Author Archives: Earth Energy Reader

What is Spiritual Tourism?

Just posted a video on Youtube describing spiritual tourism as it is nowadays, with hokey yoga cruises and New Age “retreats” at places like Mount Shasta.

Here I describe how literal earth energy, the energy of person, purpose and place come together and where sincere seekers can have genuine breakthroughs.

I also highlight to work of serious dowsers and house healers like Tim Walter and Patrick MacManaway, two really genuine gents who I’ve had the pleasure to connect with recently, the work they do as dowsers and how earth energy is an emerging field of study and the implication that the earth itself can be conducive to healing.

Throughout history, pilgrims the world over have had profound, transformative spiritual experiences as places like Lourdes, France, Fatima, Mecca, Mount Fuji, the banks of the Ganges River. What is less understood is that there could be thousands of other places around the world which are just as powerful or more so because the energy of the place is still pure and hasn’t been degraded yet by mass tourism.

It’s not just a question of showing up and expecting something to happen like many people believe. It’s far more intentional and purposeful than that and requires work on the spiritual seekers end as well. Having said that, when a person is aligned in the proper way to the place and for the right purpose, magic can happen. Call what you will, quantum healing, spontaneous remission, spiritual healing – this stuff is real.

Hope you enjoy the video and please by all means leave feedback in the comments section of Youtube or here to let me know what topics to cover as well as where and how I can improve.

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My Youtube Channel: Episode 1, Guru Watch: Bikram Choudhury

Hi Shifters,

Just a quick note here since I’m starting a new Youtube channel as an extension to this blog, where I will discuss Spiritual Travel and tourism as well as outing fake gurus, fake spiritual teaching and other associated bullshit that’s happening in the New Age and “spiritual” community. And maybe other things as it goes along like critiquing new books, new movements, new gurus. I figure the spiritual New Age industry needs a Ralph Nader-esque figure somewhere to critique and appraise these teachers and teachings.

I’m not terribly good with figuring out filming and film editing so all this stuff is kind of new to me so I apologize if it’s kind of granola-crunchy and not terribly polished. However, I know many of my readers are a low-key, sincere and honest group of people so I’d welcome all your feedback, where I can improve and if there’s particular content that you’d like to see me discuss further. By all means leave a comment and let me know what you think.

Categories: Uncategorized | 1 Comment

A New Book Begins…


Hello Shifters,

It has been quite a while since I last wrote so I’m not even sure anyone is going to read this. However, on the off-chance anyone still reads me and this blog, today was the first time in a long time since I decided to write something. Honestly with covid, it feels like the last time I wrote anything here was a completely different lifetime ago and so many things have changed.

From what I understand, even blogs are considered completely passé. With all the new platforms, all the new social media outlets, everyone and their dog having their own personal Youtube channel, becoming Instagram influencers, Snapchat darlings, I just can’t be bothered to keep up. When everything becomes about monetizing your channel, I don’t know, it just seems to add to all the noise that’s already there and it’s an extra layer of work finding the good stuff in a sea of mediocrity or just plain garbage.

I hope you’ve all been safe during this covid madness. Like everyone else, I too have been affected as well. My elderly father got covid in the nursing home he’s in but thankfully stayed asymptomatic during the time he was positive and came out of it none the worse for wear. He must have a pretty good immune system because here in Quebec, the nursing homes became covid funeral homes. Like NYC, they were parking freezer trucks behind them to keep all the corpses. I think growing up in India during the 1930’s, before the introduction of vaccines and being exposed to pathogens for things like malaria, typhoid, dysentery, leprosy, yellow fever, cholera, small pox and polio must have helped him.

As for me, I stayed at home, I masked up whenever I went out with homemade masks I learned to make off of Youtube,

I got in line like everyone else to enter the supermarket with my old-lady shopping caddy,


I revisited my adolescence and pre-teen years and hunted down and re-read out-of-print books that I hadn’t seen in at least 30 years and realized how much of them I had internalized.

‘Harriet The Spy” is considered a classic in children’s lit but the sequel “The Long Secret” was in some ways better.

I watched everything that I found remotely decent on Netflix, TUBI and Amazon Prime, I figured out how to stream movies and TV shows off of illegal streaming sites while using a VPN network (Using StartPage, do a search on: Watch free online [Insert movie title /TV show title] + with either 123movies, Solar movies  or Putlockers and you’re bound to find a few links)  I started using Zoom, FaceTime, WhatsApp and Skype video ALL THE TIME. I blasted the hell out of old Van Halen tunes for a few days when Eddie Van Halen passed on and realized just how quickly vestiges of my childhood and the past in general are disappearing.

When Van Halen were literal rock gods, 1978 – 1984 Look at that amazing hair! R.I.P Maestro Eddie Van Halen

I started off-loading stuff I don’t need anymore or use anymore and just gave it all away to charity on a pretty big scale. Most of the time, I sat around thinking and it wasn’t all bad.

I think 2020 aside from being the year of covid, is going to go down as the year of truth and exposure. One good thing (if you can call it that) is that covid exposed all the weak links in our societies (i.e crappy health care systems, societies with zero social capital, fat, ugly orange politicians finally being ousted), it exposed all the weak links in our lives (i.e useless and pointless jobs, relationships which serve us no good) and yes, even the weak links within ourselves. Staying at home alone, social distancing almost forces you to go within, on a metaphorical and literal level. People who have been able to do that,  whether that’s with therapy, writing or meditation or any kind of interior work, I think are going to come out ahead in a post-covid world.

People who have problems being alone are the ones who crack easily and I’m not not just talking about people who may be poor or living in isolation with no social support group or circle. When you have billionaires like Steve Bing (or Zappos founder Tony Hsieh) taking their own lives, guys who could do anything and buy this planet several times over, you have to wonder how much energy is expended in keeping up a false facade and that old adage really is true; that money might help you pay a few bills but it really can’t buy you happiness or even numb the pain. 

All summer long and most of this fall, whenever the night had a clear sky, I have been going out and have an astronomy app on my phone called Star Walk 2, which allows me to identify all the constellations and heavenly bodies in whatever direction I point my phone in. Jupiter and Saturn having been coming closer and closer the past 6 months and can be seen by the naked eye. Because of their relative closeness, they almost look like a pair of eyes belonging to some celestial god, looking down on the Earth.

An astrological event which astrologers having been writing about and anticipating since at least the 1960s is about to go down in less than two weeks time. Saturn/Greek Chronos, old Father Time, the planet representing karmic dispensation, destiny, restriction, and symbolic Death with his scythe, enters Aquarius on December 17, 2020. Jupiter/Greek Zeus, the king of the gods and the most expansive of all the planets energetically, will enter Aquarius on December 19, 2020, the sign of futurism, sudden change, rebellion, surprises, collectivism (not the Soviet variety), social change, social capital, humanitarianism, utopianism, brotherhood and sisterhood. Then Jupiter and Saturn both take their places for the Great Conjunction in zero degrees Aquarius on December 21, 2020, the winter solstice.

If you are in the Northern Hemisphere, you have to look towards the South-West low horizon to catch the conjunction. The two giants will merge to look like a huge star. Pray that the skies are clear that night.

This will be the first time these two powerhouses will have met in Aquarius since the 1400s. Great Conjunctions in themselves are not rare since they usually take place every 20 years or so. But all the Great Conjunctions for the past 200 or so years have been taking place in Earth signs. If you know your astrological symbolism, then you know Earth is all about commerce, business, trade, materialism, fertility, fecundity and tangible goods. This Great Conjunction in Aquarius will be kicking off Great Conjunctions for the next 200 or so odd years in Air Signs. Air is all about ideas, communication, heightened spirituality, objectivity, rationality.

The old hippies had that song “The Age of Aquarius” from that musical “Hair” back in the 1960s and many pointed to this Great Conjunction as the starting point. It might be but I don’t think there are going to be wide-spread, over-night changes that some astrologers and vloggers on Youtube are crowing about. Most of humanity are just not ready for sweeping change even if many people want it, covid exposed that if anything. A lot of what they are saying is just in woo-woo land.

Steve Judd is one of the few Youtubers who get it right.


Rather I think seeds which were sown a long time ago, for a better world, may start to finally have their shoots coming out of the ground and have a chance to finally thrive instead of dying on exposure. The climate will finally be conducive for them. Or like those rare days after mid-winter which give you a feeling that, even though there is still snow on the ground and the trees are bare, you feel spring is on it’s way because you felt it in the air. You can’t see it, you can’t prove it but you know it’s coming. That’s what this Great Conjunction feels like for me.



Categories: Ascension, Ch-ch-ch-changes, Pop culture, Prophecy | 15 Comments

Coming back


The famous “Wizard” rock at the Avebury Stone Circle, March 2019.

So where have I been?

So as I indicated in my most recent blog post, I have been missing in action for several years now from this blog.  I think about taking down my blog altogether sometimes because I am quite frankly not even sure if anyone reads it anymore but then I see that several of my blog posts are still making the rounds on Facebook and social media years after they have been written and figure they must be of some benefit to some people.

So where have I been? Mostly burnout, healing, re calibrating and traveling and in exactly that order.

One thing that I know for sure is that even if you do believe that there is a spiritual reality underneath all of this, for real healing to take place, you have to do it stages.


You cannot heal completely if you go from the physical body and go straight to the Causal Body. You must go in stages and deal with the Etheric, Astral and Mental bodies first.

Many folks in the New Age, spiritual community  and this is something which has always driven me crazy about them, is that they have the mistaken belief that if they do a spiritual ritual like doing a sweat lodge, get into yoga, or visiting a shaman, then all is fine and they are “healed”. Or doing something crazy like standing on one foot, naked, on a full moon night, on top of a hill, at the stroke of midnight, while carrying a crystal in their left palm, repeating the names of the Goddess 13 times(<— I never did that , for the record) , that they have been “healed” of whatever it was that was bothering them without ever addressing the emotional and mental stages in between.

Not true.

You cannot go from the physical to the spiritual in one shot, and bypass the emotional. You MUST address the emotional before the spiritual. It is like learning basic arithmetic in elementary school and then thinking that you can somehow do differential calculus bypassing algebra and trigonometry completely. Just not possible.  And that’s exactly what I did.


…and you expect to do these equations after the 1st grade?


Burnout from work led me to taking almost 18 months off from work (with pay  – hurrah for unions and union benefits!) which then led me to finding an extremely talented and amazing psychotherapist and that is when a whole lot of things became uncovered and the missing jigsaw puzzle pieces were finally discovered and put into place.


I did a lot of reading. I mean A LOT. On trauma, complex PTSD, Narcissist Personality Disorder, healing from trauma, identifying patterns of abuse. I realized that what I thought was OK before really wasn’t and learning to undo thinking around what passed as acceptable.  Meaning I would figure something out in therapy and then, like the geek that I am,  look it up at the library, read what others went through and felt in similar circumstances and then realize that there is one giant common playbook out there for the evil people of this world.


At one point, I started reading Law of Attraction stuff and in particular the work of Ester and Jerry Hicks. I started listening to their recorded talks and videos on Youtube (where they number in the thousands). It all sounded nice but that psychic “click” didn’t happen.  I even went down to Boston to listen to Ester Hicks and was in the front row, literally a few feet away from her.


View from my seat of the stage where Ester Hicks was at an Abraham Hicks workshop in Boston, May 2017

I was able to connect the dots in ways I was not able to before but I was also able to see a lot more brokenness and biases in others that I did not notice before.  I had to write off a whole whack of people. It is never easy to realize that people who may call themselves as a friend actually are not and that their evasiveness and their self-dishonesty is a form of manipulation and manipulation is ultimately all about control and that they may have their own agendas even if it’s not overtly mentioned.

Trauma Cycle

I learned quite a few more things about trauma of any kind, particularly if it is emotional trauma and abuse.  If it happened to you as a kid or a young adolescent and if that initial injury was never taken care of professionally (yes with a good therapist) , that on a subconscious level, you find yourself gravitating towards relationships with people where the same dynamics are constantly replicated because again, on a subconscious level each of these new relationships are “your chance” to get back at the initial injury.

So let us use an example (not my case but just an example). Say you had a father who was gay, deeply closeted, never came out, not even to himself, let alone his family. He was manipulative, secretive, a control freak and drank like a fish and beat you and your siblings up.  You grew up in an atmosphere of something deeply oppressive, physically abusive and there was no emotional transparency or openness. You never went to see a counselor or therapist about any of this stuff because it is something that stays in the family. You took that abuse and learned to internalize it. The emotional wounds are still there though, open and bleeding.


You grow up and you move on. At the back of your mind as you grow up, you know something is wrong but you’re never quite sure of what. You can’t define but you feel it. So you get into all sorts of things like yoga, crystal healing, keto diet, long-distance running, angelic healings etc. All the while, on a subconscious level, you want to make sure that what happened to you as a kid never happens again and that you will make sure it “happens differently this time”, you end up with friends, lovers, spouses, bosses who share the same qualities as your dad or have the same energies of the atmosphere you grew up in.  Again, I stress that this is all happening subconsciously, you are not actively looking for these types of persons in your life but they always somehow get there.


Long story short, I figured out what my personal open wounds were and went about cleaning them out and closing them, and that’s when  a lot of things changed.  I got a much better job, with far more interesting and nicer bosses and co-workers. I spent 2 months in Europe this past year, a few weeks in Italy, France and the UK and a whole month in Greece.  I visited some holy sites and some unholy sites which I’ll be blogging about later including Assisi, Eremo delle Carceri (St.Francis’s hermitage and caves), Vatican City, The Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls, Stonehenge, Avebury, The Sanctuary of the Gods,  Meteora, Delphi, Athens.

Remember I spoke about not getting the psychic “click” when going over the Law of Attraction. Well, once the healing happened and all these great things started happening that is when I finally “got it”. You can only really attract whatever you have on the inside. I had to clean up and heal before I could go forward and the burnout was the sign I had to stop whatever I was doing to look after this other stuff.

That kind of stuff takes time. You can’t rush it and you certainly can’t force it to happen.

Categories: Uncategorized | 7 Comments

Interview on the Alex Saz show

I know I have been missing in action for quite a while to my blogosphere friends but I’ll be getting back into writing soon since the past two years have been quite eventful, to put it mildly.  I’ll be writing soon since there has been such monumental shifts lately and I have quite a bit to weigh on.

In the meantime, my buddy Alex Saz had me on his show a few months ago and the interview has finally been released.  We talk about this blog, my background, Ascension, fake gurus, Ley lines, spiritual travel and spiritual teachers and lots of other bits and pieces Here it is.

Categories: Ascension, Ch-ch-ch-changes, False prophits, Uncategorized | 3 Comments

On Mysterious Radio discussing Ley Lines and Earth’s Energy Points

Hey Folks,

Just a quick head’s up but I’ve been featured on Mysterious Radio again, this time around discussing ley lines, earth’s energy points, individualized spiritual travel and basically a discussion and expansion of these these blog posts. You can also listen to their podcasts here.

This Conscious Planet Thinks and Reacts

Earth’s New Energetic Centers of the World Part I

Earth’s New Energetic Centers of the World Part II

Earth’s New Energetic Centers of the World Part III

David Icke, Obelisks and New York City

Always fun talking to K-Town and Kim and look forward to speaking to them again in the future.

Let me know what you guys think :-)!

Categories: Ascension, New Energy Centers, Raise your EQ, Travels | Tags: , | 2 Comments

This Conscious Planet Thinks and Reacts

Ever since the Harvey Frankenstein story broke almost 3 weeks ago, it has pretty much sucked the energy out of other topics. Trust me folks, this is just the tip of the tippiest tip tip tip of the iceberg, just yesterday Papa George Bush had to publicly apologize for groping an actress and I’m sure many pervy male actors, producers and directors who have had a long-time reputation like Harvey’s are all waiting for the other shoe to drop. Bring it on I say, nothing would make me happier than to see the dross and detritus of humanity like these types disappear completely and never be heard from again.

Anyway I kind of wanted to bring some attention to something I think serious light-workers need to think about and hopefully direct some much-needed attention towards. Because of Harvey-gate, many people have forgotten about what Trump was going on about before the Weinstein story broke; namely nuclear war with North Korea.

Trump and Kim Jong Un comparing wee-wees

I honestly thought we were past this juvenile, nuclear my-weewee-is-bigger-than-your-weewee BS after the Cold War ended but I guess not given that the world now has some serious mentally unstable, juvenile delinquents  back in power like Trump, Kim Jong Un in North Korea and Rodrigo Duterte in the Phillipines.

Before I go into what I think might possibly be some truly catastrophic scenarios, let me back up a bit so you have an idea of where I am going with all of this.

That the Earth is alive and has points of power is a forgone conclusion. The amateur archeologist Alfred Watkins made a startling discovery in 1922. He discovered that many old churches, pagan sites and landmarks in the English countryside were aligned along straight lines which he called “ley lines”.


The famous St. Michael line cutting across Southern England.

Watkins re-discovered something which earlier pagan and ancient civilizations knew all along, that the planet is alive and has energy meridians crisscrossing all over, in much the same way the human body has energy meridians  and acu-points for specific organs and ailments in Chinese acupuncture theory. In some ways, the earths ley lines are like the nervous system of the human body.


The ancient Australian Aborigines called them the “Songlines”…

Australian Song Lines

An energetic map of the Song Lines of Australia by Aborigine David Banggal Mowaljarlai.

The ancient Chinese called them “Dragon Lines”…

A dragon lines map of Japan

and the old Celts called them “Fairy Paths”.

The stone tracks of Carnac, France

Interestingly, many of the world’s natural and man-made sacred sites, pilgrimage routes, holy shrines, wells and mountains are located on these energy meridians and ley lines. These are places of power, where the energy is usually more powerful, of a higher frequency, where people very often under specific conditions usually have experiences (sometimes of a spiritual nature, sometimes not) which transform them completely.


Some of the Earth’s ley lines and the sacred sites on them.

As in acupuncture, specific acupuncture points on the human body are related to energy meridians for certain ailments or organs (i.e liver, heart, depression, addiction). Likewise, many of these ley lines and sacred sites are aligned and related to specific spiritual issues and ailments. Some places are closely related to throat chakra issues (i.e using your voice, singing, speaking your truth), others are more related to the solar plexus (i.e fear, survival, listening to your gut).

Sanscreed Holy Well, Ireland

Just as you don’t stimulate an acupuncture point for liver problems if you have depression or you don’t take medication for high blood pressure when you have acne, likewise stimulate a ley line in a bad way, you are bound to get some serious blow-back.


