Part II: 11:11:11, Linda Goodman and a whole lotta shakin’ goin’ on

Preparation and Build-up

Denver itself is nothing special. What I liked was that the Rocky Mountains are right there against the city skyline but other than that, it’s not all that different than any other city in North America. Colorado is a very, very wealthy state. Lots of military installations everywhere, Masonic symbolism everywhere especially in that crazy airport and the Air Force base is there as well as NORAD. I got a creepy feeling the whole time I was driving in the city.

Why would anyone in their right mind have entire wall mural of this at the airport?

Cripple Creek, Colorado
Cripple Creek is indeed a beautiful area, very rural and very remote, the gold mining operation in next door Victor have resumed and the way some of the mountains are now bare is very very sad. Cripple Creek really is not much nowadays, a bit of a disappointment. The casinos have completely ruined it. Lots of day-trippers from Colorado Springs or Denver who come in to play the slot machines and then leave. Not a lot of people living there anymore. The old hotels are now casinos, it’s all really tacky and loud. Not much of the money however is being put back into the town. It is an economically depressed part of Colorado despite the gold underneath them.  Beautiful Victorian houses and mansions sitting neglected, abandoned and dilapidated. There’s just no money there. Artists come and go. They can’t develop any skiing because the snow doesn’t stay long enough. But if you get out of Cripple Creek and investigate other parts of Teller County, it is a very beautiful and great place to visit. I think LG did “dress” it up a bit. I mean it’s a great place if you want to be left alone and based on what Ruth told me, LG would get people bugging her all the time, like some of these “knowflakes” types, someone even showed up at her doorstep while she was still in her bathrobe and demanded a reading! Many of her fans somehow felt entitled to LG and her time. My impression of the locals is that they are actually a bit red-neckish.

Cripple Creek, Colorado in the Gold Bowl

Even then, there is still gold underneath those mountains, the sunny mornings and the clear blue skies and air are absolutely breathtaking, driving around Teller County is indeed a beautiful place. And the snowcapped mountains in the distance does lend an air of exoticism to the valley. Easy to see why she called it a microcosm Tibet. One thing I did notice was that many of the mountains there are pyramidal in shape, not jagged like the Himalayas or rounded like the Appalachians, but with a distinct pyramid in shape. I kept seeing them everywhere. Who knows what’s underneath some of those valleys and mountains, but one thing LG got right, you DO get the sense there is some secret lurking in that area. I just don’t know what exactly. You do feel something in the air there.

Mount Pisgah, Cripple Creek, CO

I ended up staying at the Cripple Creek Motel for most of the time and after looking at the Last Dollar Inn (LG’s old house which is now an Inn) and after speaking to Ruth (Ruth Cook was one of LG’s best friends), I cancelled my stay at the Last Dollar Inn. I had a look in and it’s red velvet everywhere. I got a creepy vibe from the place, even standing at the door. I also didn’t see a point to staying there given that I got into LG’s other house on Hayden Street.

Last Dollar Inn, Linda Goodman’s first home in Cripple Creek, CO

I went and had a look at the house on Hayden Street. The one with the indoor pool and St.Francis chapel. The place is deserted now and when I went out back to take some picture, I found that the back door had been jammed open. Someone had busted the lock a long time ago. The timing of the whole thing was too strange so I took it as a sign, I went in and took pictures and here they are. The house on Hayden Street is a beautiful piece of property, my guess is that there are no buyers which is why it’s been abandoned for so long. Why would you buy a multi-million dollar home which also needs a few hundred thousand dollars worth of work and upkeep in a tiny village in the middle of nowhere? I don’t think there are many buyers with that criteria. That house is totally abandoned now and has been since she died and will probably take millions to bring it back to what it was. Water damage everywhere. Even then, the energy there was much cleaner and nicer, you can see LG’s touch everywhere. Fireplaces in practically all the rooms. Someone had even left flowers at her chapel where she has a stained glass of St.Francis and another one of Mary Magdalene. I went back there a few times and “talked” to LG and explained what the ceremony was about and what I wanted to do in LA. I don’t know why, but I felt protected in that house.

Entrance into house on Hayden Street

The indoor pool area

Water damage in basement room

Stairwell to basement and pool area

The old pool

Front living room area and fireplace

Entrance into chapel area

The stained glass chapel of St.Francis of Assisi and Clare of Assisi

On adjoining wall in chapel, the stained glass window of Mary Magdalene waiting for Christ outside of his tomb.

Detail of Magdalene stained glass, “And the wolf will dwell with the lamb, And the leopard will lie down with the kid, And the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; And a little boy will lead them.” Isaiah 11:6

In Linda Goodman’s old kitchen. ‘expect a Miracle” was one of her most favorite sayings.

