Shift of the Ages effects

Shake the Tree and the Rotten Fruit Fall First

Film producer Harvey Weinstein

I have watched this Harvey Weinstein sexual harassment”scandal” unfold the past few days and wasn’t quite sure how to tackle writing about it.

To those of you who may not know, Harvey Weinstein was and is (until last week), one of the most powerful and ruthless Hollywood moguls and film producers working in the world. The companies he founded with his brother Bob Weinstein, Miramax Films and the Weinstein Company have been responsible for producing some of the most seminal films of the past 20-25 years. Films like “Pulp Fiction”, “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy, “Trainspotting”, “Good Will Hunting”, practically the entire film catalogue of influential directors like Quentin Tarantino and put no-name generic actresses who literally came out of nowhere on the map and made them household names like Gwynnie-poo Gwyneth Paltrow and Jennifer Lawrence.

Gwynnie-poo, Hillary Clinton and Harvey Weinstein aka The 3 Amigos

His reach wasn’t just in Hollywood, but reached deeply into political circles as well. He is one of the biggest donors to the Democratic National Party, was a huge supporter of Hillary Clinton and one of their biggest fundraisers in “liberal” Hollywood. His reach was global. He was named Commander of the Order of the British Empire in the UK and was made a Chevalier (knight) of the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres  in France. His films have garnered over 300 Academy Award nominations over his life and dozens of wins.

British actress Romola Garai in “I Capture the Castle”, one of the more talented, intelligent but criminally under-rated and under-used actresses in her age group IMHO. Gee, I wonder why…

Well, it turns out that aside from being one of the most powerful men in film culture the world over he’s also one of the biggest pigs since he has a long and sordid history of sexually preying on vulnerable, and powerless women, which not only included aspiring actresses and models but also junior members of his company, journalists and just about any attractive female between the ages of 19 and 30 he encountered.

Renée Zellweger, WTF are you doing?

Look, I’m not even in the same country as Weinstein or work anywhere near the film industry but even I heard about the rumors swirling around him for years. It just took a wickedly good expose in the New York Times last Thursday to finally show the world what the film community has known for decades: Harvey Weinstein is a notorious lech who took full advantage of his place as a well-connected, wealthy, uber-power broker and deal maker to prey on women with far less power.

Follow any celebrity gossip site, and I’m talking about the better ones where insiders in the entertainment industry usually post blind items anonymously (like the comments section over at Celebitchy, Lainey Gossip, Blind Gossip and Pajiba) and the litany of Weinstein’s actions and the list of his partners-in-crime who covered his tracks (I’m talking to you Matt Damon and Russell Crowe) and well as talentless actresses who according to insider gossip allegedly and knowingly engaged with him on the casting couch so that they could advance their careers (Hey Gwynnie-poo, why haven’t you made a public statement since the scandal broke? Or you Blake Lively? Jennifer Lawrence? Sienna Miller? Jessica Alba? Gretchen Mol?)

Harvey Weinstein told Gwyneth Paltrow to do this S&M-inspired photo-shoot for “Talk” magazine back in 1999 even though it was incongruent with her then-blossoming career and image.

Only a handful of actresses and actors and other Hollywood insiders have since spoken up against Weinstein and in support of harassed victims like actresses Ashley Judd and Rose McGowan (Emma Thompson and Glenn Close, you rock!). The majority have remained silent and I find that to be the most telling thing about this whole story. Everyone is still afraid of Weinstein’s influence since he could literally make or break someone’s career. The thing you have to remember about abuse of any kind is that it can only operate and happen in dark, unlit corners where no one talks. Stay silent and you give an implicit green light and free pass to the abuser to continue what he or she has always done. In order to stop it, YOU HAVE TO SPEAK UP.

As far as I’m concerned, anyone who knew what happened and looked the other way or who still have not spoken up, is an enabler and that unfortunately includes some directors, actors and actresses who have worked with Weinstein over the years and are very talented in their own right…and sadly some people whose work I used to at least admire.

Bill O’Reilly and Roger Ailes. The FOX News network is well-known for its misogyny and chauvinism. It came from the top.

In recent months we have seen some very, very powerful and wealthy men fall due to sexual misconduct and harassment. People like the founder of FOX News Roger Ailes, FOX News nutter host Bill O’Reilly, comedian and philanthropist Bill Cosby and now Harvey Weinstein. These are all men with vast amounts of power, wealth, powerful connections, access to political power, everything you and I will probably never have.

Yet, they fell. And if they can fall, anyone can.

Some journalists have pointed out that perhaps it has something to do with how interconnected we are now with social media, the internet and technology given that everyone has cameras and recorders on their phones now. How in the past, women who were victims, suffered in isolated silence. They were isolated from each other and had no way of reaching out to other victims. However as the Ailes, O’Reilly, Cosby and now Weinstein stories show, victimized women are coming out of the woodwork, they are sharing their stories with one another. That in turn has emboldened even more women to come out of the shadows and share what happened to them. It gets the snowball rolling.

This isn’t really just about sex. It’s about using sexual degradation and humiliation to sexually harass someone in order to exert power over them and then silence them. Something has shifted in the general culture. I don’t think its going to be as easy as it used to be in the past for men to get away with this kind of abuse of power over powerless women. It’s not just in the film industry. It’s in the work place, corporate world, university campuses, its mothers who have internalized patriarchal values and transmit that to their sons within the family, it is just about everywhere.

I have maintained since I began this blog about 5 and a half years ago that there is a shift of the ages which is underway, call it what you will, Age of Aquarius, end of the Kali Yuga, Truth Vibrations, moving into 5D etc. Two of the hallmarks of the incoming age is respect for the Divine Feminine (and that includes respecting women as conscious beings equal in power and worth to men) and the impossibility of wearing false masks. Work against those two basic precepts and you are asking for trouble and asking to be exposed. Go against this incoming tide and I’m afraid, you’re not going to make the cut.

Harvey didn’t get the memo, that’s for sure.



Categories: Ch-ch-ch-changes, Pop culture, Shift of the Ages effects | Tags: , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Another One Bites the Dust

You have got to be kidding me…

So this might be old news to some of you, particularly those of you who keep a close watch on all things Indian (from India) but another “Godman” of India (i.e guru) has been exposed as the fraud that he is and was duly arrested. What is different in this case was that following his arrest, thousands of his followers went on a rioting rampage resulting in at least 30 dead.

Dude, get a professional waxer ASAP.

To those of you who did not hear of this story, Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh, the so-called Godman and spiritual leader of the Dera Sacha Sauda sect, was found guilty and convicted for raping two of his female followers. What happened afterwards was that about 200 000 of his followers in the northern Indian states of Punjab and Haryana then went crazy resulting in these deaths and thousands of arrests.

This is nothing new. I was in the Berkshires in Western Massachusetts last week, an area largely known to be the summer haven for America’s Gilded Age billionaires. The robber barons, people like the Astors and the Westinghouses had their summer “cottages” there (if you can call 100+ room mansions a cottage). These days, it’s an uber-liberal, hipster heaven of mostly wealthy New Yorkers and Bostonians, full of art galleries, yoga studios, home bakeries, shabby-chic eateries, high-end outlet malls and retreat centers. The Kripalu Center is here and not all that long ago, their founder Amrit Desai was found guilty of conducting sexual affairs with some of his followers AFTER he had basically added celibacy to his teachings among his followers. (I wish this could be tattooed on some folks because they need the constant reminder: “Just because someone is brown or “exotic” does not automatically make them genuine teachers and worthy of your devotion.”).

It’s not just among Indian gurus and teachers. It has also been happening among American “pastors”. Joel Osteen, the plastic-looking senior pastor of the Houston-area megachurch. The Lakewood Church,  hid in his $10 million dollar home while refusing to open up his church to Hurricane Harvey flood victims until he was publicly shamed on social media and then had no choice except to open his doors to the down-trodden.

I’ve written before that fake gurus and teachers are increasingly going to be exposed during the Shift of the Ages. When you have an oncoming age where the primary energies are going to be rooted in truth, integrity, respect for the Feminine as an equal, respect for the natural world and real egalitarianism outside of meritocracy, race, culture, sexual orientation, tribalism and income bracket, then you can bet on the house that gurus and teachers who preach the opposite aren’t going to last very long and will be exposed for the frauds and shysters they really are.

Yeah, OK. Whatever Adi Da.

There’s something deeper to look at as well. These fake teachers and personalities wouldn’t go into this line of work in the first place if there weren’t specific trade-offs to be had, namely access to money, sex and power (and influence). I don’t see any evidence of authentic altruism and genuine personal empowerment. Instead, there is an implicit thread of co-dependency on the “teacher” or cult or “teaching”. I’m also afraid that as long as things like money, sex and power are the primary rewards, these kinds of assholes will continue to pop up regularly and it will be up to individuals like you and I to use our own judgement and discernment to sniff these fakes out.

Here’s a thought: What would a spiritual teacher or guide look like if the only reward is a planet of 7 billion+ enlightened, self-sufficient empowered individuals who don’t need a spiritual teacher or guide anymore? What kind of individuals would then be attracted to this line of work? What would they look like?

I’ll end with some lyrics from one of my favorite (yet criminally under-appreciated) alternative pop bands of all time, British band XTC and their song “King for A Day” which pretty much catches the general vibe of these gurus gone wild.

Everyone’s creeping up to the money god
Putting tongues where they didn’t ought to be
On stepping stones of human hearts and souls
Into the land of “nothing for free”

Well the way that we’re living
Is all take and no giving
There’s nothing to believe in
The loudest mouth will hail the new-found way
To be king for a day

Everyone’s licking up to the new King Pin
Trying to get way up with a smile
Sing for your supper boy and jump to a finger click
Ain’t my way of living in style

‘Cause the ladder gets longer
And ambition gets stronger
I can’t satisfy the hunger
That bad old moon has got you in its sway
To be king for a day


Categories: Ascension, False prophits, Pop culture, Shift of the Ages effects, Those unseen things | Tags: , , , , | 4 Comments

On Mysterious Radio (and Happy Solar Eclipse!)

I’m back Shifters!

I have been on hiatus for a while now but have been working on things in the background so I’ll be writing more in the future about some of these developments in coming weeks.

But for now , just a head’s up that I’m on the latest podcast for “Mysterious Radio” where K-Town (the host) and I discuss Ascension, the shift to 5D reality and what it may or may not look like for all of us. It was a lot of fun to do, K-Town (and Kim) are great fun to chat with and they’ve already booked me for more interviews for the future where we’ll be touching on more topics from this very blog.

Also, for those of you who may have forgotten, today (August 21, 2017) is the big day for the complete Solar Eclipse hitting mostly the United States. Magical lore and Vedic astrologers suggest that solar eclipses are VERY powerful times and are forerunners of negative and chaotic times ahead. Given what’s happened in the United States ever since Donny Tiny Hands took office and that catastrophe which was Charlottesville, I will not be surprised in the least if we start hearing about unexpected and chaotic things happening in the near future.

I have heard one interesting thing about this eclipse, that it is related to the solar eclipse of August 1999 and as well as that time period of 1990- 1993. That time period is interesting because that’s when Neo-Liberalism and all the crap which came out of it, came into it’s own and I think this eclipse is heralding the end of that philosophy (and good riddance, I say…). I also find it mighty interesting that the United States is finally facing up to its racist past and some genuine and real soul-searching seems to be taking place as evidenced by cities finally taking down Confederate statues and monuments. This is all good.

I’ve also read that solar eclipses are a good time to purge stuff from the past, to clean the slate in order to make space for something new and positive. Sometimes you have to let the old die to allow the new to come in.

Harness these energies in a good way, everyone!

Categories: Ascension, Ch-ch-ch-changes, Shift of the Ages effects | Tags: , , , | Leave a comment

Echo from the Past

Sorry Shifters for not being writing very much or offering very much on my blog, but the truth of the matter is that I’ve been suffering from burn-out and depression for quite a while now and being focused on recovery doesn’t leave a lot of room for writing and other creative endeavors.

Basically I have been on leave from work since last fall and I don’t see myself going back to the same place ever again, it’s just too stifling and too demeaning. Human beings are not meant to be in boxes and yet much of our work culture forces many of us to be in one and I just couldn’t and can’t do it anymore. Not sure what the next step will be and that’s OK, I think the more clarity I get on my situation and myself, the more likely it will be known, but I’m not there yet. I know I’ll get there eventually. All I know right now is that it has to be something creative and expansive because that’s who I really am. I don’t fit in boxes anymore.


This is going to be a rather more personal blog post than usual so if touchy-feeling stuff is not your thing, it’s cool if you want to turn off.
I don’t know if any of my long time readers picked up on this, but I barely mention my mom on my blog and there is a reason for that. She died when I was 7 from a sudden brain aneurysm at the age of 28. I then had a horrific step-mother come in who basically made life hellish for both my brother and I as we grew up from the ages of 9 through 16. It’s only with the help of therapy have I been able to finally see that she was someone with full-blown Narcissistic Personality Disorder. For those of you who don’t know, the effects of having a maternal figure with NPD on daughters can be devastating and the damage can be very, very deep. Unfortunately in my case, it set up a pattern of constantly dealing with narcissists and a complete loss of self-confidence and always settling for less.
The good thing is when a long-term foggy window in your emotional life is finally cleared up, you find a new ability to see people and things squarely for what they are and that spills over into everything. You start seeing the lines people use to try to manipulate you, both in the present and in the past. You start seeing people for who they are, including friends. You start to see what people’s personal agendas are. You begin to see who really cares and unfortunately, who doesn’t, who has been trying to take advantage of you and who hasn’t. It’s like some kind of filter is suddenly gone and you can see and hear clearly. Your ability to discern goes through the roof. The phonies and fakes who before escaped detection because they were very good at hiding the fact, suddenly become beacons of obviousness. It’s not so much that you can see and hear better. I think the clarity comes from the fact that you can *feel* more clearly. Your emotional guidance system becomes much more finely tuned and your nose is better able to sniff out genuineness and authenticity. You can hear and feel when that internal bell goes off.

With that kind of clarity, having major spiritual and psychic breakthroughs becomes that much easier. In all that time since my mother passed on, I never once had a dream with her or felt her presence or anything, it was just an empty silence. I never felt a connection but then a few weeks ago I had a major, vivid dream one night where she finally communicated with me for the first time ever. I’ve felt her presence ever since and she has been spot-on with all the things she told me in the dream to look out for.

Latin America has long been recognized as the birthplace of a genre of literature known as magical realism. Heavyweight writers like Gabriel Garcia Marquez (in “100 Years of Solitude”), Isabel Allende (in “The House of the Spirits”), Laura Esquivel (in “Like Water for Chocolate”) and Jorge Luis Borges have all incrementally added to the genre and it’s basically one where the living and the dead talk to one another all the time, past, present and future coexist, the space between dimensions is very thin. Very few people know this but the fountainhead of this movement was a small novella called “Pedro Páramo” by a little known Mexican writer named Juan Rulfo. There are a few theories floating around as to why it is Latin American literature  where this characteristic of the living and dead conversing with each other has popped up regularly and with such concentration but I personally think it’s because of the former Meso-American, Incan, Aztec, Olmec, Toltec and pagan cultures and their psychic influence on the Spanish colonizers, even centuries later.

Teotihuacan, Mexico
You can’t tell me a civilization which can build up cities of pyramids like this one, isn’t going to have an effect on people afterwards.

After talking to a psychic friend as well as my astrologer buddy Carl and my own observations and presentiments, there are changes coming. Astrologically it’s the shift of the nodes to the Leo-Aquarius axis, which from what Carl indicates, will happen in May. For the past 2000 odd years we’ve been under the Virgo-Pisces axis. Think about the imagery very closely. Virgo the Virgin (does anyone here know another famous Virgin?). Pisces the Fish, early symbols for Christians to identify themselves were fish since that was what the 12 Apostles were.
Now we’re moving towards Enlightened Human and the Brave Lion.

It’s not going to be hell fire and brimstone or super-volcanoes and epic floods. It’s going to be a re-calibration, re-adjustment, re-alignment, re-vision and re-calculation of values. Once the values have changed, everything, and I mean everything follows after that. People’s priorities. Jobs. Lifestyles. Agriculture. Transportation. Diet. City planning. Architecture. Art. Music. Film. Energy use. Our ideas of family and belonging and finding our tribe.

