New Energy Centers

On Mysterious Radio discussing Ley Lines and Earth’s Energy Points

Hey Folks,

Just a quick head’s up but I’ve been featured on Mysterious Radio again, this time around discussing ley lines, earth’s energy points, individualized spiritual travel and basically a discussion and expansion of these these blog posts. You can also listen to their podcasts here.

This Conscious Planet Thinks and Reacts

Earth’s New Energetic Centers of the World Part I

Earth’s New Energetic Centers of the World Part II

Earth’s New Energetic Centers of the World Part III

David Icke, Obelisks and New York City

Always fun talking to K-Town and Kim and look forward to speaking to them again in the future.

Let me know what you guys think :-)!

Categories: Ascension, New Energy Centers, Raise your EQ, Travels | Tags: , | 2 Comments

Keep Your Eye on the Horizon

“You are alone in your bedroom, and surrounded by the four walls you are physically separate, set apart from the entire world. But by using thought you can go beyond the confines of this room and expand into an ever bigger space: first your home, then the town where your house is located. Then, become aware that your town is also part of a region, the region part of a country, the country part of a continent, and the continent part of the earth. Make a habit of doing this exercise. And the earth itself is part of the planets in the solar system. And in turn, the solar system is part of a galaxy, and this galaxy is a small part of the cosmos… So , it’s amazing – you’re alone in your bedroom, and at the same time you’re in the cosmos! 
And since you are a cosmic being, why limit yourself? You can open your soul by telling yourself that you have cosmic work to do. All you need to do is change your point of view and be aware that because you live in the universe you are connected to it.”
– Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

I bring up this spiritual exercise by Aivanhov because I’ve been plowed down by pneumonia this past week and forced to stay indoors and at home. It’s funny because I rarely fall ill and this is the first time I’ve had pneumonia in at least 20 years. It’s given me some time to catch up on reading and take note of a few developments happening around the world.


I think the biggest news is the discovery of a so-called Planet X, somewhere outside of Pluto’s orbit. Mind you, the guy who has trumpeted the discovery of this theoretical planet is the same fellow who demoted Pluto from being a planet to a planetoid. Already conspiracy-theory chat rooms are buzzing with talk about this Planet X being the planet Nibiru, the planet which ancient archaeologist Zachariah Sitchin wrote about in his books deciphering ancient Babylonian and Sumerian tablets and their respective mythologies about ancient aliens and fallen angels like the Nephilim.


Personally, I’ll believe in a Planet X when I see it. I’m not saying that the discovery of other planets which share our same Sun system isn’t possible, but right now it’s too soon to say anything, I think. Some esoteric astrologers say a time will come when the astrological signs Virgo and Taurus will finally get their own planetary rulers (right now Virgo “shares” Mercury with Gemini and Taurus “shares” Venus with Libra). After all, it wasn’t such a long time ago that Neptune, Uranus and Pluto were discovered (and bestowed Pisces, Aquarius and Scorpio with their respective rulers) so there’s nothing to say that it’s not possible. Some writers have even suggested names for these 2 as-yet-undiscovered planets like Vulcan and Pan Horus.
Let’s say this Planet X/Nibiru is real. It would fall in line with prophecies about a new world emerging from the old, something from deep within the cosmos instigating a change whether we’re ready for it or not. Hindus already talk about the Kali Yuga and New Age writers like Dolores Cannon and Stuart Wilde have also written about a birth of a new world.
I don't think it will be this easy....

I don’t think it will be this easy….

If it does happen, I don’t think it’s going to be raining flowers or anything of the sort. In fact like natural childbirth, I think it’s going to be downright messy, noisy, disruptive and probably painful as hell, like pulling a turkey out of your right nostril.
More fun than a barrel of monkeys. I don't think so.

More fun than a barrel of monkeys. I don’t think so.

Already, we’re seeing this as I write this with worldwide markets plunging (the Canadian dollar is at a 13 year low), food prices sky-rocketing, central banks trying to figure out interest rates, oil barrels prices bottoming out and jitters around the upcoming American elections with non-establishment candidates as current front-runners like Bernie Sanders and that Republican asshole with the comb-over.
Transitions are never easy. I’ve noticed that people who do well with change and who do manage to transition gracefully are usually those persons who don’t have a lot of vested interests in the old way of doing things and have no problems letting go and moving on. The ones who go in kicking and screaming are usually the stuck-in-the-mud, stubborn types who can’t accept change that’s happening around them but instead want to stay the same forever, and expect the world and the cosmos to change around them and leave them alone like some special island. Watch any video of a tsunami, hurricane, typhoon or flash flood and you know that’s not the way it works.
When Hurricane Sandy hit.

When Hurricane Sandy hit.

Since I’ve been ill, I’ve been listening to the radio a lot and how politicians here in Canada, particularly in Alberta (our version of Texas, cowboys, rednecks and oil) are going apeshit since the low cost of crude oil has made thousands of oil workers unemployed and how they are now pulling their hair and screaming that cities like Montreal does NOT want their Eastern pipeline running through the city because of the environmental risk it could become. Funny, how it’s the end of the world when Big Oil is in trouble yet when Big Oil was high on the hog they could give a rat’s ass about anybody else.

In my mind, the pendulum has already swung and some types just don’t get it. And they never will. The old ways, whether its Big Oil, Big Businesses, Big Banks, bought-and-sold politicians, toxic industries, Old Boys Clubs (like Eton, Oxbridge, or the Ivy League and their secret societies), Elite Clubs (like Hollywood), they ALL missed their stop and the train is speeding along now. Of course we’re going to hear them complaining and griping but I say just ignore them, tune them out and keep a calm, steady eye on the horizon instead because something new is about to appear. Once you can make out the size and shape of it, if you’re smart, quick and flexible, you’ll know what to do.  Best to travel light.