Just like how the body reacts if it is under duress or stress, either long term or sudden, the Earth does as well. Nothing stays in isolation for long.

There was a video of Cherokee Elder  and survivalist Grandfather Willy Whitefeather that used to be on Youtube a few years ago but it has since disappeared. In it, he described that every time the United States did a giant military offensive or bombed any given place in Iraq or Afghanistan in the early days of the War on Terrorism, there was almost an immediate natural disaster hitting the United States whether it was Hurricane Katrina or something else, not long afterwards.  Tit for tat. The closest video I could find where Willy talks about these things is this one.

I’ll be very honest. I don’t do predictions. I don’t have that gift and I do not consider myself a psychic though I can be very intuitive when I put my focus and intellect to work. This is just my gut feeling and I could be completely wrong and I really hope I am.

Areas directly affected by Yellowstone.

If that idiot Trump decides to go nuclear whether its against North Korea or Iran or Russia and drops an atomic hydrogen or neutron bomb, I have a sick feeling that the super-volcano in Yellowstone OR the San Andreas fault OR the Cascade Mountain range in California (Mount Shasta), Oregon (Mount Hood) and Washington States (Mount St. Helen’s and Mount Rainier) are going to wake up. Recent months have seen an uptick of activity at all these places, small little blips letting us know they are awake, far from asleep. If they want to howl in pain, they will. The scenarios afterwards are just too horrible to contemplate but if any of you are curious, the blowing  up of a super-volcano has the same, exact effects of nuclear winter. Prolonged cloud coverage around the world, little to no plant  growth, no crops, no food, serious water contamination.

The Native Elders have not been talking about this because I’m guessing most of them are probably in deep prayer and ceremony to offset something like this. The Hopi had prophecies around a Gourd of Ashes falling from the sky which they believe referred to the bombing of Hiroshima. I don’t bring this up to scare people, I’m not into fear porn but I do think people should be forewarned and understand what the situation is and do what they can to offset this madness. Do whatever you have to do or whatever you can. Pray. Meditate. Do ceremony. Share. Direct your attention so that Trump DOESN’T do this. Ever. The guy can’t think properly so we might as well think for him and direct it in a good way.

Am I right in saying this?


Categories: Ch-ch-ch-changes, Politico, This is why the planet is screwed up, Those unseen things | Tags: , , , , , | 8 Comments

Shake the Tree and the Rotten Fruit Fall First

Film producer Harvey Weinstein

I have watched this Harvey Weinstein sexual harassment”scandal” unfold the past few days and wasn’t quite sure how to tackle writing about it.

To those of you who may not know, Harvey Weinstein was and is (until last week), one of the most powerful and ruthless Hollywood moguls and film producers working in the world. The companies he founded with his brother Bob Weinstein, Miramax Films and the Weinstein Company have been responsible for producing some of the most seminal films of the past 20-25 years. Films like “Pulp Fiction”, “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy, “Trainspotting”, “Good Will Hunting”, practically the entire film catalogue of influential directors like Quentin Tarantino and put no-name generic actresses who literally came out of nowhere on the map and made them household names like Gwynnie-poo Gwyneth Paltrow and Jennifer Lawrence.

Gwynnie-poo, Hillary Clinton and Harvey Weinstein aka The 3 Amigos

His reach wasn’t just in Hollywood, but reached deeply into political circles as well. He is one of the biggest donors to the Democratic National Party, was a huge supporter of Hillary Clinton and one of their biggest fundraisers in “liberal” Hollywood. His reach was global. He was named Commander of the Order of the British Empire in the UK and was made a Chevalier (knight) of the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres  in France. His films have garnered over 300 Academy Award nominations over his life and dozens of wins.

British actress Romola Garai in “I Capture the Castle”, one of the more talented, intelligent but criminally under-rated and under-used actresses in her age group IMHO. Gee, I wonder why…

Well, it turns out that aside from being one of the most powerful men in film culture the world over he’s also one of the biggest pigs since he has a long and sordid history of sexually preying on vulnerable, and powerless women, which not only included aspiring actresses and models but also junior members of his company, journalists and just about any attractive female between the ages of 19 and 30 he encountered.

Renée Zellweger, WTF are you doing?

Look, I’m not even in the same country as Weinstein or work anywhere near the film industry but even I heard about the rumors swirling around him for years. It just took a wickedly good expose in the New York Times last Thursday to finally show the world what the film community has known for decades: Harvey Weinstein is a notorious lech who took full advantage of his place as a well-connected, wealthy, uber-power broker and deal maker to prey on women with far less power.

Follow any celebrity gossip site, and I’m talking about the better ones where insiders in the entertainment industry usually post blind items anonymously (like the comments section over at Celebitchy, Lainey Gossip, Blind Gossip and Pajiba) and the litany of Weinstein’s actions and the list of his partners-in-crime who covered his tracks (I’m talking to you Matt Damon and Russell Crowe) and well as talentless actresses who according to insider gossip allegedly and knowingly engaged with him on the casting couch so that they could advance their careers (Hey Gwynnie-poo, why haven’t you made a public statement since the scandal broke? Or you Blake Lively? Jennifer Lawrence? Sienna Miller? Jessica Alba? Gretchen Mol?)

Harvey Weinstein told Gwyneth Paltrow to do this S&M-inspired photo-shoot for “Talk” magazine back in 1999 even though it was incongruent with her then-blossoming career and image.

Only a handful of actresses and actors and other Hollywood insiders have since spoken up against Weinstein and in support of harassed victims like actresses Ashley Judd and Rose McGowan (Emma Thompson and Glenn Close, you rock!). The majority have remained silent and I find that to be the most telling thing about this whole story. Everyone is still afraid of Weinstein’s influence since he could literally make or break someone’s career. The thing you have to remember about abuse of any kind is that it can only operate and happen in dark, unlit corners where no one talks. Stay silent and you give an implicit green light and free pass to the abuser to continue what he or she has always done. In order to stop it, YOU HAVE TO SPEAK UP.

As far as I’m concerned, anyone who knew what happened and looked the other way or who still have not spoken up, is an enabler and that unfortunately includes some directors, actors and actresses who have worked with Weinstein over the years and are very talented in their own right…and sadly some people whose work I used to at least admire.

Bill O’Reilly and Roger Ailes. The FOX News network is well-known for its misogyny and chauvinism. It came from the top.

In recent months we have seen some very, very powerful and wealthy men fall due to sexual misconduct and harassment. People like the founder of FOX News Roger Ailes, FOX News nutter host Bill O’Reilly, comedian and philanthropist Bill Cosby and now Harvey Weinstein. These are all men with vast amounts of power, wealth, powerful connections, access to political power, everything you and I will probably never have.

Yet, they fell. And if they can fall, anyone can.

Some journalists have pointed out that perhaps it has something to do with how interconnected we are now with social media, the internet and technology given that everyone has cameras and recorders on their phones now. How in the past, women who were victims, suffered in isolated silence. They were isolated from each other and had no way of reaching out to other victims. However as the Ailes, O’Reilly, Cosby and now Weinstein stories show, victimized women are coming out of the woodwork, they are sharing their stories with one another. That in turn has emboldened even more women to come out of the shadows and share what happened to them. It gets the snowball rolling.

This isn’t really just about sex. It’s about using sexual degradation and humiliation to sexually harass someone in order to exert power over them and then silence them. Something has shifted in the general culture. I don’t think its going to be as easy as it used to be in the past for men to get away with this kind of abuse of power over powerless women. It’s not just in the film industry. It’s in the work place, corporate world, university campuses, its mothers who have internalized patriarchal values and transmit that to their sons within the family, it is just about everywhere.

I have maintained since I began this blog about 5 and a half years ago that there is a shift of the ages which is underway, call it what you will, Age of Aquarius, end of the Kali Yuga, Truth Vibrations, moving into 5D etc. Two of the hallmarks of the incoming age is respect for the Divine Feminine (and that includes respecting women as conscious beings equal in power and worth to men) and the impossibility of wearing false masks. Work against those two basic precepts and you are asking for trouble and asking to be exposed. Go against this incoming tide and I’m afraid, you’re not going to make the cut.

Harvey didn’t get the memo, that’s for sure.



Categories: Ch-ch-ch-changes, Pop culture, Shift of the Ages effects | Tags: , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Another One Bites the Dust

You have got to be kidding me…

So this might be old news to some of you, particularly those of you who keep a close watch on all things Indian (from India) but another “Godman” of India (i.e guru) has been exposed as the fraud that he is and was duly arrested. What is different in this case was that following his arrest, thousands of his followers went on a rioting rampage resulting in at least 30 dead.

Dude, get a professional waxer ASAP.

To those of you who did not hear of this story, Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh, the so-called Godman and spiritual leader of the Dera Sacha Sauda sect, was found guilty and convicted for raping two of his female followers. What happened afterwards was that about 200 000 of his followers in the northern Indian states of Punjab and Haryana then went crazy resulting in these deaths and thousands of arrests.

This is nothing new. I was in the Berkshires in Western Massachusetts last week, an area largely known to be the summer haven for America’s Gilded Age billionaires. The robber barons, people like the Astors and the Westinghouses had their summer “cottages” there (if you can call 100+ room mansions a cottage). These days, it’s an uber-liberal, hipster heaven of mostly wealthy New Yorkers and Bostonians, full of art galleries, yoga studios, home bakeries, shabby-chic eateries, high-end outlet malls and retreat centers. The Kripalu Center is here and not all that long ago, their founder Amrit Desai was found guilty of conducting sexual affairs with some of his followers AFTER he had basically added celibacy to his teachings among his followers. (I wish this could be tattooed on some folks because they need the constant reminder: “Just because someone is brown or “exotic” does not automatically make them genuine teachers and worthy of your devotion.”).

It’s not just among Indian gurus and teachers. It has also been happening among American “pastors”. Joel Osteen, the plastic-looking senior pastor of the Houston-area megachurch. The Lakewood Church,  hid in his $10 million dollar home while refusing to open up his church to Hurricane Harvey flood victims until he was publicly shamed on social media and then had no choice except to open his doors to the down-trodden.

I’ve written before that fake gurus and teachers are increasingly going to be exposed during the Shift of the Ages. When you have an oncoming age where the primary energies are going to be rooted in truth, integrity, respect for the Feminine as an equal, respect for the natural world and real egalitarianism outside of meritocracy, race, culture, sexual orientation, tribalism and income bracket, then you can bet on the house that gurus and teachers who preach the opposite aren’t going to last very long and will be exposed for the frauds and shysters they really are.

Yeah, OK. Whatever Adi Da.

There’s something deeper to look at as well. These fake teachers and personalities wouldn’t go into this line of work in the first place if there weren’t specific trade-offs to be had, namely access to money, sex and power (and influence). I don’t see any evidence of authentic altruism and genuine personal empowerment. Instead, there is an implicit thread of co-dependency on the “teacher” or cult or “teaching”. I’m also afraid that as long as things like money, sex and power are the primary rewards, these kinds of assholes will continue to pop up regularly and it will be up to individuals like you and I to use our own judgement and discernment to sniff these fakes out.

Here’s a thought: What would a spiritual teacher or guide look like if the only reward is a planet of 7 billion+ enlightened, self-sufficient empowered individuals who don’t need a spiritual teacher or guide anymore? What kind of individuals would then be attracted to this line of work? What would they look like?

I’ll end with some lyrics from one of my favorite (yet criminally under-appreciated) alternative pop bands of all time, British band XTC and their song “King for A Day” which pretty much catches the general vibe of these gurus gone wild.

Everyone’s creeping up to the money god
Putting tongues where they didn’t ought to be
On stepping stones of human hearts and souls
Into the land of “nothing for free”

Well the way that we’re living
Is all take and no giving
There’s nothing to believe in
The loudest mouth will hail the new-found way
To be king for a day

Everyone’s licking up to the new King Pin
Trying to get way up with a smile
Sing for your supper boy and jump to a finger click
Ain’t my way of living in style

‘Cause the ladder gets longer
And ambition gets stronger
I can’t satisfy the hunger
That bad old moon has got you in its sway
To be king for a day


Categories: Ascension, False prophits, Pop culture, Shift of the Ages effects, Those unseen things | Tags: , , , , | 4 Comments

On Mysterious Radio (and Happy Solar Eclipse!)

I’m back Shifters!

I have been on hiatus for a while now but have been working on things in the background so I’ll be writing more in the future about some of these developments in coming weeks.

But for now , just a head’s up that I’m on the latest podcast for “Mysterious Radio” where K-Town (the host) and I discuss Ascension, the shift to 5D reality and what it may or may not look like for all of us. It was a lot of fun to do, K-Town (and Kim) are great fun to chat with and they’ve already booked me for more interviews for the future where we’ll be touching on more topics from this very blog.

Also, for those of you who may have forgotten, today (August 21, 2017) is the big day for the complete Solar Eclipse hitting mostly the United States. Magical lore and Vedic astrologers suggest that solar eclipses are VERY powerful times and are forerunners of negative and chaotic times ahead. Given what’s happened in the United States ever since Donny Tiny Hands took office and that catastrophe which was Charlottesville, I will not be surprised in the least if we start hearing about unexpected and chaotic things happening in the near future.

I have heard one interesting thing about this eclipse, that it is related to the solar eclipse of August 1999 and as well as that time period of 1990- 1993. That time period is interesting because that’s when Neo-Liberalism and all the crap which came out of it, came into it’s own and I think this eclipse is heralding the end of that philosophy (and good riddance, I say…). I also find it mighty interesting that the United States is finally facing up to its racist past and some genuine and real soul-searching seems to be taking place as evidenced by cities finally taking down Confederate statues and monuments. This is all good.

I’ve also read that solar eclipses are a good time to purge stuff from the past, to clean the slate in order to make space for something new and positive. Sometimes you have to let the old die to allow the new to come in.

Harness these energies in a good way, everyone!

Categories: Ascension, Ch-ch-ch-changes, Shift of the Ages effects | Tags: , , , | Leave a comment

Echo from the Past

Sorry Shifters for not being writing very much or offering very much on my blog, but the truth of the matter is that I’ve been suffering from burn-out and depression for quite a while now and being focused on recovery doesn’t leave a lot of room for writing and other creative endeavors.

Basically I have been on leave from work since last fall and I don’t see myself going back to the same place ever again, it’s just too stifling and too demeaning. Human beings are not meant to be in boxes and yet much of our work culture forces many of us to be in one and I just couldn’t and can’t do it anymore. Not sure what the next step will be and that’s OK, I think the more clarity I get on my situation and myself, the more likely it will be known, but I’m not there yet. I know I’ll get there eventually. All I know right now is that it has to be something creative and expansive because that’s who I really am. I don’t fit in boxes anymore.


This is going to be a rather more personal blog post than usual so if touchy-feeling stuff is not your thing, it’s cool if you want to turn off.
I don’t know if any of my long time readers picked up on this, but I barely mention my mom on my blog and there is a reason for that. She died when I was 7 from a sudden brain aneurysm at the age of 28. I then had a horrific step-mother come in who basically made life hellish for both my brother and I as we grew up from the ages of 9 through 16. It’s only with the help of therapy have I been able to finally see that she was someone with full-blown Narcissistic Personality Disorder. For those of you who don’t know, the effects of having a maternal figure with NPD on daughters can be devastating and the damage can be very, very deep. Unfortunately in my case, it set up a pattern of constantly dealing with narcissists and a complete loss of self-confidence and always settling for less.
The good thing is when a long-term foggy window in your emotional life is finally cleared up, you find a new ability to see people and things squarely for what they are and that spills over into everything. You start seeing the lines people use to try to manipulate you, both in the present and in the past. You start seeing people for who they are, including friends. You start to see what people’s personal agendas are. You begin to see who really cares and unfortunately, who doesn’t, who has been trying to take advantage of you and who hasn’t. It’s like some kind of filter is suddenly gone and you can see and hear clearly. Your ability to discern goes through the roof. The phonies and fakes who before escaped detection because they were very good at hiding the fact, suddenly become beacons of obviousness. It’s not so much that you can see and hear better. I think the clarity comes from the fact that you can *feel* more clearly. Your emotional guidance system becomes much more finely tuned and your nose is better able to sniff out genuineness and authenticity. You can hear and feel when that internal bell goes off.

With that kind of clarity, having major spiritual and psychic breakthroughs becomes that much easier. In all that time since my mother passed on, I never once had a dream with her or felt her presence or anything, it was just an empty silence. I never felt a connection but then a few weeks ago I had a major, vivid dream one night where she finally communicated with me for the first time ever. I’ve felt her presence ever since and she has been spot-on with all the things she told me in the dream to look out for.

Latin America has long been recognized as the birthplace of a genre of literature known as magical realism. Heavyweight writers like Gabriel Garcia Marquez (in “100 Years of Solitude”), Isabel Allende (in “The House of the Spirits”), Laura Esquivel (in “Like Water for Chocolate”) and Jorge Luis Borges have all incrementally added to the genre and it’s basically one where the living and the dead talk to one another all the time, past, present and future coexist, the space between dimensions is very thin. Very few people know this but the fountainhead of this movement was a small novella called “Pedro Páramo” by a little known Mexican writer named Juan Rulfo. There are a few theories floating around as to why it is Latin American literature  where this characteristic of the living and dead conversing with each other has popped up regularly and with such concentration but I personally think it’s because of the former Meso-American, Incan, Aztec, Olmec, Toltec and pagan cultures and their psychic influence on the Spanish colonizers, even centuries later.

Teotihuacan, Mexico
You can’t tell me a civilization which can build up cities of pyramids like this one, isn’t going to have an effect on people afterwards.

After talking to a psychic friend as well as my astrologer buddy Carl and my own observations and presentiments, there are changes coming. Astrologically it’s the shift of the nodes to the Leo-Aquarius axis, which from what Carl indicates, will happen in May. For the past 2000 odd years we’ve been under the Virgo-Pisces axis. Think about the imagery very closely. Virgo the Virgin (does anyone here know another famous Virgin?). Pisces the Fish, early symbols for Christians to identify themselves were fish since that was what the 12 Apostles were.
Now we’re moving towards Enlightened Human and the Brave Lion.

It’s not going to be hell fire and brimstone or super-volcanoes and epic floods. It’s going to be a re-calibration, re-adjustment, re-alignment, re-vision and re-calculation of values. Once the values have changed, everything, and I mean everything follows after that. People’s priorities. Jobs. Lifestyles. Agriculture. Transportation. Diet. City planning. Architecture. Art. Music. Film. Energy use. Our ideas of family and belonging and finding our tribe.

