve

    Although, aside from the occasional societal indoctrination, gotta say my childhood was carefree. No computers, bicycle riding around the neighborhood until the sun went down. “Just be home for dinner!” our parents said. I’m thankful I grew up like a weed. No one planned crap for me. 🙂

    • I grew up in a small town in the late 1970s/early 80s, my family were lower-middle class, typical of most first generation immigrant families, so I too had no video games (which looked boring to me anyway), my parents never signed me up for soccer or ballet or gymnastics or water-polo or anything and I never asked. But we were close to farms and lakes so that meant lots of swimming outings or learning to ice-skate on frozen ponds, picking our own strawberries or apples at local farms. Being a tomboy, meant that we played with the neighborhood kids a lot in the streets (and that’s where I picked up my French) or built forts/treehouses in the local woods (which have all become subdivisions now) A second-hand banana-seat bike got me everywhere. Plus Canada in the 70’s was a lot more progressive than now, which meant public (free) libraries had excellent book collections, public schools were better funded, playgrounds seemed more fun (even if a little dangerous, remember those merry go-round things everyone would get dizzy on?) and like you, my parents just told us to be home on time to eat dinner, which we ran to because afterwards it meant watching TV shows like the Bionic Woman, Six-Million Dollar Man, the Incredible Hulk or Wonder Woman. All they told us was to never get into cars with strangers or anyone we didn’t know and we ended up fine. We didn’t have this paranoid parental culture I see nowadays where parents have to arrange play dates for their kids after screening the other kids or how their every last second of free-time is planned with some sort of activity like piano lessons or sailing lessons. That spontaneity we had is long-gone now.

  4. Eve

    Yes! Oh we played for hours on that merry go round thingie. Wonderful, ingenious, contraption. Round and around and around… . And, oh yeah, my favorite line from all the helicopter parents I know is this one: “WE have SO much homework tonight.” Are you effing kidding me? I did my homework all by my lonesome. We all did. And yeah, the libraries were amazing. Thanks for the memories EER… 🙂

  5. Eve

    The parents practically live at their kids schools these days. I remember if a mother or father (usually mom) had to come to school (or God forbid, worked there) the kid would be mortified. I know things are different these days, not sure how and why it is that parental units are practically shamed or forced to contribute cookies, time, and what all else to the school system, but it’s a wonder, really, that any child can even tie their own shoes by their high school graduation. Oh and I am revolted by the bumper stickers all over the place. Get a grip people!

    Anyhoo. Gee, I really have strong feelings about this I guess. I’m glad I have no children. I would have raised them in the woods with the bears, and they would hate me right about now 🙂

    • searchingforfernando

      I think this is by design. Two years ago I read an interview done in 1988. Dr. Lawrence Dunegan wanted to record his memories before they faded. On March 20th 1969, he and a group of other paediatricians went to a meeting where Dr. Richard Day (Medical Director of Planned Parenthood Federation of America) briefed them about a new society that was planned for America. These plans were to unfold during the next 50 years. They were pretty horrific, and most have now come to pass. One thing he said was that in the future schools would be the center of the community. Kids would spend more time in school, but not learn anything. If they wanted to be involved in any activity, it would have to come through the schools. Sand-lot baseball and independant play would go the way of the Dodo bird. Kids would be controlled 24/7.

      Another thing in the interview was that books that contain idea that were not compatable with the new society, would disappear from library shelves. More than a year ago, I deciced to re-read all the books I loved as a child. I was a voracious reader – it helped me survive a horrible childhood. My county library system is huge, yet when I went to find these books, most were gone. A few I was able to get on inter-library loan. When I looked up the authors on wikipedia, they were not even there. I could hardly believe it. If you want to read the interview, search: “NWO Plans Exposed By Insider in 1969″ “8-26-11″

      • SFF, what are the titles which you discovered are hard to find now and which authors had no wiki entry? I’d be curious to see what my local libraries turn up and if those titles are more easily found in some places over others.

  6. searchingforfernando

    My three favorite authors as a child: Evelyn Sibley Lampman wrote 38 books; a few titles are: Crazy Creek, Treasure Mountain, Tree Wagon, Elder Brother, Half-breed, Cayuse Courage, Wheels West, Navaho Sister, Rock Hounds

    Patricia Beatty wrote fifty books; a few titles: The Nickel-plated Beauty, Hail Columbia, O the Red Rose Tree, Me, California Perkins, Bonaza Girl

    Betty Baker, not sure how many she wrote but the two I wanted; The Shaman’s Last Raid and Treasure of the Padres I was able to get by inter-library loan. I find it a bit strange that The Shaman’s Last Raid was not in my huge county library system, because it was once made into an after-school special ( a tv show in the 70’s).

  7. Another great post EER. It’s incredible how children/youth these days are dependent on others (or other things) to fill their time and aren’t given the opportunity to truly ‘learn’ in school and pick up the information/skills that allow them question the world around them and/or think outside the box. I adored reading as a child (still do) and I remain still amazed at the messages that are put forth in books like the Neverending Story and Momo (fantastic book, both in its orignal language and English). I wonder if the messages are too heavy/harrowing for people to digest on a certain level, though it’s not only this way with literature as we can see the same thing happening with music, TV and film as well.

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  9. Pingback: The Burden of Unlimited Wants and Needs | The Shift Has Hit The Fan

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