Categories: Ch-ch-ch-changes, New Energy Centers, Pop culture, Shift of the Ages effects | Tags: , , , , | 5 Comments

Humbug Mountain, Mount Shasta and Nature at work in your Face

Mount Shasta, California

Mount Shasta, California

“When you go into the mountains, all you see are the forests, springs, lakes and peaks. But in the mountains there are also caves, underground rivers and deep caverns. Think of these sometimes, as well as of the beings that live in them, so that you can be their friend. Mountains are not simply masses of earth and rocks; they are containers for enormous treasures: crystals, stones and precious metals, which powerful entities watch over and work with. I am not saying this in order for you to go venturing into caves, armed with picks and pickaxes, to dig tunnels in the hope of finding seams of gold and silver.  No.  Pay attention to the symbolic, living aspect of mountains, whether you climb them or else dig deep in yourself to find spiritual treasure. “
– Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Humbug Mountain

Looking at Humbug Mountain from its South side.

Looking at Humbug Mountain from its South side.

Humbug Mountain sits just south of a tiny town on the Oregon coast called Port Orford. At 1756 feet it is the highest point on the Oregon Coast and a mountain which was once used as a site for vision quests by local Native American tribes, a fact which would have been lost in the annals of time had it not been for an out-of-print guidebook I found about the Oregon Coast written by local insiders I found in a second-hand book shop in Montreal. When I tried researching further if this was true, there were zero sources online, but given the fact that this is the highest mountain right on the ocean, it would make sense why this particular mountain has some special significance.

Humbug Mountain sits within the confines of the Eden-like Humbug Mountain State Park, a place which strongly reminded me of another magical place and one of my favorite places on Earth, Olympos, Turkey. Both are located in a tiny valley, mountains on all sides, with a river/brook cutting through the valley which then leads out to a magnificent beach. Olympos, an ancient pirate hide-out, is strewn with ancient Greek, Roman and Byzantine ruins in the midst of orange, lemon and pomegranate orchards and people stay in tree houses and the protected pebble beach is a breeding site for the endangered loggerhead turtle.

The beach at Olympos, Turkey

The beach at Olympos, Turkey

Humbug Mountain may not have ancient ruins but instead is draped with a lush, prehistoric temperate forest, giant ferns, giant Pacific pine trees, moss and clover and the beach, while sandy, small and private, has numerous seals and whales visiting within sight of the shore, and people stay in tents or RVs.

Trail from campground, goes under a bridge and leads you to the beach.

Trail from campground, goes under a bridge and leads you to the beach….

Humbug Mountain State Park Beach, with the Bush Creek emptying itself into the ocean.

…And here’s the beach. Humbug Mountain State Park Beach, with  Bush Creek emptying itself into the ocean.


Trail up the mountain.

Trail up the mountain.

Paralleled but different. The hike up to the top is about 5km long and while it is longer , it’s also far easier and more gentle than Neahkahnie Mountain. You have plenty of time to meditate and think things over while you walk up through one of the most beautiful forests I’ve seen in my life. It’s a funny mountain; one side is completely forested and wild, and the other side is just hard rock and literally drops into the ocean. The top unfortunately has a blocked view now. The trees have grown so there’s not much of a view, but there is a tiny meadow, and should any of you ever find yourself there, and it is a day not crowded by other hikers, you have plenty of space to meditate, pray or do ceremony of your choice. The vibe here is very, very peaceful. I hung out for a good hour and offered tobacco and made my way down.


Top of Humbug Mountain meadow.

Top of Humbug Mountain meadow.

Mount Shasta

What can I say about this place that hasn’t already been said or written already?  The modern-day superstar of the New Age movement, Shasta is so many things to so many people. To the culty I AM movement, it is their world headquarters (their compound is near the base actually) and apparently sightings of St. Germain or Melchizedek or UFOs are common, depending on who you talk to. To channelers, the underground city of Telos, populated by ancient Lemurians sits underneath the mountain, to the Klamath Indians, the local Native tribe, it is the resting place of the spirit chief Skell after he fought Llao, creating Crater Lake. You can spend a lifetime reading about the various myths of this mountain if you really wanted to.

 What happened to me was quite different. I got to Shasta by driving south, from Oregon, along Interstate 5. Shasta at  14 000 feet is a giant of a mountain and can be seen from hundreds of miles away. Once I passed Ashland and saw my first sight of Shasta, I don’t know why but I just started crying. The mountain had called and I came. 

The main corner of Mount Shasta town

The main corner of Mount Shasta town

I’m not going to talk too much about Mount Shasta town or Mount Shasta Boulevard which has at least 8 crystal shops in the space of 2 blocks. Or how most of the books at the main New Age shop, “Soul Connections” had titles, 95% of which were channeled material from God-knows-what “spirit” or entity of uncertain origin. Or how the main crystal shop is selling crystal bowls, giant geos and original visionary artwork and paintings in the tens of  thousands of dollars range.

They had to build up a wall and cordon off the source of the springs due to overuse and degradation of the land.

They had to build up a wall and cordon off the source of the springs due to overuse and degradation of the land.

Or the fact that Panther Meadow Springs is now cordoned off to help the delicate plants there come back to life (some of them take hundreds of years to do so) since that meadow has been overused and trampled through by entitled, sanctimonious New Agers, neo-pagan hippies and idiot, hipster campers with zero respect, over the years. So much so, that the spring ran dry for the first time in its recorded history last year.

Bulletin board poster of Panther Meadow  over the years and restoration effort.

Bulletin board poster of Panther Meadow over the years and restoration effort.

Or the New Age tourists I had to yell at who ignored the designated trail completely and decided that getting to the spring was their main focus and didn’t give a shit that they were trampling through a delicate alpine ecosystem which is trying to recover. That kind of stupidity and disrespect is happening all the time on the mountain. 

Stick to the trail, don't walk on the grass or meadow.

Stick to the trail, don’t walk on the grass or meadow.

However, the mountain is big enough and powerful enough to swallow up these tiny botherations. The road up to the final overview lookout at 7000 feet above sea level, is 20 km long (about 14 miles) and it winds its way to the middle of the mountain. Along the way, you’ll first see medium sized redwoods, which then give way to pine trees, which then give way to dwarf pines, which them give way to lichen and moss and then finally bare rock and snow, due to altitudinal zonation..

A diagram which briefly explains attitudinal zones of vegetation.

A diagram which briefly explains altitudinal zones of vegetation.

Funny enough, the soil and rock of the mountain looks almost pink or lavender in certain spots. You will see the change in vegetation the further up you go along the mountain, things get smaller and smaller the higher up you go. It also gets quieter and quieter and the sunlight gets brighter and brighter. People say mountains are holy places and that it is easier to have spiritual insights there, but I’m not sure if altitude sickness has something to do with it also. The symbolism is also obvious; the higher up into the mountains you go, the further you get away from this world and its sophomoric occupations.  