Should be interesting to watch, no?
Categories: Ch-ch-ch-changes, Shift of the Ages effects, Those unseen things | Tags: , , , , , , | 18 Comments

The Immortal Ones

I was recently re-watching a little-known film, “Valley of Flowers” by Indian film director Pan Nalin (Great stuff if you’re into films about reincarnation, fate, destiny, gurus, sadhus, the Himalayas, floating Tantric sex and how space and time work against several lifetimes). In a nutshell, it’s about two star-crossed lovers, drinking the elixir of immortality and how these immortals change over time and with technological changes. part of the film is in medieval Silk Road Tibet (the film was principally shot in Ladakh which is as close to Tibet you’ll get without actually going to Tibet) and then it’s juxtaposed up against uber-modern and hyper-slick Tokyo.

Orthodox icon of Melchizedek

Orthodox icon of Melchizedek

It reminded me of these stories which persistently pop up in spiritual literature around the world, of highly evolved immortal beings, in human form,  who are constant presences to the human story.  Usually somewhere in the background, always steadily watching what’s happening, impervious to change like political revolutions, environmental catastrophe, like giant rocks, they just stay still and impartially watch everything. I’m not talking about vampires either (and if you ask me, there’s something very spiritually unhealthy and immature about this recent obsession with vampires). From time to time, they make contact with certain persons who are spiritually mature and evolved enough to merit a meeting but they largely keep to themselves. You can’t just contact them and force a meeting to take place. Instead, they’ll contact you if they feel inclined to do so.

Statue of the 8 Immortals, in China.

Statue of the 8 Immortals of Taoism, in China.

The main names which are better known are Melchizedek, Mahavatar Babaji, the Comte de Saint Germain and even in Islam as Al-Khidr, the Green Man. Native Americans have their version, particularly the Cherokee tribe who believe in the Nunnehi. Taoism believe in the 8 immortals (He Xiangu, Cao Guojiu, Li Tieguai, Lan Caihe, Lü Dongbin, Han Xiangzi, Zhang Guolao, Zhongli Quan).  It would seem, every culture and very spiritual tradition has its own spin.

I’m going to quickly describe some of these aforementioned names, where they have popped up, the role which I think they play and how they manifest in our times.

First off, you have to realize that they are usually very, very mysterious beings. If you go looking to read about these folks in mainstream, exoteric religious and spiritual literature, you’ll be out of luck. What very little we do know comes mostly out of the esoteric, mystical strains of some of these traditions.




Melchizedek is without a doubt, the most mysterious figure in the entire Bible.
He shows up twice, by name, in two completely different books, time periods and each time, to assist a prophet. (In fact, I’m surprised the Church doesn’t talk about this disconnect more often but why would they? It would show up what a bunch of hog-wash they try to promulgate to cover up inconsistencies in the Bible). He also shows up unnamed in other places in the Bible. The first time is in Genesis 14: 18-20, where he is depicted as the King of Salem and brings bread and wine to the prophet Abraham and is said to be a “priest of the most high God”. The second time, he shows up in the Books of Psalms 110:4 where King David is told that he is “a priest for ever after the manner of Melchizedek.”

Melchizedek greeting Abraham

Melchizedek greeting Abraham

The third time he shows up nameless in the Bible is in the Book of Revelations, the Apocalypse as the figure with a face of pure light, two swords coming out of his mouth, feet of burnished brass, holding seven lanterns, seven stars and a voice like the roar of the oceans. He is the one who gives John the Beloved the visions of the Apocalypse. Mainstream Biblical scholars say this figure is Christ but if you start reading up on Rudolph Steiner, Aivanhov and Deunov and other Gnostic big shots, they are unequivocally clear about this: This figure is Melchizedek and all the prophets of the Abrahamic traditions are considered to be members of the Priesthood of Melchizedek, including Jesus and Mohammed.

Melchizedek in the Book of Revelations

Melchizedek in the Book of Revelations

William Blake, Emmanuel Swedenborg and Hebrew Kabbalah get even more specific, that there is an order and certain hierarchy to this universe, with specific Elders/Beings assigned to oversee, assist and develop each level or plane of consciousness and existence. Melchizedek is the head of the order assigned to Earth. He shows up in the Mongolian prophecy in Ferdinand Ossendowski’s book, “Men, Beasts and Gods”. Aivanhov says that he resides in Agharta and also has the name of the King of the World and shows up now and then to us humans. He is also in Mitar Tarabic’s prophecy of the future. He is supposed to have a red hair and a red beard (natural or henna’ed I don’t know) and the symbols of the Lamb and the Golden Apple are usually associated with him.

Santiago and Melchizedek in

Santiago and Melchizedek in “The Alchemist”

The most recent mention of him in popular culture is in the opening chapters of Paulo Coelho’s book, “The Alchemist” where he shows up as a peasant to the boy Santiago by a village plaza and advised the boy to not forget his dream and gifts him with the Urim and Thummim stones. (I should add that Coelho has been involved in secret, Gnostic orders for years so that symbolism doesn’t come out of nowhere.)

Al-Khidr, the Green Man

Mughal-era painting of Al-Khidr

Mughal-era painting of Al-Khidr

“Three things of this world delight the heart: water, green things, and a beautiful face.” – The Prophet Mohammed

With the current wave of Islamophobia being promoted by the current American administration, I think people in the West often forget that Islam, as a continuation of the Abrahamic tradition, also has its own particular set of mystical sects, myths, fantastic stories, saints, mystics and supernatural beings which are well worth reading about, even if it is only for inspiration.

So you understand the symbolism of the painting

So you understand the symbolism of the painting

In Islam, the mysterious figure of the Green Man, also known as Al-Khidr (Hizir in Turkey) shows up in Sufism in particular and in certain Hadith commentaries and is one of the more fantastic mystical figures which block-head imams, orthodox Muslims and jihadis will never ever talk about but is a hero and worshiped in the folk versions of Islam in countless forms from Turkey to Indonesia. Many say he pre-dates Islam. Some scholars think that Al-Khidr and Melchizedek are one and the same, just under a different name (which I am inclined to agree with).

Al-Khidr with Alexander the Great

Al-Khidr with Alexander the Great

Other scholars equate him to the Christian Celtic figure of the Fisher King associated with the Grail legends. Al-Khiḍr is widely known as the spiritual guide of Moses and Alexander the Great, a “wali” (saint), a prophet, and one of four immortals along with Enoch (in Arabic known as Idris), Jesus, and Elijah mentioned in the Koran. Al-Khiḍr is Khezr, the Hidden Prophet, the Green Man, King of Hyperborea, wily servant of Moses, trickster-cook of Alexander the Great, Khidr who drank from the fountain of life in the Land of Darkness. He comes to stand for a certain kind of esoteric knowledge, which can only manifest in our mundane, everyday life as shock, awe or surprise  either of outrage or of laughter, or both at once.
Khidr is one of the “afrad”, the Unique Ones who receive illumination directly from God without human mediation; they can initiate seekers who belong to no Order or have no human guide; they rescue lost wanderers and desperate lovers in the hour of need

The Dome of Al-Khidr at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

The Dome of Al-Khidr at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

The stories and myths attributed to Al-Khidr are too numerous to recount here, but this website has fantastic information and will ring some bells among the more inquisitive among you. There is fierce debate among Islamic scholars if Al-Khidr even exists yet many insist he still walks among us and I for one believe it. To even invoke his name is to invite guidance and help into your life.

Mahavatar Babaji

Mahavatar Babaji

Mahavatar Babaji

Meetings with Mahavatar Babaji has been documented in the writings of many modern-day seers and teachers. Paramahansa Yogananda, the founder of the Self-Realization Fellowship movement and the perennial spiritual primer “Autobiography of a Yogi” devotes large sections in that book about Babaji and how the teachings were transmitted via Babaji to Yogananda.

Almost everybody I know has read this book as some point.

Almost everybody I know has read this book as some point.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, spent an entire year in India between 1959-1960 and his final initiation and transformation  from Brother Mikhael to Master Aivanhov happened under the direction on Babaji towards the end of his year. Other gurus who have spent time with Babaji include Sri Yukteswar, Shyāmacharan Lahirī, Kebalananda Giri and Ram Gopal Muzumdar. Depending on what account you read, Babaji could be anywhere from 500 to 2000 years old, living in a remote part of the Himalayas somewhere but many of the aforementioned encounters happened in places like Badrinath or the Kumbh Mela in Allahabad. Nobody really knows anything about Babaji, where he really comes from or any other biographical detail.
Babaji is said to be an immortal who is here to send teachings to specific teachers. He’s not a personal guide but seems to select those who have the ability to teach and end up having their teachings transmitted to millions of minds over time. The global popularity of Yogananda’s work as well as Aivanhov’s  and the fellowships/brotherhoods they created, seems to attest to this pattern.
Paramahansa Yogananda, in his Autobiography, described Mahavatar Babaji’s role on earth:
“The Mahavatar is in constant communion with Christ; together they send out vibrations of redemption, and have planned the spiritual technique of salvation for this age. The work of these two fully illumined masters–one with the body, and one without it–is to inspire the nations to forsake suicidal wars, race hatreds, religious sectarianism, and the boomerang-evils of materialism. Babaji is well aware of the trend of modern times, especially of the influence and complexities of Western civilization, and realizes the necessity of spreading the self-liberations of yoga equally in the West and in the East.”

The Comte de Saint-Germain – The Immortal Alchemist

The Comte de Saint-Germain

The Comte de Saint-Germain

“A man who knows everything and who never dies,” said Voltaire of the Comte de Saint-Germain.

Like other immortal types, there seem to be a few versions of the Comte de Saint-Germain. There is an actual historical figure, documented in the French courts of the 18th century of Louis XV. There are stories of his miracle cures for the French court, tales of his work as an alchemist, his work as a diplomat on behalf of the court, the lovers he took, the friends in high places he made, his fondness for jewels, that in many accounts decades apart the same man appears never to age and to constantly look like a man of 45 years of age, the man who prophesied the bloody French Revolution and what it would mean to the royal family, the stories about Saint-Germain go on and on and on.

The spiritual stories about him as an immortal didn’t really take off until Madame Blavatsky and the Theosophical movement got a hold of it. Between 1880 and 1900 it was admitted among all theosophists, that the Comte de Saint-Germain was still alive, that he was still engaged in the spiritual development of the West, and that those who sincerely took part in this development had the possibility of meeting him.

The Comte de Saint Germain, Elizabeth Clare Propther-style. I dunno about you but this does NOT resonate with me at all.

The Comte de Saint Germain, Elizabeth Clare Propther-style. I dunno about you but this does NOT resonate with me at all.

Saint-Germain didn’t become the New Age rock-star that he is nowadays until Elizabeth Clare Prophet and her Church Universal and Triumphant movement as well the Summit Lighthouse ministries  began to spread a New Age religion/message combining elements of Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and Theosophy with ceremonies and sacraments. The religion’s teachings were derived from divine messages believed to be transmitted to Clare Prophet by the Ascended Masters, a pantheon of 35 mystic saints and sages, among them Jesus, Buddha and of course Saint-Germain. (Out of all the examples, I think the Saint-Germain one is least authentic, in my opinion.)

Do some of these folks exist? Maybe. Nobody knows for sure but what I do know is real is that there are countless stories the world over of strangers appearing out of nowhere and helping people, averting disaster at the 11th hour, giving a word of encouragement to the deeply discouraged and when people go looking for these strangers afterwards, there is no record of them anywhere. That is a meme which is global.
I also think the idea of some guru or hermit living on some isolated mountaintop in nothing more than a loincloth has to also be retired because if these beings do exist, I think it’s more than likely that they’re probably wearing modern clothing, have embraced technology, probably have iPhones and are hiding in plain sight among us, either as businessmen, humble shop keepers or the person sitting next to you on the bus or across from you on the subway.
If you’re going to direct humanity in a good way, the best way to do it is to get into the thick of things, right into the center of movement and action.
Given what’s happening in the world these days, I think it’s high-time we invited them in again, don’t you? It would be great if they showed up.
Categories: Ascension, Those unseen things | Tags: , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Into The Maelstrom

“Aye, aye! and I’ll chase him round Good Hope, and round the Horn, and round the Norway Maelstrom, and round perdition’s flames before I give him up.”

– Captain Ahab in Moby Dick, Herman Melville

Apologies Shifters for not writing very much. It just seems that almost everyday now, another level of outrageousness is being unleashed on all of us that it makes me wonder if I can even keep up and write about it any meaningful way of what’s happening in the world and by correspondence, on the subtler plains.

I’m going to just be honest but it would seem that everything is a mess. I knew things were going to get ugly and degenerate with Agent Orange Baby Fists as president but I wasn’t expecting it to happen so quickly and barely 2 weeks into his presidency. It’s almost impossible to focus on anything else, even up here in Canada because of the influence and centrality the US has on the international order.

Agent Orange baby Fists now has his name on this rink. Central Park, looking south.

Agent Orange Baby Fists now has his name on this rink. Central Park, looking south.

I spent a week in New York City by myself and came back a few days ago. Rates are cheap right now given it’s the low season, they were practically giving rooms away at 5 star hotels so I decided to take advantage of it. This wasn’t really a Trump trip or anything of the sort, but like I wrote earlier, there’s no escaping him. New Yorkers and Manhattanites are a very tough breed but practically every soul I encountered there was beyond disgusted at what’s happened and the direction that country is going in.  I mean they know Agent Orange Baby Fists the best, he comes from the same town and they’ve lived with his obnoxiousness for years. I had one conversation with an amazing  Wicca/Pagan witch where she pointed out to me that Agent Orange Baby Fists’ team seem to be all reincarnated Nazis. They couldn’t pull through with their plans the last time and now they’re going to make sure they do everything they can and of course instead of Jews, the Muslims will be the new canary in the coalmine. You have to remember that in Nazi Germany, Hitler didn’t only go after the Jews, but also homosexuals, gypsies (the Roma), people of color, intellectuals and professors who disagreed with Nazi ideology. I can totally see that happening with this current crew.

Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister of Propaganda. Has this dude reincarnated as....

Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister of Propaganda.
Has this dude reincarnated as….

....this dude? Steve Bannon

….this dude? Steve Bannon

One night I happened to be in Greenwich Village and the sound of thousands cheering brought me to Washington Square Park with a full pro-immigrant, pro-Muslim, anti-Trump  demonstration in full swing with everyone under the Sun in attendance, black, white, brown, yellow, straight, LGBTQ.

I was literally right up against the right pillar of the arch.

I was literally right up against the right pillar of the arch.

The night after the Executive Order banning Muslims from specific countries was issued,  I happened to go for some curry take-out at a place frequented by Pakistani and Bangladeshi cab drivers, all of whom , who normally are a cheerful bunch, were in a sombre mood and quite worried what the future would hold for them.

Yup, it's like this all the time now outside of Trump Tower

Yup, it’s like this all the time now outside of Trump Tower

Another afternoon, I happened to be strolling down 5th Avenue and needed to use the ladies room. Trump Tower was in front of me and from the street I could see a Starbucks inside so I figured there had to be a restroom inside. After walking by SWAT-team members with machine guns and uzis, having to put my purse through a detection machine, I  walked around a bit to take in Trump Tower and it is by far, the ugliest, tackiest, energetically most terrible place in NYC.

When I popped in, it was as dead as it is in this photo.

When I popped in, it was as dead as it is in this photo.

The over-the-top pink marble everywhere, rose-tinted gold mirrors everywhere, brass finishings. Even the people at the Starbucks  cafe  on the second floor looked depressed. The cafe downstairs was cheap-looking and empty. You had a lot of waiters and hostesses standing around trying to look busy or lure in tourists. I don’t know why but there were quite a number of Chinese and Japanese female tourists with head curlers still in their hair.  I went to powder my nose and left. I have no idea what kind of an insecure loser you’d have to be to want to live in such a garish architectural abortion.

There wasn’t even any escape in Central Park. One rare, sunny and unusually warm afternoon, I was munching on a sandwich while sitting on the warm rocks in Central Park South, and admiring the skyline when I suddenly see an ice rink and a zamboni clearing up the ice both with ‘TRUMP” displayed prominently. It completely ruined the moment.

The rink is behind these rocks.

The rink is behind these rocks.

An then the worst part was coming back home and hearing about the Quebec City mosque shootings. Agent Orange’s presidency might have something to do with it but racism and intolerance have been a long-time feature in Quebec politics and Quebec society. I know because I’ve experienced it firsthand while growing up. There is a certain strain of Quebecois (certainly NOT all) who really, are nothing more than the French-speaking equivalent of Southern redneck Klansmen in the US. Same xenophobia, same level of cultural ignorance, same level of white supremacy and entitlement, same level of fear that the planet will no longer be the Anglo, American, Western European man’s domain but that it’s going to get very, very colorful very soon with Slavs, Asians, Chinese, Indians and women, all of whom are on the ascendancy.

But there were other moments of grace. Mostly spontaneous encounters with people on the street, bus or subway, random deep conversations about what’s happening. To me this is the most beautiful thing of what has happened: People finally GET IT that they have no choice now but to work together and fight together to look out for one another, because if they don’t, they could be next. Jews are lending their synagogues to Muslims to pray in. I saw a huge contingent of the LGBTQ community come out in force about the Muslim ban. People who normally never speak to each other are now coming out of the woodwork to defend each other and are talking to each other. Everyone knows who the common enemy is. And this is just after week 2.

I don’t have the gift of prophecy but if this is what’s happened in just 2-3 weeks and the population’s energy is frothing and churning like a maelstrom like this, there is no way in God’s Good Earth that Agent Orange Baby Fists will complete his term as president. *Something* will go down, either impeachment or an assassination attempt, I think. People generally can’t live under than level of constant stress for very long before someone or something eventually breaks down and there are always weirdos and unstable types around.

The question to be asked at that point is what will replace it? I don’t think we can go back to how things were. The age of neoliberalism and capitalism is drawing to a close and the people who are forcing this change are the young because they’ve been left out in the cold and they’re not drinking the capitalism Kool-Aid anymore.

This is where we’re going to need the dreams and ideas of fools, poets, writers, thinkers, artists, anarchists and the marginalized. If you look at the history of human progression, good ideas almost always start off in the margins, in the fringes of society and once they move to the center and capture the public imagination, they suddenly become policy or reality. For instance, basic guaranteed income started as an idea in anarchist circles because, to paraphrase Professor Chomsky, people should not need to rent themselves out in order to live, and now several countries are seriously thinking of implementing it.

To that I say, dream big, people, dream.