Should be interesting to watch, no?
Categories: Ch-ch-ch-changes, Shift of the Ages effects, Those unseen things | Tags: , , , , , , | 18 Comments

Energy in Flux and on the Precipice

I’m guessing everyone is pretty much waiting for 2016 to be over and done with? I know I am. I should have taken David Bowie’s death within the first 10 days of 2016 as an omen of how the year was going to turn out…
I don’t think anyone could have accurately predicted with any semblance of confidence what was going to happen this past year. (Remember waaayyy back when we all assumed the 2016 American election was going to be an inevitable showdown between Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush? Ha ha!)
Remember in “The Lord of the Rings” how Sauron and the forces of darkness were slowly taking over Middle Earth, yet there were a few islands of safety left, like The Shire, the Elvish kingdoms of Rivendell and Lothlorien? Increasingly, like Sauron’s minions, it seems our world is also succumbing to the darker impulses of humanity.

Fear, greed and ignorance will do that to you. Right-wing movements and totalitarian governments are on the rise from Europe to India to Turkey. The United States of America elected in the United Snakes of America. The ugly spectre of racial intolerance and bigotry has raised its head again. Everyone in the UK and Europe going nuts over Brexit.

Don’t get me wrong, Canada has its problems too. Justin Trudeau has made a massive weapons sale to the bat-shit craziest country on Earth, Saudi Arabia. When the oil wars subside and the water wars begin (and that is definitely coming down the pipeline, bet on it), Canada, Russia, Argentina, Chile and Scandinavia, because of all our snow and fresh-water lakes, will of course be the world’s water super-powers. Conflict will come here eventually too. Even so, boring old Canada seems to feel like one of those few islands of safety and rationality for the moment.

Fights broke out at Trump rallies all the time, usually along racial lines.

Fights broke out at Trump rallies all the time, usually along racial lines.

I cannot remember a time when it felt like the energy and ethos of the times was in such dramatic flux. And so polarized. Right against Left. White against Black. Rich against the poor and middle class. David Icke has said that the years 2016-2020/21 will be the defining years of which path humanity will take, either an Orwellian nightmare or a chance to renew itself completely. The Irish mystic Lorna Byrne has said that in her visions, the forces of good and evil are gathering in the spiritual world and a superficial look at the world around us would seem to verify that claim. (David, if you read this, I know you’re going to be in Dublin in 2017 –  I would LOVE to see you and Lorna sit down for a chat and exchange notes.)
When you have such a conservative magazine like The Economist doing a parody of the Tarot cards for their cover, then you know something strange is up.

When you have such a conservative magazine like The Economist doing a parody of the Tarot cards for their cover, then you know something strange is up.

Reading through some of the websites of the alternative news community  and research communities and you quickly realize no one really, truly knows what we’re headed towards only that the ground is shifting under our feet constantly and it’s really hard to hold on to anything solid. Almost daily, there seems to be some level of craziness taking place somewhere like this past week’s assassination of the Russian ambassador to Turkey.


I don't want to make light of what happened but did this guy watch Quentin Tarantino's "Reservoir Dogs" before doing this? (AP Photo/Burhan Ozbilici)

I don’t want to make light of what happened but did this guy watch Quentin Tarantino’s “Reservoir Dogs” before doing this? (AP Photo/Burhan Ozbilici)

On a deeper level, maybe that is the whole point. That we shouldn’t be holding on to anything anymore and be able to stand on our own, from within our own strength, figuratively speaking. That the chalkboard is being deliberately being wiped clean and we have been given a chance to create what we want to see and not what someone else tells us to see. It is an empowering place to be in but can also be a terrifying one if you’re not used to it or ready for it.  It just feels like we’re all on some kind of precipice.

I hope all of you have a safe time with family and friends celebrating whatever it is you chose to celebrate, whether it is/was Yule, Christmas, Hanukkah, Happy Turkey Dinner Day, Kwanzaa or New Year’s, in whatever way you chose to celebrate. Thank you to those readers who continue to read this strange blog of mine. It always surprises me that people are interested in anything I have to say or write.

Onward and upward.


To anyone who may be interested on the topic of the cultural appropriation of yoga, bullshit spirituality  and similar issues, on Monday, December 26th at 4pm Eastern Standard Time, I will be on Montreal’s Southeast Asian community’s radio station Radio Humsafar discussing these topics. Tune in, online and maybe even call in!
Categories: Ch-ch-ch-changes, Politico, Shift of the Ages effects, This is why the planet is screwed up | Tags: , , | 4 Comments

Earth 2.0 – Part IV, The Imminent Change of Dimension and its Primary Effects

"Sunrise by the Ocean" -By Vladimir Kush

“Sunrise by the Ocean” -By Vladimir Kush

( I am continuing with some more translated posts from the French blog, Ère Nouvelle by Olivier de Rouvroy. This post was originally written  in February 2012 so some of the material seems dated but I think there is some important tidbits for those who have a deeper metaphysical spiritual bent.  I’ve also added links and additional photos. I think the next few months, before Trump is inaugurated, the daily riots and demonstrations, the complete fear and uncertainty of this guy’s election means at least one thing, these are times of extreme confusion where the energy of people and indeed the earth itself , will be in flux. Nothing is written in stone. I will be writing more about this election later.)

The Mayan Calendar is far from the only source of the issues raised by the 2012 deadline. Although there is no question, strictly speaking, of an “end of the world”, questions of a scientific nature often do not meet the concerns of channels, mediums and contactees. Signs of accelerating climate change are increasing, along with our values and traditional references and their seeming collapse, one after the other. Everyone starts to fear the prospect of huge upheavals while they ignore Mother Nature and its consequences. Faced with the uncertainty and urgency of this situation that now seems out of control, many people are now falling into a kind of latent but contagious malaise.

Flooding in Galveston, Texas

Flooding in Galveston, Texas

The unprecedented cold wave that has invaded the whole of the northern hemisphere of the planet, is a sign, among many, of the great upheaval that is brewing. Even though it will probably be a very rapid transformation, the most sensitive and the most intuitive among us can already glimpse what these changes are which we will all have to go through. Indeed, we are about to get out of the third dimension and into the fourth. The whole planet, that is to say not only what is on the surface, but what is the inside and around it, will have to adapt to this change in dimension.

The Akashic Records of our universe, and the wisdom within it, which powerful spiritual masters and clairvoyants can access, indicate that,any change of dimension for a planet or planetary system is usually preceded by a weakening of the magnetic field and the erratic moving of the geomagnetic poles (This has been scientifically proven. Geologists have taken samples deep within the Earth’s crust and checked the magnetic polarity of these rock samples and indeed our poles have wobbled many, many times in the past). Climatic disturbances are amplified. Civilizations begin to disrupt and fracture. All political, economic and social factors that, under normal circumstances, allowed life to go on, decay and chaos sets in gradually. It usually takes a few months for 3D time to move from the third to the fourth dimension.

The last hours before the change of actual dimension is a very special time where the fourth dimension begins to overlap into the third. This produces strange events; people begin to perceive colors and forms which they were unaccustomed to before. Sometimes the nose appears to be getting longer, sometimes hair color changes (naturally); Some faces seem to radiate a wonderful warm, inner light, while others obviously begin to be afflicted with a “false” smile and appear incredibly ugly. The day such phenomena begins to occur on a mass scale, we can say that we have left the third earthly dimension for good.

Usually when these unusual events occur, it is a sign that the axis of the planet is changing, but we will not be aware of it because we’re so small. Of course, there is always a possibility that things are different because, while being part of the Whole, we are unique beings called to live out unique experience in the Akashic records, but the process takes place in principle. At least we can refer to what has already happened on other planets in our system, such as Jupiter or Venus which has been observed and confirmed for centuries by the greatest mystics, psychics and clairvoyants like Emmanuel Swedenborg, Nicolas Flamel, Charles H. Foster, William Eglington, Stainton Moses, Saint-Yves d’Alveydre, Helena Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, Franz Bardon, Samael Aun Weor, Rudolf Steiner, Edgar Cayce, Peter Deunov, Drunvalo Melchizedek, Joao de Deus (John of God) and many others.

Earth's geo-magnetic field, image from NASA

Earth’s geo-magnetic field, image from NASA

The first sign of a change in our global dimension is a very pronounced lowering of the magnetic field of the planet. Our scientists know that it has been declining over the past 2000 years, apparently since Jesus left this world. During the last 5 centuries, the field has considerably weakened. (Interesting. It coincided with the age of imperialism and colonialism, the mass industry of slavery, the genocide of Native Americans. Lower field, lower frequency of thought perhaps?). Gradually, as we approach the dimensional change, the magnetic field should logically be subject to increased disruption.

This is already noticeable. Airports have recently had to change their runways. Cetaceans are no longer following their migrations patterns to the same places. They need to rely on the natural magnetic lines to navigate, but they have changed enormously. This is why whales and dolphins are washing up more often on shores during their migrations. Until recently, most of these lines ran along the coast or went farther offshore, but now they pass over the mainland and landmasses. Cetaceans, which tend to follow them instinctively, run aground somewhere on the coast and they die there.

Similarly, the “rain” of dead birds that has been observed in many parts of the world over the last few years and most likely originate from the rapid changes to our planetary magnetic grid. The magnetic field will probably end up completely collapsing and fall to zero. We know with certainty that this has happened many times in the history of our planet and other planets of our system.

This is the probable reality: the magnetic field could indeed reverse its polarity and then simply return to its original configuration after reaching the zero point. It is not very important because we won’t find ourselves in this third dimension when it does occurs. Therefore, we will not have a direct personal experience of this change.

The abrupt change in the magnetic grid and the imbalance of the poles will be accompanied by a loss of energy density and an accelerated decline in the Schumann resonance, that is to say, the Earth’s frequency level, before the hitting zero and the manifestation of the new dimension. It is amusing to note that the US government has worked hard to try to prove to the public that such a change does not exist and it is a hoax, while the significant decrease in the Schumann resonance has been a scientifically proven fact for over a decade. If you really want to know the truth about it, read the reports of Russian scientists, particularly those of Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi particular. Western media regularly blacks out the findings of scientists from Russia.

Russian researchers have come to the conclusion that if the magnetic field dropped to zero and stayed there for about two weeks, all the inhabitants of the planet would be affected and become paranoid, begin to kill each other, and there would be a safe bet it ends in nuclear apocalypse.

Russian cosmonaut, Gherman Titov - he still holds the record for being the youngest man sent into space, at age 25.

Russian cosmonaut, Gherman Titov – he still holds the record for being the youngest man sent into space, at age 25.

The first cosmonauts were not equipped with generators when they went into space for the first time into space, that is to say, outside the area of influence and protection of Earth’s magnetic grid. Those who remained in the area without these transmitters for more than two weeks all experienced mental illness. This is exactly what happened after the “fall” of Atlantis, when the continent sank beneath the sea. Grid disturbances reached such a level that the population of the cataclysm survivors lost both any possibility of access to ancient powers of the ruling class and the possibility of direct connection to the matrix of Universal Knowledge.

The Russians have therefore developed a small generator, called a “resonator”, which is worn on the belt and that current cosmonauts always carry; it allows them to maintain a normal magnetic field around their body when they are in space. And NASA did exactly the same thing, even if they won’t admit it.

It may seem strange that the magnetic field of the planet can affect the emotions and render people as completely hysterical. Simply observe what happens every month at the time of the full moon: the distortion of the magnetic field is minimal; however, its effects are often spectacular. If you doubt this, check the police reports or emergency rooms in hospitals during the 3 days before, during and after every full moon: there are always more rapes, crimes and acts of violence during those three days than during the rest of the month combined. If the magnetic field were to fall to zero, we can obviously assume that the problem becomes catastrophic and large-scale.

Examining the Stock Exchange is also very instructive: its fluctuations are largely not based on analysis of economic performance, nor on the economic results of expectations but more on rumors and emotional impact. Over the last hundred years, all major stock market crashes started out by rumors. Knowing that emotion is directly related to the intensity of the magnetic field, it becomes easy to imagine the financial damage, and economic and social implications, that a sharp reduction in its intensity could result in. Today is one of the most likely reasons for the fall of the capitalist system.

The period preceding the change of dimension usually lasts a few months. Suppose the magnetic field of the planet is deformed and then disappears; people become like madmen. All systems in society which during normal times stayed in order, would collapse one after the other. The stock markets would collapse, governments can no longer function properly, martial law would be introduced in most countries, but it would have no positive effect, because the military would face the same problems as civilians, and would generally panic. Very quickly, goods could not be transported, and food supplies would start to fall; there would be no one to turn to for help. Paranoia would settle in overheated minds. People would begin to arm themselves and to kill at the slightest provocation. There would be no “island of peace” left anywhere on the planet.

We will indeed all soon find ourselves in a new dimension of existence and consciousness, which means that our current third dimension has completely disappeared as soon as the change occurs. Therefore this idea of “survivalism”, accumulating supplies and materials and hibernating like a bear in an underground shelter, and waiting it out for better days, is as absurd as it is ridiculous.

This backyard bunker will set you back $35 000.

This backyard bunker will set you back $USD 35 900 over at Atlas Survival Shelters.

What is needed is to prepare oneself to live in rather strange situations and experiences. You could – why not? – be sitting at home in your living room, when something suddenly arises from nowhere, something which you cannot explain. Something happens that has nothing to do with reality as you perceived or experienced until now. And you begin to see colours you’ve never seen in your life. They will be extremely bright and seem lit from within. Forms will emerge that you cannot explain and which seem to emit their own light rather than reflect it. These objects will be the strangest things you’ve ever seen.

According to mediums who have already experienced these kinds of situations, this phenomenon is quite natural. They simply advise not to panic and to remain calm as much as possible. They also suggest not to touch these objects. If you do, it will effectively bring you instantly and at an accelerated rate into the fourth dimension without sufficient preparation or readiness. It is better to go in gradually. These things are inevitable, since that seems to be the direction of cosmic evolution.

The other phenomenon that will inevitably take place concerns the nature of reality in which we are still locked in and the darker entities associated with involution and holding humankind back. The original reality was designed so that everything fitted in perfect harmony with the natural divine order. But in reality the Prince of this World, the technology which produces such ugly synthetic materials. These materials, which do not integrate with the harmony of the natural order, cannot enter the fourth dimension. They will return to the elements from which they were manufactured and came from.



It is possible to transfer synthetic material to a higher dimension, but it requires the use of a special energy field to keep it intact. Even in this case, and under optimal conditions, the synthetic materials can retain their stability only up to a certain point. There are also borderline cases such as glass, which is not very far from a compatible level with the divine natural order since glass is made from fine sand which has been heated to very high temperatures. But other materials are incompatible with multidimensionality, like plastics, therefore, they are much more unstable.

That means that some man-made objects according to their degree of stability, will disintegrate or literally melt before our eyes during the dimension change. Thus, most of vehicles that we currently use, such as cars, airplanes, locomotives , cargo ships are made of plastic and other very unstable composite materials; they not only do not work, but they will probably disintegrate in a very short time. Most modern buildings constructed of concrete will become too dangerous to inhabit.

The best place to be would be in Nature at the time of dimension change. But if you can’t be there, then there is no cause for concern. Just know that all synthetic objects are actually only materializations of thoughts created by and through the experience of the fallen angels. They do not exist in the deeper reality. (If you want a simplistic understanding of what a “deeper reality” is or means, read the last few chapters of C.S Lewis’s “The Last Battle”)

Spiritual Masters often rightly use the phrase “thought forms” to describe these artificial creations from the materialization of mental thought in our dimension. In other words, a person thinks up of an object, imagines it, then finds a way to build it or have it built by someone else. People create the object in one way or another and it appears on earth. All objects created by humans retain their shape thanks to the energy grid around the planet. It is this matrix that determines the overall level of the consciousness of all human beings incarnated on this plane of existence. This is a reality created by agreement and kept in place by this energy grid. (“Thought forms” have a formal name in Tibetan Buddhism, primarily the idea of “tulpas” which I’ll be writing about in the near future.)

When an individual who has shaped objects during his incarnation dies and therefore leaves the 3D experimental plane, the objects he left behind continue to exist in the dimension that was theirs at the time of their formation. But if the energy grid that preserves all these objects, itself begins to disintegrate, to dissolve, to finally disappear, all man-made objects which were the fruit of the spirit of man, will also disappear without a trace. Now this matrix should disintegrate when the next change of dimension. The good news is that, if this were to happen, it would only last a few hours in terms of 3D time.

Edgar Cayce had said repeatedly and Graham Hancock’s research is getting closer and closer to proving that there have already been many, very advanced civilizations on Earth (Atlantis, Lemuria/Mu, Hyperborea), yet there remains no trace of them. The reason is that their synthetic materials disintegrated and disappeared forever during the last change of dimension about 13 000 years ago, as it had already happened in other age changes. The universe always cleans the environment of the previous reality before the next show, which Initiates of ancient Egypt knew and had expressed with this aphorism: “For a shrine to appear, one other must first disappear. ” or as the ancient Hindus expressed in the Trimurti, Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver and Shiva the Destroyer or Transformer.