The treeline stops very quickly from Bunny Flat.

The treeline stops very quickly from Bunny Flat.

I lucked out and got a spot to camp at the Panther Meadows Campground, the only designated spot to camp on the mountain and no where near the springs. There are 12 spots and it is usually first come, first served and I managed to get one of the last available slots. If you have never camped at 7000 feet in your life, it is an experience I would recommended to anyone. At night, it gets super cold, the wind starts blowing off the peaks of Shasta. It got so windy, it started rocking my tent and woke me up around midnight or so. When I looked out, I was rewarded with probably one of the most unforgettable scenes in my life. The entire mountain and forest were flooded in silver moonlight, so bright that you wouldn’t need a flashlight at all. The millions of stars could clearly been seen in the clear night sky and the outlined shadows of the alpine trees, super tall, straight and narrow, made me realize these were not normal trees. They looked like sentinels guarding the mountain. You could practically feel them watching you.


Panther Meadows is split in two, Lower Panther Meadow and Upper Panther Meadow, where the source spring is. Upper Panther Meadow is up for registration on the National Register of Historical Places in the US, given it has been considered a holy site long before the Europeans ever arrived and still in continuous use. People think that by coming here, taking a fuck-ton of pictures to show up to their friends back home that somehow, they’ll have a “spiritual experience” here but I don’t think that’s how this place works at all.

The source of Panther Meadows Springs, can you see the two circles where the water gurgles out?

The source of Panther Meadows Springs, can you see the two circles where the water gurgles out of the ground?

This is a place where you offer prayers, you give it to the waters and let the waters carry them away from you, that’s it, no more. But with New Agers leaving behind “offerings” of plastic angels, Lemurian rock crystals and what not, disrespectful hikers walking wherever , the vibe has changed. It has become a tourist spot and now the only time you can ever really be here all alone is either in the middle of the night or right around dawn. It’s full of people all day long now.

The end of the Shasta road, where the treeline vanishes completely. The hike begins here.

The end of the Shasta road, where the treeline vanishes completely. The hike begins here.

The real place for leaving behind offerings is literally , at the end of the Shasta road, at the Old Ski Bowl. The treeline abruptly ends and from there you can try hiking the remainder of the 7000 feet to the summit, if you have the right mountain climbing gear.

It is even more insanely quiet and brighter here than at Panther Meadow. The overlook is strewn with rocks, boulders and rubble from the mountain itself and past pilgrims have started doing devotional rock formations here like;

rock mandalas…

Rock mandala.

Rock mandala.

and spirals,

Rock spiral at Mount Shasta.

Rock spiral at Mount Shasta.

This was the end of the road for me too. I burnt the sigils here and left the final bit of tobacco and mixed it into the soil of the mountain itself. Someone had started a giant rock spiral so I collected a few more rocks and added to it as well. I hope it keeps growing.

I now understand why pilgrims carry so much emotional resonance with them when they do pilgrimages. It is the doing of an act of faith and there’s no guarantee you’ll get to do it or finish it.  The late meta-physical teacher Stuart Wilde offered a wonderfully simple prayer. It went  “Please God, don’t let me go until I can fix this” and I think I understand the essence of that. It is really not about what you can receive, but rather what you can give and it is in the act of giving, with no expectation, no reward, nothing transactional nor conditional “If you give me this then I’ll do that”, that you end up receiving, a point which unfortunately is completely lost on New Age fetishists, religious fundamentalists , faux-yoga celebrity bunnies and the like. I think it is time we all changed that, don’t you?

As I write this, a few noteworthy developments are taking place. Astrologer Steve Judd was the first one to call it out in June. He basically said that the recent Saturn retrograde back into Scorpio from Sagittarius was a signal that some more unsavory truths about the private lives of prominent people was going to come out. And his prediction was correct.


David Icke has been saying from at least 1998 that former late, British Prime Minister, Edward Heath was a murderous pedophile, and now it looks like a victim has finally come forward with evidence and there is going to be an official investigation against Heath among other very prominent British politicians. This isn’t conspiracy theory territory anymore, this is in the mainstream media. Whether you want to admit it or not, London is still the intellectual, financial and political capital of this Earth. Places like Washington DC, Los Angeles, Paris, Rome etc. are all just satellite centers. If London, the City of London, Westminster and the British establishment collapse, there will be a domino effect around the world. Count on it.

The truth, like a panther, seems to be stalking, closer and closer to its prey. Not quite yet going for the jugular, but inching ever so closely to its target with each passing minute.  Even more uncomfortable truths are going to come out and it leads me to believe that the age of subversion, greed and self-interest is coming to an end. The climate for it is vanishing. Evolve and adapt and try to start to get real or stay phony and go the way of the Dodo Bird. It’s your choice.

Categories: Ascension, Ch-ch-ch-changes, Conspirio, New Energy Centers, Raise your EQ, Shift of the Ages effects, Those unseen things, Travels, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

Mountains, Sigils and Blessings

View of Neahkahnie Mountain and parts of Nehalem Bay from the hamlet of Wheeler, OR

View of Neahkahnie Mountain and parts of Nehalem Bay from the hamlet of Wheeler, OR

“When we see high mountain peaks from a great distance, we instinctively sense that mountains represent a link between earth and heaven, both physically, of course, and even more so spiritually. A great wisdom presided at the formation of the mountains, and where they are situated is never due to chance. Each one is assigned a definite function, which is why they all differ in shape, mass and height. Their peaks rise up like antennae intended for emitting and picking up waves of different frequencies. Each peak therefore creates particular conditions, which can support the activity of our soul and our spirit. And we all have inner mountains we need to climb if we are to communicate with heaven. This is why, for our spiritual life, it is so important that we understand the significance of the word ‘peak’ or ‘summit’.
If you want to get results on a spiritual level you have to climb up to the top of the mountain. The mountain I am referring to is your own mountain, your own casual body. You have to scale the heights of your casual body in order to rise above the mist and dust. ‘Mist’, ‘dust’ and ‘mountain’ are of course all symbols. Dust is that which clouds the mind when it has lingered on too many different paths, and mist is produced by the humidity of the heart when it is exaggeratedly emotional and sentimental and it too prevents you from seeing clearly. In order to escape from the dust of the mind and the mists of the heart, we have to rise above the astral and mental planes and reach the casual plane. This is why, in your meditations and prayers, you should always try to rise, to rise very high, as high as possible. In fact, why not use your imagination and picture yourself scaling a mountain? The picture in your mind will lead you to another mountain, the one inside you, and when you reach the top, the casual plane, you will find so many more ways open to you for the realization of your spiritual thoughts and desires. In the Kabbala, God is called the Most High because symbolically, power and omniscience are to be found on the higher planes.”

– Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


Alright folks, I’m back from holiday.
I did not expect this to happen but I returned to the Pacific Northwest and specifically the Oregon Coast and Mount Shasta, California. But it turns out the mountains there were calling me and dropping sizeable hints and cosmic breadcrumbs even in Montreal and so, like Mohammed, if the mountain can’t come to you, you go to it.
Last year I briefly visited Neahkahnie Mountain and did Crater Lake and Orcas Island. This year I hiked and climbed Neahkahnie to the top. Ditto Humbug Mountain and ditto Mount Shasta. However, before I go into describing these places, their symbolic significance and what came to me afterwards, I need to back up quite a bit.

For those of you who have been reading my blog for a while, you already know that music, namely 1980s British alternative, underground, “college radio” music and music scene from the 1980s played a pretty huge part of my teen years and it’s still a musical genre I consider my favourite. Besides the clubs, the fashion, the music, it really kind of moulded my outlook on a lot of things, appreciating and preferring the little-known, the marginal and the obscure over the mainstream.

The Smiths back in 1985. This reunion will never happen.

The Smiths back in 1985. This reunion will never happen.

Some, like the guys from Depeche Mode, Morrissey of The Smiths, Robert Smith of the The Cure and Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails (NiN) fame have aged and transitioned well from that era and are still regarded as highly influential and highly regarded musicians. I mean Trent Reznor won an Oscar for scoring the film “The Social Network” a few years ago. I still remember seeing him in NiN in 1989 as the opening act for Peter Murphy when no one knew who NiN were! Unfortunately, many others haven’t. I always kind of keep a tab on some of these artists since I still have such warm, fuzzy feelings for them.


One of my favourite bands, bar-none, from that era are the Godfathers of Goth, Bauhaus and by extension, Love & Rockets. Bass player, David J. Haskins recently wrote a book called “Who Killed Mister Moonlight? Bauhaus, Black Magick and Benediction”. If you’re a music industry junkie, you’ll love this book, everyone makes an appearance from David Bowie, Catherine Deneuve, William S. Burroughs, Iggy Pop, Ian Curtis and Joy Division, Rick Ruben, Chris Martin of Coldplay, Perry Farrell of Jane’s Addiction and Lolapalooza and tons more. It’s not the name-dropping which particularly impressed me. David J. is a fantastic writer but in the tradition of many British musical artists, he also seems to have an interest in the supernatural and the occult, not unlike Jimmy Page or Robert Plant of Led Zeppelin fame. There are some incidents in the book which I don’t recommend reading at night if you get scared easily but it was Chapter Six, entitled, “Sigils” which particularly caught my attention.

“…Among those in the pile was a copy of V.Vales’s Research #4/5, which featured interesting articles and interviews with (William S.) Burroughs, Brion Gysin, and Genesis P. Orridge…In one of these articles, Genesis talks about sigils – an occult technique whereby one writes down a desire in very simple direct language. Any letters that are repeated are used to form a symbol that represents that desire. The sigil is then “charged” by concentrating on it and visualizing it as glowing brighter and brighter while focusing one’s will on the intention and sending it out into the universe. The original is then burnt, and it is then necessary to forget all about it. I decided to give it a shot.”

There are many websites and Youtube videos on how to create sigils and such, should anyone be interested, but it got me thinking that a lot of the prison-like reality many people live in, is controlled by symbols and corporate sigils of someone else’s making.


Logo for Procter and Gamble. This is a corporate sigil, whether you realize it or not.

Think about logos or brands for instance. Are they not forms of sigils many of us don’t want nor care for? I figure if they can do it, why can’t we also play the same game and beat them to it by creating sigils of our own which benefit everyone? (I should note here; if you are going to work with sigils, a reminder that anything you ask for, for yourself only unfortunately falls under black magick since it comes under ego, white magick is based on altruism, when you ask for something with benefits everyone, no exceptions. Intention counts for everything here.)  As soon as I finished reading the book, that’s when the signs really started coming in that I needed to go to Oregon and California and specifically those three aforementioned mountains. So I went.

Neahkahnie Mountain
Nehalem Bay and the surrounding area is probably one of the most picturesque and pleasant areas along the mystical Oregon coast and rife with stories and legends. Nehalem Bay comprises the small villages of Manzanita, Nehalem and Wheeler and Neahkahnie Mountain dominates the skyline of this area.


View from top of Neahkahnie Mountain. The seaside village of Manzanita along the shore, Nehalem Bay in the back and Wheeler on the opposite shore of the Bay.

View from top of Neahkahnie Mountain. The seaside village of Manzanita along the shore, Nehalem Bay in the back and Wheeler on the opposite shore of the Bay.

With the pounding ocean, beaches and the mountain on one side, you have the river which feeds into a protected bay, a gorgeous valley and even more mountains surrounding on the other side. Wheeler is the home of the “Wheeler Moment” , a strange phenomena where synchronicities take place regularly in the area. Neahkahnie Mountain itself is considered an auspicious place by Native American tribes, a place where “the Good Spirit abides”. The last time I came, I offered tobacco to the mountain. This time I was asked to climb it. Suffice to say, that it is NOT an easy hike, unless hiking is already a huge part of your life, it’s a good 4 km hike from the base along the Oregon Coastal Trail to the top. I eventually got there, offered tobacco and worked with the sigils and then hiked back down.