Categories: Politico, Think like the Illuminati, This is why the planet is screwed up, Travels, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , | 3 Comments

Building Walls, Building Bridges and Ghosts of the White House

The week we have all been dreading has finally arrived. The Orange Warthog takes office this Friday. Truthfully, I don’t think he’s all that smart in terms of decision-making. I don’t even think the guy knows his ass from his armpit about basic civics. I think it’s going to be another presidency like George W. Bush’s where the actual president does absolutely nothing but his coterie of Machiavellian advisors around him will run the show. I also think there’s something called the Deep State which will run the show. That’s the part of the government that no one really knows about, deeply embedded actors who make sure that things like the military-industrial complex, the intelligence community and business keep going no matter what. Piss off Deep State actors and they’ll get rid of you.

I’ve recently just finished watching all 12 episodes of  Oliver Stone’s “The Untold History of the United States” since it’s on Netflix (most of the episodes are on Youtube as well). If you have a couple of rainy Sundays in a row and nothing to do, it is definitely worth a watch. Just excellent documentary film-making and little known factoids about American history this past century which hardly any history class will teach you. In light of this series, I’m sure there is a Deep State at work. They are the exact same interests that kept Bernie Sanders out, will try to ensure that Bernie and the progressives do not take control of the Democratic Party and will either assassinate or impeach Trump if he goes too far. They’ve done it before and they’ll do it again. They killed JFK and they did it to an almost forgotten icon of American progressive thought, Henry A. Wallace.

Henry A. Wallace, 33rd Vice President of the US, should have been President.

Henry A. Wallace, 33rd Vice President of the US, should have been President.

I had no idea who Wallace was until I watched the series but after I did and did some more reading about him, I was floored.

Henry A. Wallace was President Roosevelt’s vice-president. A trained agro-economist from Iowa, his father was Secretary of the Department of Agriculture under President Calvin Coolidge’s cabinet. Wallace went on to come up with new varieties of blight-resistant corn and poultry and eventually run the same office as his father. Wallace saw what the Great Depression was doing to people in the country and was obsessed with farmers being able to produce food to feed everyone.  He saw to it that food prices deliberately stayed low. When FDR tapped him as to be his VP during his third administration at the height of World War II, Wallace was wildly popular all over the world. Fluent in Spanish, he was received as royalty in South America. As a child, one of the first African-American scientists, George Washington Carver, stayed with the family and befriended Wallace and taught him all about genetics in botany. After that he was a lifelong advocate of civil rights 40 years before it became a reality and had no time for racists or bigots since he knew racism was a form of ignorance. He hated colonialism and imperialism and felt that the people of Asia, Africa and South America deserved to chart their own future. He was for equal pay for women, a national health care system which covered everyone and supported unions. Even Josef Stalin had huge respect for the man. In fact Wallace was loved by just about everyone except Big Business and Winston Churchill.

The Conservative South hated Wallace because he refused to look at the black man as inferior and wanted to dialogue with the Russians instead of demonizing them. Business interests hated him because he was on the left. Wallace gained the hatred of Winston Churchill  when he gave his “Century of the Common Man” speech and decried imperialism, something which Churchill would not give up. One of Churchill’s non-negotiables for WWII was that the British Empire must continue and the trading and shipping routes from Britain’s colonies in Asia and Africa as well as oil from Persia had to be safeguarded and defended at all costs.

By Roosevelt’s third term, Wallace’s popularity was unprecedented among common folks and voters, but he was equally despised by Democratic Party bosses. When Roosevelt was up for election for an unheard of fourth term, DNC bosses manipulated the DNC convention so that a feeble, ill-experienced puppet like Harry Truman got the VP nomination instead and that Wallace was blocked out under the most extraordinary and blatant of circumstances. When FDR died a few weeks later, Truman became president and among other things, dropped the bomb on Japan when Japan was ready to surrender anyway. One of the biggest “What if’s?” of American history is what if Henry Wallace had become president instead? Maybe there would not have been an atom bomb, maybe no Cold War, civil rights may have happened sooner. We’ll never know. The establishment narrative has practically wiped him and his endeavors away from the history books.

Wallace in 1962, with his chickens.

Wallace in 1962, with his chickens.

There’s another side to the Henry Wallace story which fascinates me. He was a polymath with a myriad of interests, constantly solving problems and asking questions but the man was also mystically inclined. He had a deep and profound interest in religion and all forms of spirituality and mysticism with the ultimate question of mankind’s evolution, not unlike Sri Aurobindo and his writings on man’s ultimate destiny. He read up on Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and Theosophy. Wallace was very good friends with Russian mystical painter Nicholas Roerich.

“Elijah the Prophet” by Nicholas Roerich

In fact it was Wallace who had sent Roerich to Central Asia and the Himalayas to look for resistant, hearty strains of grass to bring back and study for planting in arid areas in the US.  It was Wallace, under advice from Roerich, who convinced FDR to place the Seal of the Freemasons on the American dollar bill, the pyramid with the all-seeing eye. Wallace’s friendship with Roerich was ultimately used against him as well politically. Wallace died in 1965 but as recently as 2005, when his son died, it seems that the Wallace family tradition of looking after the land and pushing the boundaries of inquiry still continued.

When I look at what happened to Henry Wallace in 1944, I realize that what happened to Bernie Sanders in 2016 was just history repeating itself. Big Business and the Deep State would rather see a population starve itself to death, die from lack of medicine, drink poisoned water, shoot each other, become dumbed-down than lose even a single penny in profits.  The nation-state as we know it is a corporation and their job is to make money. They don’t give a shit about its citizens except knowing how productive they are so they can make money off of them. So it basically means it is up to us to look after ourselves and each other.(<–that’s why I have anarchist leanings).

Dude, do it!

Dude, do it!

For years, there have been stories circulating that the White House is haunted and houses several spirits and poltergeists. There have been sightings and encounters with Abraham Lincoln (Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands apparently fainted and a stark-naked Winston Churchill dropped his towel). A black cat apparition is usually seen before disaster and the last sighting was before President Kennedy was killed. Even Michelle Obama has gone on the record to say that she’s experienced something there. I don’t know if The Orange Warthog (TOW) will actually have an office there, which he works out of regularly, but it would seem Ivanka and her idiot husband Jared Kushner will. I only hope that the ghosts of past presidents haunt them or at the very least scare the living daylights out of them. That would be kind of great.

The wall separating Gaza.

The wall separating Gaza.

A wall went up in Berlin and came down in 1989. TOW  wants to build a wall along Mexico, like Israel has along Gaza. FDR had Japanese-Americans rounded up and put into internment camps. TOW wants a registry of Muslims. The era of Walls is behind us, we should be building bridges instead. The earth  and the cosmos is pushing to go in one direction of Unity and these feeble-minded politicians are intent in going in the opposite direction of separation.  The cosmos will win out eventually.

Categories: Conspirio, Politico, Pop culture, This is why the planet is screwed up | Tags: , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

The End of the New Age, what’s ahead and The Loss of an Angel

Now everybody’s talking about this new decade
Like you say the magic number
Then just say goodbye to
The stupid mistakes you made
Oh, my memory serves me far too well

Don’t you know that
The years will come and go
Some of us will change our lives
Some of us still have nothing to show
Nothing, baby
But memories

“Waiting for That Day (You can’t Always Get what You Want)”
George Michael from “Listen Without Prejudice”

Well 2017 is here. My own feeling is that from an energetic point of view is that it will be a better year than 2016 (I mean short of nuclear war, could it really get worse?). It’s part of the transition years which will see old orders and old ways of doing things fade away and new models and ideas take root. Most of that is of course up to us individually which is why I can’t stress that emotionally getting yourself to a positive place first is of paramount importance. If we can project ourselves to that happy, magnanimous place first, on an individual level, it will have a ripple effect.

You absolutely cannot get a positive outcome to anything if you’re on a negative train. I’m not saying that people need to become Pollyanna-ish and unrealistic but rather when you do things or think things which make you feel better, stronger, more empowered, whether that is joining a political demonstration like the Women’s March which is happening on the day after Inauguration Day in DC, stop thinking thoughts which place you in a negative whirlpool of emotion, or cutting ties with people who no longer serve you or do you any good, you can’t help but feel better and that then opens other possibilities.



There is great article over at New Dawn magazine by Richard Smoley called “What Happened to the New Age? Sorting Truth from Nonsense” and it’s definitely worth a read. Basically what he’s saying is that the “truisms” of the New Age movement, even if partially true, are now outdated completely. A new mold needs to be created. Everything just feels old and stale. The time of reading about this stuff or buying “spiritual” paraphernalia is over. It’s now time for things to be anchoring in direct personal experience otherwise it’s meaningless.

Steve Judd and Carl Boudreau have both said that the energies of 2016 will continue for the first two months of 2017. After that, real change and real possibilities will start to come in and pick up speed for those who want it. Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on your own personal perspective and preference, 2017 is going to be a year where things will be in the ethers, so this is the time to start dreaming, strategizing and lining up your visions. The energy of 2018 will be much more grounded so that’s when you put your plans and dreams into concrete action. Plan wisely.

George Michael (1963-2016)

Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou aka. George Michael (1963-2016)

I don’t know why but the death of George Michael left me ending 2016 in a somewhat saddened state. When someone’s music you grew up with dies, a part of you dies with them because of all the memories that music brings you. It defines certain periods and moments in your life. I never saw George Michael in concert, though I regret it now that I didn’t go. George Michael was one of those artists that everyone, and I mean EVERYONE liked at least one of his songs. His music reached out across different genres, styles and crowds. My Caribbean-Canadian and African friends all loved his dance music because he understood funk, R & B and the importance of a wicked groove. My friends who were into hard rock and heavy metal all liked the ‘Faith” album. All my gay friends adored him especially back in 1988 when we were all 15 year olds still stuck in secondary school in a socially claustrophobic suburb and “I Want Your Sex” suddenly landed on the radio and the video was rarely shown because it was so controversial. It was all so taboo and risqué at the time so naturally we went crazy.

I’ve been re-watching all his old videos, in some cases for the first time after 26 years and seeing some interviews for the first time ever and I think what Michael taps into (for me anyway) is that his music brings you right back to a certain time and place in your life. Really good music will do that for you. I was a kid when I first saw the video for “Bad Boys”. All the songs from “Make it Big” reminds me of all the those awful, insecure years as a pre-teen. The lyrics of “Waiting for That Day” brings me back to my first serious break-up and how its pointless to try to get someone back who isn’t good for you anyway. “Fastlove” came out right about when I graduated from university and still in love with someone there.

I think he was grossly misunderstood. The fact that since his death, it’s quickly emerging he was one of the biggest private philanthropists to various charities in Great Britain, particularly those charities related to helping out troubled children, nurses and the NHS and health care research particularly in the aftermath of his mother’s death due to ovarian cancer in 1997. That he regularly volunteered at a London-area homeless shelter anonymously. That his staggering philanthropy was completely private and anonymous is amazing especially in this day and age where any little thing is quickly picked up as news.

Michael even admitted in interviews that his creativity was directly related to his own spirituality and that he only produced 5 albums over a span of 25 years was the fact that he was gutted emotionally and spiritually especially when his Brazilian partner and soul mate, Anselmo Feleppa died of AIDS. Anselmo was the one who made Michael A) realize he was gay and not bisexual B) that it was real love which made him realize who he really was. Michael had barely finished grieving over Anselmo’s death when he then lost his mother Leslie. I don’t think he was ever the same again after that. The sugar-coated pop icon with the deep tan, frosted hair tips and giant white Katherine Hamnett T-shirts was gone.

I think what’s amazing that Michael, once he accepted he was gay, he was completely unapologetic about his sexuality and lifestyle. He wore himself completely on his sleeve. He was what people in the LGBTQ+ crowd call a “bad gay”. Talk to any London cabbie and they’ll probably be able to tell you about his nocturnal visits to London’s leather-boy gay bars and dungeons as well as his frequent visits to Hampstead Heath, a wooded park area in northern London which is well-known for gay cruising among the trees and bushes. One paparazzo tried following him into the Heath one night and Micheal, in his typical cheeky way asked, “Are you  gay? No? Well fuck off then.” Famous or not, there are not a lot of people in the world who are that honest and I have more respect for the person who is honest about themselves and doesn’t hide who they are even if they are a “bad gay” than the poser, fake New Ager, fake guru, fake priest etc. who is preaching “Love and Light”, loving thy neighbor and then acting like a cretinous douche bag when no one was looking.

There was of course the infamous  1998 incident in the public washroom in Beverly Hills where he was outed in a sting operation by a police officer for “lewd behavior”. Michael just took it in stride and used the incident to come “out” to the world at large. But then he turned it around and sent the classiest, funniest, giant “Fuck You” to the LAPD and homophobic jerks everywhere with the boom-cha-ka-wa-wa single and video of “Outside” extolling the virtues of outdoor sex for straight or LGBT couples alike. Dressed as a police officer, Micheal celebrates what happened in a public toilet which then becomes a disco.

Little-known fact but Michael was very political as well and had strong leftist sympathies. He absolutely hated the way Tony Blair acted as George Bush Jr’s lap dog in the lead-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. He wrote “Shoot the Dog” and the video pretty much tells it all. Because of his public and vocal disapproval of the war, he also raised the ire of another right-wing nut, Rupert Murdoch who then saw to it that Michael was painted as a troubled, mentally unstable, drug-addled dirty gay man in all his newspapers and tabloids. At the time, Michael was attacked viciously for his stance but now in hindsight, he was right on the money.  (at 7:15 in the video, watch all 4 parts of the interview if you can. Fantastic) Name me one major mainstream pop music act in today’s music scene who is willing to take a stand like Michael did, say about Syria or what might happen if Trump starts off a war with whoever? Taylor Swift? Katy Perry? Justin Timberlake? Yeah right.

Micheal battled depression for most of his adult life and things like grief and dealing with fame compounded it. He also admitted he was extremely emotionally immature and stunted when he first became famous. I think that would explain his risky behavior, drug addiction and troubled life.  At the same time, I can’t help but get the sense of what a generous, big-hearted, intelligent, humble, grounded person he was, who was grateful for what he had but at the same time, scared and unsure of what to do.

Apparently he was very cognizant of the world politically and it affected him deeply how much people were suffering and used his money to help others. I don’t know if you know people like this in your own life, but there’s a certain type of decent person who gets terribly shy and embarrassed when they get caught doing something good or other people see them doing something good. So to avoid the embarrassment, they do everything secretly. I’m almost certain George Michael was like that just based on the stories which are coming out now. He was constantly making fun of himself in interviews. I don’t think he fully realized just how much joy his music bought to his fans and what his music meant to millions on an emotional level or how much of a gay icon he was and is.

One of my personal heroes is Queen guitarist Brian May. Michael of course did a blistering rendition of Queen’s “Somebody to Love” at the Freddie Mercury tribute concert which surviving members of Queen have gone on the record to say it was the best version they had ever seen. May tweeted this about Micheal’s death and I think he pretty much nailed it. “I don’t have the words. This year has cruelly taken so many fine people way too young. And George? That gentle boy? All that beautiful talent? Can’t begin to compute this. RIP George. Sing with Freddie. And the Angels.”


Categories: Ch-ch-ch-changes, Pop culture, Rock and redemption, Those unseen things, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , | Leave a comment

Energy in Flux and on the Precipice

I’m guessing everyone is pretty much waiting for 2016 to be over and done with? I know I am. I should have taken David Bowie’s death within the first 10 days of 2016 as an omen of how the year was going to turn out…
I don’t think anyone could have accurately predicted with any semblance of confidence what was going to happen this past year. (Remember waaayyy back when we all assumed the 2016 American election was going to be an inevitable showdown between Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush? Ha ha!)
Remember in “The Lord of the Rings” how Sauron and the forces of darkness were slowly taking over Middle Earth, yet there were a few islands of safety left, like The Shire, the Elvish kingdoms of Rivendell and Lothlorien? Increasingly, like Sauron’s minions, it seems our world is also succumbing to the darker impulses of humanity.

Fear, greed and ignorance will do that to you. Right-wing movements and totalitarian governments are on the rise from Europe to India to Turkey. The United States of America elected in the United Snakes of America. The ugly spectre of racial intolerance and bigotry has raised its head again. Everyone in the UK and Europe going nuts over Brexit.

Don’t get me wrong, Canada has its problems too. Justin Trudeau has made a massive weapons sale to the bat-shit craziest country on Earth, Saudi Arabia. When the oil wars subside and the water wars begin (and that is definitely coming down the pipeline, bet on it), Canada, Russia, Argentina, Chile and Scandinavia, because of all our snow and fresh-water lakes, will of course be the world’s water super-powers. Conflict will come here eventually too. Even so, boring old Canada seems to feel like one of those few islands of safety and rationality for the moment.

Fights broke out at Trump rallies all the time, usually along racial lines.

Fights broke out at Trump rallies all the time, usually along racial lines.

I cannot remember a time when it felt like the energy and ethos of the times was in such dramatic flux. And so polarized. Right against Left. White against Black. Rich against the poor and middle class. David Icke has said that the years 2016-2020/21 will be the defining years of which path humanity will take, either an Orwellian nightmare or a chance to renew itself completely. The Irish mystic Lorna Byrne has said that in her visions, the forces of good and evil are gathering in the spiritual world and a superficial look at the world around us would seem to verify that claim. (David, if you read this, I know you’re going to be in Dublin in 2017 –  I would LOVE to see you and Lorna sit down for a chat and exchange notes.)

When you have such a conservative magazine like The Economist doing a parody of the Tarot cards for their cover, then you know something strange is up.

When you have such a conservative magazine like The Economist doing a parody of the Tarot cards for their cover, then you know something strange is up.

Reading through some of the websites of the alternative news community  and research communities and you quickly realize no one really, truly knows what we’re headed towards only that the ground is shifting under our feet constantly and it’s really hard to hold on to anything solid. Almost daily, there seems to be some level of craziness taking place somewhere like this past week’s assassination of the Russian ambassador to Turkey.


I don't want to make light of what happened but did this guy watch Quentin Tarantino's "Reservoir Dogs" before doing this? (AP Photo/Burhan Ozbilici)

I don’t want to make light of what happened but did this guy watch Quentin Tarantino’s “Reservoir Dogs” before doing this? (AP Photo/Burhan Ozbilici)

On a deeper level, maybe that is the whole point. That we shouldn’t be holding on to anything anymore and be able to stand on our own, from within our own strength, figuratively speaking. That the chalkboard is being deliberately being wiped clean and we have been given a chance to create what we want to see and not what someone else tells us to see. It is an empowering place to be in but can also be a terrifying one if you’re not used to it or ready for it.  It just feels like we’re all on some kind of precipice.