Members of advanced galactic civilizations have known this well and long. When changing dimension and wanting to leave no trace of their passage on a planet to respect the law of non-interference and non-involvement, they just need to take with them their own bodies and their natural and organic objects and abandon those they have created artificially. When they shift dimensions, these objects automatically disintegrate.


Everyone who lives on this planet has already experienced a change of dimension. The fact of being born on Earth is proof enough. This is a cosmic fact. Regardless of who we are, we have all crossed the great void before we incarnate or reincarnate on this planet, and that is indeed a change of dimension. The day we were born on Earth as a little baby, we went through a change of dimension. We moved from one world to another. It is only because of the limitations on human memory in 3D form that we do not remember anything.

We are now just beginning to remember that knowledge of multidimensionality that we previously had. And this happens just when we need it the most! We first rediscovered it our dreams and in our literature and in our films.

And now, thanks to recent advances in quantum physics and fluid mechanics, we are beginning to scientifically explore the idea and its many, if not, limitless applications and possibilities.

We are here to remember, that is to say, to discover our true selves and realize that we are gods in the making, small consciousnesses having experiences in order to become part of the Greater Consciousness. As for those from the Greater Community who have guided and protected humanity secretly from the beginning, they are preparing right now to come and help us on this level of existence, to fulfill our transition.

This third dimension that we are conditioned to believe in, that this is “All there is”, causes us nothing but headaches. We were never allowed to explore deeper aspects of our reality, an aspect of ourselves that we don’t even suspect exists. We focused on 3D reality instead, sometimes even stubbornly, but it is time now to take a new and wonderful step, to return to the Light.

We're meant to live lives which isn't based on regimented, automatic routine.

We’re meant to live lives which isn’t based on regimented, automatic routine.

We will soon realize that shadows do not exist, the Shadow is nothing more but the absence of light, and that distances do not exist, since all is One in the Light of the One. Our awakening to the consciousness of Light coincides with the advent of a New Era in which the scattered, isolated members of humanity will be reunited to form the Adam Kadmon, the Man of Tomorrow, multidimensional man.

Olivier de Rouvroy
February 2012

Categories: Ascension, Ch-ch-ch-changes, Prophecy, Shift of the Ages effects | Tags: , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Earth 2.0 – Part III, Baba Vanga, the Messengers and the Black President

Baba Vanga, sometimes called the Nostradamus of the Balkans

Baba Vanga, sometimes called the Nostradamus of the Balkans

(In light of Donald Trump’s election last night – don’t get me started, I will discuss that in another post – I thought there was some timely and interesting information in this post by Olivier de Rouvroy. Again, Olivier had written all of this originally in French and I’m just translating and adding images and links. There are some parts I’ll also be adding my own interpretation in italicized brackets for obvious reasons.)

NOTE: Article originally posted on November 1, 2012 and updated on November 7 because of the re-election of Barack Obama to the US presidency.

The great clairvoyant Vanga Dimitrova Sourcheva Pandeva, was born on January 31, 1911 in Strumica, a small town which used to be in Bulgaria but is now in Macedonia. She became blind at the age of 12 following an injury during a tornado. At a very young age, she settled in the small village of Roupité which lies at the foot of a mountain of the same name. She never left her small house until her death on August 11, 1996, which she had foreseen after refusing to visit a hospital to treat a cancer which she had been suffering from, for years.

Roupite village and mountain in the foreground. These days pilgrims from all over the world visit the church, the hot springs and the Vanga's old house. Apparently the vibes here are off the scale.

Roupite village and mountain in the foreground. These days pilgrims from all over the world visit the church, the hot springs and the Vanga’s old house. Apparently the vibes here are off the scale, in a good way.

It is amazing to see how Westerners have absolutely no idea or information about who Vanga was. She was  never known or recognized in Western Europe or in the Americas. However, she was considered more than a celebrity, almost an idol in the former Soviet Bloc countries where she was venerated under the name of “Baba Vanga”. For fifty years, hundreds of people, almost daily, formed long queues leading to her house, hoping to be received by her, including well-known political figures like Leonid Brezhnev and Mikhail Gorbachev, who consulted her regularly.

Vanga and some visitors.

Vanga and some visitors.

Baba Vanga

She had predicted the Chernobyl disaster, the sinking of the nuclear submarine Kursk, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the attack on the World Trade Center, and also the first black president of United States, years before they happened.

Here is what the great Bulgarian spiritual teacher Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov said about Vanga during a lecture at his spiritual center of Fréjus, France on  September 18, 1982. (It’s in French, but I’ll translate below until 3:03)

( Right, there is in Bulgaria, a lady named Vanga. She is blind, has been since childhood. When she was small, she had an accident, she fell into a place with lots of branches and hurt her eyes and became blind. But Vanga has another quality. She sees everything. And I mean everything. The past. The present. What is to come. For years, everyone goes to see her. Even government officials. They all go for counsel. Without stop. People from all over the world go to consult her. She even sees reincarnation. She can even prescribe remedies for illness. She even surpasses Edgar Cayce. We went to his institute in Virgina Beach. We met his son and became friends. Magnificent. Marvellous. But he died soon after we met because he had cancer. Just to tell you that (Edgar) Cayce said extraordinary things but when he said them, he was in trance, in a state of hypnotistic trance. But Vanga, was never in a trance, she still saw everything. And now, suppose there are many people who were unable to visit Vanga, that they didn’t have the possibility. But if such a person touched someone who went to see Vanga, Vanga could also “see” that absent person, she saw everything about them. How? Because that person by touching the visitor, they had left imprints, tracks, they may not be visible or tangible but they are there nonetheless.)
Vanga had a niece, Krasimira Stoïanova, who today is a renowned archaeologist, who became her main biographer. She reported that Vanga was in constant contact with “intelligences” that some might consider as extraterrestrial, while others would rather view as angels. Vanga preferred to give them the name of “The Messengers”.

In the early 1970s, she sent her niece and gave her the following instructions: “Go up to the mountain on May 5th, she said, and began to climb. After an hour of walking, you’ll see a large rock alone in the center of a clearing. Remain there and observe closely the first rays of the Sun and the Moon on this rock. ”

The mountain in Roupite, Bulgaria

The mountain in Roupite, Bulgaria

Krasimira decided to do what her aunt had asked of her, and on May 4th, she went hiking to the mountain of Roupité, located a few kilometers from the village, accompanied by four of her friends who were also Bulgarian scientists or academics.

They soon began climbing the foothills and arrived quickly to where the rock indicated by Vanga, rose. Its unique shape darted toward the sky in the middle of a wild and sparsely vegetated area, and they recognized it immediately.

This rock, which still exists, is up about five meters wide and four meters in length. Its top is flat. At the top of this rock are three small circles, etched in quite deeply. They each had the approximate size of a coffee saucer and together, form a triangle whose tip is directed downward. These circles date from the megalithic era. We find them all over Europe, including Stonehenge. Some archaeologists have given them the name of “solar circles” thinking that they are maybe astronomical markers.

On May 4th, the weather was stormy. The rain fell all day and all night. Fortunately, at dawn, the clouds finally disappeared , allowing Krasimira and the other researchers to observe the first rays of the sun the next morning when they struck the stone, especially the three “solar circles”. A strange play of light happened then. The three circles appeared to be drawn by the rays of the sun and the whole rock seemed illuminated with the colors of the rainbow. This strange phenomenon lasted about ten minutes and then faded as the sun began to illuminate the whole area of the clearing.

Convinced that they had to watch this singular spectacle under the effect of moonlight, as requested by Vanga, the five researchers decided to stay, despite the fact that their tents, clothes and all their belongings were soaked through.

Unfortunately, on the evening of May 5th, a storm began. But, again, the clouds parted in time, at nine in the evening to allow the moon to appear in the sky and project a glow on to the stone.

Remember when the Fellowship found the Door of Durin using moonlight in "Lord of the Rings"?

Remember when the Fellowship found the Door of Durin using moonlight in “Lord of the Rings”?

The luminous phenomenon observed in the morning happened again, although  less intensely. But this time, it lasted more than fifteen minutes. The moonlight eventually disappeared, the southern wall of the high rock seemed to be lighted from the interior. This produced  the effect vaguely reminiscent of the lighting which old TV screens produced.

The group then saw two large white statues, almost 3-dimensional looking, seemingly emerge from the gloomy surroundings. They occupied and lit up the whole south side of the rock. The left statue showed an old man standing, dressed in a toga, with long hair falling over his shoulders. His right hand outstretched, holding a sort of spherical instrument. The second statue, a little behind the first, was that of a young man of noble bearing, sitting on a kind of throne, in a posture reminiscent of Pharaonic representations. He wore a high helmet-like pschent of Egyptian rulers. The two characters gave the impression of being alive and about to step out from the rock.

At one point, the rock seemed to “switch off”. The five researchers found themselves plunged into total darkness. Using flashlights, they looked at their watches and calculated that the phenomenon lasted about twenty minutes in total.

As the storm threatened again, they broke camp immediately, and quickly descended from the mountain in a state of great excitement, almost in a near trance, not calming down until they saw the first lights of the village.

Years later, Krasimira Stoïanova found among her notes, a story Vanga told her long before sending her up to the mountain. Her aunt recalled one of her visions during which three alien beings landed a UFO in a mountainous region, and that the statues of two people seemed very important to them. One of the aliens was concerned that these statues were too visible and that anyone could notice their presence. Another one then reassured him: “Do not you see that humans are blind? ”

Despite her blindness, Vanga was one of the few persons in the world to perceive the presence of the messengers who came to transmit information. When they arrived at her home, they filled the room with a powerful light. Sometimes they formed a circle around her, before “opening lines” to access an expanded level of perception and awareness. She was convinced that they had the power to control and influence all of humanity, but that they only do so in cases of absolute necessity.

They were, she said, from a place named Vamphim (Vam-fim), the name of their home planet. Vanga said the messengers had made her visit this place by projecting her with the force of their thoughts. They suddenly took her hand and she said it was like “leaping into another dimension” (astral travel).

She described their world as wonderfully beautiful, with a floor that gave the impression of being carpeted with stars. There were no houses, in the sense that we commonly understand the word, but everything was very well organized,  everyone in that  population had specific tasks.

They were transparent and their images undulated like silhouettes reflected in the water. They mostly had the appearance of austere scholars and elders. Some wore beards and crowned by wavy, light hair; they were wearing strange hats, dressed in long robes and sandals; others had a kind of shiny mesh armour. But there were some women also present, and beardless faces of extraordinary, unearthly beauty, crowned with light hair, sheer and silky as down. Some seemed to have wings …

Not the figures on the mountain. Just to give you an idea.

Just to give you an idea.

During her contacts with them in 1978, the Messengers told Vanga she was their most direct link with the inhabitants of our planet. There were some other intermediaries, but much less powerful.
The Messengers also told her, that humanity would realize their existence some two centuries later, using a technology that would be developed in Hungary. From that moment on, the situation on Earth would experience a new equilibrium. But in the meantime, humanity will see many advances held back due to extreme personal indulgences, corruption and decadence (or, more simply, as Vanga said, humanity will experience ups and downs.)

Shortly before her death, in 1990, they told her, “We will talk to you about an important event for the future of humanity; but you should avoid getting involved with malicious souls. This event involves the election of a black president for the United States.”

In 2008, during the months before the election of Obama, Eastern European blogs were abuzz with talk about a strange prophecy. Vanga’s prophecy about the future American president was already circulating in Russia for several years. At the time she had made this prediction, George Bush presided over the United States. She had announced “at the end of the reign of George Bush and for the first time in its history, this country would be headed by a black person.” Now it was Bill Clinton who succeeded George Bush, which seemed incorrect to Vanga. At the time, critics and journalists turned on Vanga and made her psychic abilities a topic of ridicule.

Yet it WAS George Bush, but another George Bush, George Walker Junior, son of the former, who succeeded Bill Clinton as the 43rd US president before being replaced by Barack Obama. Vanga’s prediction had finally come true.

Some sources claim that there is a second prophecy by Vanga, connected with Obama’s election. She also stated that “the black man”, the 44th president in American history would also be the last real president. (Here, I think Vanga may mean one of two possibilities 1) a president with real credentials and ability to lead, experience in political office, education and skills related to being a leader. Donald Trump has never held political office before in his life. OR 2) Donald Trump’s presidency devolves into a full-blown dictatorship, he and his administration become a “strong-man” dictatorship, a “democracy” in  name only, which basically never leaves office, no matter how hard you try to get rid of them, like Erdogan in Turkey or Putin in Russia.)

She reportedly added that, during his tenure, “America will collapse from south to north” and that the United States would be divided into several countries.” She also predicted that under this presidency, the world would experience a major economic crisis and that everything would “freeze”, suggesting either that trade based on globalization would be interrupted due to worsening of the current economic crisis or for other reasons. That part of our planet would be a victim of a sudden glaciation as had already happened in the past. But this second hypothesis is often referred to by scientists as a possible consequence induced by  climate change.

According to completely unverifiable sources, a rumor which persisted for many years, was that Vanga had a second prophecy, a terrifying revelation: she said that “the reign of the Black President” would coincide with the start of a third world war. This war was supposed to begin in October 2010 and last for 4 years. It would have started as a conventional war and nuclear weapons would be used, and finally chemical weapons.

You should know that many imaginative prophecies have been falsely attributed to Vanga – like the supposed end of the world in the year 5709 . The only prediction about the Obama presidency and positively identified as coming from Vanga herself is the one that announced his election after the departure of George Bush.  The other part of the prophecy, starting with the outbreak of a third world war, has never been confirmed by Krasimira Stoïanova, who is the only official biographer of Vanga. She was also the first to report the inaccuracy of some dates associated with certain events in our future that Vanga supposedly predicted. Some psychics have real future viewing capabilities; but they can do that only from a certain higher level of awareness whereas our time is “3D compacted”, making it virtually impossible to predict in terms of actual dates.

Looking at the current situation of the world, what is happening today in many countries of the world, and the efforts of arms manufacturers to deal with new emerging markets,”mini nukes” (tactical nuclear weapons), it’s also surprising that, despite being false, this fake prophecy about the outbreak of a third world war is being realized. The long story of human civilization, from our  origins to the present, indeed the history of humanity itself, has proven the fact that all weapons manufactured by man, one day ends up being used. This applies both to conventional weapons as well as weapons of mass destruction and to both antediluvian civilizations, like Atlantis or Lemuria, as well as newer and younger civilizations like the  Greco-Roman, Indo-European, Industrial and Post-Industrial ones.

Abandoned submarine base on Vis island, Croatia.

Abandoned submarine base on Vis island, Croatia.

Some would argue that the oceans teem with immense “weapons cemeteries”, filled with destructive devices of all kinds, from the most primitive missiles  to the most  sophisticated nuclear warheads, that therefore it is wrong to say that the weapons manufactured by humans  have always ended up being “used” (I once talked to someone from the British Navy who told me they would just dump old submarines off the edge of continental shelves deep under the ocean).
Anyway, prophecies, especially the darker ones, have never come true. They are usually sent to certain persons as part of some spiritual tasks assigned to them. Their aim is to provoke “expansions of awareness” in a sufficient number of people so  that they realize what the darker picture is if they don’t change their ways. They are meant to help people change for the better.

There is however, a very optimistic part of the first prophecy related to President Barack Obama and this part of the prediction has been authenticated by Vanga’s niece. It mentions the imminent arrival of an event which she called the “miracle of miracles for the world” during this dark period, adding that at the time, this event occurs,  Earth will experience a new equilibrium.

What “miracle” was Vanga talking about? We cannot answer this question without linking her vision of the “reign of the Black President” to another vision she had some time ago, and concerning a strange sarcophagus…

One day, an old man wanted to bring to the seeress, a document which included a text written in a seemingly ancient and unknown language. He began by queuing like all the other visitors, he patiently waited his turn. But Vanga’s sister, who managed the daily operations and the flow of visitors, noticed that this man was holding a document against his chest like it was some kind of treasure.   She looked at the strange characters it contained and advised him instead to go see her daughter, Krasimira, since she was an archaeologist who specialized in deciphering ancient oriental languages, and would therefore be in a better position to identify more easily than her sister Vanga, the origin of this mysterious text.