The Old Wheeler Hotel

The Old Wheeler Hotel

The next day, I woke up after having the most pleasant dreams I’ve had in quite a while, the kind that finding you smiling when you wake up. I stayed in a magical, somewhat haunted B & B called the Old Wheeler Hotel and had a view of the mountain from my room. There is no doubt in my mind that whole area between Route 53 and Highway 101, and Nehalem Bay itself has a giant energy vortex there, a very pure and positive one which hardly anyone seems to know about. It’s not a coincidence that there’s even a place nearby called God’s Valley. (Go now before the New Age freaks take over!)

A day later I found myself in Cape Lookout State Park. When I asked one of the park rangers if the whales were migrating at the time, (Cape Lookout is a very good place for whale watching), he mentioned there were some the week before but no one had seen anything recently. I found myself in a remote part of the beach and asked for a sign of validation if what I did was right. The second I asked, the whales appeared, water spouts and fins and all, four of them.

Next stop: Humbug Mountain and Mount Shasta

Categories: Ascension, New Energy Centers, Those unseen things, Travels | Tags: , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

And So it Goes…

“This future is joy and light. Do not let yourself be influenced by those who predict only difficulties and misfortunes: it is simply because they do not know what the future really is or how to build it. Misfortunes are the past, not the future. Before the future can present itself – that is to say, your true future as sons and daughters of Cosmic Intelligence – it is waiting for you to finish drawing lessons from the past. This future is on the move: since you are creating it, you are already beginning to live it. One year is ending and another is about to begin… But before thinking about the coming year, turn your attention  for a moment to the one that is departing, and speak to it, for a year is a living being, and so you can talk to it. When you leave it, ask it to remember you. As it is alive, it does not remain idle: it has recorded not only your actions, but also your wishes, feelings and thoughts. On the last day it reports to the lords of destiny, and it connects you to the new year: you must be able to say goodbye to it before it goes for good. As for the new year, you can begin to prepare for it consciously, by setting a goal for yourself: to get rid of a bad habit, develop a certain quality, put a plan into action for the good of all. With this thought, this wish, it is as if you were placing a first stone, and then all the benevolent spirits in nature will bring you their help, so that you  can carry out your plan. These are the things you should be concerned with today: welcoming the new year in  and placing yourself under the protection of the light.”

 – Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Hope you Shifters have a peaceful and joyful holiday season in whatever form you celebrate it, whether it’s Christmas, Hanukkah, the Wiccan Yule, the Winter Solstice.

I have not been writing a lot in recent weeks mostly because I have been pre-occupied with other things and ideas which I’m working on. Long story short, while I am not ending this blog I have made the decision that it’s now time to stop talking the talk and walk the walk. Part of the problem of why I decided to minimize my presence online is that it’s just not enough for me anymore. Religious and spiritual traditions the world over, without exception, emphasize the importance and need for community. The Buddhists call it the “sangha”, Christians might call it the living Church. I realize that online forums, social media, the blogosphere, yoga studios and whatnot, even if they are populated by some really well-meaning folks, are not a sufficient enough substitute for the real thing. So I’ve decided to take these discussions and some of my ideas offline and into the real world in an attempt to meet and discuss with real people, face-to-face and in real-time. Mostly via local Meetup groups, random Craigslist postings, and see where that goes.

Jet-set Pug

Jet-set Pugs

Another thing which I want to focus on is on creating an individualized spiritual travel company. For those of you who are familiar with my posts from the early days nearly 3 years ago, energetic travel and travel to these “hot spots” plays a huge part of who I am and my own spiritual development. There are places which for whatever reason, for long-forgotten historical reasons, sacred pilgrimage sites imbued with the prayers and aspirations of millions of pilgrims and spiritual seekers, some places which are dormant and need to be re-activated where the energy is far more conducive to accessing higher realities where I was able to have certain spiritual breakthroughs which I could have never had if I stayed on in Montreal. There are some parts of the world which are connected to certain spiritual issues people struggle with, other places are connected to specific chakras and still others connected to certain illnesses. I figure since I am actually qualified to do spiritual assessments on people and because I do have contacts to healers, shamans, Elders and my own first-hand experience in certain parts of the world, why not combine all that and create programs for serious spiritual travellers who want a genuine, deeper experience with a guide there beside them, which these group tours just don’t offer and can’t? It’s not just about being a guide, but actually entering into a healing relationship with these persons and walk with them as they go through the process. Travel can be lots of things to lots of people but for me, it’s always been a modality for transformation. It’s for women who have hit a certain plateau in their life and are now looking for something more. You gotta start somewhere, right?

For anyone who wants to know more, drop me an email or we can do a Skype session sometime and I can tell you all about it.

Best wishes to every last one of you in this New Year! I hope all your individual journeys deepen and become richer. I get the feeling 2015 will be year where many of us who put the hours in, finally turn a corner.


Categories: Ch-ch-ch-changes, New Energy Centers, Raise your EQ, Shift of the Ages effects, Those unseen things, Travels | Tags: , , | 7 Comments


View from top of Mount Constitution on a sunnier day than when I went.

View from top of Mount Constitution on far sunnier day than when I went.

“Even peaks that are not especially high but are prominent and isolated often have an angel in charge. For instance I observed one at Mt. Constitution in the San Juan Islands in Washington. This appears to be the highest point of land on an island which is fairly central in the group, and from its top there is a magnificent view over hundreds of islands on all sides…The angel in charge is one of special power, remarkable in proportion to the peak. He is the guardian of all the islands and makes this point his main center; he has saturated it with his special atmosphere. He has both power and dignity and is of a steady, slow temperament, but especially marked by kindliness and wisdom.  He takes a remarkable interest in human beings and has, indeed, a real fondness for them.  He seems to have a certain scheme which he is working out. He wants to maintain a special atmosphere throughout the islands and this influences his fairies.  It also makes them friendly and helpful to humanity, for this is his wish.  He has also established a feeling that there shall be no barriers.  He has had a wonderful piece of good fortune because a state part (Moran State Park) has been established in such a form as to take in his particular peak and a large area around it.  This is an animal sanctuary in which there are many deer and other fine wild things and magnificent trees…I also think he has managed to impress many of his ideas on the human beings in and about the peak, for his genuine friendliness towards people enables him to understand and guide them…High up on the mountain are several lakes and these are the home of particularly fine specimens of the freshwater fairies…What is remarkable about this place is that it is not only a sanctuary for animals but also a resort for fairies and even angels from the islands and the mainland. The peculiarly lovely combination of sea and mountain and lakes and forest preserve, protects and creates a splendid place, and the powerful personality of the angel draws these beings. They come for counsel and change…He always makes a special effort to help human beings who come to the mountain, and I think many people feel his benign presence even if they do not know of his existence. The magnificent expanse of sea and sky, the distant mainland and snow peaks far off key up the sensitive visitor so that he has a better than usual chance to respond to the presence of this most ancient, wise and stimulating inhabitant.”