I hope all of you have a safe time with family and friends celebrating whatever it is you chose to celebrate, whether it is/was Yule, Christmas, Hanukkah, Happy Turkey Dinner Day, Kwanzaa or New Year’s, in whatever way you chose to celebrate. Thank you to those readers who continue to read this strange blog of mine. It always surprises me that people are interested in anything I have to say or write.

Onward and upward.


To anyone who may be interested on the topic of the cultural appropriation of yoga, bullshit spirituality  and similar issues, on Monday, December 26th at 4pm Eastern Standard Time, I will be on Montreal’s Southeast Asian community’s radio station Radio Humsafar discussing these topics. Tune in, online and maybe even call in!
Categories: Ch-ch-ch-changes, Politico, Shift of the Ages effects, This is why the planet is screwed up | Tags: , , | 4 Comments

Tulpas, Thought-Forms and going into the Vortex

“In as much as the mind creates the world of appearances, it can create any particular object desired. The process consists of giving palpable being to a visualization, in very much the same manner as an architect gives concrete expression in three dimensions to his abstract concepts after first having given them expression in the two-dimensions of his blue-print. The Tibetans call the One Mind’s concretized visualization the Khorva (Hkhorva), equivalent to the Sanskrit Sangsara; that of an incarnate deity, like the Dalai or Tashi Lama, they call a Tul-ku (Sprul-sku), and that of a magician a Tul-pa (Sprul-pa), meaning a magically produced illusion or creation. A master of yoga can dissolve a Tul-pa as readily as he can create it; and his own illusory human body, or Tul-ku, he can likewise dissolve, and thus outwit Death. Sometimes, by means of this magic, one human form can be amalgamated with another, as in the instance of the wife of Marpa, guru of Milarepa, who ended her life by incorporating herself in the body of Marpa.”

W.Y Evans-Wentz

“Visualizing mental formations, either voluntarily or not, is a most mysterious process. What becomes of these creations? May it not be that like children of your flesh, these children of our mind separate their lives from ours, escape our control, and play parts of their own? Must we not also consider that we are not the only ones capable of creating such formation? And if such entities exist in the world, are we not liable to come into touch with them, either by the will of their maker or from some other cause?”

– As related to Alexandra David-Neel by Tibetan adept Kushog Wanchen in “Magic and Mystery in Tibet”

I’ve been knee-deep in reading a few books right now, namely Neil Kramer‘s “The Unfoldment” (fantastic), Bulgarian spiritual master Beinsa Douno/Peter Deunov (heavy duty Gnostic mysticism) and American New Age motivational speaker/channeler Esther and Jerry Hicks and their Abraham Hicks material (there are literally thousands of Abraham videos on Youtube now).

It was Neil’s book which first brought me into contact with the idea of tulpas, spiritual creatures/beings created by pure thought and meditation. It comes from the original Bon pagan religion of ancient Tibet which then became absorbed into Tibetan Buddhism when that religion came into the area. The Tibetan Buddhists have very detailed and meticulous teachings around how to create tulpas but these teachings are very dangerous and they come with many, many warnings. Normally they are reserved only for advanced adepts and monks with sufficient spiritual maturity. As Kushog Wanchen warned ” One must know how to protect oneself against the tigers to which one has given birth, as well as those that have been begotten by others.” Recently, VICE covered a story about a whole online subculture of tulpamancy but somehow a bunch of online gamers and anime freaks creating imaginary friends isn’t something I can take that very seriously.
It’s easy to dismiss these things as stories but when you really sit down and think about it, everything which controls us in our minute-by-minute life is our mind and our mind is a collection and population of our  thoughts and ideas. We’re also motivated by feelings, both conscious and unconscious but the origin of feelings is not the mind and brain, but rather the body itself, I believe. It takes an enormous amount of discipline, life experience, insight and training to define them, identify them, separate them, and “see” them and then, work with them.

There's a world of a difference between thoughts and feelings.

There’s a world of a difference between thoughts and feelings.

Here’s a trick I learned during my time as a hospital chaplain. The next time you’re talking to a friend and they’re telling you about a personal problem, just ask them how it makes them FEEL. I can almost guarantee they’ll reply with something like “Well I think, this means blah, blah, blah…” Again repeat, how did it make them feel. Don’t stop till they name a real emotion. It takes a few tries before it dawns on them to express what emotion they are experiencing or experienced, before they say something honest like “I feel angry” or “I felt scared”. That’s where the truth finally begins. It just goes to show you how disconnected many people are from their own emotions. (Pro-tip: people who don’t fess up to their own emotions and are obsessed in hiding them under a veneer of friendliness, coyness or control, drop them ASAP. They usually end up as duplicitous types, in my experience.)

I’ve been grappling with the whole you-create-your-own-reality thing for a long time. Most of the time, it comes across as a kind of conceited smugness which annoys the living hell out of me and places the blame-game on people who in some cases, are suffering deeply. When someone reads “The Secret” in a place like Syria and a bomb eviscerates their home, did their “vibration” attract it? Did their thoughts create that reality? Was it their fault? Did their energy attract that bomb?

If it's so easy why aren't we all rich?

If it’s so easy why aren’t we all rich?

That’s why writers like Napoleon Hill, Norman Vincent Peale or motivational speakers like Anthony Robbins, bother me to no end. I get where they are coming from but I find when an immature civilization (i.e Western and Occidental)  tries to express advanced spiritual teachings, they don’t quite verbalize it or express it in an intelligent, wise, mature, logical or compassionate way. The focus always inevitably is about attracting money.

Want to start from a legitimate place? Start with this book.

Want to start from a legitimate place? Start with this book.

On the other hand, when you start reading no-bullshit spiritual masters like Deunov or Aivanhoc, it becomes very clear how our thoughts control us and how to put out positive thoughts out there, how to change our perspective in a good way and in doing so, change our outlook and energy completely. Prayer and meditation help but it’s also tapping into expansive feelings and sensations within the body itself. When your energy and emotions change, then magic can happen. I’ve had moments in my life where  peak spiritual experiences took place, not full-on samadhi or nirvana, but where there was almost a swirling, light-hearted, floating feeling in my solar plexus, with almost unbelievable happiness, clarity, expansiveness and easy joy. Those were times where it was impossible to feel anything negative. Whatever negative thought came, was easy to dismiss.


I had heard of Abraham Hicks for years but never really paid any attention to the Abraham material because I’m normally leery of channeled stuff. For years Jerry and Esther Hicks had been distributing the Abraham materials via books, cruises, tapes, videos etc. It’s a veritable cottage industry which is usually a red flag for me. Jerry passed on a few years ago but Esther is still putting out Abraham material. According to Esther, Abraham isn’t a single entity but rather a collective of beings in much the same way esoteric musician Tom Kenyon channels a group called the Hathors.

In “Abraham-talk”, your spiritual body, chakras, soul etc. is called simply the Vortex. Because of my own personal experiences, I know at least “that” is real. Like I wrote earlier, there are thousands of Abraham videos. Some of it is very good and some of it is a bit hokey but one thing I will give them credit for is that some of the Abraham material is fantastic in helping someone change their perspective and take control of their thinking in a good way, even by an inch. In these trying times, it certainly can’t hurt.

Check them out and happy thought-form creation. In a good way 😉



Categories: Ascension, Raise your EQ, Those unseen things | Tags: , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

December 2016 Astrology – The Fog Lifts…somewhat

I seriously have not been in the mood to write at all since the election of the orange warthog.

Mostly because of just complete and utter disgust. There’s no point at this stage in pointing fingers only to say that the so-called political left in the US failed completely. First, the DNC by back-stabbing Bernie Sanders, probably the last decent man left in Senate for the sake of getting Hillary in. Second, so-called “progressives” who in an instant left the progressive camp and reverted back to the “liberal” camp when the fear factor set in. Instead of standing for their principles and protesting in the streets when Sanders was jettisoned (which they should have done), they let their worst fears guide them and they manifested it. Let this be a lesson that when collective fear sets it, it can realize its own worst nightmare scenario.

A few observations (not that I expect anyone to care):


Liberalism as we know it is OUT, true progressives and real leftists are IN. The Democratic Party became the party of the champagne socialists and limousine liberals, in short people who are wealthy, well-connected, very much interested in keeping their money growing in place, but interested in liberal causes, things like affirmative action, being pro-choice for women, women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, minority rights. All good things to be sure but they lost sight of the true struggle. To use a Marxist-Leninist term which many Americans are very uncomfortable with, they lost sight of the CLASS struggle which this planet is engulfed in right now and which is now in their own backyard.

Marx's theory on class struggle has suddenly become relevant...

Marx’s theory on class struggle has suddenly become relevant…

The Democrats allied themselves with the 1% but the part of the 1% which is liberal in orientation. I’m talking about billionaire creeps like Jeffrey Epstein, Ron Burkle, Steve Bing, Silicon Valley princes like Sergei Brin, Mark Zuckerberg, media influencers like Lewis Lapham, that moron Rachel Maddow, and of course titans of Wall Street like folks over at Goldman Sachs and defense contractors like Raytheon. People with money who aren’t suffering at all. In fact, they should be called neo-liberals, not liberals because of the fusion with big money. The DNC became a party of ISSUES (and in the case of the Clintons, corporate opportunism) instead of CLASS. The DNC turned their back on the working poor, the middle class and blue-collar class, the marginalised, people who are really suffering. This is where the votes were. This is where the discontent is. This is where real power lies. Trump played this crowd like a fiddle and got in. He understood that kind of populism, albeit the vulgar variety.

The DNC don’t have fuck-all “soul-searching” to do. They just need to admit that “Clintonism” is OVER. If they want to win elections in the future, they need to turn their back on Big Money and go back to the proletariat. Fuck $10 000 per plate private fund-raisers in Beverly Hills and go back to crowd-funding from regular Joes like the way Bernie Sanders did this past year. I don’t have a lot of hope for the political left in the US. The old-guard pro-corporate Democrats and neo-liberals just don’t get it and don’t want to let go. Unless they’re flushed out, I don’t see change coming in that direction.

I do however see change coming from the masses, and in particular the young. The mass protests, the spontaneous mobilization of people and resources FROM THE GROUND UP is very, very hopeful. Green Party’s Jill Stein was the most unlikely candidate to come forward yet here she is, the so-called underdog, raising $6.5 million in less than a week, again from grass-roots crowd-funding for recounts in states which had razor-thin wins for Trump, states which are also traditionally Democrat yet went Republican, namely Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

Stein and the Greens have virtually nothing to gain from a recount, it’s not like they win anything, but Stein is a Harvard-trained medical doctor. And any doctor will tell you when they think something is wrong, diagnostic tests are called for, blood tests, urine tests , ultrasounds and x-rays. Likewise, I see absolutely nothing wrong is running regular diagnostics on any electoral system, make sure everything is working correctly. Of course Trump has gone ape-shit over this, and the Democrats only quietly gave their support AFTER Stein filed the official paperwork in Wisconsin. Further proof of how yellow-bellied the DNC is if you ask me. And no, George Soros isn’t funding Dr. Stein.

Another thing: The mainstream media, newspaper columnists, television political pundits, political scientists failed completely. Not one of them, not a single political scientist or academic correctly predicted Trump, save maybe three. One is Brown University professor, Mark Blyth, who has coined the term “Global Trumpism”.

The other died last year, Professor Sheldon Wolin who coined the term “Inverted Totalitarianism”.

The third is Slovenian rock-star Marxist philosopher Slavoj Zizek. Zizek is also correct that this is the best possible time to re-organize, re-strategize and re-think everything.

As far as I’m concerned the mainstream media need to be buried and forgotten about. Alternative media (and I don’t mean fake news sites either), independent researchers, dedicated vloggers and bloggers will be the way of the future.

So, what the hell does any of this have to do with December 2016’s astrology? Both Carl Boudreau and Steve Judd have pointed out there is a very strange and unusual influx of energy in the last week or so of December. Nothing has been set in stone and this is still a fluid situation. To use imagery from the tarot deck, The Fool has shown up. God knows what kind of monkey-wrench he’ll throw into the machinery.
Brace yourselves but do it happily.


Categories: Ch-ch-ch-changes, Politico, Think like the Illuminati, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Earth 2.0 – Part IV, The Imminent Change of Dimension and its Primary Effects

"Sunrise by the Ocean" -By Vladimir Kush

“Sunrise by the Ocean” -By Vladimir Kush

( I am continuing with some more translated posts from the French blog, Ère Nouvelle by Olivier de Rouvroy. This post was originally written  in February 2012 so some of the material seems dated but I think there is some important tidbits for those who have a deeper metaphysical spiritual bent.  I’ve also added links and additional photos. I think the next few months, before Trump is inaugurated, the daily riots and demonstrations, the complete fear and uncertainty of this guy’s election means at least one thing, these are times of extreme confusion where the energy of people and indeed the earth itself , will be in flux. Nothing is written in stone. I will be writing more about this election later.)

The Mayan Calendar is far from the only source of the issues raised by the 2012 deadline. Although there is no question, strictly speaking, of an “end of the world”, questions of a scientific nature often do not meet the concerns of channels, mediums and contactees. Signs of accelerating climate change are increasing, along with our values and traditional references and their seeming collapse, one after the other. Everyone starts to fear the prospect of huge upheavals while they ignore Mother Nature and its consequences. Faced with the uncertainty and urgency of this situation that now seems out of control, many people are now falling into a kind of latent but contagious malaise.

Flooding in Galveston, Texas

Flooding in Galveston, Texas

The unprecedented cold wave that has invaded the whole of the northern hemisphere of the planet, is a sign, among many, of the great upheaval that is brewing. Even though it will probably be a very rapid transformation, the most sensitive and the most intuitive among us can already glimpse what these changes are which we will all have to go through. Indeed, we are about to get out of the third dimension and into the fourth. The whole planet, that is to say not only what is on the surface, but what is the inside and around it, will have to adapt to this change in dimension.

The Akashic Records of our universe, and the wisdom within it, which powerful spiritual masters and clairvoyants can access, indicate that,any change of dimension for a planet or planetary system is usually preceded by a weakening of the magnetic field and the erratic moving of the geomagnetic poles (This has been scientifically proven. Geologists have taken samples deep within the Earth’s crust and checked the magnetic polarity of these rock samples and indeed our poles have wobbled many, many times in the past). Climatic disturbances are amplified. Civilizations begin to disrupt and fracture. All political, economic and social factors that, under normal circumstances, allowed life to go on, decay and chaos sets in gradually. It usually takes a few months for 3D time to move from the third to the fourth dimension.

The last hours before the change of actual dimension is a very special time where the fourth dimension begins to overlap into the third. This produces strange events; people begin to perceive colors and forms which they were unaccustomed to before. Sometimes the nose appears to be getting longer, sometimes hair color changes (naturally); Some faces seem to radiate a wonderful warm, inner light, while others obviously begin to be afflicted with a “false” smile and appear incredibly ugly. The day such phenomena begins to occur on a mass scale, we can say that we have left the third earthly dimension for good.

Usually when these unusual events occur, it is a sign that the axis of the planet is changing, but we will not be aware of it because we’re so small. Of course, there is always a possibility that things are different because, while being part of the Whole, we are unique beings called to live out unique experience in the Akashic records, but the process takes place in principle. At least we can refer to what has already happened on other planets in our system, such as Jupiter or Venus which has been observed and confirmed for centuries by the greatest mystics, psychics and clairvoyants like Emmanuel Swedenborg, Nicolas Flamel, Charles H. Foster, William Eglington, Stainton Moses, Saint-Yves d’Alveydre, Helena Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, Franz Bardon, Samael Aun Weor, Rudolf Steiner, Edgar Cayce, Peter Deunov, Drunvalo Melchizedek, Joao de Deus (John of God) and many others.

Earth's geo-magnetic field, image from NASA

Earth’s geo-magnetic field, image from NASA

The first sign of a change in our global dimension is a very pronounced lowering of the magnetic field of the planet. Our scientists know that it has been declining over the past 2000 years, apparently since Jesus left this world. During the last 5 centuries, the field has considerably weakened. (Interesting. It coincided with the age of imperialism and colonialism, the mass industry of slavery, the genocide of Native Americans. Lower field, lower frequency of thought perhaps?). Gradually, as we approach the dimensional change, the magnetic field should logically be subject to increased disruption.

This is already noticeable. Airports have recently had to change their runways. Cetaceans are no longer following their migrations patterns to the same places. They need to rely on the natural magnetic lines to navigate, but they have changed enormously. This is why whales and dolphins are washing up more often on shores during their migrations. Until recently, most of these lines ran along the coast or went farther offshore, but now they pass over the mainland and landmasses. Cetaceans, which tend to follow them instinctively, run aground somewhere on the coast and they die there.

Similarly, the “rain” of dead birds that has been observed in many parts of the world over the last few years and most likely originate from the rapid changes to our planetary magnetic grid. The magnetic field will probably end up completely collapsing and fall to zero. We know with certainty that this has happened many times in the history of our planet and other planets of our system.

This is the probable reality: the magnetic field could indeed reverse its polarity and then simply return to its original configuration after reaching the zero point. It is not very important because we won’t find ourselves in this third dimension when it does occurs. Therefore, we will not have a direct personal experience of this change.

The abrupt change in the magnetic grid and the imbalance of the poles will be accompanied by a loss of energy density and an accelerated decline in the Schumann resonance, that is to say, the Earth’s frequency level, before the hitting zero and the manifestation of the new dimension. It is amusing to note that the US government has worked hard to try to prove to the public that such a change does not exist and it is a hoax, while the significant decrease in the Schumann resonance has been a scientifically proven fact for over a decade. If you really want to know the truth about it, read the reports of Russian scientists, particularly those of Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi particular. Western media regularly blacks out the findings of scientists from Russia.

Russian researchers have come to the conclusion that if the magnetic field dropped to zero and stayed there for about two weeks, all the inhabitants of the planet would be affected and become paranoid, begin to kill each other, and there would be a safe bet it ends in nuclear apocalypse.

Russian cosmonaut, Gherman Titov - he still holds the record for being the youngest man sent into space, at age 25.

Russian cosmonaut, Gherman Titov – he still holds the record for being the youngest man sent into space, at age 25.

The first cosmonauts were not equipped with generators when they went into space for the first time into space, that is to say, outside the area of influence and protection of Earth’s magnetic grid. Those who remained in the area without these transmitters for more than two weeks all experienced mental illness. This is exactly what happened after the “fall” of Atlantis, when the continent sank beneath the sea. Grid disturbances reached such a level that the population of the cataclysm survivors lost both any possibility of access to ancient powers of the ruling class and the possibility of direct connection to the matrix of Universal Knowledge.