Not the actual ancient text the old man bought to Vanga but again, to give you an idea

Not the actual ancient text the old man bought to Vanga but again, to give you an idea

Krasimira did not recognize the signs but promised the old man to consult specialists in Sofia and would let him know what they found out. But none of the experienced specialists could identify the origin of strange symbols, Krasimira decided to end the investigation and soon forgot all about it.

Some time later, however, a conversation with her aunt Vanga reminded her of the episode. She spoke to Vanga, complaining that all kinds of psychically disturbed people were always bothering them with trivial queries or incredible claims. But the old seeress replied with these mysterious words: “Some signs like those contained in these drawings that the old man wanted interpreted, are even beyond our understanding. Some spoons are not meant for our mouths…”

She then told her niece about the following vision she had once: On a very dark night, long, long ago, a convoy of soldiers from Egypt had once stopped in a totally wild place not far from Roupite. Egyptian slaves dug a very deep hole, inside of which was laid a heavy stone sarcophagus.

Just imagine a convoy of Egyptian slaves and soldiers.

Just imagine a convoy of Egyptian slaves and soldiers.

The head of the expedition then massacred all the slaves at the very spot and so made it a place of burial as well, so that the secret of its location would forever be preserved. Then the soldiers went away in silence, taking care to erase all traces of their passage.

The inner walls of the sarcophagus are, according to Vanga, covered with unknown symbols. They form a text recounting four thousand years worth of history. The first half of the story – that of the last two thousand years – has already taken place. The other half – that of the next two thousand years to come – still belongs to the future. Vanga claimed that this text originated from the Messengers but this message is not for us. It is for the future people of Earth and concerns their future relations with beings or extraterrestrials that we are bound to, by a distant relation. These beings would form our true family. This great galactic family is earthly man’s native family.

How not to make the connection between this “miracle of miracles to the world” announced by Vanga and massive intervention by extraterrestrials, which a growing number of mediums and clairvoyants talk about happening in the coming years? The sarcophagus was from Egypt, the land of the Pharaohs and Hermes Thoth. We know it was seen by Vanga in vision, buried not far from the rock with the solar circles discovered some years ago by Krasimira and four other scientists. We also know that one of the two statues that appeared to them on the rock at the time of moonrise was a figure seated on a cubic stone,  pharaonic in appearance and wearing a headdress reminiscent of the pschent of Egyptian pharaohs.

Hermes Thoth – Trismegistus (center: by Franz Bardon)

Hermes Thoth was known by the ancient Greeks under the name of Hermes Trismegistus, that is to say, Hermes the Thrice Great, because he had knowledge of the three worlds: the three-dimensional world, that is the physical world,  the multi-dimensional world, that is to say the casual and astral planes, and the supra-dimensional world, that is to say the divine world itself.

Legend has it that the famous Emerald Tablets which many  alchemists followed, was discovered by Alexander the Great’s soldiers during excavations in the underground galleries of the Great Pyramid of Giza, which was still at the time,  a  tomb of Hermes Trismegistus. The latter had himself engraved the few lines that make up a large emerald, with a diamond tip.

Alexander’s soldiers then carried the tomb of Hermes with the tablet and deciphering parchment to Roupité, to the mountain in Macedonia, which is Alexander’s home country. Is it possible  that Alexander may have secretly kept the parchment in his home country in order to surreptitiously use his foreign expeditions to obtain the ultimate weapon, the Telesma Force, “the Strong Force of all Forces”  and become the Master of the world, the youngest Emperor King the world had ever seen?

Alexander the Great's empire, all conquered up by the age of 32.

Alexander the Great’s empire, all conquered up by the age of 32.

In light of the prophecies of Vanga, it becomes possible to attribute a new meaning  to the Emerald Tablet: that those who succeed in deciphering the glyphs could decipher the tablet and acquire power equal to the Messengers.

There are written verses (7-9) in the Emerald tablets that with Telesma (the epitome of Light), that it is possible to “rise from the Earth, to Heaven and back down to Earth, to receive the Force, and know the glory of the universe …. This is the strong force of any force, because it overcomes every subtle thing and penetrates every solid thing … The Sun is the father … From this will, comes admirable inventions. ”

Among these “inventions” could be humanity’s access to free energy and the fifth dimension. The “miracle of miracles” Vanga was talking about, seems to be  linked to the advent of the reign of Light on Earth. During ancient Egyptian initiations, the neophyte had to overcome an ultimate test, that of passing through a ritual, a symbolic death before being spiritually reborn and to join Hermes Thoth in his solar dimension.

Spiritual work, with the Light has become particularly important in these dark times, we must cross the threshold because it opens doors to other possibilities. Despite the proliferation of ecological and climatic disasters that we face today and despite their intensification, the children of the Sun, the Light, who work towards light all the time, have nothing to fear, but also must continue to work hard.

Cosmic intelligence has left many clues and many keys in nature that we must now learn to interpret. If we knew how to decipher the solar language and read the Book of Living Nature, we could quickly access the multidimensional vision that Vanga had. We would then be “connected and plugged” into this light, to those beings who are our real family, and we would realize that there is actually only one goal in the grand scheme of things: to establish the Golden Age on this planet as quickly as possible.

Olivier de Rouvroy
November 2012

Categories: Ch-ch-ch-changes, Politico, Prophecy, Shift of the Ages effects | Tags: , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

October 2016 Astrology – Take Cover and Duck

It would seem that October 2016 may be one of those months that goes down into the history books. Maybe not world history but more likely in our own personal history books and journals.

Astrologers seem to be feeling both excitement and trepidation over October 2016. One thing that seems unanimous is that the third week of October from the 17th to the 23rd would be a good time to call in sick, disappear, make yourself scarce and just get the hell out of the way of the symbolic chairs which may be flying during the proverbial bar room brawl and wait it out until the dust settles.

Brutal, yank-you-out-of-humdrum-change seems to be the name of the game here. There’s also the Black Moon which the Eastern Hemisphere will experience on the 30th or 31st which will coincide with Halloween. Catholics celebrate All Saints Day on November 1st, but that’s not a coincidence. It’s just a newer incarnation of the pagan festival of All Hollow’s Eve when the veils between dimensions thinned and old pagan and Druidic priests and priestesses (they called it Samhain) were able to peer over to the other side.

Of note is the trigger-happy Mars-Pluto conjunction on Oct. 19th. Carl Boudreau writes:

“The conjunction will be a powerfully disruptive event in and of itself. Both Pluto and Mars will be in forward motion. The conjunction is taking place in cardinal signs. Also, this is the first (and only) time the conjunction will be exact. These factors suggest a powerful detonation. The Mars/Pluto conjunction will build on the aftershocks of the eclipses. The general excess of lunar energy will further multiply its psychosocial side effects. The Mars/Pluto conjunction on October 19, then, looks like a high impact Mars/Pluto encounter. It will doubtless generate some very upsetting headlines in the runup, during, and in the aftermath of the blast. The natural and man-made disasters, the violent confrontations, the bitter public controversies it inflames will be impressive, I think. But the potentially catastrophic effects will be the least of it. They are likely to be limited in number and localized. The conjunction’s effects on our politics, however, will be intense and pervasive and, in all likelihood, will affect most of us quite personally.”

If you need to change yourself or your life for the better, putting things off when you know you should just deal with it, this is the time to do it, in a good way. You may end up being swept up with roaring, thunderous waves and currents, but if you hang tight to a log, kick off your shoes, keep your head above the water, the river may just take you to places you’ve only dreamt of.

Categories: Ch-ch-ch-changes, Shift of the Ages effects | Tags: , , , | 10 Comments

August 2016 Astrology – Something Wicked This Way Comes

By the pricking of my thumbs,
Something wicked this way comes.

– Macbeth, Act VI , William Shakespeare
I wasn’t going to write anything for August but given how unanimous many astrologers are about August’s outlook, at the very least, I owe it to my readers to warn them of the potential harm ahead to help steer people away.

This summer has already proven itself to be a doozy and it isn’t even over yet.
In the US, I think it has also been exacerbated by the Trump presidential campaign. It seems every racist, bigot, KKK member have crawled out from underneath the rocks they were hiding under and are on full display. Proudly I might add.

A proper picture of Donald trump, with the fly sitting unnoticed on his hair. Flies usually land and stay on spits which are very dirty. Next time you see some dog shit on the sidewalk, you'll notice all the flies sitting on it.

A proper picture of Donald Trump, with the fly sitting unnoticed on his hair. Flies usually land and stay on spots which are very dirty. Next time you see some dog shit on the side-walk, you’ll notice all the flies sitting on it.

I too watched the bits and pieces of the Republican convention ( I couldn’t watch too much or I felt like vomiting ) and the catastrophe which was the Democratic convention. I make no secret that I was really hoping Bernie Sanders would get the nomination but alas, our worst suspicions turned out to be true. Wikileaks exposed that the DNC rigged the nominating process against him from Day 1 and DNC chairperson Debbie Wasserman-Schultz had made a sweetheart deal with Hillary Clinton a long time ago. I doubt the DNC will ever get the confidence and trust of progressive voters but it would seem that a possible Trump presidency is the biggest evil to deal with. However if anyone thinks that Shillary Clinton will stick to the progressive platform the DNC nailed out, they are in for a rude awakening. Already Wall Street money has come roaring back in funding her campaign after lying low during the nomination process. If people don’t wise up soon, it will only get worse. A good starting point is getting over the whole race thing. Legendary anti-racist activist and educator Jane Elliott nails it.

Americans don’t seem to realize how a Trump presidency will destabilize the rest of the world. He’d be trigger happy with the nuclear codes . Professor Noam Chomsky has said that it was these neo-tards, neoconservatives and neoliberals which have created this situation. It started way back with Ronald Reagan and every successive presidency since has added to the damage. The loss of jobs due to trade deals (NAFTA, upcoming TTP) , the death of the manufacturing sector, less and less job security, dis-empowering or banning unions and workers rights, empowering banks and big business, costly foreign wars, spiralling healthcare and university costs, income disparity. You can thank the neo-tards for all this.

Trump is just the natural outcome of such policies which really sickens me. (If you really want to know who Trump’s mastermind is, it’s a goon like Republican mastermind and operator Roger Stone (who funny enough, I find physically resembles another noted sleaze ball, pedophile Jimmy Saville)  and that blowhard asshole Alex Jones. Watch this confrontation between Stone and Jones with the Young Turks’ host Cenk Uygur and it gives you a pretty good idea of what Republican operators are really like behind the scenes and what an opportunistic shit-disturber Alex Jones really is)

It’s not just politics as usual folks. Things are teetering on a very precarious edge right now. Irish mystic Lorna Byrne, a lady who claims that she sees angels all the time, has said that the spiritual world is indeed getting ready for war. Maybe not for today or tomorrow, but she has said that the forces of good and evil are indeed gathering.

Lorna Byrne

Lorna Byrne

Maybe she has apocalyptic visions, I don’t know, but if a thin-skinned, tangerine-coloured narcissistic warthog like Trump wins the presidency and carries the nuclear briefcase which he will have the codes to, it’s not a stretch to reconcile Lorna’s visions with what may happen. People need to take this very, very seriously. A Trump presidency will plunge the planet into darkness and it will take unbelievable amounts of hard work, sweat and tears by many people to get out of it. As a person with a spiritual bent, you can’t ever lose sight of the fact that all things in the physical have their origins in the spiritual.

There is no nuclear button but there is this briefcase...

There is no nuclear button but this briefcase…

The last week of August through to the middle of September has a VERY strong and catastrophic series of eclipses and astrological configurations which anyone sensitive to energy and to the spiritual evolution of this planet would be wise to pay attention to. Carl Boudreau has written that many people’s’ lives will not be the same afterwards and Steve Judd has said that his Spidey senses are tingling that something ominous is on the horizon. Best case scenario: Nothing happens except a few bad days at the office. The only thing I will say is this: Whatever happens, learn to control your emotions. Not in a cold, callous, indifferent way but in a way where you don’t give yourself over too easily to despair, unhealthy passions, fear, worry, hatred or violent anger. That’s what the dark side feeds on. Look at things coolly and rationally and in a level-headed way. It will place you in good stead.

In the words of Ben Davidson, of Suspicious0bservers fame, eyes open, no fear Everyone.

Categories: Ascension, Ch-ch-ch-changes, Politico, Shift of the Ages effects, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , | 8 Comments

Summer Hiatus and July 2016 Astrology

1986 film with John Cusack and Demi Moore (when they were young)

1986 film with John Cusack and Demi Moore (when they were young)


I knew this summer was going to be crazy but I had no idea it was going to be like this.

Between Brexit in the UK, Donald Trump’s assured nomination as the Republican candidate for the US elections, a Ramadan season which has killed hundreds including many Muslims, might I add (which only goes to show you how much shit ISIS really is full of). If you’re really some Muslim radical  and pushing for a so-called Caliphate, why would you kill your own then?

It makes me wonder if they are even real Muslims in their ranks or if this is a super-duper stealthy plan by Israeli Mossad to derail the Middle East completely and deflect any attention on the Palestinian issue since that has completely disappeared off the radar screen ever since ISIS appeared, and the BDS movement against Israel has gained major steam in recent years on American college campuses and with high-visibility celebrities like Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters joining the movement.

The man behind Pink Floyd's "The Wall" Roger Waters.

The man behind Pink Floyd’s “The Wall” Roger Waters.

(I had a conversation with someone recently and they think it is definitely the latter. Bangladesh was hit because it is one of the last countries on Earth if not the last one, which states openly in its passport that it cannot be used to enter Israel, one of the few countries that doesn’t recognize Israel)

Read the bottom line...

Read the bottom line…

I have had the feeling for a long time that the nation-state model will not last. This attempt at creating “super” states and regional trading blocks will also backfire eventually. People really don’t want distant bureaucrats making decisions on their behalf without their permission which will directly affect their lives.


Which is why I think the TPP deal will not be ratified widely. I don’t know a single person in Quebec who wants to drink milk from China (if it is even milk in the first place given the Chinese track-record of safe food and pollution and ingenuity in creating fake items…) but that’s exactly the sort of thing which will be allowed if this goes through.

Tourists posing with the Hong Kong skyline.

Tourists posing with the Hong Kong skyline.

As for the US elections, it looks like a Clinton vs. Trump election but given how crazy this summer has been already, I have no doubt in my mind that nothing can be written in stone just yet. The DNC still have their convention on July 25 -28. The DNC are desperately trying to court the votes and enthusiastic followers which Bernie Sanders gathered but it’s still not clear what he will do exactly. Bernie may still be the wild card and may throw in a hat trick or two. Many of those millennials despise Hillary and establishment politics in general. You cannot get more establishment than Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Many are even going to be casting their vote for the Green Party and Dr. Jill Stein, who comes across as very decent IMHO.

Spiritually, on a superficial level things look calm but, like the Earth itself, a beautiful scene of mountains and lakes doesn’t change the fact that deep, deep inside its core, hundreds of kilometres down, you know there are unbelievably violent and tumultuous changes and forces at work. Sometimes things stay quiet for L-O-N-G periods of time and then one day, without warning, a mountain blows its top and a volcano comes booming out of the Earth’s core. It somehow feels like that right now.

Before and after photo of the Merapi eruption in Indonesia.

Before and after photo of the Merapi eruption in Indonesia.


According to both Carl Boudreau and Steve Judd, there will be a series of eclipses happening in August and September and some people will have diametrically different lives before and after these eclipses. I have always maintained that as long as you are true to yourself and the deepest vision of yourself, not as who you wish to be but who you really ARE, then not very much can hurt you. People generally get into trouble when they start pretending to be someone or something they are not. If you’re a suburban husband and father for 40 odd years yet always dreamt of being a mountaineer or global traveller yet never set foot on a mountain or a country where everyone speaks a completely different language, chances are pretty good that you’re a suburban father for a reason. It’s because that’s what you really want to be even if you won’t admit it out loud. Embrace who you really are and let go of the illusions.

Enjoy your summer and stay safe Shifters!

Categories: Ch-ch-ch-changes, Politico, Shift of the Ages effects, Think like the Illuminati | Tags: , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

The Primer and the Power of Flowers

“Within the natured structure and design of all creations, there can be found the inherent properties that define its purpose…Humanity is no exception!’

Person                    Place                     Purpose
Authenticity             Alignment            Actualization
intention                 belief                    creation
body                      mind                       soul
physical                 mental                   spiritual
molecular               magnetic              vibrational
consciousness       connection            conception
illustration             immersion             illumination
EARTH                   AIR                       WATER
Elementals             Energetics            Emanation
bal•ance                 beau•ty                 bless•ings

– W.C Lyons 2011

I had mentioned in previous posts that I have a friend who writes spiritual/quantum quatrains. She doesn’t just sit there and make them up. They literally come to her from who-knows-where and her job is to merely record them. Many of them are for specific persons that she knows and how it applies to their own individual circumstances, many of them are readings which are much more universal in scope and can be applicable to anyone. Until now she has not gone public with them but she has given me permission to share The Primer, as written above. That’s all I’m allowed to share for now.