Dora Van Gelder
“The Real World of Fairies, A First Person Account”

Orcas Island is the largest of the San Juan Islands off the coast of Washington State and straddles the US/Canada border. It is full of VERY wealthy Washingtonians, not surprising since both Microsoft and Boeing are both based in Seattle. Practically everyone here drives a Land Rover. Get out of the villages and head into the woods and it’s all moss-covered giant Douglas fir trees, quiet private coves, and secret meadows. And then there’s the intense and sudden fog which comes off the sea and shrouds everything in minutes. One minute you can see the next island and the next you can’t see anything past 5 feet.

Taking the ferry ride over from Anacortes, I saw a few Orca whales. I thought it was strange that practically every time I went near the ocean water, I was seeing a whale while other people pay upwards of $85 an hour on whale watching boat tours with no guarantee of seeing anything.  I guess the gift of Whale medicine was real.

Moran State Park entrance.

Moran State Park entrance.

I went to Moran State Park and drove up to the top, to the observation tower. I couldn’t see anything because of the intense fog that was there. From where I stood, it was like looking out over a cloud field, like what you see when you look out the window of an airplane. The fog can linger for hours.

The lookout tower at the very top.

The lookout tower at the very top.

When I got to the tower at the summit, as expected the place was chock-full of with tourists and hikers, not a place to do any sort of work. Since Van Gelder mentioned the lakes near the top, in her book, I figured I might as well go there and may be it would be much more quiet and private. She said it was near the top. In actuality, it is a steep hike which lasts about 2 km. It looks like nothing on paper, but it’s quite a difficult hike, especially returning uphill. It took me 45 minutes to go down and 2 hours to get back up.

moran map

The forest is indeed beautiful; giant Douglas firs, huge old-growth forest trees, lovely moss everywhere. As you can see from the map, there are three lakes near the top, Mountain Lake, and 2 smaller lakes which are only separated by a tiny sliver of land which are called the Twin Lakes, so I went there since I liked the name and they were closer.


There were a few hikers on the trail but everyone was far apart that you could forget about them. I wasn’t sure where to go so I decided to hike along the edge of the two lakes and see if something interesting came up. So I went along the edge of one lake and eventually found a beautiful mossy slope going up. I looked up and saw that there was a path there and even further up, someone had made a rock cairn, not at all obvious from the main trail.

Not the rock cairns I saw...

Not the rock cairns I saw…

I scrambled up the trail and soon found myself in a mossy, flat glen, with a clearing in the middle, completely encircled by the trees. There was even a rocky knoll jutting out at the head of the glen, everything, the rocks, the trees and the forest floor were all covered with the thickest, softest moss imaginable. It almost looked like a raised daïs with a throne and I figured with the perfect circle of trees and the clearing, and the privacy and intense quiet and the throne-like rock structure, this was as good as it was going to get. “Bingo” I thought to myself. I took off my shoes. Again intense quiet here, not like Crater Lake which felt muffled, probably because of the altitude, but this forest was like something right out of Narnia, it felt so alive and quietly vibrant.

Digory Kirke in the Wood Between the Worlds, in C.S Lewis' "The Magician's Nephew

Digory Kirke and Polly Plummer in the Wood Between the Worlds, in C.S Lewis’ “The Magician’s Nephew, illustrated by Pauline Baynes

There’s a part in C.S Lewis’s Narnia book, “The Magicians Nephew” where Digory Kirke and Polly Plummer were in a place called the “Wood between the Worlds”, a quiet, lush forest where you could actually feel things were growing.

The trees grew close together and were so leafy that he could get no glimpse of the sky. All the light was green light that came through the leaves: but there must have been a very strong sun overhead, for this green light was bright and warm. It was the quietest wood you could possibly imagine. There were no birds, no insects, no animals and no wind. You could almost feel the trees growing…You could almost feel the trees drinking up the water with their roots. This wood was very much alive. When he tried to describe it afterwards, Digory always said. It was a rich place: as *rich* as plum-cake.”

The feeling was very similar to that. I lay down the tobacco and stayed for about an hour. I then headed back to the main trail to complete the rest of trail around the Twin Lakes and then back up to the tower.

Trail back to the top

Trail back to the top…

About halfway up the mountain. I heard some branches breaking. I looked behind me and saw that it was a lovely doe on the trail, maybe 20 feet away. She wasn’t afraid or anything. We looked at each other for a few seconds and then she pranced off. The next day as I left the island on the ferry, I had my third encounter with a whale, another Orca.

A lot of things came to me after I processed the trip and the various places I visited. My usual readers already know that David Icke’s name comes up regularly here. Really, he’s in essence taking a very old idea and putting it into more modern terms. You don’t have to believe everything you read or what others say. There are plenty of resources to look up and then make up your own minds.

However, if in some way our reality/matrix  has been hijacked by something evil; inter-dimensionals, bad spirits, demons, jinns, reptilians, whatever you want to call it, and if they have had a direct hand in creating these artificial hierarchical systems of control, manufactured scarcity, unnecessary depletion and pollution of this planet’s resources and the uglification of every square foot of earth they can get, then it is not hard to see that it is a true death cult. It hardly leaves any room for real beauty, peace and grace. At this rate, there will be no need to go to Mars.  It will be  re-created right here.

A typical 'industrial park" building. The kind of place many people work in . A dead zone if you ask me...