The Russians have therefore developed a small generator, called a “resonator”, which is worn on the belt and that current cosmonauts always carry; it allows them to maintain a normal magnetic field around their body when they are in space. And NASA did exactly the same thing, even if they won’t admit it.

It may seem strange that the magnetic field of the planet can affect the emotions and render people as completely hysterical. Simply observe what happens every month at the time of the full moon: the distortion of the magnetic field is minimal; however, its effects are often spectacular. If you doubt this, check the police reports or emergency rooms in hospitals during the 3 days before, during and after every full moon: there are always more rapes, crimes and acts of violence during those three days than during the rest of the month combined. If the magnetic field were to fall to zero, we can obviously assume that the problem becomes catastrophic and large-scale.

Examining the Stock Exchange is also very instructive: its fluctuations are largely not based on analysis of economic performance, nor on the economic results of expectations but more on rumors and emotional impact. Over the last hundred years, all major stock market crashes started out by rumors. Knowing that emotion is directly related to the intensity of the magnetic field, it becomes easy to imagine the financial damage, and economic and social implications, that a sharp reduction in its intensity could result in. Today is one of the most likely reasons for the fall of the capitalist system.

The period preceding the change of dimension usually lasts a few months. Suppose the magnetic field of the planet is deformed and then disappears; people become like madmen. All systems in society which during normal times stayed in order, would collapse one after the other. The stock markets would collapse, governments can no longer function properly, martial law would be introduced in most countries, but it would have no positive effect, because the military would face the same problems as civilians, and would generally panic. Very quickly, goods could not be transported, and food supplies would start to fall; there would be no one to turn to for help. Paranoia would settle in overheated minds. People would begin to arm themselves and to kill at the slightest provocation. There would be no “island of peace” left anywhere on the planet.

We will indeed all soon find ourselves in a new dimension of existence and consciousness, which means that our current third dimension has completely disappeared as soon as the change occurs. Therefore this idea of “survivalism”, accumulating supplies and materials and hibernating like a bear in an underground shelter, and waiting it out for better days, is as absurd as it is ridiculous.

This backyard bunker will set you back $35 000.

This backyard bunker will set you back $USD 35 900 over at Atlas Survival Shelters.

What is needed is to prepare oneself to live in rather strange situations and experiences. You could – why not? – be sitting at home in your living room, when something suddenly arises from nowhere, something which you cannot explain. Something happens that has nothing to do with reality as you perceived or experienced until now. And you begin to see colours you’ve never seen in your life. They will be extremely bright and seem lit from within. Forms will emerge that you cannot explain and which seem to emit their own light rather than reflect it. These objects will be the strangest things you’ve ever seen.

According to mediums who have already experienced these kinds of situations, this phenomenon is quite natural. They simply advise not to panic and to remain calm as much as possible. They also suggest not to touch these objects. If you do, it will effectively bring you instantly and at an accelerated rate into the fourth dimension without sufficient preparation or readiness. It is better to go in gradually. These things are inevitable, since that seems to be the direction of cosmic evolution.

The other phenomenon that will inevitably take place concerns the nature of reality in which we are still locked in and the darker entities associated with involution and holding humankind back. The original reality was designed so that everything fitted in perfect harmony with the natural divine order. But in reality the Prince of this World, the technology which produces such ugly synthetic materials. These materials, which do not integrate with the harmony of the natural order, cannot enter the fourth dimension. They will return to the elements from which they were manufactured and came from.



It is possible to transfer synthetic material to a higher dimension, but it requires the use of a special energy field to keep it intact. Even in this case, and under optimal conditions, the synthetic materials can retain their stability only up to a certain point. There are also borderline cases such as glass, which is not very far from a compatible level with the divine natural order since glass is made from fine sand which has been heated to very high temperatures. But other materials are incompatible with multidimensionality, like plastics, therefore, they are much more unstable.

That means that some man-made objects according to their degree of stability, will disintegrate or literally melt before our eyes during the dimension change. Thus, most of vehicles that we currently use, such as cars, airplanes, locomotives , cargo ships are made of plastic and other very unstable composite materials; they not only do not work, but they will probably disintegrate in a very short time. Most modern buildings constructed of concrete will become too dangerous to inhabit.

The best place to be would be in Nature at the time of dimension change. But if you can’t be there, then there is no cause for concern. Just know that all synthetic objects are actually only materializations of thoughts created by and through the experience of the fallen angels. They do not exist in the deeper reality. (If you want a simplistic understanding of what a “deeper reality” is or means, read the last few chapters of C.S Lewis’s “The Last Battle”)

Spiritual Masters often rightly use the phrase “thought forms” to describe these artificial creations from the materialization of mental thought in our dimension. In other words, a person thinks up of an object, imagines it, then finds a way to build it or have it built by someone else. People create the object in one way or another and it appears on earth. All objects created by humans retain their shape thanks to the energy grid around the planet. It is this matrix that determines the overall level of the consciousness of all human beings incarnated on this plane of existence. This is a reality created by agreement and kept in place by this energy grid. (“Thought forms” have a formal name in Tibetan Buddhism, primarily the idea of “tulpas” which I’ll be writing about in the near future.)

When an individual who has shaped objects during his incarnation dies and therefore leaves the 3D experimental plane, the objects he left behind continue to exist in the dimension that was theirs at the time of their formation. But if the energy grid that preserves all these objects, itself begins to disintegrate, to dissolve, to finally disappear, all man-made objects which were the fruit of the spirit of man, will also disappear without a trace. Now this matrix should disintegrate when the next change of dimension. The good news is that, if this were to happen, it would only last a few hours in terms of 3D time.

Edgar Cayce had said repeatedly and Graham Hancock’s research is getting closer and closer to proving that there have already been many, very advanced civilizations on Earth (Atlantis, Lemuria/Mu, Hyperborea), yet there remains no trace of them. The reason is that their synthetic materials disintegrated and disappeared forever during the last change of dimension about 13 000 years ago, as it had already happened in other age changes. The universe always cleans the environment of the previous reality before the next show, which Initiates of ancient Egypt knew and had expressed with this aphorism: “For a shrine to appear, one other must first disappear. ” or as the ancient Hindus expressed in the Trimurti, Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver and Shiva the Destroyer or Transformer.

Members of advanced galactic civilizations have known this well and long. When changing dimension and wanting to leave no trace of their passage on a planet to respect the law of non-interference and non-involvement, they just need to take with them their own bodies and their natural and organic objects and abandon those they have created artificially. When they shift dimensions, these objects automatically disintegrate.


Everyone who lives on this planet has already experienced a change of dimension. The fact of being born on Earth is proof enough. This is a cosmic fact. Regardless of who we are, we have all crossed the great void before we incarnate or reincarnate on this planet, and that is indeed a change of dimension. The day we were born on Earth as a little baby, we went through a change of dimension. We moved from one world to another. It is only because of the limitations on human memory in 3D form that we do not remember anything.

We are now just beginning to remember that knowledge of multidimensionality that we previously had. And this happens just when we need it the most! We first rediscovered it our dreams and in our literature and in our films.

And now, thanks to recent advances in quantum physics and fluid mechanics, we are beginning to scientifically explore the idea and its many, if not, limitless applications and possibilities.

We are here to remember, that is to say, to discover our true selves and realize that we are gods in the making, small consciousnesses having experiences in order to become part of the Greater Consciousness. As for those from the Greater Community who have guided and protected humanity secretly from the beginning, they are preparing right now to come and help us on this level of existence, to fulfill our transition.

This third dimension that we are conditioned to believe in, that this is “All there is”, causes us nothing but headaches. We were never allowed to explore deeper aspects of our reality, an aspect of ourselves that we don’t even suspect exists. We focused on 3D reality instead, sometimes even stubbornly, but it is time now to take a new and wonderful step, to return to the Light.

We're meant to live lives which isn't based on regimented, automatic routine.

We’re meant to live lives which isn’t based on regimented, automatic routine.

We will soon realize that shadows do not exist, the Shadow is nothing more but the absence of light, and that distances do not exist, since all is One in the Light of the One. Our awakening to the consciousness of Light coincides with the advent of a New Era in which the scattered, isolated members of humanity will be reunited to form the Adam Kadmon, the Man of Tomorrow, multidimensional man.

Olivier de Rouvroy
February 2012

Categories: Ascension, Ch-ch-ch-changes, Prophecy, Shift of the Ages effects | Tags: , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Earth 2.0 – Part III, Baba Vanga, the Messengers and the Black President

Baba Vanga, sometimes called the Nostradamus of the Balkans

Baba Vanga, sometimes called the Nostradamus of the Balkans

(In light of Donald Trump’s election last night – don’t get me started, I will discuss that in another post – I thought there was some timely and interesting information in this post by Olivier de Rouvroy. Again, Olivier had written all of this originally in French and I’m just translating and adding images and links. There are some parts I’ll also be adding my own interpretation in italicized brackets for obvious reasons.)

NOTE: Article originally posted on November 1, 2012 and updated on November 7 because of the re-election of Barack Obama to the US presidency.

The great clairvoyant Vanga Dimitrova Sourcheva Pandeva, was born on January 31, 1911 in Strumica, a small town which used to be in Bulgaria but is now in Macedonia. She became blind at the age of 12 following an injury during a tornado. At a very young age, she settled in the small village of Roupité which lies at the foot of a mountain of the same name. She never left her small house until her death on August 11, 1996, which she had foreseen after refusing to visit a hospital to treat a cancer which she had been suffering from, for years.

Roupite village and mountain in the foreground. These days pilgrims from all over the world visit the church, the hot springs and the Vanga's old house. Apparently the vibes here are off the scale.

Roupite village and mountain in the foreground. These days pilgrims from all over the world visit the church, the hot springs and the Vanga’s old house. Apparently the vibes here are off the scale, in a good way.

It is amazing to see how Westerners have absolutely no idea or information about who Vanga was. She was  never known or recognized in Western Europe or in the Americas. However, she was considered more than a celebrity, almost an idol in the former Soviet Bloc countries where she was venerated under the name of “Baba Vanga”. For fifty years, hundreds of people, almost daily, formed long queues leading to her house, hoping to be received by her, including well-known political figures like Leonid Brezhnev and Mikhail Gorbachev, who consulted her regularly.

Vanga and some visitors.

Vanga and some visitors.

Baba Vanga

She had predicted the Chernobyl disaster, the sinking of the nuclear submarine Kursk, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the attack on the World Trade Center, and also the first black president of United States, years before they happened.

Here is what the great Bulgarian spiritual teacher Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov said about Vanga during a lecture at his spiritual center of Fréjus, France on  September 18, 1982. (It’s in French, but I’ll translate below until 3:03)

( Right, there is in Bulgaria, a lady named Vanga. She is blind, has been since childhood. When she was small, she had an accident, she fell into a place with lots of branches and hurt her eyes and became blind. But Vanga has another quality. She sees everything. And I mean everything. The past. The present. What is to come. For years, everyone goes to see her. Even government officials. They all go for counsel. Without stop. People from all over the world go to consult her. She even sees reincarnation. She can even prescribe remedies for illness. She even surpasses Edgar Cayce. We went to his institute in Virgina Beach. We met his son and became friends. Magnificent. Marvellous. But he died soon after we met because he had cancer. Just to tell you that (Edgar) Cayce said extraordinary things but when he said them, he was in trance, in a state of hypnotistic trance. But Vanga, was never in a trance, she still saw everything. And now, suppose there are many people who were unable to visit Vanga, that they didn’t have the possibility. But if such a person touched someone who went to see Vanga, Vanga could also “see” that absent person, she saw everything about them. How? Because that person by touching the visitor, they had left imprints, tracks, they may not be visible or tangible but they are there nonetheless.)
Vanga had a niece, Krasimira Stoïanova, who today is a renowned archaeologist, who became her main biographer. She reported that Vanga was in constant contact with “intelligences” that some might consider as extraterrestrial, while others would rather view as angels. Vanga preferred to give them the name of “The Messengers”.

In the early 1970s, she sent her niece and gave her the following instructions: “Go up to the mountain on May 5th, she said, and began to climb. After an hour of walking, you’ll see a large rock alone in the center of a clearing. Remain there and observe closely the first rays of the Sun and the Moon on this rock. ”

The mountain in Roupite, Bulgaria

The mountain in Roupite, Bulgaria

Krasimira decided to do what her aunt had asked of her, and on May 4th, she went hiking to the mountain of Roupité, located a few kilometers from the village, accompanied by four of her friends who were also Bulgarian scientists or academics.

They soon began climbing the foothills and arrived quickly to where the rock indicated by Vanga, rose. Its unique shape darted toward the sky in the middle of a wild and sparsely vegetated area, and they recognized it immediately.

This rock, which still exists, is up about five meters wide and four meters in length. Its top is flat. At the top of this rock are three small circles, etched in quite deeply. They each had the approximate size of a coffee saucer and together, form a triangle whose tip is directed downward. These circles date from the megalithic era. We find them all over Europe, including Stonehenge. Some archaeologists have given them the name of “solar circles” thinking that they are maybe astronomical markers.

On May 4th, the weather was stormy. The rain fell all day and all night. Fortunately, at dawn, the clouds finally disappeared , allowing Krasimira and the other researchers to observe the first rays of the sun the next morning when they struck the stone, especially the three “solar circles”. A strange play of light happened then. The three circles appeared to be drawn by the rays of the sun and the whole rock seemed illuminated with the colors of the rainbow. This strange phenomenon lasted about ten minutes and then faded as the sun began to illuminate the whole area of the clearing.

Convinced that they had to watch this singular spectacle under the effect of moonlight, as requested by Vanga, the five researchers decided to stay, despite the fact that their tents, clothes and all their belongings were soaked through.

Unfortunately, on the evening of May 5th, a storm began. But, again, the clouds parted in time, at nine in the evening to allow the moon to appear in the sky and project a glow on to the stone.

Remember when the Fellowship found the Door of Durin using moonlight in "Lord of the Rings"?

Remember when the Fellowship found the Door of Durin using moonlight in “Lord of the Rings”?

The luminous phenomenon observed in the morning happened again, although  less intensely. But this time, it lasted more than fifteen minutes. The moonlight eventually disappeared, the southern wall of the high rock seemed to be lighted from the interior. This produced  the effect vaguely reminiscent of the lighting which old TV screens produced.

The group then saw two large white statues, almost 3-dimensional looking, seemingly emerge from the gloomy surroundings. They occupied and lit up the whole south side of the rock. The left statue showed an old man standing, dressed in a toga, with long hair falling over his shoulders. His right hand outstretched, holding a sort of spherical instrument. The second statue, a little behind the first, was that of a young man of noble bearing, sitting on a kind of throne, in a posture reminiscent of Pharaonic representations. He wore a high helmet-like pschent of Egyptian rulers. The two characters gave the impression of being alive and about to step out from the rock.

At one point, the rock seemed to “switch off”. The five researchers found themselves plunged into total darkness. Using flashlights, they looked at their watches and calculated that the phenomenon lasted about twenty minutes in total.

As the storm threatened again, they broke camp immediately, and quickly descended from the mountain in a state of great excitement, almost in a near trance, not calming down until they saw the first lights of the village.

Years later, Krasimira Stoïanova found among her notes, a story Vanga told her long before sending her up to the mountain. Her aunt recalled one of her visions during which three alien beings landed a UFO in a mountainous region, and that the statues of two people seemed very important to them. One of the aliens was concerned that these statues were too visible and that anyone could notice their presence. Another one then reassured him: “Do not you see that humans are blind? ”

Despite her blindness, Vanga was one of the few persons in the world to perceive the presence of the messengers who came to transmit information. When they arrived at her home, they filled the room with a powerful light. Sometimes they formed a circle around her, before “opening lines” to access an expanded level of perception and awareness. She was convinced that they had the power to control and influence all of humanity, but that they only do so in cases of absolute necessity.

They were, she said, from a place named Vamphim (Vam-fim), the name of their home planet. Vanga said the messengers had made her visit this place by projecting her with the force of their thoughts. They suddenly took her hand and she said it was like “leaping into another dimension” (astral travel).

She described their world as wonderfully beautiful, with a floor that gave the impression of being carpeted with stars. There were no houses, in the sense that we commonly understand the word, but everything was very well organized,  everyone in that  population had specific tasks.

They were transparent and their images undulated like silhouettes reflected in the water. They mostly had the appearance of austere scholars and elders. Some wore beards and crowned by wavy, light hair; they were wearing strange hats, dressed in long robes and sandals; others had a kind of shiny mesh armour. But there were some women also present, and beardless faces of extraordinary, unearthly beauty, crowned with light hair, sheer and silky as down. Some seemed to have wings …

Not the figures on the mountain. Just to give you an idea.

Just to give you an idea.

During her contacts with them in 1978, the Messengers told Vanga she was their most direct link with the inhabitants of our planet. There were some other intermediaries, but much less powerful.
The Messengers also told her, that humanity would realize their existence some two centuries later, using a technology that would be developed in Hungary. From that moment on, the situation on Earth would experience a new equilibrium. But in the meantime, humanity will see many advances held back due to extreme personal indulgences, corruption and decadence (or, more simply, as Vanga said, humanity will experience ups and downs.)

Shortly before her death, in 1990, they told her, “We will talk to you about an important event for the future of humanity; but you should avoid getting involved with malicious souls. This event involves the election of a black president for the United States.”

In 2008, during the months before the election of Obama, Eastern European blogs were abuzz with talk about a strange prophecy. Vanga’s prophecy about the future American president was already circulating in Russia for several years. At the time she had made this prediction, George Bush presided over the United States. She had announced “at the end of the reign of George Bush and for the first time in its history, this country would be headed by a black person.” Now it was Bill Clinton who succeeded George Bush, which seemed incorrect to Vanga. At the time, critics and journalists turned on Vanga and made her psychic abilities a topic of ridicule.

Yet it WAS George Bush, but another George Bush, George Walker Junior, son of the former, who succeeded Bill Clinton as the 43rd US president before being replaced by Barack Obama. Vanga’s prediction had finally come true.

Some sources claim that there is a second prophecy by Vanga, connected with Obama’s election. She also stated that “the black man”, the 44th president in American history would also be the last real president. (Here, I think Vanga may mean one of two possibilities 1) a president with real credentials and ability to lead, experience in political office, education and skills related to being a leader. Donald Trump has never held political office before in his life. OR 2) Donald Trump’s presidency devolves into a full-blown dictatorship, he and his administration become a “strong-man” dictatorship, a “democracy” in  name only, which basically never leaves office, no matter how hard you try to get rid of them, like Erdogan in Turkey or Putin in Russia.)