That's not my friend but you get the idea.

That’s not my friend but you get the idea.

Really, its essentially about working on yourself spiritually from all angles, particularly the quantum field and there is a lot to meditate within this one chart alone. It’s not just something you read and forget about. I’m finding I need to look at it everyday and have copies posted in several places around my apartment.

There are 38 different remedies in the Bach Flower system and dozens of places online where you can do questionnaires to figure out what you need.

There are 38 different remedies in the Bach Flower system and dozens of places online where you can do questionnaires to figure out what you need.

Because of this, I’ve decided to give the Bach Flower Remedies a go. With a lot of these things, it comes off as New Age quackery but I need to report honestly that the Bach Flower Remedies are working, a least on me in a very beneficial and positive way.

As long-time readers know, much of my baseline is anger, usually tied in to issues and circumstances of injustice which I see around me. The Bach Flower remedies have greatly tempered that. They don’t work on physical ailments but rather on issues of temperament (i.e depression, loss of hope, excessive anger, jealousy, melancholy, anxiety etc.) I still get pissed off as hell when I see bullshit happening like this terrible Brock Turner case, I’m just not going to go and tear their head off personally (In my book, this kid,  his dad and that retarded judge need very swift and VERY HARD horse-kicks in the pants).

This should have been you, Brock.

This should have been you, Brock.

Montreal is in that period between spring and summer. The spring flowers are out like peonies, lily of the valley, lilacs and are practically finished before the real heat and mugginess of summer sets in. I’m lucky in that I can usually go flower-picking alongside the river in my neighbourhood. The late Linda Goodman used to write in her books that if you needed to change your mood to “Go smell a rose” and its true flowers have a magic and a medicine which is all their own, maybe that might be why The Bach remedies work. I’ll end this with some words of wisdom from Mikhael Aivanhov. Between this and The Primer, there’s a lot for all of you to chew on.

“People love to receive and give flowers; they put them in their homes, plant them in their gardens, go to admire them in parks and in nature and marvel at their shapes, their colours and their perfumes. But they think of them mainly as decorative features that make life more pleasant, so their interest in flowers remains superficial, and they do not gain much benefit from their presence. But what are flowers really? They are living beings with which we can create a relationship. Yes, a flower is not simply a piece of matter with a colour and perfume; it is the home of an entity that has come to speak to us of earth and heaven. And if we know how to look at it, how to relate to it, we connect with the forces of nature, with the entities that work to make the flower such a life-giving, poetic presence.”

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Categories: Ascension, Raise your EQ, Shift of the Ages effects | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment

June 2016 Astrology – The Bumpy Road Ahead

Sorry Shifters for not writing very much in the last little while. A few personal things have been going on and it doesn’t leave much room to write.
Berkeley the Pug 2005-2016. I hope you have a happy incarnation as the old wise man that you are.

Berkeley the Pug 2005-2016.

First off, my original on-line avatar, my Yoda-master-angel-in-disguise pug, Berkeley has passed on. He put up a good fight, 11 years old, with diabetes, needing insulin shots everyday, and in the end couldn’t walk any more. Despite all his physical problems, he remained happy, super-intelligent, wise and very, very affectionate. It broke everyone’s heart to put him to sleep but no one wanted him to end his days in suffering. It will always remain a mystery to me how such tiny creatures can give out so much unconditional love and warmth to everyone around them.
Formally known as the Hidden Hills, but also known as the Wisdom Hills to those in the know.

Formally known as the Hidden Hills, but also known as the Wisdom Hills to those in the know.


Secondly, I was away and spending time in Western Massachusetts with a wise-woman friend of mine, the one who writes quatrains. The area is known as the “Wisdom Hills” largely because of all the Tibetan Buddhist monasteries and meditation centres there. Many high-end private schools and colleges like Deerfield Academy (where most kings and presidents send their boys off to) and Amherst College are also located there. That means many, many amazing second-hand bookshops and a highly literate and educated population base who are more inclined towards progressive thought.
Mary's gaze

Mary’s gaze

Places like Holyoke have a strong Catholic flavour and an occurrence called Mary’s Gaze happens regularly over the skies of West Springfield and Northfield.  I’ll shortly be writing something which my friend shared with me since she has given me permission to share with others on-line.
Steve Judd had mentioned that there was some kind of financial “correction” coming and Gosh! does everyone need it. The IMF has finally admitted that the doctrine of neoliberalism has done more harm than good (read: is full of shit) and all those 1%-ers know it. This also explains why property and real estate values have sky-rocketed in the past few years, particularly in places like Vancouver, Sydney, Toronto and lately Montreal.
The Russian gazillionaires have a tendency to hide their money in real estate. Usually London or New York City were their destinations of choice. If they couldn’t hide their money in off-shore accounts, what they would do was start buying up real estate and park their money that way. Now the Chinese are doing it and their destinations of choice are Australia and Canada. We’re not just talking about shady Chinese millionaires and industrialists, we’re talking about the Chinese government itself. Slowly by slowly they are deliberately buying up large parts of downtown real estate in places like Sydney, Vancouver, Singapore, Toronto and Montreal.  This inflates real estate prices completely out of the reach of middle-income families and makes home-buying only for the wealthy. It’s gotten so bad that locals can’t even afford to live in the city they grew up in and made interesting in the first place. High-income professionals like lawyers and doctors are having a hard time buying a home in Vancouver and real-estate racism is now a thing. Australia was smart. They banned the Chinese from doing it further. We’ll see if Canada smartens up. This is just to illustrate how phoney and easily manipulated things like real estate values can be and how black money truly rules most of the world.
So, it would seem the world is indeed ripe for a financial “correction” or “adjustment”.
A few Grand Crosses, a few eclipses, the summer solstice and a fidgety social world climate makes June look like the kind of month where people can lose it within seconds. Its worth your while to fade into the background and just watch from the sidelines as people go apeshit. Don’t let anything or anyone push your buttons. June looks like it’s shaping up to be some kind of a start of transformation. Let the deconstruction happen and move yourself out-of-the-way discretely.

Categories: Ascension, Ch-ch-ch-changes, Politico, Shift of the Ages effects | Tags: , , , , | 8 Comments

An Omen of times to Come – April 2016 Astrology

Sorry Shifters, for putting this up a bit late but a lot has been going on the personal front on in my life in recent weeks. Mostly it’s been around my elderly dad, he was hospitalized recently and it looks like we’re going to have to put him into a home soon. It hasn’t been easy dealing with this stuff and honestly, even though I do want to write, after a day of dealing with bureaucracies and such, it leaves very little inclination to actually sit down and write. Getting old sucks. Like seriously.

Still I keep an eye on what’s been happening. Carl Boudreau said that April’s energies are very mixed.

“Fortunately, April’s charts contain a structure that will help bring order and direction to our lives – a Kite. This Kite will all but neutralize the forces of chaos and confusion, channeling them in positive, constructive channels.
However, it will not cancel ongoing turmoil and confusion. This will very likely obscure the Kite’s beneficial effects.
Kites are a combination of supportive and difficult aspects. The supportive aspects help resolve the conflicts represented by the difficult aspect.
In many instances, the aspects that make up the Kite are linked to aspects outside of the Kite. A Kite can draw in and resolve an extended range of energies. That is the case in April.
In appearance, Kites resemble a child’s kite. Like a child’s kite, an astrological Kite, when properly used, can catch the wind and rise, lifting us with it…..April will be a watershed month. The astrological forces being brought to bear in our behalf are nothing short of immense, although conditions in April could obscure that fact. Getting through April successfully might require faith in ourselves, in each other and the universe.”

A few funny cosmic things also happened in recent weeks which are worth noting. Astrology has all sorts of weird and wonderful explanations about other bodies wandering the cosmos. Stuff like asteroids and comets, for instance.  On March 17th, a giant comet or asteroid hit Jupiter and it was caught on film . Please keep this in mind, Jupiter is a gas giant. It is literally 1300 TIMES LARGER THAN EARTH. Jupiter’s gaseous nature and sheer size has attributed to Jupiter’s astrological nature as beneficent, expansive and generous as well as being lucky.


If you look at the video below, it’s easy to see that the size of the impact is at least the size of a few Earths. The impact is between 2 o’clock and 3 o’clock if you think of Jupiter as a clock face.
It’s a positive omen, folks. Something unpredictable but good is on it’s way. It may not be in April. The key here is that it has to be for something you’re already working on, whether it’s improving yourself spiritually or the world around you.   It’s still a confusing month since many planets are in retrograde. So it’s not good for something completely new. For that, wait till June.
Categories: Ascension, Ch-ch-ch-changes, Shift of the Ages effects | Tags: , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Quick Head’s up for Lightworkers April 2016

(This is a re-post, but I wanted to get this out there fast because that time period is coming up very quickly. I will be posting later today on April’s outlook as well as other stuff about what’s been going on.)

Sixth woodcut from the series in Basil Valentine's "Azoth". Azoth is the essential agent of transformation in alchemy. It is the name given by ancient alchemists to Mercury, the animating spirit hidden in all matter that makes transmutation possible.

Sixth woodcut from the series in Basil Valentine’s “Azoth”. Azoth is the essential agent of transformation in alchemy. It is the name given by ancient alchemists to Mercury, the animating spirit hidden in all matter that makes transmutation possible.

“According to the alchemists, the preparation of the philosophers’ stone must begin when the Sun enters the constellation of Aries and the Moon enters that of Taurus. Why? Because the Sun is exalted in Aries, and the Moon is exalted in Taurus. The sign that follows, Gemini, is ruled by Mercury.  Now the symbol of Mercury   is formed , from top to bottom, by the crescent of the Moon ☽,  the disc of the Sun,  ⦿ and the sign of addition (+). Therefore the symbol of Mercury expresses the union of the Sun and the Moon. Mercury is the child of the Sun and the Moon; it is the philosophers’ stone. This philosophers’ stone that the alchemists seek is, in reality, a symbol of the transformation of man. The alchemist works with the Sun and the Moon, that is to say, with the two principles of the will and the imagination; and thanks to this work he eventually transforms himself, becoming like the Sun and the Moon, radiant and pure.”

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


As per Aivanhov’s quote, and according to astrological calendars, the Sun is already in Aries. The Moon will enter Taurus on April 8, 2016 AM at 6:10 AM, UTC. I should add also that Mercury rules Gemini and the Moon will be entering Gemini on April 10, 2016 at 05:58 AM and remain there until April 12, 2016 at 08:06AM.

In other words, with the Sun in Aries, the moon in Taurus and then Gemini, that period of April 8-12, 2016 will be a very potent time for anyone wishing to do serious earth-healing work, light work, meditation, prayer or any other form of serious white magick.

Categories: Ascension, Ch-ch-ch-changes, Shift of the Ages effects | Tags: , , , | 1 Comment

February 2016 Astrology- A Breather before the Charge


February 2016 looks like it will be some kind of pause before the action spills over in all directions. Both Carl Boudreau and Steve Judd have indicated that something is definitely in the air. Steve said that the first 6 months of 2016 will be still of an uphill battle while the second half is where we crest the hill and can ride down with our bicycles, with gravity behind and below us doing the work and the wind in our hair while we speed down.

Already 2016 has been a heavy year, with the sudden rash of deaths of many prominent public figures in January alone, the Oscars race heating up again on issues of diversity and inclusion and more than just a handful of Tinseltown types talking about the systems of racism and privilege in Lalaland and within the greater United States and the UK (I wrote about it last year as well, no change there – sigh).

From the UCLA Ralph J. Bunche Center for African American Studies as they launch the Hollywood Diversity Report, a landmark study on race and diversity in entertainment.

From the UCLA Ralph J. Bunche Center for African American Studies as they launch the Hollywood Diversity Report, a landmark study on race and diversity in entertainment.

And then of course the American election gearing up with the first series of caucuses taking place on February 1st in New Hampshire and Iowa which will no doubt set the tone for the rest of the campaign year.

Carl pointed out that Neptune is the cosmic solvent and that there will be a very powerful Sun and Neptune conjunction on February 28th.

“The Sun/Neptune conjunction on February 28th marks a special moment during Neptune’s tenure at the top of its power.
Our egos have been pummeled by outer turmoil, worked over by inner turmoil and soaked in cosmic solvent for many years now. We have been set up to change fundamentally and forever. And we want to, just not quite yet.
I believe the energy of the Sun/Neptune conjunction on February 28 will overcome our last bit of resistance to change. As personalities around the globe experience this lasts big ‘nudge’ the pace of global change will accelerate dramatically.
The progressive tipping point will have been reached. Expect to hear of preliminary and precursor events as February 28 approaches.
I believe the suddenly enhanced willingness to make changes will soon become apparent globally, on all levels. Resistance we thought would continue to block reform indefinitely will evaporate.”

This reminds me of a geography lesson which I still remember from back in the 7th grade. We were taught that the 3 main types of rocks in the world, which generally fell under three categories were i) Igneous Rocks (rocks and minerals which are the result of the cooling of magma and lava) ii) Metamorphic Rocks (rocks with are the result of intense transformative pressures and geological changes deep within the earth like marble) and iii) Sedimentary Rocks (rocks usually produced from layers and layers of debris usually under water, which over time solidify and become rocks like sandstone).

The cave of the Giant Crystals in the Naica Mine of Chihuahua, Mexico. Can you imagine what the energy in here must be like???

The cave of the Giant Crystals in the Naica Mine of Chihuahua, Mexico. Can you imagine what the energy in here must be like??? The majority of quartz crystallizes from molten magma.

Change, like the aforementioned rocks, usually happens deep, deep underground for mind-numbingly extended periods of time. We’re walking and don’t even realize the intense, constant but quiet and incremental pressures at work underneath us. Sometimes we’re reminded when we see a volcano blow, and the change is very sudden and in-your-face.

New Hampshire's famous "Old Man of the Mountain", stood unchanged for hundreds of years and then about 13 years ago started to crumble away.

New Hampshire’s famous “Old Man of the Mountain”, stood unchanged for hundreds of years and then about 13 years ago started to crumble away.

Sometimes things brew for a long, long time unnoticed and then one day, you look again and things just aren’t the same anymore. Something has permanently shifted and you can’t go back to the way things were.

We’re on the brink of something. Some say a new earth, maybe it will be a new philosophy or new invention or something which is a permanent game-changer. Maybe it will happen this month, maybe a bit later. For now, gather your energies and focus on what you want or need to happen in your life. Take advantage of this pause, because I don’t think we’ll get another one anytime soon again.

Categories: Ch-ch-ch-changes, Politico, Shift of the Ages effects | Tags: , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Keep Your Eye on the Horizon

“You are alone in your bedroom, and surrounded by the four walls you are physically separate, set apart from the entire world. But by using thought you can go beyond the confines of this room and expand into an ever bigger space: first your home, then the town where your house is located. Then, become aware that your town is also part of a region, the region part of a country, the country part of a continent, and the continent part of the earth. Make a habit of doing this exercise. And the earth itself is part of the planets in the solar system. And in turn, the solar system is part of a galaxy, and this galaxy is a small part of the cosmos… So , it’s amazing – you’re alone in your bedroom, and at the same time you’re in the cosmos! 
And since you are a cosmic being, why limit yourself? You can open your soul by telling yourself that you have cosmic work to do. All you need to do is change your point of view and be aware that because you live in the universe you are connected to it.”
– Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

I bring up this spiritual exercise by Aivanhov because I’ve been plowed down by pneumonia this past week and forced to stay indoors and at home. It’s funny because I rarely fall ill and this is the first time I’ve had pneumonia in at least 20 years. It’s given me some time to catch up on reading and take note of a few developments happening around the world.


I think the biggest news is the discovery of a so-called Planet X, somewhere outside of Pluto’s orbit. Mind you, the guy who has trumpeted the discovery of this theoretical planet is the same fellow who demoted Pluto from being a planet to a planetoid. Already conspiracy-theory chat rooms are buzzing with talk about this Planet X being the planet Nibiru, the planet which ancient archaeologist Zachariah Sitchin wrote about in his books deciphering ancient Babylonian and Sumerian tablets and their respective mythologies about ancient aliens and fallen angels like the Nephilim.