Stained glass window in the kitchen, of the Holy family

Isis, detail of holy family stained glass

Osiris, detail of holy family stained glass

The starship “RA”, LG’s allusion to Brewers work as a marine biologist, I think.

I went to the Last Dollar Inn and despite it showing up as “booked” solid online, I saw no one there. Looking into the windows and walking around, I didn’t see anyone staying there or running the place. I think the owners only show up if someone is there. Anyway, looking into the windows, I didn’t have a good feeling about the place. And it turned out my intuition was right after speaking to Ruth.  The new owners bought the place in 1995 and literally want nothing to do with LG and her story, unlike the previous owner who Ruth told me as a great guy. They got rid of a lot of LG’s furniture and antiques which were there when LG lived there, hardly anything of the original is there anymore, besides name only. When I peeped in it was all crushed red velvet sofas and tacky paintings. It looked more like a bordello.

Ruth Cook
Ruth Cook was one of LG’s best friends, Ruth who-rhymed-with-Truth (so help you God) I drove down to Colorado Springs and met her at her home which she shares with her family. She was a very gracious and welcoming lady and pointed out to me that she’s been contacted by 100s of LG’s readers over the years but I was the only one she’s allowed into her home mostly because of the letter I sent her years ago and the follow-up phone calls since then. She said LG would have liked me. Quoting Ruth, “She would have liked your attitude”.

And meeting with her and hearing her stories about LG was indeed an eye-opener. LG was a very generous, but a very difficult woman to be around for long periods of time. Very demanding and at times even delusional. Much of LG’s writing was artistic licence. She almost had a split personality, one side of her was very benevolent, and generous to a fault and full of wisdom and was able to tap into some of these wonderful sources of inspiration, but there was another part of her which was very difficult. She was a diva and expected to have people serve her day and night, hand and foot. She was extremely demanding and from what Ruth told me, would have been happy to see Ruth leave her husband and kids to become her full time personal assistant. Ruth and Lowell Cook basically raised LG’s kids, because LG was hardly ever in Cripple Creek during the 70’s while they were teens. She was always off to NYC or LA. She just could not accept death. She was forever promising people percentages from sales of her books and many many people around her took advantage of her. Very few ever stood up to her (like Ruth). Her enablers would basically say what LG wanted to hear, including these detectives and whatnot who helped “search” for Sally. They knew LG was in denial and used it to their advantage to line their pockets.

As for Brewer, they were only together for a few months. She was still married to Sam Goodman at the time, but their marriage had evolved more into a friendship. Bill Snyder had long died in the 50’s. She married Sam but it was always more friendly than anything else. According to Ruth, the passion and sexual excitement was never really there, but she found that with Brewer. Brewer left her because he just could take her bossiness and demands any more. There was like a 25 year difference between them in age. Ruth liked him, Jill and Michael liked him, but Sally and William were a bit indifferent towards him. He didn’t leave LG because of the other woman, he left her because she was just to difficult for him to live with after a while. Here is a sketch of Robert Brewer.


Ruth had a box full of letters LG had sent her over the years including newspaper articles about Sally and a pencil sketch Jill did of Brewer. She’s been sitting on them for 40 years and her kids don’t want them and neither do LG’s kids, so she gave them to me. It’s a sad story. There were letters to her various lawyers stating percentages of her books she wanted to give to so and so. Charles Muses got 15%, Steve McQueen and Ali McGraw were to get a few thousand dollars, 1% was supposed to go to her kids. Some of her anagrams of her name and with Brewer were also just as sad to look at. She was a lonely lady grasping at straws trying to find meaning in something that did not work out and with results she refused to accept. Ruth even gave me a copy of the program from LG’s funeral. LG couldn’t accept death,  she couldn’t accept things not going her way. There’s a lesson here somewhere which I still need to figure out.

After examining her manuscripts and hearing Ruth’s stories, a large part of Goorbez was artistic liscence, made up including some of those conversations within the book towards the end. Linda *wanted* to see Bill in Robert since she was unfillfilled and unhappy in her marriage to Sam. She drove Bill away after the death of Melissa, their first daughter, he wanted to come closer to her including sexually as a way to bond and heal over the death weeks after it happened and LG wouldn’t have it, in her mind how dare he even think about sex at such a time, when he should be at the gravesite beating his chest and sobbing his eyes out everyday. In the end she regretted driving him out and eventually losing him. She ended up doing the exact same thing 20 years later with Brewer.

I did tell Ruth about the ceremony and what LG thought was beneath that cross in LA. She was behind me 100% and Ruth even said she would stay up and try to connect with me while I was on that hill. I told her I was on the way to Hopiland and that I would ask Martin to bless the medicines. Really, she’s a wonderful lady.