She reportedly added that, during his tenure, “America will collapse from south to north” and that the United States would be divided into several countries.” She also predicted that under this presidency, the world would experience a major economic crisis and that everything would “freeze”, suggesting either that trade based on globalization would be interrupted due to worsening of the current economic crisis or for other reasons. That part of our planet would be a victim of a sudden glaciation as had already happened in the past. But this second hypothesis is often referred to by scientists as a possible consequence induced by  climate change.

According to completely unverifiable sources, a rumor which persisted for many years, was that Vanga had a second prophecy, a terrifying revelation: she said that “the reign of the Black President” would coincide with the start of a third world war. This war was supposed to begin in October 2010 and last for 4 years. It would have started as a conventional war and nuclear weapons would be used, and finally chemical weapons.

You should know that many imaginative prophecies have been falsely attributed to Vanga – like the supposed end of the world in the year 5709 . The only prediction about the Obama presidency and positively identified as coming from Vanga herself is the one that announced his election after the departure of George Bush.  The other part of the prophecy, starting with the outbreak of a third world war, has never been confirmed by Krasimira Stoïanova, who is the only official biographer of Vanga. She was also the first to report the inaccuracy of some dates associated with certain events in our future that Vanga supposedly predicted. Some psychics have real future viewing capabilities; but they can do that only from a certain higher level of awareness whereas our time is “3D compacted”, making it virtually impossible to predict in terms of actual dates.

Looking at the current situation of the world, what is happening today in many countries of the world, and the efforts of arms manufacturers to deal with new emerging markets,”mini nukes” (tactical nuclear weapons), it’s also surprising that, despite being false, this fake prophecy about the outbreak of a third world war is being realized. The long story of human civilization, from our  origins to the present, indeed the history of humanity itself, has proven the fact that all weapons manufactured by man, one day ends up being used. This applies both to conventional weapons as well as weapons of mass destruction and to both antediluvian civilizations, like Atlantis or Lemuria, as well as newer and younger civilizations like the  Greco-Roman, Indo-European, Industrial and Post-Industrial ones.

Abandoned submarine base on Vis island, Croatia.

Abandoned submarine base on Vis island, Croatia.

Some would argue that the oceans teem with immense “weapons cemeteries”, filled with destructive devices of all kinds, from the most primitive missiles  to the most  sophisticated nuclear warheads, that therefore it is wrong to say that the weapons manufactured by humans  have always ended up being “used” (I once talked to someone from the British Navy who told me they would just dump old submarines off the edge of continental shelves deep under the ocean).
Anyway, prophecies, especially the darker ones, have never come true. They are usually sent to certain persons as part of some spiritual tasks assigned to them. Their aim is to provoke “expansions of awareness” in a sufficient number of people so  that they realize what the darker picture is if they don’t change their ways. They are meant to help people change for the better.

There is however, a very optimistic part of the first prophecy related to President Barack Obama and this part of the prediction has been authenticated by Vanga’s niece. It mentions the imminent arrival of an event which she called the “miracle of miracles for the world” during this dark period, adding that at the time, this event occurs,  Earth will experience a new equilibrium.

What “miracle” was Vanga talking about? We cannot answer this question without linking her vision of the “reign of the Black President” to another vision she had some time ago, and concerning a strange sarcophagus…

One day, an old man wanted to bring to the seeress, a document which included a text written in a seemingly ancient and unknown language. He began by queuing like all the other visitors, he patiently waited his turn. But Vanga’s sister, who managed the daily operations and the flow of visitors, noticed that this man was holding a document against his chest like it was some kind of treasure.   She looked at the strange characters it contained and advised him instead to go see her daughter, Krasimira, since she was an archaeologist who specialized in deciphering ancient oriental languages, and would therefore be in a better position to identify more easily than her sister Vanga, the origin of this mysterious text.

Not the actual ancient text the old man bought to Vanga but again, to give you an idea

Not the actual ancient text the old man bought to Vanga but again, to give you an idea

Krasimira did not recognize the signs but promised the old man to consult specialists in Sofia and would let him know what they found out. But none of the experienced specialists could identify the origin of strange symbols, Krasimira decided to end the investigation and soon forgot all about it.

Some time later, however, a conversation with her aunt Vanga reminded her of the episode. She spoke to Vanga, complaining that all kinds of psychically disturbed people were always bothering them with trivial queries or incredible claims. But the old seeress replied with these mysterious words: “Some signs like those contained in these drawings that the old man wanted interpreted, are even beyond our understanding. Some spoons are not meant for our mouths…”

She then told her niece about the following vision she had once: On a very dark night, long, long ago, a convoy of soldiers from Egypt had once stopped in a totally wild place not far from Roupite. Egyptian slaves dug a very deep hole, inside of which was laid a heavy stone sarcophagus.

Just imagine a convoy of Egyptian slaves and soldiers.

Just imagine a convoy of Egyptian slaves and soldiers.

The head of the expedition then massacred all the slaves at the very spot and so made it a place of burial as well, so that the secret of its location would forever be preserved. Then the soldiers went away in silence, taking care to erase all traces of their passage.

The inner walls of the sarcophagus are, according to Vanga, covered with unknown symbols. They form a text recounting four thousand years worth of history. The first half of the story – that of the last two thousand years – has already taken place. The other half – that of the next two thousand years to come – still belongs to the future. Vanga claimed that this text originated from the Messengers but this message is not for us. It is for the future people of Earth and concerns their future relations with beings or extraterrestrials that we are bound to, by a distant relation. These beings would form our true family. This great galactic family is earthly man’s native family.

How not to make the connection between this “miracle of miracles to the world” announced by Vanga and massive intervention by extraterrestrials, which a growing number of mediums and clairvoyants talk about happening in the coming years? The sarcophagus was from Egypt, the land of the Pharaohs and Hermes Thoth. We know it was seen by Vanga in vision, buried not far from the rock with the solar circles discovered some years ago by Krasimira and four other scientists. We also know that one of the two statues that appeared to them on the rock at the time of moonrise was a figure seated on a cubic stone,  pharaonic in appearance and wearing a headdress reminiscent of the pschent of Egyptian pharaohs.

Hermes Thoth – Trismegistus (center: by Franz Bardon)

Hermes Thoth was known by the ancient Greeks under the name of Hermes Trismegistus, that is to say, Hermes the Thrice Great, because he had knowledge of the three worlds: the three-dimensional world, that is the physical world,  the multi-dimensional world, that is to say the casual and astral planes, and the supra-dimensional world, that is to say the divine world itself.

Legend has it that the famous Emerald Tablets which many  alchemists followed, was discovered by Alexander the Great’s soldiers during excavations in the underground galleries of the Great Pyramid of Giza, which was still at the time,  a  tomb of Hermes Trismegistus. The latter had himself engraved the few lines that make up a large emerald, with a diamond tip.

Alexander’s soldiers then carried the tomb of Hermes with the tablet and deciphering parchment to Roupité, to the mountain in Macedonia, which is Alexander’s home country. Is it possible  that Alexander may have secretly kept the parchment in his home country in order to surreptitiously use his foreign expeditions to obtain the ultimate weapon, the Telesma Force, “the Strong Force of all Forces”  and become the Master of the world, the youngest Emperor King the world had ever seen?

Alexander the Great's empire, all conquered up by the age of 32.

Alexander the Great’s empire, all conquered up by the age of 32.

In light of the prophecies of Vanga, it becomes possible to attribute a new meaning  to the Emerald Tablet: that those who succeed in deciphering the glyphs could decipher the tablet and acquire power equal to the Messengers.

There are written verses (7-9) in the Emerald tablets that with Telesma (the epitome of Light), that it is possible to “rise from the Earth, to Heaven and back down to Earth, to receive the Force, and know the glory of the universe …. This is the strong force of any force, because it overcomes every subtle thing and penetrates every solid thing … The Sun is the father … From this will, comes admirable inventions. ”

Among these “inventions” could be humanity’s access to free energy and the fifth dimension. The “miracle of miracles” Vanga was talking about, seems to be  linked to the advent of the reign of Light on Earth. During ancient Egyptian initiations, the neophyte had to overcome an ultimate test, that of passing through a ritual, a symbolic death before being spiritually reborn and to join Hermes Thoth in his solar dimension.

Spiritual work, with the Light has become particularly important in these dark times, we must cross the threshold because it opens doors to other possibilities. Despite the proliferation of ecological and climatic disasters that we face today and despite their intensification, the children of the Sun, the Light, who work towards light all the time, have nothing to fear, but also must continue to work hard.

Cosmic intelligence has left many clues and many keys in nature that we must now learn to interpret. If we knew how to decipher the solar language and read the Book of Living Nature, we could quickly access the multidimensional vision that Vanga had. We would then be “connected and plugged” into this light, to those beings who are our real family, and we would realize that there is actually only one goal in the grand scheme of things: to establish the Golden Age on this planet as quickly as possible.

Olivier de Rouvroy
November 2012

Categories: Ch-ch-ch-changes, Politico, Prophecy, Shift of the Ages effects | Tags: , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

November 2016 Astrology – And the World Waits with Bated Breath…


You’d have to be living on Pluto to not realize that next week’s general election in the US will have spill-over effects and ramifications for the rest of us on planet Earth, something which I’ve noticed many Americans who don’t own passports, don’t seem to notice.

I’ve stayed quiet deliberately about these elections given that I see rants from all sides of the aisle every time I log on to the ‘puter. People who were wildly pro-Bernie becoming pro-Hilary. People who I thought were more libertarian suddenly becoming Trump fanatics, like Alex Jones. Hillary’s emails. Anthony Weiner. Wikileaks. Russian hackers. Idiocy which comes out of Trump’s mouth or his own history practically every 2 seconds. It’s really not an election anymore. In the word’s of the wise George Carlin, being born on Planet Earth is a ticket to the freak show, while being born in America means a front row seat.

Whoever America elects, it will be the person the country deserves. Having an intensely-guarded political system that they do, which only allows a binary choice, which was only able to cough up two intensely despicable candidates is a sign of political and ideological immaturity. Like a bunch of cheerleaders, everything is “Ra, Ra, Ra”, hunky dory between election cycles and then come election time, it’s a horserace to the finish line.

I hate Trump because of everything. Race baiting. Misogyny. Bigotry. Corruption. His family. His persona. His hair. Support from the KKK. Just everything. I don’t like Hillary Clinton because I’m afraid she’s going to start a war with either Iran or nuclear Russia or both. She’s deep enough in the pockets of the defence industry and defence contractors like Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, that if war is in their best interests and they tell her to do it, she will, given how much they give to the Clinton Foundation. (And if she does, to any Hillary voter, don’t say you didn’t know.) If you don’t believe me, go listen to Eisenhower Republican Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, former Chief of Staff for Colin Powell and now teaches public policy at the College of of William and Mary. He was actually one of the architects of the Iraq war but then realized the whole thing was fraudulent and did a 180 degree turn.

The astrological climate is NOT clear. In fact astrologers are saying that whoever is elected will probably either be a one-term president or will not complete their term and that the election, like in 2000, may be highly contested. Whoever gets in, will surely have one of the most dogged presidencies ever.

Other than that, it would seem things in the cosmos are finally going forward after either stagnating or causing confusion. The bottleneck has finally opened up.

Categories: Politico, Think like the Illuminati, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , | 6 Comments

Earth 2.0, Part II – The Pyramid of Light

(I will be posting a number of blog posts, translated into English, from Olivier de Rouvroy’s original French blog, Ere Nouvelle.  The original text is all Olivier’s but the translation is mine, with some help from Google Translate. I’m also inserting other photos and links which are not in Olivier’s post.  Given the urgency of the situation in these troubled times, the upcoming American elections with an unsavoury candidate on one hand and an odious one on the other, a possible showdown with Russia, I think there is information in Olivier’s posts, a line here, a line there, which would be of benefit to anyone who wants more clarity to read these days and events around us, with a spiritual focus.)


Through his teaching and through his influence, the great Bulgarian spiritual teacher Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov (1900 – 1986) opened the path of spirituality to countless individuals, bringing to humanity’s attention for the first time, the need to unite, to achieve on Earth, a large planetary society, a global brotherhood and sisterhood, based on a solar religion.

The following is an unpublished excerpt from a lecture given by him more than sixty years ago, I myself had transcribed it from an original document and posted on my old site in January 2008.

Towards the closing of this site, this text was taken and sometimes edited or modified on various blogs (which, by the way, none of the authors saw fit to cite the source…), but as disturbing news continues in the world around us, I decided to republish this today in its unedited, untouched original form.

Everyone is of course free to assess whether or not the power of this wonderful message is important information on the mechanics of duality in our reality and the true structure of the spiritual world.
Happy reading – or rereading – for all,

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov by Lois Cordelia Buelow-Osborne

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov by Lois Cordelia Buelow-Osborne


The Pyramid of Light

The angels can only see what is light. They do not see us when we are in an “ordinary” form because they are blind to everything that does not belong to the world of Light, the spiritual world.

However they happen to use the eyes of other creatures, such as animals, to study humans. You could think you are absolutely alone when you were about to make a mistake, commit a crime, or conversely, perform a generous act, but a cat, a dog, a bird was there, and you did not know or notice that a Being, through the animal, was watching you


In humans, all worlds coexist, but they are subject to the limitations, physics and laws of the physical plane. It is only when the world of feelings and emotions, boils and stirs in us, that the inhabitants of the astral plane begin to see us. And it is only when our mental body comes alive and becomes clear, when we begin to think that the inhabitants of the mental plane can understand us and relate to us.


Our spiritual bodies include the chakras, the solar plexus, the kundalini force

So if our spiritual bodies are not yet awake, beings in spiritual regions do not see us, they do not know us; we are not yet citizens of their world, we do not figure or appear on their records and we can receive neither nourishment nor any gift from them. Those who do not receive spiritual nourishment, joy nor happiness have irrefutable mathematical proof that they are in the dark, ignorant. If they stayed in the lower regions, clinging to money and material pleasures, they are cut off from the light, and as the inhabitants of the higher worlds have not noticed them, they did not help them, and they can’t receive anything sublime, heavenly or divine.

Get registered.

Get registered.

As to be seen, known, registered somewhere in society, one must meet certain conditions. In the same way, to be seen, known and registered in the higher worlds, we must lead a determined life which requires us to be alert to subtleties. One can awaken these states through meditation, poetry, mystical music, thanks to all that is beautiful, bright, divine. Once awakened in us, these centers put us in communication with other worlds where those beings begin to “see” us, to take us into consideration. It takes our information, we have “registered” ourselves among the evolved beings.

The work required in the awakening of these centers is to decide to become living, conscious, it is to accept and bind ourselves with all those benevolent beings who have passed before us and who seek to help us in taking the first step towards eternal life.

The beings that inhabit the upper regions, do not see and do not want to see what happens in the lower regions. There is one exception: if they are charged with a mission of exploration, they go down to inquire, to discuss the situation or to help some people. In any other circumstances, they remain very high above human weaknesses and tribulations.

Do not imagine that the Beings of Light will just stand there watching the sad spectacle of most humans on Earth! No, they are too far, too high, it is of no interest to them. So, in order to get their attention, to be seen by them, to be noticed, one must make signs, signals which must be projected into the space of light.

These “light signals” by humans are like sparks, that sentinels in higher worlds, must be on the look-out for. Once they have been sighted, they rush in to help. Without this projection of Light, they are unable to see and, of course, all your requests will be ignored. Yes, dear brothers and sisters, remember this well: in the higher worlds, there is only one language; it is that of Light.

And now, how do things operate in the world of demons? Demons are bothered by the Light. They flee and go to those dark, dirty places. They enter into them, and they set up their homes. I told you that demons were like the owls; Yes, because they are blind in the light. To enter us, they are forced to wait for an end to this terrible force which for them, is the light to the spirits of darkness, there is only one impregnable fortress: the Light .

I speak constantly of Light, because it represents what is most valuable, the most important thing in Creation. This is the most sublime and rarest quintessence, the absolute protective and defensive weapon. This is “the strong force of all forces” mentioned by Hermes Trismegistus in the Emerald Tablet. Light is able to push out all your enemies and release them.


When you pray or meditate, always seek the Light, the Light, and yet again the Light. You will avoid all the tragedies of life. Try. Never doubt. At night, if you hear a strange noise, what do you do? You hurry to turn on the light. Apart from the light, there is nothing else which you can rely on. To be seen by sublime beings, there is only one way: become bright, shine, like the Light. To escape the demons that harass you, there is only one way: become Light; they will be unable to harm you.

Dark beings are harassed and bothered by the light of radiating souls, and seek to destroy it. They do not see that Light which troubles and disturbs them, they can only feel it. If they sometimes manage to see Light, it is by deceiving and using beings who are their superiors, to look through their eyes. Otherwise, they are unable to distinguish the Light.

The tube-nosed fruit bat.

The tube-nosed fruit bat.

Besides, I told you that the converse also exists: that beings who inhabit the higher, purer planes of existence sometimes use the eyes of those who live below, animals for example, to observe us. Using this same tactic, inferior beings try to gain ground, to enter the human body and mind by using similar methods, to see, observe and interfere with realities which are above them. There is a great war between the inhabitants of the lower realities and those of the higher realities.

Spy VS Spy

Spy VS Spy

In the physical world, when two countries are at war, each trying to send in camouflaged and well-trained spies. They adopt the language of the country they are sent into, mimic the behavior of its inhabitants, they are provided with papers and references and they know everything there is to know about their enemy. These spies see everything, watch everything and communicate to their superiors what they saw and heard. In addition, they seek to destroy and sabotage. And of course, it is mutual. This procedure is common and well known. But what is not generally known is that things operate exactly in the same way in the spiritual world between the White Lodge and the Black Lodge, at least with regard to the region of this Earth.

No spyware can enter the upper regions where it would be immediately revealed. On Earth, in contrast, everything is mixed. Down here, the pure and the impure gets mixed up, the right and wrong, heaven and hell. There are well-camouflaged Black Lodge spies masquerading as disciples of love. They speak their language, they are dressed like spirits from above. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing.

Case in point, founder and leader of the cult "Children of God, David Berg.

Case in point, founder and leader of the cult “Children of God, David Berg.