Personally, I’ll believe in a Planet X when I see it. I’m not saying that the discovery of other planets which share our same Sun system isn’t possible, but right now it’s too soon to say anything, I think. Some esoteric astrologers say a time will come when the astrological signs Virgo and Taurus will finally get their own planetary rulers (right now Virgo “shares” Mercury with Gemini and Taurus “shares” Venus with Libra). After all, it wasn’t such a long time ago that Neptune, Uranus and Pluto were discovered (and bestowed Pisces, Aquarius and Scorpio with their respective rulers) so there’s nothing to say that it’s not possible. Some writers have even suggested names for these 2 as-yet-undiscovered planets like Vulcan and Pan Horus.
Let’s say this Planet X/Nibiru is real. It would fall in line with prophecies about a new world emerging from the old, something from deep within the cosmos instigating a change whether we’re ready for it or not. Hindus already talk about the Kali Yuga and New Age writers like Dolores Cannon and Stuart Wilde have also written about a birth of a new world.
I don't think it will be this easy....

I don’t think it will be this easy….

If it does happen, I don’t think it’s going to be raining flowers or anything of the sort. In fact like natural childbirth, I think it’s going to be downright messy, noisy, disruptive and probably painful as hell, like pulling a turkey out of your right nostril.
More fun than a barrel of monkeys. I don't think so.

More fun than a barrel of monkeys. I don’t think so.

Already, we’re seeing this as I write this with worldwide markets plunging (the Canadian dollar is at a 13 year low), food prices sky-rocketing, central banks trying to figure out interest rates, oil barrels prices bottoming out and jitters around the upcoming American elections with non-establishment candidates as current front-runners like Bernie Sanders and that Republican asshole with the comb-over.
Transitions are never easy. I’ve noticed that people who do well with change and who do manage to transition gracefully are usually those persons who don’t have a lot of vested interests in the old way of doing things and have no problems letting go and moving on. The ones who go in kicking and screaming are usually the stuck-in-the-mud, stubborn types who can’t accept change that’s happening around them but instead want to stay the same forever, and expect the world and the cosmos to change around them and leave them alone like some special island. Watch any video of a tsunami, hurricane, typhoon or flash flood and you know that’s not the way it works.
When Hurricane Sandy hit.

When Hurricane Sandy hit.

Since I’ve been ill, I’ve been listening to the radio a lot and how politicians here in Canada, particularly in Alberta (our version of Texas, cowboys, rednecks and oil) are going apeshit since the low cost of crude oil has made thousands of oil workers unemployed and how they are now pulling their hair and screaming that cities like Montreal does NOT want their Eastern pipeline running through the city because of the environmental risk it could become. Funny, how it’s the end of the world when Big Oil is in trouble yet when Big Oil was high on the hog they could give a rat’s ass about anybody else.

In my mind, the pendulum has already swung and some types just don’t get it. And they never will. The old ways, whether its Big Oil, Big Businesses, Big Banks, bought-and-sold politicians, toxic industries, Old Boys Clubs (like Eton, Oxbridge, or the Ivy League and their secret societies), Elite Clubs (like Hollywood), they ALL missed their stop and the train is speeding along now. Of course we’re going to hear them complaining and griping but I say just ignore them, tune them out and keep a calm, steady eye on the horizon instead because something new is about to appear. Once you can make out the size and shape of it, if you’re smart, quick and flexible, you’ll know what to do.  Best to travel light.

Categories: Ch-ch-ch-changes, New Energy Centers, Pop culture, Shift of the Ages effects | Tags: , , , , | 5 Comments

Quick Head’s Up for this Weekend

Given the recent shootings in San Bernadino, CA and the fact that British Parliament under David Cameron have now voted to bomb Syria even though the British public DON’T want it, it would seem this week’s and in particular this weekend’s astrological climate is a very, very testy one and I really hate saying this, but a trigger-happy one as well. Here is former British MP, Lord Tony Benn, making a speech about NOT bombing Iraq back in 1998 (and yes, that is a young Jeremy Corbyn sitting behind him).

Carl Boudreau put out a quick post out on Facebook yesterday.
Carl wrote:
“This new, zig-zag, up and down energetic pattern that emerged at some point in the last couple of years did, in fact, become the norm. This weekend is an extreme example of this new norm.
This weekends ‘flurry’ of negative aspects, considered collectively, dramatically increases the odds of negative occurrences and the prevalence of bad attitudes.
It is always difficult to say whether or not negative aspects will produce negative events, especially at the micro- or nano- levels. They almost always do at the macro level. Your mileage may vary.
If, miraculously, these aspects do not spawn a rash of negative events at the macro level, they will certainly darken the energetics and the sensitive among us will doubtless feel this heightened negativity. Others might simply appreciate the heads up.
Be advised, then. This weekend could get rough. People could simply be feeling grumpy and more inclined to snap or confront others. Hostility will likely peak. Or violence prone individuals could feel inspired to act out. The astrological backdrop does not, however, support the idea that these aspects could trigger a global outbreak of violence.”


Steve Judd has also pretty much said that he’s laying low this weekend as well.

Astrologers have this old saying, “The stars impel, they do not compel”.  In other words, nothing is written in stone but the dance of the planets and the cosmos at times releases certain energies where the likelihood of something bad happening may suddenly spike especially if it affects certain individuals, places or events which may be more open to these energies than others. So at times like these, don’t travel if you don’t have to. Stay away from people who you know will push your buttons. Lay low, do some yoga, mind your own business. Get some reading done ( it’s good for your brain anyway).

Personally, I’m holing up at home to paint my nails, watch a marathon of Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn films and then hang out with my dad to learn how to cook Mughal-style Biryani, from scratch.
Stay safe everyone.

Chicken Biryani, a complicated dish of rice, meat, spices, nuts and sometimes raisins

Chicken Biryani, a complicated dish of rice, meat, spices, saffron,  nuts and sometimes raisins

Categories: Ascension, Ch-ch-ch-changes, Conspirio, Politico, Shift of the Ages effects, Those unseen things | Tags: , , , , | 3 Comments

December 2015 Astrology – Sowing and Germination

December 2015 is shaping up to look like a time of pivotal and profound decision-making. Both Carl Boudreau and Steve Judd are on the same page on this one.

Carl writes:
“I have discussed the world’s gradual emergence from a social, political and economic imbalance that massively favored the 1%. This imbalance was caused by a planetary arrangement that first went into effect in the early 1980s.  Roughly 30 years of this imbalance left the world’s social, economic and political systems in very serious need of reform….Progressive victories are no longer sporadic (i.e the rise of Bernie Sanders, the election of Jeremy Corbyn and Justin Trudeau). They no longer seem like flukes. Hope and the determination to bring change are quietly suffusing global collective consciousness. ..The astrological tables have turned. The economic and political tables appear to be turning also. Many of us want to hear that trickles of reform will soon combine into surging, torrents of reform. But the planets are telling us something different. They seem, rather, to be talking about long, slow, carefully thought out changes.
I know that many want to see a global surge – a rapid and sustained acceleration – of progressive reform. We want to see the collective consciousness lit brightly from within with a burning enthusiasm for sensible, realistic, practical, lasting, but above all, quick reform….The charts, then, are talking more about process than they are about substance, or content. The planets are saying that rather than a shared passion for reform, the people of the world will develop a shared passion for careful reasoning, guided by a will to heal, uplift and preserve, colored by a will to fairness and compassion. That is not the same thing as a unified global reform movement.”

Is the end near?

Is the end near?

With climate-change talks happening in Paris as I write this, several newspapers declaring that it is the end of reality TV (Thank God!), McDonald’s, once a teflon-like corporate behemoth, is set to close almost 700 restaurants around the world and has been facing sliding sales the past few years due to changing consumer tastes, and Black Friday sales this past week at a record low, consumers are less interested in buying cheap, shitty stuff they don’t really need but are now wanting to spend their money on accruing experiences instead. It would seem that on a deeper, even subconscious level, there is an underground change which is germinating. In my mind that’s a sign, even a small, incremental one, of some emotional and spiritual maturity taking place. We’ll see if it catches on within the larger public and the masses.

The thing with changing directions towards something better is that there is an awful lot of hard work involved. The easiest thing on Earth is to stay where you are and keep doing what you’ve always done and NOT change your routine or habits. Personally, I think that’s the reason so many people are miserable, they simply don’t want to change their routine.

We all want to see things turn out for the best, we all want happiness, respect and love for ourselves and others, we all want to live on a planet which provides us with clean air to breath, clean water to drink, healthy food to nourish us, a roof over our heads to keep us safe and warm, we all want to find meaning in our lives and experiences. However despite what New Age potboiler, well-intentioned but misguided marketing non-profit campaigns and a market economy that wants to keep you in place as a mindless consumer and a powerless vessel for corporate and political entities, change only happens when every last one of us puts our shoulder to the wheel. You have to work your ass off if you want real change and not just hope that somebody else or some external factor will do it for you. It takes some gumption and guts. To paraphrase Sarah Harrison of Wikileaks, courage is contagious.

Legendary French film director Louis Malle did an epic 7-part documentary series on India called “Phantom India” back in 1968/9 which was aired on French TV and then eventually the BBC. In a lifetime of work which included the beloved “My Dinner with Andre” and “Atlantic City”, Malle considered “Phantom India” the pinnacle of his work. (All 7 parts are up on Youtube, just be sure to hit the CC button on the bottom of each video to get English subtitles since it is all in French.)
He ended the series in part 7 with the following words and a dramatic visual scene of men literally pushing a cartload of salt along railway tracks with the brute force of their own bodies. (from 49:09 in the video below.)

“In India we discovered with wonder, another way of being, another way of living and seeing the world that made us all feel nostalgic, like a secret forever lost. But we felt all along it was a world living on borrowed time. Here, where the population is greater than Africa and South America combined, modern life increasingly takes the form of man exploiting his fellow man.”

We still have some time to change Malle’s last words in the film. We still have some time to rediscover that lost secret. But not by much.

Categories: Ch-ch-ch-changes, Politico, Pop culture, Raise your EQ, Shift of the Ages effects | Tags: , , , , | 2 Comments

Use your Voice (but back it up with serious chops)

The past few weeks, I’ve noticed some VERY prominent people have come under fire for speaking their truth. Honestly, it’s the last gaseous burps of a system which is running on empty if you ask me.

Aussie commentator and thinker, Max Igan was viciously attacked a few weeks ago after delivering a pro-Palestine speech at the 2015 Freedom Summits in Byron Bay, Australia on October 23rd. Max is probably one of the most passionate campaigners out there for a free Palestine and a very deep spiritual thinker and seriously, one of the nicest blokes you can talk to if you ever get the chance. He was attacked from behind while walking out of food shop, took several blows to the back of the head and 4 or 5 kicks to the torso and suffered some bruising and two cracked ribs. If anything, it has emboldened him even more. If you don’t already listen to his weekly podcasts or weekly vlogs on Youtube, you’re missing out on probably one of the wisest, clearest voices out there.

Tarantino, with another badass, Dr. Cornel West, a the demonstration

Tarantino, with another badass, Dr. Cornel West, at the demonstration

Then there is bad-boy filmmaker Quentin Tarantino who joined a demonstration against police brutality a few weeks ago and basically said it’s time to call a spade, a spade.  Now the Fraternal Order of Police Officers have threatened him with “a surprise”. A few police unions in the United States are calling for a boycott of his upcoming film “The Hateful Eight” but this is the first time I’ve ever heard of actual police organizations threatening a public figure with some kind of violence, implied or real.

Another actor, activist and Renaissance hunk, Viggo Mortensen called it in a recent interview with Democracy Now! that Tarantino was completely justified in his comments.  It would seem to me that cops publicly threatening someone for stating the obvious, is a sign that cops are more worried about their reputation, privilege and power and maintaining it than actually doing their job, which is protecting the public.

And then there is of course, uber-actor Benedict Cumberbatch. In recent weeks, during his 3-month sold-out run of “Hamlet” in London, he’s been collecting funds from the audience for the Syrian refugee crisis. They’ve collected something like   £150 000 British pounds just from audiences pockets after each show during the run of the play. He’s also expressed deep disappointment with UK Home Secretary Teresa May and wanting to discuss the situation with her directly. He even went so far as last week saying  “fuck the  politicians” on stage during curtain calls for their inertia on this issue. My understanding is that Ben has friends in activist circles, some of whom have been volunteering on the island of Lesbos where thousands of refugees have been showing up in their rubber dinghy boats almost daily now so he knows whats actually happening there.

(Ben, I flippin’ love you and I cannot *wait* to see you in Marvel Comics’ “Dr. Strange” next year when you finally get all mystical and spiritual on film. I know there must be a parallel universe in this multiverse we’re in, where we’ve been married off in a small hilltop Greek Orthodox chapel in Patmos, Greece, at a wedding officiated by Patmos resident, David Bowie, and Depeche Mode’s Martin Gore sings “Home” for us during a barefoot beach BBQ bonfire wedding reception. Where we have epic make-up sex after we fight, looking out over dark, gothic windswept cliffs in the middle of a rainy thunderstorm and just the 12-string symphonic break of Bauhaus’ “Mask” – 2:41 onwards – is playing in loop in the background somewhere. There. I Said It.)

Badass alternative researcher David Icke is doing a world tour during 2016-2017 and while I know he can’t come to Canada because of some shady legal influences at work which prevents him from presenting in this country, I’m still kicking myself for not going down to New York City back in 2008 the last time he was there. I’ll definitely go the NYC show this time, unless of course he and his team decide to do shows closer to Canada like Burlington, VT or even Boston for the Montreal crowd, Buffalo, NY for the Toronto crowd and Seattle, WA for Vancouver since these spots are all within driving distance. (David, if your people need help organizing something close to Montreal, let me know.)

All of these examples point out a system which is choking on its own hubris, which cannot tolerate dissenting views and goes after anyone and everyone who may have them, even persons with money and influence. There is something else quite curious about these examples. Had these things happened even 5 or 7 years ago, these persons would be black-listed, jailed and silenced and you would never hear from them again. Now, not so much. I think the millennials, the dying-off of baby boomers and their values, social media and the breath-taking speed with which information moves, now all have something to do with the popularity of hearing alternative voices and opinions.

I’ve written about the so-called Truth Vibrations in various posts extensively. What I am noticing is that persons, incidents or stories which have a grain of authenticity and genuineness are the ones which are going viral now, never mind what the source is. It’s that kernel of authenticity which is attracting people, despite what slick pollsters and marketers would like you to believe. If it resonates on an emotional level, then BOOM! off it goes and takes on a life of its own.

Deep down inside, people aren’t dumb. We all have an intuitive and emotional side which jives with the truth when we encounter it…and likewise we have a side which is automatically repelled when it encounters bullshit. I think people’s spiritual and emotional antennae are getting more fine-tuned but I also think people’s tolerance for bullshit is also evaporating. Rapidly.

Categories: Ascension, Conspirio, Politico, Pop culture, Shift of the Ages effects | Tags: , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

Dwelling on the Fringe and Your Bit Part

“But the Fringe Dweller I speak of are those whose spirit – the very core of their being – is leaving or has left the system. They have detached and projected themselves out of the destiny and evolution of the common man, and the tribal and national folk wave.  These spiritual Fringe Dwellers usually have an alignment to the Universal God, which comes from their own sense of Spirit that is now individualizing away from the tribal wave… Are the Fringe Dwellers just a few mystics, ascetics, or hippy wackos? No way. Millions of people all over the globe have now taken the step. Many are very normal and socially well-adjusted…It’s just that they have detached from the emotional alignment of common concerns and interests…They have no ax to grind or cause to expound. They honestly believe that they are in their last human experience…In questioning them, they all say they don’t want to come back. They know they have finished…Seeing life as energy and looking at themselves they begin to embrace the truth. they move from ego to Spirit. It hurts at first, and there is much to process and to go beyond…If you are a spiritual Fringe Dweller – or if you are becoming one – the first point of reconciliation  is to admit it. You have to understand that you have projected yourself out of this world, so you may never really fit in anywhere.  People will mostly reject your ideas. You may never gain the recognition or acceptance to which your talents may suggest you’re entitled to…Trying to fit in is silly…it burns energy. Wake up to the weirdo within you and don’t apologize for it. Just be it. Love it. Nurture it. Look within it…

Stuart Wilde, describing Fringe Dwellers in “Whispering Winds of Change”

I have never wanted children.
I just never related to it and never once had a hormonal impulse towards having them or felt the need. Even as a kid, I hated playing with dolls and baby prams and preferred being out on my bike, climbing trees and making forts or tree-houses. Exploring the world seemed far more fascinating than pretending to change a dirty diaper.