A typical ‘industrial park” building. The kind of place many people work in . A dead zone if you ask me…

People and places aren’t always what they seem and sometimes you wonder if there’s any integrity left among some human beings. They might have been successful in manipulating many under their influence, but they forgot one crucial point;  they completely overlooked the natural world. The animals, plants, trees, the stars, the Sun, the water, the wind, and the land operate on a completely different frequency which they can’t control, understand or tune into. On the other hand, we can if we really wanted to. That’s our advantage. It also explains why they are hell-bent on destroying any vestige of these other forms of intelligence and consciousness using some people to do their dirty work (they are even trying to make apps for apes now!). Once you decide to enter into a relationship with the natural world, it transforms your outlook and interactions completely. You begin seeing things you didn’t before, it starts heightening your senses, you start understanding more. You don’t have to believe me; scientists are pretty much saying the same thing.

One thing about Native/shamanic teachings and Gnostic teachings, they acknowledge that conscious life can exist in many, many different forms and give them due respect as equals. It’s what they’ve been trying to teach most humans to understand while other formal “religions” (or any other  constructed “ism”) have been trying to do their best to destroy these teachings and eradicate this information from getting into the hands of most people.

Edmund Bordeux Szekely, big time Essene scholar and researcher.

Edmund Bordeaux Szekely, big time Essene scholar and researcher.

Seneca Hawk Elder, Grandmother Edna Gordon ended her earth walk last year at the advanced age of 93 but before she did, she published a book, “Voice of the Hawk Elder” which is mainly comprised of her sayings, thoughts, opinions and the kind of old-fashioned homespun wisdom you just don’t see anymore. She said we’re living in a Popcorn-Potato Chip kind of world.

“It’s a Popcorn-Potato Chip world we’re living in today. We got fast food for the stomach and fast food for the soul. Maybe don’t nourish you, but it’s quick and it’s easy. Bet you never ate the REAL potato salad like we made in those days. Oh, my, it was the world’s best meal by itself! Nobody can seem to make that REAL potato salad today. Today’s kids think potatoes come instant or in chips in plastic bags or all greasy french fried like McDonald’s or Burger King. They think corn comes popped with imitation butter on it, already salted! That’s why I say it’s become a popcorn-potatochip world.
It ain’t real. It’s all imitation.”

She’s right.

It’s a reasonable facsimile of the haze most people operate under everyday and take for reality. I’d go even further and say many people have forgotten what real life and real consciousness is supposed to look like.
If you’ve got an hour to spare, give her a listen. There are some genuine golden nuggets of wisdom here for those who really want to hear. And you don’t have to travel all the way to the Pacific Northwest to get it either 🙂

Categories: Ascension, Ch-ch-ch-changes, Conspirio, New Energy Centers, Raise your EQ, Those unseen things, Travels | Tags: , , , , , , | 12 Comments

Enjoy the Silence

Crater Lake

“Silence is inhabited by countless beings, in forests, lakes, seas, mountains, and underground too – Cosmic Intelligence has placed inhabitants everywhere. Even fire is inhabited, so too is the ether, the sun, the stars – the entire universe is inhabited. So wherever you go, in the mountains, in the forests, by rivers, lakes or oceans, if you want to be like an awakened being, aspiring to a life that is subtler and filled with more light, do not disturb the silence of these places. Show that you are aware of the presence of etheric creatures living there. When you approach them, begin by greeting them; show them your respect, your love, and ask them to give you their blessings. These creatures will catch sight of you from afar and, filled with wonder at your attitude, will come running to shower you with their presents of joy, light, love and pure energy. And you will return home with a much greater idea of what true Life is.”

– Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Very few things can prepare you for your first sight of Crater Lake.
It’s not just the unearthly blue of the water, it is also the sheer size of the place. It looks a lot smaller in photos than in real life. The lake itself is about six miles wide and the drive around the rim is about 53 km. Many people hike the rim trail and for most of the year, the lake is inaccessible since it receives almost 12 feet of snow per year and even when I visited in the second week of August, there were still patches of snow at the waterline. If you want to have your breath taken away, forget the Grand Canyon and the tourist circus that place has become and go to Crater Lake instead.
Crater Lake is a lake that was created when Mount Mazama blew its top 7700 years ago. The dome collapsed, forming a caldera and the snow run-off over the years is really where the water comes from. The deepest lake in the US and the seventh deepest lake in the world, the water is ice-cold and very, very pure. Wizard Island, on the western end of the lake was formed from a volcanic cinder cone and geologist say that one day, it will blow again as well.
Some Native American tribes still do vision quests as a rite of passage for young men in that tribe.

Some Native American tribes still do vision quests as a rite of passage for young men in that tribe.

Depending on which tribe you listen to, this place is either cursed or holy.
Local Klamath Indians still come here to do vision quests, which usually involves fasting for a few days under the guidance of an Elder, holding ceremony and then diving into the frigid water to receive the vision. On the other hand, some Klamath Elders and Modoc Elders consider the placed accursed and that to gaze on the waters is to invite death and avoid the place completely. In the past, Natives would deliberately lie to many of the early white explorers and settlers to throw them off from finding the lake and Wizard Island since they consider the place haunted and evil. They believe this because their stories still record when Mount Mazama erupted and apparently the force of the eruption was 42 times stronger than when nearby Mount St. Helen’s blew in 1980, so you can just imagine the devastation. Imagine something along the lines of Mount Vesuvius and what happened to the inhabitants of Pompeii and Herculaneum. I’m sure that kind of destruction leaves an etheric footprint.

Mount St. Helen’s erupting in 1980

Many, many, many stories about the place have developed over the years. UFO sightings are rife and apparently in February 1997, a fighter jet was seen pursuing UFOs over the lake and that evening, a sonic boom was heard throughout Western Oregon. Sasquatch/Bigfoot sightings happen regularly as well and several park rangers claim to have followed a large, dark, foul-smelling creature through the woods until it started throwing pinecones at them somewhere along the Southern Rim Road. Many people have gone missing  over the years and rangers regularly see fires on Wizard Island in the middle of the night to only go investigate and find out no one is there and there was no evidence of any campfire. (Public boating isn’t allowed there, the only way to get to Wizard island is to take the official boat tour which involves a gruelling 1 mile hike down the rim from Cleetwood Cove.)
Even the waters are supposedly haunted. Some people claim to have seen a dragon, serpent-like creature in the water a “block long”.  Until recently, that could be dismissed  as legend and a tall tale. However, in recent years scientists discovered that new life forms have been found in the coldest parts of the ocean, thanks to deep sea vents, volcanic fissures in the ocean which create  just enough pockets of warmth for lifeforms to develop despite the absence of light and despite the cold temperatures of the water. In effect, most biology textbooks had to be re-written when they found that out since it was assumed you needed light for life to exist. And guess what? Crater Lake has deep lake hydrothermal vents since the area is still seismically active and volcanically dormant, not dead.
Picture of a hydrothermal worm which lives on the sea floor.