Don’t get me wrong, LG did a lot of good too, she enormously helped a lot in the spiritual consciousness of the planet with her books becoming bestsellers. She did a lot with things like offering up the purple plates, the sense of hope she gave people and her generousity which unfortunately was her undoing. If anything, it’s her own humanness which makes her writing so accessible and likable because you feel that she understands where we’re all coming from. But like light going through glass and being filtered, a lot of her channeled material was also filtered through the prism of her personality and the impossible task at hand is figuring out what was inspired from an otherworldy source and what was much more earthly in inspiration. Even Ruth was stumped in some spots there and perhaps no one will know and maybe we’re not really meant to know. I understand why her kids now deliberately live in obscurity and want nothing to do with their mother’s legacy anymore. They got sick of the lies and opportunists and just want to remember their mom as Mom.

Hopi Elder, Grandfather Martin
Went to Hopiland and connected with Grandfather Martin and his daughter Jo Anne. I put the artifacts out in front of him along with the medicine mix and a chart drawing of what everything represented as a medicine wheel. He took one look at the chart and because it looked like a medicine where, he immediately understood what I was doing. He stood up and blessed all the medicines in the Hopi language, I didn’t understand a word, and he also gave me medicine to use in the ceremony, to add to the medicine mix. When he stood up to bless the medicines, everyone else in the room did also (they were all Hopi), including a visiting Japanese Shinto monk. While he was praying and chanting over the medicines, some people even started to cry. He also did something rather significant. Martin reversed the polarity and the emphasis has been switched. What was big and had primary importance as the phallus, is now smaller and will have secondary importance. What was small and had secondary importance as the heart is now bigger and will have primary importance.

Afterwards, his daughter Jo Anne invited me to join them for lunch and I spent a few hours with him asking questions and he’s verified quite a bit. The ancient Egyptians were in the Americas once, they did not leave anything behind but they were here. The inner earth is hollow and those dwellers will only come up to teach us when we are ready, when we learn to forgive. Twins are very real.

Part III coming up, LA and the ceremony….

and from the beginning, Part I

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Categories: Ascension, New Energy Centers, Pop culture, Travels, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , | 11 Comments

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11 thoughts on “Part II: 11:11:11, Linda Goodman and a whole lotta shakin’ goin’ on

  1. Pingback: Part I: 11:11:11, Linda Goodman and a whole lotta shakin’ goin’ on « The Shift Has Hit The Fan

  2. Pingback: Part III: 11:11:11, Linda Goodman and a whole lotta shakin’ goin’ on « The Shift Has Hit The Fan

  3. SER

    I found your blog while doing some research about Linda Goodman – the woman, not the saint the smiley-face-users flock about. Thank you so much for the absolutely amazing information and the pictures are gorgeous; it’s heartbreaking to think that the house and windows might one day be gone. Have you scanned the letters and misc. manuscripts by chance?

  4. SER, no I haven’t scanned the papers in my possesion. For the moment, it just doesn’t feel right and there’s really not much to see except a few newspaper articles, a few Lexigrams and some letters. The manuscript copies are srtill with Ruth, I didn’t take it.

  5. Pingback: A visit to Agharta | The Shift Has Hit The Fan

  6. Pingback: Twin Souls and the dangers of looking | The Shift Has Hit The Fan

  7. Pingback: November 2015 Astrology: Synchronicity and 11:11 All Over Again | The Shift Has Hit The Fan

  8. Pingback: Shamballa: A visit to Agharta | 2012 The Awakening

  9. ANTonio

    A sir-ms im plan2go Cripple Creek in near future(s)i ask your advice is LG Last Dollar-Inn. still available 2 stay-in? the last time i went there was about 10 years ago, are new owners same as longtime ago? please let me know ASAP+is good trusted neighbor of LG still live in same house? i appreciate HELP thanks

  10. Last I checked, the Last Dollar Inn is still there but it’s a new name and new owners, I think it’s called Linda Goodman’s Miracle Inn and apparently the new owners are amazing from what I’ve read online. LG’s old next door neighbor no longer lives there.

  11. Lee

    I knew Bob Brewer for a bit, in the mid 1980s – worked alongside him at Marineland, in Palos Verdes, CA. He told me a little about LG and their breakup and what you say is very spot on. She was very controlling of his every move and it frustrated him. He kind of reconnected with her later in her life, but I don’t know anymore than that. Very nice man. He was the cover illustrator for LG’s book ‘Love Signs’ – with the Lion and the lamb. I believe he may have contributed to the image in stained glass, depicting that same scene. He was a Leo, so makes sense.

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