When you tell people, that as a woman, you don’t want kids most people either think you’re a freak, abnormal child-hater or some selfish monster. No matter how much you try explaining to them that you just don’t *feel* it and that deep down inside, you already know you’re only going to end up resenting those souls, even on a subconscious level, for taking up a large part of your freedom and space for 20 odd years, hinder your mobility and hinder any deeper spiritual work you may be attempting and that it will be a terrible, terrible mistake and deeply unfair to those souls, they always come up with some cockamamie response like “Oh, you’ll change your mind”, “It will be different when its your own” or “Just wait till you meet the right guy.” Or you get condescending faux-sympathy like in this article. What I also find even more insulting is that these commentators seem to think they have a right to express an opinion about what you should be doing with your body and time, like they have a right to it. Yeah, right.

There has been a plethora or articles recently of women citing their specific reasons why they have decided to remain childfree. There has also been an even stronger backlash as to why all women should have children. The reasons are as diverse as humanity itself. Infertility is one. Some people are afraid of becoming bad parents given their own life historySome people are asexual and don’t physically want it. Over-population, being environmentally sensitive are others. I think they are all valid, but very few look at the spiritual reason behind being childfree.

No, it’s not a question of meeting the right guy or anything as simplistic as that. Like Stuie wrote, as well as Dolores Cannon in some of her books, kids are karma and I made the decision that I really don’t want to come back here. Personally, I’m done. That’s not a nihilistic, pessimistic, deathist stance. Rather, it’s really, truly knowing that this world is all illusion and you can either get enmeshed deeper and deeper into the illusion and accumulate “stuff” (and karma and drama)…or see it for what it is and decide to travel light and accumulate having experiences and insights instead, and knowing which option will make you individually happier and at peace in the long run.

A few blog posts ago I briefly discussed Lexigrams. The word THEATRE also has the words EARTH, THREAT, HEART, ETHER and I believe it was the English bard William Shakespeare who once wrote:


It’s about being brutally honest with yourself and knowing which path you need to take, a materialistic one or a spiritual one. One isn’t necessarily better than the other. They both have their pluses and minuses. It’s about figuring out the right one for you. How much are the things you “want” really wants (or needs) which come from a deep, organic, personal place within you or is it a synthetic “want” which was created outside of you (marketing, propaganda, economic, religious, social and cultural indoctrination etc.) and somewhere along the line, you internalized that “want”, but really, it is not yours, it is an implant? It’s just a thought.

We’re all only playing bit parts in a Grand Play. Everyone is putting on an act to some degree. At work. On social media. In their relationships. It’s up to you to wake up to the deeper reality and know when its time to take the mask off. Most people never will and you know exactly who they are. They find solace in clinging to their illusions and comforts and sticking to the script and that’s just their journey. There’s nothing wrong with that. Stuie Wilde would have called these folks, people who follow “tick-tock“.

In Hindu Vedanta literature or in Jainism, they call it the 4 Ages of Man, the 4 Ashramas. It’s about following the path of the householder before coming to a certain age and renouncing the world, being in this world but not of it. Even in India now, you’ll see some Jains, at the age of 75, after making their millions, with MBAs and PhDs from Harvard, shave off all their hair, renounce all their worldly goods, put on a simple white shroud, leave their families forever and wander India as mendicants, living off of alms while they seek Enlightenment.
Jain mendicant nuns wandering India

Jain mendicant nuns wandering India

Some people get excited by astrology, shamanism, UFOs, studying crystals, yoga , Wicca, Bach flowers remedies, whatever, while living in “tick-tock” in trying to be a Fringe Dweller. I don’t see anything wrong with that either as long as its genuine. It’s just an expression of their soul which is looking for something upward and outward to transcend towards. They just don’t know “what” exactly.
Fringe Dwellers are a slightly different bunch. I think most of them were born, knowing that following “The Formula” is not and never will be for them, meaning Go to School + Get a degree+ Make Money+ Get Married+ Buy a car + Buy a House+ Have Kids+ Save for Retirement+ Buy Insurance+ Go on Two Week Vacations to Disney= Happiness. So they look for their happiness and contentment beyond the illusion.

I’ll only add this; fringes or margins are very interesting places. It is only at the margins can you see the big picture with an unobstructed view.  It is precisely when you see the entire view,  you may not necessarily see your soul, but you may just see what your bit part is. And like the song below hints at, you may just see that your bit part is huge as well.
This is an announcement
For the transcendental run
The train now standing
Leaves for higher planes
Due to a derailment
There will be no other train
So why not hop on this one?
Hear the porter’s glad refrain…
The song is in your heart
Your heart is in the song
The song is of the earth
The song is of the sky
You are disintegrating
Into everything around
The worm we dug from higher ground
You have let go of ego
Ego is no longer you
Closer to Nirvana
Since the porter’s whistle blew
– Kundalini Express
Love & Rockets, (D.Jay, D. Ash. K. Haskins)
From the album “Express” (1986)
Categories: Ascension, Raise your EQ, Shift of the Ages effects | Tags: , , , , , | 12 Comments

The End-Posts Have Shifted


If you get talking to historians and political scientists, they usually say that politics works along the lines of the pendulum effect. One decade may mean a radical shift to the right: (i.e the 1980s with Margaret Thatcher in the UK,  Reagan and Bush Sr. in the US)

Reagan and Thatcher, two right-wing hawks

 followed by a decade of a shift to the left (Bill Clinton in the US and Tony Blair in the UK – only these guys really weren’t on the “left”, they were and are pro-business, neo-liberals who just aren’t as crazy as the right-wing alternatives)
Clinton and Blair, two peas in a pod of crooks

Clinton and Blair, two peas in a pod of crooks

…followed by an extreme shift to the right again (Bush Jr and Blair/Brown) and to the “left” again (Obama, Cameron/Clegg) so the natural expectation would be that the pendulum is going to go right again.
New leader of the British Labour party, Jeremy Corbyn on his way to work in Parliament.

New leader of the British Labour party, Jeremy Corbyn on his way to work in Parliament.

Only I don’t think that’s going to happen again.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock this past weekend, it’s hard not to notice that Jeremy Corbyn won the Labour Party leadership race with nearly 60% of the popular vote, when London bookies had him at 200:1 odds of ever winning.  Corbyn is an open social democrat, a vegetarian teetotaler, who is against the nuclear arms race and rides his bicycle to work, calls out fat-cat Conservative MPs,  and has called for Tony Blair to be tried as a war criminal for his participation in starting the war in Iraq (which he should be imho, along with Bush Jr., Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz and Donald Rumsfeld) and has a pretty positive view on the world and on life.
It’s been kind of hilarious to watch the usual establishment-types trying to demonize Corbyn, and then have the blow-back hit them right back in the face. The public aren’t putting up with it. Even Alfred E Neuman lookalike and right-wing nutter Tony Abbott down in Australia  also got his just desserts this past weekend.
Alfred E. Neuman

Alfred E. Neuman of MAD magazine fame

Ousted Aussie prime Minister and bona-fide idiot Tony Abbott

Ousted Aussie prime Minister and bona-fide idiot Tony Abbott

The thing with pendulums is that, the right-left-right-left-right-left dynamic only works as long as the two end-posts stay where they are….but move them and the pendulum’s dynamics change completely and I think that is what has happened here.
Soccer fans and clubs across Europe, particularly in Germany and especially F.C. St. Pauli, are extending a warm welcome and a helping hand to the thousands of refugees.

Soccer fans and clubs across Europe, particularly in Germany and especially F.C. St. Pauli, are extending a warm welcome and a helping hand to the thousands of refugees.

Observing this refugee crisis in Europe, the way the public have often stepped up to the plate in trying to welcome or accommodate refugees, in many cases going against official government policy like in Hungary, Corbyn’s insane popularity despite being “un-electable” (Labour received 15 000 new member applications in his first 24 hours alone mostly with young voters), how Bernie Sander’s popularity in the US has the Democratic party establishment already shaking in their boots, the sleeping giant of public and popular resistance, while not yet fully awake, is restlessly moving in his sleep.
The Democratic Party's "Plan B" roster of candidates, the establishment want anyone but Bernie.

The Democratic Party’s “Plan B” roster of candidates, the establishment want anyone but Bernie. (Clockwise from top left: Al Gore, Elizabeth Warren, John Kerry and Joe Biden) =  same old same old

If any of you have ever had to train a puppy or take it to obedience school, then you know that the more you try pulling on the lease, the more the puppy tries pulling the other way. The puppy isn’t trying to piss you off, it’s just trying to go where it wants to go.  Yet, many of these government leaders seem to think that the public, in this day and age, are like robotic puppies which will do as they say and I’m afraid that ship has sailed and it ain’t coming back.
Many hard-line government officials seem to think most of the public are not very intelligent and that is just not true. Look at any political leader, specifically those who came out of elite schools, privileged backgrounds, lots of letters behind their names from prestigious universities and so forth.
The infamous picture of Oxford University's Oxford University’s Bullingdon Club - The Members circa 1987 including British PM, David Cameron and current mayor of London, Boris Johnson. If you want to know the other numbers, check it here.

The infamous picture of Oxford University’s Bullingdon Club – The Members circa 1987 including British PM, David Cameron(#2) and current mayor of London, Boris Johnson (#8) . If you want to know the other numbers, check it here.

Hell, look at some of the profs teaching them and you’ll see a bunch of smart but spoiled brat kids, most of whom have personality disorders like Narcissistic Personality Disorder (usually Somatic or Cerebral Narcissists) or Borderline Personality Disorder. Little brats, who were probably obnoxious, entitled kids, usually come from extremely privileged backgrounds, who never did an honest day’s worth of hard work, never rolled up their sleeves and got their hands dirty with work , never had to work very hard for anything because it was always given to them, don’t have an ounce of genuine common sense among the lot of them, no real-world experience and zero street smarts or meaningful insight – the kind of kid in your class who was probably listening to The Osmond family, while everyone else was listening to David Bowie or Roxy Music, and yet, these are the same annoying brats who end up becoming professors, policy wonks and agenda setters who tell the rest of the world what to do and how to live, particularly people whose problems they don’t even have a clue about or know how to relate to in their day-to-day lives because they don’t fraternize with them.  I can’t wait for the day people like that go the way of the dinosaur.
David Cameron looking uncomfortable while visiting a refugee camp in Lebanon recently. The kid in the picture knows exactly what to do...

David Cameron looking uncomfortable while visiting a refugee camp in Lebanon recently. The kid in the picture knows exactly what to do…

Alternative media, instantaneous information flows, all of it is working against them now, and they know it. So what will they do? Probably try to rein in public opinion in their favor with smear campaigns, scare tactics like they way they have already started against Corbyn and Sanders.
Max Igan put out a very powerful podcast last weekend about the refugee crisis in Europe. The gist of it, according to Max, is that these wars in the Middle East are orchestrated because the ultimate aim is to re-draw the maps of that region according to American and Israel interests, based on an influential  essay by Israeli academic Oded Yinon called ” A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties” ( essay originally appeared in Hebrew in KIVUNIM (Directions), A Journal for Judaism and Zionism; Issue No, 14–Winter, 5742, February 1982, Editor: Yoram Beck. Editorial Committee: Eli Eyal, Yoram Beck, Amnon Hadari, Yohanan Manor, Elieser Schweid. Published by the Department of Publicity/The World Zionist Organization, Jerusalem.)
That these wars were meant to induce the refugee problem, they’ll let in the refugees for now, there will be a terrorist incident somewhere down the line, the refugees will get blamed and it will be an excuse to tighten national security and get rid of more of our personal rights and freedoms even more. I honest-to-God hope Max is wrong on this, I really do. I’d like to think people are more savvy than that, particularly younger people who have less loyalty to established parties and associations than their parents and grandparents did.
See, one of the pluses I see out of this refugee crisis, for example, is that some European politicians and the European public will now think twice when the US, Israel and the Saudis decide to go in and randomly start up another war in the Middle East. I don’t think the French, Germans, Italians and even the Brits will be as willing to sign up the next time around. I think they may even question the war rhetoric even more closely from now on.
From a spiritual point of view, I know many prophets and sages in the past have said that more and more enlightened leaders will be showing up in the next little while, advanced souls designated to help humanity change direction from the collision course its currently on. Again, something I hope is true but I’ll believe it when I see it in real terms.
It relies on a deep belief in reincarnation, which I don’t have a problem with. I do however, have a problem with the way reincarnation is interpreted at times.
Linda Goodman

Linda Goodman

Just to go off on a small tangent for a bit, the late American astrologer Linda Goodman once wrote about Lexigrams, a little-known but very insightful tool for deconstructing words and names. There are a few websites which go into Lexigramming in a deeper way but if you want to spend a pleasant afternoon by yourself in a café, grab a copy of her book “Star Signs”, a notepad and a pen and go Lexigramming. What’s odd about doing them, is that what you start coming up with is usually a reflection of what’s happening with YOU yourself on some level.
"1000 grammes" cafe and cake shop in Montreal's Gay Village, one of my favorite places to read, think, people watch and generally just hang and be left alone.

“1000 grammes” café and cake shop in Montreal’s Gay Village, one of my favorite places to read, think, work, people watch and generally just hang and be left alone.

So to go back to the point on reincarnation, sages and gurus and lots of New Age sites say that the whole point to reincarnation and for us to take on life time after time,  is that we are here to LEARN. Look at the word LEARN and you’ll also find EARN, LEAN and NEAL (kneel). I don’t think that’s why we’re here. I think we’re here to problem-SOLVE and EVOLVE and if you look at those words closely it also has the world LOVE within them.
Think about it.
Enlightened politics is nothing more that enlightened problem-solving.  In the meantime, all we can do is keep our blinders off and keep pushing those end-posts even more in whatever way we can individually.
Categories: Ascension, Ch-ch-ch-changes, Politico, Pop culture, Shift of the Ages effects | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

”Gaslighting” Reality


As some of you know, I’m quite a film buff and especially enjoy watching old movies or indie movies from the festival circuit. It’s quite easy here in Montreal especially to catch up on films, given the kind of publicly funded resources we have.
Recently, I have been reading up on Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) because of some counseling work I’m helping out with. I was actually quite floored by several books and websites which categorically stated that many malignant narcissists and people with NPD often employ a tactic called “gaslighting”.
Charles Boyer (Gregory) and Ingrid Bergman (Paula)

Charles Boyer (Gregory) and Ingrid Bergman (Paula)

The term was coined after the well-known 1944 classic film “Gaslight” with Ingrid Bergman and Charles Boyer. In the film Bergman, plays Paula, a former opera singer who saw the death of her opera-singing aunt by an unidentified jewel thief who had strangled her and then fled the scene. Traumatized by the event in London, Paula relocates to Italy as a teenager and undergoes opera training there to only fall in love and fall under the spell of her older Hungarian piano teacher, Gregory Anton, who it turns out, is none other that the murderous jewel thief himself. Assuming a new name, he gets into Paula’s good books, marries her and convinces her to move back into the old London house. His aim is of course to find the aunt’s priceless jewels which are hidden somewhere in the attic. Little by little, he starts to make Paula go crazy. Placing things in her purse when she’s not looking, removing paintings off the wall and then making her believe that she did it (when she did not), putting words in her mouth and generally isolating the woman socially from anyone and everyone else so he can carry his plans out uninterrupted and unsuspected.

The ultimate aim of gaslighting is of course make the intended person start to question their own sanity and sense of reality and it is a technique which not only narcissists, but people who emotionally or psychologically abuse others use regularly from their bag of tricks. The person becomes super vulnerable and then is open to suggestion for all sorts of things which they normally would never fall for.
Folks, I think to a certain degree, we’ve all been gaslighted.
I mean, to a certain degree we’ve all fallen for certain myths or stories, which served to undermine us as individuals and empowers who ever made up the story or the myth because it serves their purpose. Politicians, economists, business marketers are all to blame.  Do you really need Coca Cola to live? No, you need water.
Cassel Pink Diamond ring, .79 carats, you can have this for a mere $1.3 million dollars at M.S Rau Antiques in Louisiana

Cassel Pink Diamond ring, .79 carats, you can have this for a mere $1.3 million dollars at M.S Rau Antiques in Louisiana

A small example would be the myth of the value of diamonds and the extravagant costs of engagement rings nowadays and what they symbolize. I always thought they were bit of a joke. I wasn’t wrong. The whole damn thing is a marketing myth perpetuated by the DeBeers Corporation. When celebrity magazines write stories about Jennifer Aniston’s ring and people being dumb enough to actually fall for it or care or reality TV bridezillas only talk about the ring for 20 minutes…well, all I see at that point is someone so caught up in an illusion that you probably can’t even have a decent, meaningful conversation about anything with them
I don't think you should be going there, dude.