And conversely, in places where the Black Lodge holds meetings to develop its projects, poisoning and and plotting the destruction of humanity, there are camouflaged members of the White Lodge, who pose as Black Lodge members and are equipped to sabotage and destroy their infernal plans. Under the appearance of wolves, they are in fact, gentle sheep.

The Earth is a crossroads where white forces and dark forces intersect. No film, no play has ever presented accurately this terrible struggle. Should writers and directors ever decide to portray the extraordinary diplomacy, the arts and the rivalry of these two forces employ and wield against each other on the physical plane, all the better. It seems that nothing can separate them.

For now, things are at this stage. So you’re probably wondering why doesn’t Cosmic Intelligence separate the dark forces from the forces of light? Why doesn’t it burn it out in a few seconds so that we can flourish in peace? Well, simply because Cosmic Intelligence has sublime patience and has plans to transform even the devils into angels.

Whatever happens and whatever you external circumstances you find yourselves in, stay loyal to the White Lodge: if you find yourself one day grappling with beings who seek to lure you down, do not be afraid, link yourself the Great Universal Brotherhood and Sisterhood. Act as traitors in the eyes of the Black Lodge, but be better! Only in this way you can get out of your tribulations. Otherwise, your difficulties will last forever. All those who cut their link with the White Lodge, cut themselves off from the Source of life itself, eventually commit evil, injustice, crime. Sooner or later, they will find themselves in difficulties and complications.

You probably think I’m talking about things that do not concern you. You say: “What then is this history of engagement with a White Lodge or a Black Lodge?” Yet it happens every day, all the time. Someone, for example, to satisfy a desire or ambition, needs money. Someone eventually shows up and asks them: “Will you write this or do that for me? Will you play such a role? You are a scientist, a physicist, or a chemist, will you work for me to make a profitable discovery?”

Tesla turned his back on the Black Lodge, many, many times.

Tesla turned his back on the Black Lodge, many, many times.

Before you accept or reject anything, everyone should be aware that all proposals are made to either contribute to projects which either “turn off” the Light, to destroy, to kill, to handle and manipulate according to the wishes of the Black Lodge. This can happen in countless forms and ways. All those who agree to work in this direction, unknowingly have signed a pact with the Black Lodge.

Whatever their reputation in the eyes of the world, whatever image they manage to project of themselves, whether they be writers, artists, actors, patrons, scholars, scientists, workers or heads of state, all who decide to engage indiscriminately in the service of the Black Lodge, will find themselves bound by the Prince of this World. Once seduced, they fall into the trap and become his slaves.

Don't do it!

Don’t do it!

Scientific programs, political speeches and economic plans are often disguised as incentives to do evil. That is the only question you need to ask. The facts are all there, usually obvious. As soon as one has agreed to a pact with the Black Lodge, either for money, power, for a woman, for glory, fame or for fun, it is registered in the Black Book. In contrast, an apparently insignificant, selfless act can be enough to get you into the White Lodge, since it is inspired by a noble ideal.

Work for evil and you will pay dearly for it. One day or another, misfortunes and disasters have always mercilessly visited those who have contributed to the increased presence of evil, creating dark projects. This is an absolute truth, whether we recognize it or not.

J. Robert Oppenheimer, the father of the atom bomb.

J. Robert Oppenheimer, the father of the atom bomb. His life was full of triumph and tragedy.

A disciple of the White Lodge is a conscious being who knows how to discern and distinguish the two forces, and learns how to master the dark forces, invert them in order to use them for the service of humanity, for the good. That is a true Magi! In conscious life, everything can be used for good, even the lower forces but do you know how? Light and prayer is the secret that can save you.

When you love a person, look at them from afar with Light, don’t try to own them or control them. They will be happy without knowing why, and they will feel much better things. Disciples of the White Lodge must finally decide to use the Light, work with the Light. Those who refuse are not members of the White Lodge, as they insist on using other methods.

What are we to do for those stubborn ones, those who have a “hard” head? Cosmic Intelligence in its mercy, always gives them time to change, to decide, to make an effort. But once the delay ends, there comes a time when you have to pay. There are Beings on high, who watch over our development, who will not allow any disruption to the advancement of the Great Universal White Brotherhood and Sisterhood, to Unity.

Conversely, these inhabitants of the upper regions are delighted to see on Earth, here and there, homes and places of Light; this is their joy, it is their happiness. Small homes of Light are the link between the New Earth and the Earth as it is.

Without these connections, without these centers, the Earth would be invaded and destroyed by the dark forces. These are the light centers scattered around the world who support the souls of men, give them food, joy, happiness. I will reveal what is actually a full initiatory center of life and light: it is the top of a mountain that links Earth to Heaven.

"Asia Pyramid" - Roger Dean

“Asia Pyramid” – Roger Dean copyright 2016

You, the disciples of Light must succeed in forming together a luminous, gigantic pyramid, like that which rises above Agartha since time immemorial. Yes, because, the pyramids built by the Egyptians were made in the image of the Pyramid of Agartha, in the same way, above all sanctuaries, above all places where meditations, ceremonies and prayers are held, there is a similar pyramid formed by the subtle particles from the auras of the participants in these meetings.

Soon you will understand. And your consciousness will expand and be enlightened. You will train and you will set up a pyramid that will be seen in many parts of the Universe.

Outside of this Pyramid of Light, there is no salvation for humanity.

Dear Brothers and Sisters, hold on to the Light! Become Children of Light! Let Light and Peace be with you! ”

–  Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
The Pyramid of Light – April 8, 1947

Categories: Ascension, Ch-ch-ch-changes, Prophecy, Raise your EQ, Those unseen things | Tags: , , , , , | 4 Comments

Earth 2.0, Part I

Humankind, as conceived by Cosmic Intelligence is such that if they are to be fulfilled must connect themselves with the Light and Power of the Higher World. If not, if they put all their trust in their own limited faculties, they will be unable to see ahead and in their blindness, they will make drastic errors in all domains. If they put their faith in technology, trade and material development, sooner or later, they will fail, for if their actions are based on the desire to control the world, regardless of the plan and purpose of Cosmic Intelligence, it will stir up the psychic and physical layers of the atmosphere and hostile forces will turn against humankind in their fury. The Age of Aquarius is now coming in and it will cause great upheavals and cataclysms all over the world, after which those who persevere will have a better understanding of the Divine Laws. The splendour and harmonious beauty of the new life that is in store for humankind surpasses the imagination. People who have been secretly working for this new Kingdom, will find each other and combine their new-found extraordinary powers to bring down the fortresses of ignorance, materialism and despotism. I tell you this now, and it will be as I say, for absolutely nothing can prevent the coming of the new era, the Golden Age.

– Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
“Aquarius: Herald of the Golden Age”

John Lamb Lash, Gnostic writer and researcher has finally come out of hiding and gave a lengthy interview with Lisa M. Harrison recently. You can listen to it here. (If anyone here knows what the intro music is, please let me know!) Clocking in at a little over 2 hours it is a long interview, and despite Lash’s ego and inflated sense of self-importance (imho, he comes across as someone who seems to think he’s the final word on Gnosticism when in fact, at moments he sounds like an immature and ignorant American when compared to real Gnostic spiritual giants and masters like Mikhael Aivanhov and Aivanhov’s master, Peter Deunov.) Still, there is some mighty interesting information there which is well worth hearing for serious seekers but it would seem Earth 2.0 is coming. The labour pains have already started. Lash likens it to the way cells divide themselves and replicate and it would explain the tense, hyper-charged atmosphere (American elections and war hawks aside) many have been experiencing this particular fall season.

Lash is not the only one who is saying this. Dolores Cannon had been saying it for years while she was alive. The seers and prophets of the ages have been saying the same thing as well, but the interpretation aways comes out differently.

I make no secret of the fact that I have been reading and following the teachings of Bulgarian-French mystic Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov for almost 20 years now. I can only speak for myself but he is a real world Teacher. He takes the teachings of the ages and presents them in a modern and contemporary way which any of us can relate to. Pivotal to Aivanhov’s teachings is the centrality of the Sun, as life-giver and symbol of Cosmic Intelligence.

Brother Mikhael, before India.

Brother Mikhael, before India.

In fact when Brother Mikhael (as he was known prior to 1959) went to India and met Hindu master, Neem Karoli Baba, it was Baba who went into a mediumistic trance after meeting Aivanhov and gave him the name of “Omraam” and explained that Aivanhov was an incarnation of a solar rishi from India’s Vedic age, 6000 years earlier. Aivanhov also met Babaji during his Indian sojourn and by the time he came back to France, he had been completely transformed. Brother Mikhael was gone.

Aivanhov was not a lone voice in the wilderness. His spiritual teacher was Peter Deunov also known as Beinsa Duono. I know his Bulgarian followers these days are hard at work trying to make his teachings available to the wider world and some of it is posted online but translating stuff from the original Bulgarian from before 1944, after decades of Communist suppression, isn’t easy.

The Persian Gnostic prophet, Mani 216 AD

The Persian Gnostic prophet, Mani 216 AD

What I also find very interesting about Deunov is that he had been recognized as an incarnation of an ancient Gnostic prophet Mani. Manichaeism, the teachings of Mani, were basically a Middle-Eastern/Persian version of Gnosticism. Manichaeism at one point rivalled early Christianity in the Roman Empire in terms of popularity to replace the earlier pagan religions. Of course, the early Christians pretty much eradicated them as well.

This is how widespread Manichaeism was, once upon a time.

This is how widespread Manichaeism was, once upon a time.

This is what bugs me about modern Western, Gnostics like Lash. They claim that they are the final word on Gnosticism and had it not been for the Nag Hammadi library, Gnosticism would have been lost forever. Yes, its true the Western versions of Gnosticism like the Cathars and Albigensians in Southern France were pretty much decimated. However, there were and are many strains of Gnosticism and they were not just specific to Western Europe. You had the Bogomils in Bulgaria. Manichaeism extended from Rome to China at one point. The Druze of Lebanon still exist as do a handful of Sabians living in the marshes of Iraq, which Saddam Hussein was unable to eradicate as well. Apparently there is also a community of Nestorians living in London these days. And then you have the living, breathing teachings pop up from time to time in teachers like Aivanhov, Deunov, Daskalos of Cyprus or Torkom Saraydarian of Armenia.

It would seem to me that what is coming to the forefront now is a resurgence of interest and need in two primary spiritual traditions: Gnosticism and Indigenous/Shamanistic beliefs. It is not a coincidence that the tribes of both North and South America have put aside their previous differences and grievances and have come together for the first time in 150 years to fight the Dakota Pipeline and will spend the winter there to fight this black snake.

One of the things which drives me crazy about the American and Anglo-Saxon New Age and “spiritual” community is how they seem to think that teachings can only be found in English and by English speakers when there are vast libraries of knowledge, information, spiritual teachers and sages still out there in the Slavic world, Orthodox world, indigenous people’s world and other non-English parts of the planet. That’s unilingual ignorance for you. Not only that, but from time to time, you may have a Western scholar show up and translate a teaching or two and they get it completely wrong, but no one else in the English-speaking world is able to catch it, like in the case of Helena Blavatsky of Theosophy fame. As much as I adore the mythologist and academic Joseph Campbell, I recently re-watched his “Mythos” series of lectures after 18 years and was shocked to see he had made some minor errors in interpretation which I didn’t know at the time and was unable to pick up before.

I recently found a French blog called “Ère Nouvelle” (New Era) written by a follower of Aivanhov’s, Olivier de Rouvroy, who spent quite a bit of time with Aivanhov himself. Sadly, Olivier passed away in 2013 but his blog is still up online, in the original French. There is some transformative game-changer kind of stuff posted there which I think needs to be re-published especially in these coming days and weeks. I will be translating and posting some of Olivier’s blog posts here in English so watch this space.

"Ascension" by Salvador Dali (1958)

“Ascension” by Salvador Dali (1958)

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Twin Souls Part Deux – The Dark Cupid Love Bite

“Have you ever had a love connection with someone so strong, you believed they could be your soul mate or even a twin flame? Did this person who you thought to be “the One”, arrive with a magical sense of reality, powerful psychic connections, super sexual chemistry, déjà vus, omens and even supernatural overtones? Perhaps you feel mystically connected on a deeper soul level, and yet there seems to be dangerousness about it. The passion may be unstoppable if you cross that line…. Longing and passion builds as telltale signs appear that he or she must be “the One”…The meeting could be accidental, in an unusual place or situation for you… There is a sense of familiarity, as if you already know this strange new person, perhaps from another place or time. Yet, you can’t seem to place it…You now feel that the dream was some sort of divine precognitive foreshadowing. Your dream lover has come to life….Did you just meet The One? Your soul mate?…From deep inside, however, you feel a subtle hint of push-pull resistance. Your inner voice tries to check in with you, but you squash it like a bug. Your logical mind may question all this, but the lonely part of you can’t stop wanting excitement, a rescue from that hopeless feeling that you’ll never have true love and will always settle for less. You want to experience passion and love that you’ve never really known before. You fight both sides of yourself as if you’ve been split into two people. Confusion sets in, and you just can’t stop thinking about that person.”

“Soul Mates, Twin Flame or Love”, by Eve Lorgen

Whenever I look at my stats for this blog on the admin page, I always notice my Twin Souls blog post as well as Twin Souls on Film are usually the most frequented ones. It has been that way for a few years now so there isn’t a doubt in my mind that there are many, many people out there who are hungry for information about this topic and are no doubt still searching, hoping, wishing for their other half.

I wrote those posts a few years ago and while I do think the twin soul phenomena is real, I just don’t think they are as common as many of us would like it to be. Instead of one in a million, I think one in a billion is probably more accurate in terms of probability of it actually happening. There are tonnes of books about the topic now, countless YouTube videos, websites and personal blogs.

What I find funny about some of the personal blogs about the authors writing about meeting their twins is how the first few years everything is love and rainbows, and then the doubt starts to creep in and then somehow or other they break up, and then suddenly the blog is gone. Oh well. It reminds me of that sleazy New Age writer Richard Bach, (he of Jonathan Livingston Seagull fame in the 1970s) and those books he wrote about his twin soul relationship with actress Leslie Parrish called “The Bridge Across Forever” and “One”. They have since divorced and he’s married to wifey number 3 now.

After reading Eve Lorgen’s article on the love bite and watched subsequent videos and reflecting on some personal experience of myself and friends, I am of the opinion now that most traumatic, unhealthy, obsessive relationships which may people convince themselves are twin soul relationships, are in fact Dark Cupid Love Bites.

Your Twin Soul or Twin Flame is probably a Narcissist.

Dark Cupid

Dark Cupid

Lorgen goes further and says that these relationships are usually due to a third-party paranormal interference, like alien, ET, reptilian or demonic influence/interference. I wouldn’t go that far. However, the idea of a False Twin who is there to trip you up, lead you down a false path, distract you from your spiritual life and progress, to interfere with your life path especially if there is a chance that you could actually accomplish something very important and needed, that causes you nothing but emotional and spiritual pain, that I can buy.

The more you read about false twin soul/ Dark Cupid love Bite  encounters and testimonials, a few major themes pop up.

1) *Something* is preventing “Happily ever after”.
Either one partner is married, or both are to other people and for whatever reason, they just cannot seem to come together. The signs are all there, the strange, otherworldly coincidences, the vivid dreams, the uncanny ability to understand each other on a level no one else can even come close to. In theory, you should be together…but its not happening. And it does nothing but cause untold amounts of grief, sadness and frustration. A word of advice here (especially for women): Love isn’t supposed to hurt. Sacrificing your happiness and psycho-emotional well-being for love is a myth and an unhealthy one at that. (In fact, I’m starting to think the whole myth of romance and fairy tale weddings is a highly sophisticated con being pulled by the government to ensure that citizens keep procreating so that the government has a continued tax base. I think love can be real but I think romance is a construct marketers and film directors made up. Love and romance are NOT the same thing.)

Love is only blind if you allow it to be.

Love is only blind if you allow it to be.

2) Once the binders come off about the false twin, the blinders will come off on everything else.
Once you see the false twin as a false twin, intruder, interrupter, interloper for what they are, all those unanswered questions, nagging doubts you had about the person in the back of your mind will suddenly make sense. You begin to notice that the intensity is really a probable by-product of Narcissistic Personality Disorder or gaslighting or some other form of manipulation or abuse. You’ll also begin to notice who are the other phoneys taking up space in your life and it becomes that much easier to cut the cord. For some strange reason, the false twin seems to be the first domino.

Lorgen lists a whole bunch of other Red Flags, which I think are worth noting:

– Dreams of the partner before meeting them, suggesting something precognitive.
– Physical sensations in the solar plexus, genital, gut or other body areas, such as neck, heart, and between the shoulders.

Love shouldn't feel like your heart is being ripped out. It should feel whole, like it is getting bigger and stronger.

Love shouldn’t feel like your heart is being ripped out. It should feel whole, like it is getting bigger and stronger.

– Astral sex visitations and/or telesthesia — sensing the energy body in a sexual way and very physically, as if another being were present but invisible.
– Strong psychic connection, even though you may not really love your partner.
– Powerful sexual passion and obsessive need to have sex, even in cases in which you don’t love the partner or they don’t love you and/or are abusive.
– Psychic responses and coincidences from either partner, like receiving a phone call or email from your partner the moment you think about cutting off the connection.
– A sense of emotional or physical draining.
– One partner becoming suddenly switched off emotionally or “psychically unplugged.”
– Feelings of being watched, or being played like puppets in some drama-myth.
– Paranormal activity, third-party “entity” visits or attacks, sudden dreams, visions and thoughts as if implanted.
– Obsessive thoughts that are not usual for either partner
– Synchronicities, omens, and a feeling of being in a magical reality.

If you feel like your "love" is choking you or becoming an obsession, that is NOT HEALTHY.

If you feel like your “love” is choking you or becoming an obsession, that is NOT HEALTHY. This VOGUE cover with supermodel Stephanie Seymour was pulled when there was an outcry from women’s groups about glorifying “violent love”.

If you didn’t know any better, this list would make you think that these are definitely the signs of a twin but this is where your own sense of discernment and emotional intelligence is going to come into play. Are you crying more than laughing? Are you more often sad and bewildered than happy and content? Do you feel good, empowered and healthy after dealing with this person or do you feel drained, tired and confused? Do you feel like you’re allowed to be who you are or do you feel slight manipulations are at play?

I’ll be the first one to admit that it can take you forever sometimes to figure out what the hell is really going on…but once you do, you see the trap for what it is and you’ll most likely never fall in again.

Categories: Ascension, Conspirio, Raise your EQ, Those unseen things | Tags: , , , , | 8 Comments

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