Keep Your Eye on the Horizon

“You are alone in your bedroom, and surrounded by the four walls you are physically separate, set apart from the entire world. But by using thought you can go beyond the confines of this room and expand into an ever bigger space: first your home, then the town where your house is located. Then, become aware that your town is also part of a region, the region part of a country, the country part of a continent, and the continent part of the earth. Make a habit of doing this exercise. And the earth itself is part of the planets in the solar system. And in turn, the solar system is part of a galaxy, and this galaxy is a small part of the cosmos… So , it’s amazing – you’re alone in your bedroom, and at the same time you’re in the cosmos! 
And since you are a cosmic being, why limit yourself? You can open your soul by telling yourself that you have cosmic work to do. All you need to do is change your point of view and be aware that because you live in the universe you are connected to it.”
– Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

I bring up this spiritual exercise by Aivanhov because I’ve been plowed down by pneumonia this past week and forced to stay indoors and at home. It’s funny because I rarely fall ill and this is the first time I’ve had pneumonia in at least 20 years. It’s given me some time to catch up on reading and take note of a few developments happening around the world.


I think the biggest news is the discovery of a so-called Planet X, somewhere outside of Pluto’s orbit. Mind you, the guy who has trumpeted the discovery of this theoretical planet is the same fellow who demoted Pluto from being a planet to a planetoid. Already conspiracy-theory chat rooms are buzzing with talk about this Planet X being the planet Nibiru, the planet which ancient archaeologist Zachariah Sitchin wrote about in his books deciphering ancient Babylonian and Sumerian tablets and their respective mythologies about ancient aliens and fallen angels like the Nephilim.


Personally, I’ll believe in a Planet X when I see it. I’m not saying that the discovery of other planets which share our same Sun system isn’t possible, but right now it’s too soon to say anything, I think. Some esoteric astrologers say a time will come when the astrological signs Virgo and Taurus will finally get their own planetary rulers (right now Virgo “shares” Mercury with Gemini and Taurus “shares” Venus with Libra). After all, it wasn’t such a long time ago that Neptune, Uranus and Pluto were discovered (and bestowed Pisces, Aquarius and Scorpio with their respective rulers) so there’s nothing to say that it’s not possible. Some writers have even suggested names for these 2 as-yet-undiscovered planets like Vulcan and Pan Horus.
Let’s say this Planet X/Nibiru is real. It would fall in line with prophecies about a new world emerging from the old, something from deep within the cosmos instigating a change whether we’re ready for it or not. Hindus already talk about the Kali Yuga and New Age writers like Dolores Cannon and Stuart Wilde have also written about a birth of a new world.
I don't think it will be this easy....

I don’t think it will be this easy….

If it does happen, I don’t think it’s going to be raining flowers or anything of the sort. In fact like natural childbirth, I think it’s going to be downright messy, noisy, disruptive and probably painful as hell, like pulling a turkey out of your right nostril.
More fun than a barrel of monkeys. I don't think so.

More fun than a barrel of monkeys. I don’t think so.

Already, we’re seeing this as I write this with worldwide markets plunging (the Canadian dollar is at a 13 year low), food prices sky-rocketing, central banks trying to figure out interest rates, oil barrels prices bottoming out and jitters around the upcoming American elections with non-establishment candidates as current front-runners like Bernie Sanders and that Republican asshole with the comb-over.
Transitions are never easy. I’ve noticed that people who do well with change and who do manage to transition gracefully are usually those persons who don’t have a lot of vested interests in the old way of doing things and have no problems letting go and moving on. The ones who go in kicking and screaming are usually the stuck-in-the-mud, stubborn types who can’t accept change that’s happening around them but instead want to stay the same forever, and expect the world and the cosmos to change around them and leave them alone like some special island. Watch any video of a tsunami, hurricane, typhoon or flash flood and you know that’s not the way it works.
When Hurricane Sandy hit.

When Hurricane Sandy hit.

Since I’ve been ill, I’ve been listening to the radio a lot and how politicians here in Canada, particularly in Alberta (our version of Texas, cowboys, rednecks and oil) are going apeshit since the low cost of crude oil has made thousands of oil workers unemployed and how they are now pulling their hair and screaming that cities like Montreal does NOT want their Eastern pipeline running through the city because of the environmental risk it could become. Funny, how it’s the end of the world when Big Oil is in trouble yet when Big Oil was high on the hog they could give a rat’s ass about anybody else.

In my mind, the pendulum has already swung and some types just don’t get it. And they never will. The old ways, whether its Big Oil, Big Businesses, Big Banks, bought-and-sold politicians, toxic industries, Old Boys Clubs (like Eton, Oxbridge, or the Ivy League and their secret societies), Elite Clubs (like Hollywood), they ALL missed their stop and the train is speeding along now. Of course we’re going to hear them complaining and griping but I say just ignore them, tune them out and keep a calm, steady eye on the horizon instead because something new is about to appear. Once you can make out the size and shape of it, if you’re smart, quick and flexible, you’ll know what to do.  Best to travel light.

Categories: Ch-ch-ch-changes, New Energy Centers, Pop culture, Shift of the Ages effects | Tags: , , , , | 5 Comments

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5 thoughts on “Keep Your Eye on the Horizon

  1. Pingback: Keep Your Eye on the Horizon @thewritealice – thewritealice MLS – Let Us Write You The World In Our Eyes.

  2. Linda Sama

    “….a new world emerging from the old, something from deep within the cosmos instigating a change whether we’re ready for it or not. Hindus already talk about the Kali Yuga and New Age writers like Dolores Cannon and Stuart Wilde have also written about a birth of a new world.”

    Many years ago, long before I became a yoga teacher but sought out “readers”, I was told about a new world that would eventually emerge. A new world that would be propelled, so to speak, by the healers and visionaries. Many years ago an adept told me I was part of the The First Wave that Cannon writes about. Reading your link gave me chills because it brought back what was told to me. Who knows? 😉

    • I think we’re in the midst of those birthing pains, which the markets, upcoming elections are all a part of. Its the technocrats, bureaucrats and management types who got us into this mess we’re in. They certainly won’t be the ones to solve it, they had their day in the sun and its over. Rather it’s the visionaries, healers, poets, dreamers and artists who need to step up now.

  3. “…like pulling a turkey out of your right nostril.” The reason why I keep coming back to your blog.

    Time to usher in a new period of enlightenment. Let’s step up, shall we?

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