On Mysterious Radio (and Happy Solar Eclipse!)

I’m back Shifters!

I have been on hiatus for a while now but have been working on things in the background so I’ll be writing more in the future about some of these developments in coming weeks.

But for now , just a head’s up that I’m on the latest podcast for “Mysterious Radio” where K-Town (the host) and I discuss Ascension, the shift to 5D reality and what it may or may not look like for all of us. It was a lot of fun to do, K-Town (and Kim) are great fun to chat with and they’ve already booked me for more interviews for the future where we’ll be touching on more topics from this very blog.

Also, for those of you who may have forgotten, today (August 21, 2017) is the big day for the complete Solar Eclipse hitting mostly the United States. Magical lore and Vedic astrologers suggest that solar eclipses are VERY powerful times and are forerunners of negative and chaotic times ahead. Given what’s happened in the United States ever since Donny Tiny Hands took office and that catastrophe which was Charlottesville, I will not be surprised in the least if we start hearing about unexpected and chaotic things happening in the near future.

I have heard one interesting thing about this eclipse, that it is related to the solar eclipse of August 1999 and as well as that time period of 1990- 1993. That time period is interesting because that’s when Neo-Liberalism and all the crap which came out of it, came into it’s own and I think this eclipse is heralding the end of that philosophy (and good riddance, I say…). I also find it mighty interesting that the United States is finally facing up to its racist past and some genuine and real soul-searching seems to be taking place as evidenced by cities finally taking down Confederate statues and monuments. This is all good.

I’ve also read that solar eclipses are a good time to purge stuff from the past, to clean the slate in order to make space for something new and positive. Sometimes you have to let the old die to allow the new to come in.

Harness these energies in a good way, everyone!

Categories: Ascension, Ch-ch-ch-changes, Shift of the Ages effects | Tags: , , , | Leave a comment

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