I don’t think you should be going there, dude.

Another area I’m seeing gaslighting is the idea of the “happy long term marriage”, particularly those perpetuated by dishonest spouses.  I’m watching this Ashley Madison leak scandal literally with a wry smile on my face. While I feel bad for those persons whose names and emails were used in creating bogus profiles, I don’t have very much sympathy for those very real cheating husbands (95% of the users of Ashley Madison are male) who signed up for the service and now have proven paid accounts with their credit cards with Ashley Madison.
What the hackers who stole the Ashley Madison data wrote.

What the hackers who stole the Ashley Madison data had to say.

I’ve been keeping an eye on the 4chan/b/ board since the hackers there have been working with the leaked data and just waiting for the big, well-known names to start spilling out along with the non-famous ones like some neighbor on my street or former high school teacher.
Already there’s intense speculation about the kinds of powerful names we may find and some articles are going so far as saying that this leak will pull apart the fabric of society as we know it. 
Goddess Shakthi. In Hindu lore, she is the cause. She is also known as Maya, the supreme illusion. The world is itself an illusion. Nothing is forever. The only reality is the presence of Cosmic Intelligence within all beings, small, medium or large.

Goddess Shakthi. In Hindu lore, she is the cause. She is also known as Maya, the supreme illusion. The world is itself an illusion. Nothing is forever. The only reality is the presence of Cosmic Intelligence within all beings, small, medium or large.

To that I say, good. It’s about time.
Prophecy, New Age writers  and even some religious texts say that the veil of deception and ignorance is thinning and will one day disappear completely. That there will come a day, where a person will not even be able to lie because that’s how clearly we’ll be able to see through each other. Some New Agers go so far as to say we will become crystalline beings but I don’t take that literally. It’s a symbolic interpretation of what’s to come. Hindus and Buddhists call this veil Maya, Theosophists call it the unveiling of Isis (the goddess, not the terrorist group, though that would be good too). I say the gaslighting has to stop. The myths have to stop. The stories have to stop. The lies have to stop.
Because to be perfectly frank with you, the ones who want to continue with the lies, I think, like the Ashley Madison story shows, are going to be exposed, one way or another. What’s great about not lying is that you never have to remember anything, You may not get ahead in business or in politics, but your mind and your heart stays clear and to me, that’s more than enough.


Categories: Ascension, Ch-ch-ch-changes, Conspirio, Pop culture, Prophecy, Raise your EQ, Shift of the Ages effects, This is why the planet is screwed up, Those unseen things | Tags: , , , , , | 5 Comments

Oh, Here We Go Again…

Part of my daily internet ritual is scoping out a few key sites and checking out their daily roster of new articles. This includes David Icke’s headlines section, In5D news section, Phoenix is Risen, Philosopher’s Stone, TruthDig and Information Clearing House.

Already a number of articles and Youtube videos are appearing that September 23, 2015 is going to be the new date of some kind of a transformation in much the same way December 21, 2012 and before that December 31, 1999 were heralded as days when the real shit was going to hit the fan.
Honestly, I don’t know what it is with some New Agers, Apocalypse-watchers, End Times survivalists and people who are really into fear porn but it’s almost as if they really want widespread death and mayhem because it somehow validates their position and proves them right.

Not Hope. Nope.

With talk of items like institutionalized racism, income inequality and the death of the mainstream media and presstitutes, entering MAINSTREAM political jargon and discourse and not of some marginal Marxist website, whether you realize it or not, that has a very real trickle-down effect on people. When you talk to people intelligently, people usually start talking back to you just as intelligently, and gosh has the political public discourse changed in even the last few months.  Quite gratifying to watch, if you ask me.
Cirque Du Soleil in Las Vegas

Cirque Du Soleil in Las Vegas

I just don’t think the shift will be a sudden, dramatic “TA-DA” moment like some Las Vegas Cirque du Soleil show production. Rather, I think it is a form of evolution along with a combination of some change in the cosmic climate. A combination of grass-roots change from the bottom meeting the change in the ethers.
John of Patmos watches the New Jerusalem descending on Earth from heaven.

John of Patmos watches the New Jerusalem descending on Earth from heaven in his visions of the Apocalypse.

Some websites and some videos are saying that UFO Disclosure will finally happen. The Alex Jones conspiracy crew seem to think it has something to do with Jade Helm.
Listen, this is what will happen.
Women will still have their monthly periods which seems to freak out some men.
Donald Trump will still be a dick.
People will continue to dream dreams of revolution.
I will still drink my morning cup of chai.
What may or may not be different will be how YOU decide to decipher the world around you. There’s that famous fable which Paulo Coelho once wrote of, that the Secret to Happiness is to take in the wonders of the palace while never spilling the two drops of precious oil in your spoon.
In other words, we all live in this world but we are not of it and really it’s about taking our loftiest aspirations and bringing them down into the everyday and immediate.
Just stay real. The more authentically you live with yourself, the clearer you’ll see things around you. And take action.
Categories: Ascension, Ch-ch-ch-changes, Conspirio, Politico, Shift of the Ages effects, Those unseen things | Tags: , | 6 Comments

Humbug Mountain, Mount Shasta and Nature at work in your Face

Mount Shasta, California

Mount Shasta, California

“When you go into the mountains, all you see are the forests, springs, lakes and peaks. But in the mountains there are also caves, underground rivers and deep caverns. Think of these sometimes, as well as of the beings that live in them, so that you can be their friend. Mountains are not simply masses of earth and rocks; they are containers for enormous treasures: crystals, stones and precious metals, which powerful entities watch over and work with. I am not saying this in order for you to go venturing into caves, armed with picks and pickaxes, to dig tunnels in the hope of finding seams of gold and silver.  No.  Pay attention to the symbolic, living aspect of mountains, whether you climb them or else dig deep in yourself to find spiritual treasure. “
– Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Humbug Mountain

Looking at Humbug Mountain from its South side.

Looking at Humbug Mountain from its South side.

Humbug Mountain sits just south of a tiny town on the Oregon coast called Port Orford. At 1756 feet it is the highest point on the Oregon Coast and a mountain which was once used as a site for vision quests by local Native American tribes, a fact which would have been lost in the annals of time had it not been for an out-of-print guidebook I found about the Oregon Coast written by local insiders I found in a second-hand book shop in Montreal. When I tried researching further if this was true, there were zero sources online, but given the fact that this is the highest mountain right on the ocean, it would make sense why this particular mountain has some special significance.

Humbug Mountain sits within the confines of the Eden-like Humbug Mountain State Park, a place which strongly reminded me of another magical place and one of my favorite places on Earth, Olympos, Turkey. Both are located in a tiny valley, mountains on all sides, with a river/brook cutting through the valley which then leads out to a magnificent beach. Olympos, an ancient pirate hide-out, is strewn with ancient Greek, Roman and Byzantine ruins in the midst of orange, lemon and pomegranate orchards and people stay in tree houses and the protected pebble beach is a breeding site for the endangered loggerhead turtle.

The beach at Olympos, Turkey

The beach at Olympos, Turkey

Humbug Mountain may not have ancient ruins but instead is draped with a lush, prehistoric temperate forest, giant ferns, giant Pacific pine trees, moss and clover and the beach, while sandy, small and private, has numerous seals and whales visiting within sight of the shore, and people stay in tents or RVs.

Trail from campground, goes under a bridge and leads you to the beach.

Trail from campground, goes under a bridge and leads you to the beach….

Humbug Mountain State Park Beach, with the Bush Creek emptying itself into the ocean.

…And here’s the beach. Humbug Mountain State Park Beach, with  Bush Creek emptying itself into the ocean.


Trail up the mountain.

Trail up the mountain.

Paralleled but different. The hike up to the top is about 5km long and while it is longer , it’s also far easier and more gentle than Neahkahnie Mountain. You have plenty of time to meditate and think things over while you walk up through one of the most beautiful forests I’ve seen in my life. It’s a funny mountain; one side is completely forested and wild, and the other side is just hard rock and literally drops into the ocean. The top unfortunately has a blocked view now. The trees have grown so there’s not much of a view, but there is a tiny meadow, and should any of you ever find yourself there, and it is a day not crowded by other hikers, you have plenty of space to meditate, pray or do ceremony of your choice. The vibe here is very, very peaceful. I hung out for a good hour and offered tobacco and made my way down.


Top of Humbug Mountain meadow.

Top of Humbug Mountain meadow.

Mount Shasta

What can I say about this place that hasn’t already been said or written already?  The modern-day superstar of the New Age movement, Shasta is so many things to so many people. To the culty I AM movement, it is their world headquarters (their compound is near the base actually) and apparently sightings of St. Germain or Melchizedek or UFOs are common, depending on who you talk to. To channelers, the underground city of Telos, populated by ancient Lemurians sits underneath the mountain, to the Klamath Indians, the local Native tribe, it is the resting place of the spirit chief Skell after he fought Llao, creating Crater Lake. You can spend a lifetime reading about the various myths of this mountain if you really wanted to.

 What happened to me was quite different. I got to Shasta by driving south, from Oregon, along Interstate 5. Shasta at  14 000 feet is a giant of a mountain and can be seen from hundreds of miles away. Once I passed Ashland and saw my first sight of Shasta, I don’t know why but I just started crying. The mountain had called and I came. 

The main corner of Mount Shasta town

The main corner of Mount Shasta town

I’m not going to talk too much about Mount Shasta town or Mount Shasta Boulevard which has at least 8 crystal shops in the space of 2 blocks. Or how most of the books at the main New Age shop, “Soul Connections” had titles, 95% of which were channeled material from God-knows-what “spirit” or entity of uncertain origin. Or how the main crystal shop is selling crystal bowls, giant geos and original visionary artwork and paintings in the tens of  thousands of dollars range.

They had to build up a wall and cordon off the source of the springs due to overuse and degradation of the land.

They had to build up a wall and cordon off the source of the springs due to overuse and degradation of the land.

Or the fact that Panther Meadow Springs is now cordoned off to help the delicate plants there come back to life (some of them take hundreds of years to do so) since that meadow has been overused and trampled through by entitled, sanctimonious New Agers, neo-pagan hippies and idiot, hipster campers with zero respect, over the years. So much so, that the spring ran dry for the first time in its recorded history last year.

Bulletin board poster of Panther Meadow  over the years and restoration effort.

Bulletin board poster of Panther Meadow over the years and restoration effort.

Or the New Age tourists I had to yell at who ignored the designated trail completely and decided that getting to the spring was their main focus and didn’t give a shit that they were trampling through a delicate alpine ecosystem which is trying to recover. That kind of stupidity and disrespect is happening all the time on the mountain. 

Stick to the trail, don't walk on the grass or meadow.

Stick to the trail, don’t walk on the grass or meadow.

However, the mountain is big enough and powerful enough to swallow up these tiny botherations. The road up to the final overview lookout at 7000 feet above sea level, is 20 km long (about 14 miles) and it winds its way to the middle of the mountain. Along the way, you’ll first see medium sized redwoods, which then give way to pine trees, which then give way to dwarf pines, which them give way to lichen and moss and then finally bare rock and snow, due to altitudinal zonation..

A diagram which briefly explains attitudinal zones of vegetation.

A diagram which briefly explains altitudinal zones of vegetation.

Funny enough, the soil and rock of the mountain looks almost pink or lavender in certain spots. You will see the change in vegetation the further up you go along the mountain, things get smaller and smaller the higher up you go. It also gets quieter and quieter and the sunlight gets brighter and brighter. People say mountains are holy places and that it is easier to have spiritual insights there, but I’m not sure if altitude sickness has something to do with it also. The symbolism is also obvious; the higher up into the mountains you go, the further you get away from this world and its sophomoric occupations.  

The treeline stops very quickly from Bunny Flat.

The treeline stops very quickly from Bunny Flat.

I lucked out and got a spot to camp at the Panther Meadows Campground, the only designated spot to camp on the mountain and no where near the springs. There are 12 spots and it is usually first come, first served and I managed to get one of the last available slots. If you have never camped at 7000 feet in your life, it is an experience I would recommended to anyone. At night, it gets super cold, the wind starts blowing off the peaks of Shasta. It got so windy, it started rocking my tent and woke me up around midnight or so. When I looked out, I was rewarded with probably one of the most unforgettable scenes in my life. The entire mountain and forest were flooded in silver moonlight, so bright that you wouldn’t need a flashlight at all. The millions of stars could clearly been seen in the clear night sky and the outlined shadows of the alpine trees, super tall, straight and narrow, made me realize these were not normal trees. They looked like sentinels guarding the mountain. You could practically feel them watching you.


Panther Meadows is split in two, Lower Panther Meadow and Upper Panther Meadow, where the source spring is. Upper Panther Meadow is up for registration on the National Register of Historical Places in the US, given it has been considered a holy site long before the Europeans ever arrived and still in continuous use. People think that by coming here, taking a fuck-ton of pictures to show up to their friends back home that somehow, they’ll have a “spiritual experience” here but I don’t think that’s how this place works at all.

The source of Panther Meadows Springs, can you see the two circles where the water gurgles out?

The source of Panther Meadows Springs, can you see the two circles where the water gurgles out of the ground?

This is a place where you offer prayers, you give it to the waters and let the waters carry them away from you, that’s it, no more. But with New Agers leaving behind “offerings” of plastic angels, Lemurian rock crystals and what not, disrespectful hikers walking wherever , the vibe has changed. It has become a tourist spot and now the only time you can ever really be here all alone is either in the middle of the night or right around dawn. It’s full of people all day long now.

The end of the Shasta road, where the treeline vanishes completely. The hike begins here.

The end of the Shasta road, where the treeline vanishes completely. The hike begins here.

The real place for leaving behind offerings is literally , at the end of the Shasta road, at the Old Ski Bowl. The treeline abruptly ends and from there you can try hiking the remainder of the 7000 feet to the summit, if you have the right mountain climbing gear.

It is even more insanely quiet and brighter here than at Panther Meadow. The overlook is strewn with rocks, boulders and rubble from the mountain itself and past pilgrims have started doing devotional rock formations here like;

rock mandalas…

Rock mandala.

Rock mandala.

and spirals,

Rock spiral at Mount Shasta.

Rock spiral at Mount Shasta.

This was the end of the road for me too. I burnt the sigils here and left the final bit of tobacco and mixed it into the soil of the mountain itself. Someone had started a giant rock spiral so I collected a few more rocks and added to it as well. I hope it keeps growing.

I now understand why pilgrims carry so much emotional resonance with them when they do pilgrimages. It is the doing of an act of faith and there’s no guarantee you’ll get to do it or finish it.  The late meta-physical teacher Stuart Wilde offered a wonderfully simple prayer. It went  “Please God, don’t let me go until I can fix this” and I think I understand the essence of that. It is really not about what you can receive, but rather what you can give and it is in the act of giving, with no expectation, no reward, nothing transactional nor conditional “If you give me this then I’ll do that”, that you end up receiving, a point which unfortunately is completely lost on New Age fetishists, religious fundamentalists , faux-yoga celebrity bunnies and the like. I think it is time we all changed that, don’t you?

As I write this, a few noteworthy developments are taking place. Astrologer Steve Judd was the first one to call it out in June. He basically said that the recent Saturn retrograde back into Scorpio from Sagittarius was a signal that some more unsavory truths about the private lives of prominent people was going to come out. And his prediction was correct.


David Icke has been saying from at least 1998 that former late, British Prime Minister, Edward Heath was a murderous pedophile, and now it looks like a victim has finally come forward with evidence and there is going to be an official investigation against Heath among other very prominent British politicians. This isn’t conspiracy theory territory anymore, this is in the mainstream media. Whether you want to admit it or not, London is still the intellectual, financial and political capital of this Earth. Places like Washington DC, Los Angeles, Paris, Rome etc. are all just satellite centers. If London, the City of London, Westminster and the British establishment collapse, there will be a domino effect around the world. Count on it.

The truth, like a panther, seems to be stalking, closer and closer to its prey. Not quite yet going for the jugular, but inching ever so closely to its target with each passing minute.  Even more uncomfortable truths are going to come out and it leads me to believe that the age of subversion, greed and self-interest is coming to an end. The climate for it is vanishing. Evolve and adapt and try to start to get real or stay phony and go the way of the Dodo Bird. It’s your choice.

Categories: Ascension, Ch-ch-ch-changes, Conspirio, New Energy Centers, Raise your EQ, Shift of the Ages effects, Those unseen things, Travels, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

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