Picture of an actual hydrothermal worm which lives on the seafloor.

I drove in coming in from the North Entrance, since it far less busier, through the ancient lava field, now an open field with the odd, lonely pine tree standing here and there. It was a hot, humid day and the place was crawling with thousands of tourists.
Skell Head lookout point

Skell Head lookout point

Stopping at various look-out points, scoping it out and getting a feel for the place, the very first thing I noticed while standing on the rim was the immense, almost muffling silence of the place. You can feel the wind against you but you won’t hear it. People can be talking loudly barely 10 feet away from you stand but it somehow sounds muffled. This wasn’t the rich, almost buzzing-like golden silence I experienced in places like Cappadocia, Turkey or Moray, Peru or the soft silence of untouched forests. This was the kind of silence you feel like when you’re being watched. Oppressive and strong.
Crater Lake Lodge and one of the wind-bent trees there

Crater Lake Lodge and one of the wind-bent trees there

I had a vague idea of taking the boat ride tour the next day, out to Wizard Island to offer tobacco.  Online reservations were full, so I headed over to the Crater Lake Lodge, a posh but rustic overpriced hotel to buy my ticket for the next day at an automated teller machine. It turned out there was one, last available ticket. I was about to buy it but then before I could press the “Buy” button, something, a sudden feeling, told me to back off. I didn’t buy the ticket but that night while researching about the lake online and trying to figure out a secluded spot I could go to, I found out about all the bad mojo the lake and area have.  I didn’t feel bad anymore about missing the boat tour.
Glad I missed that boat....

Glad I missed that boat….

The next day I returned. I left the main hiking trail and given that I was in running shoes and not proper hiking boots, I veered away from the edge of the rim trail. There are no guard rails and if you go down, you’re going all the way down since it is insanely steep. I found a meadow, not far from the highest point along the rim,  and went to the center of a grove of Whitebark Pines, pine trees which have grown up deformed because of the strong westerly winter winds here.
A Typical twisted but ancient Whitebark Pine found around Crater Lake.

A typically twisted but ancient Whitebark Pine found around Crater Lake.

I noticed a giant blue jay sitting in the tree but not squawking as they usually do, blue jays are normally very noisy birds. Again, a silence you could cut up into pieces. I lay the tobacco down and did my thing. I’ll only say this; there are some exceptionally powerful beings and entities here. Very powerful.  For anyone who wants to come here to do serious spiritual work, you need to come with an attitude of reverence, respect and humility.  I didn’t see anything but I certainly felt the presence of *something*. When I looked up, there were now 3 giant crested blue jays in that same tree staring down at me. No singing, no chirping just complete silence as they flew off one by one.
What I learned is that even when it comes to good places or bad places, if you respect a place, it will respect you right back. Intention is everything.  Even when we think we’re all alone, in the middle of nowhere, we never really are. Something is always watching over us


Categories: New Energy Centers, Those unseen things, Travels | Tags: , , , , | 4 Comments

The Language of Nature

“The Danish writer, J. Anker Larsen, in his novel “The Philosopher’s Stone”, speaks of the contacts that humans can have with nature.  He speaks of the “open world” and the “closed world”, explaining how nature opens up to sensitive, innocent people, particularly to children, whereas it stays closed to the majority, who have not learned to receive the vibratory energies of the subtle world: trees, lakes, rivers and mountains are nothing more than lifeless landscapes, and they have no communication with them.  Those, however, who live in the open world feel not only that they are part of nature but that all of nature is part of them. So when they touch a rock, a tree, an animal or any other creature, they are aware that they live in this rock, tree, animal or creature, that they are part of the soul and being of everything. In order to speak to animals, plants and stones and be understood by them, we must know where to find the entity governing the realm they belong to. The entity which rules over the animal kingdom is found on the astral plane of the universe; the one ruling the plant kingdom in found on the mental plane; the one in charge of the mineral kingdom is on the causal plane, which is so far away that stones to us appear lifeless. However stones are alive; they are alive and conscious….All the time, wherever we are, we can be in contact with all living beings. The language does not matter, because thoughts (and even more so words) produce waves of energy which influence all creation. Those who have worked for a long time at controlling their inner lives will be able to possess the power of the Word. Their purified and illumined lives release a power which permits them to take the etheric double of a tree, a flower, a rock or a spring and use it to serve the world. Yes, for example, they can speak to a rock and ask it to go to the aid of someone fragile, to make that person more stable and stronger, like the rock. They can also go to a spring and ask it to purify and bring new life to their friends… Nature spirits are waiting for you to ask for their help and protection. If you are unaware of them, what can they do? I am sure some of you are thinking as you listen to me, ” What on Earth is he telling us? We are living in a scientific and technological century and he wants us to believe  that we can be in touch with elemental spirits and that they will help us!”  Well, well, well, let me tell you that I believe it. The examples are numerous and the methods are for you to choose.”

– Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
My favorite kind of vacation is the kind where I can throw my tent, sleeping bag and foam pad into a giant backpack, fly to a particular destination, pick up a car rental at the airport, throw everything into the car trunk and then hit the road ASAP. I figure when you’re you’re young and able-bodied, that’s the time to do the trips which can be physically demanding, like hiking the Grand Canyon, investigating remote valleys in Cappadocia, or hacking my way through overgrown bush to get to a remote historical site. Art galleries in Florence or palaces in St. Petersburg are not going anywhere, I figure I can see those when I’m old.
Aivanhov’s quote above is in line with the teachings I received when I spent time with First Nations wisdom keepers and Elders. That there is life behind all of creation even if we don’t always see it or understand it. In fact, when you do a sweat lodge and the heated rocks are brought in, they are referred to as Grandfathers and Grandmothers and a certain respect is also given to them.
So it was after receiving the sign from my stay at the Aivanhov retreat that I found myself on a flight to Seattle in order to investigate a few places in the Pacific Northwest. Camping along the way in state parks, driving back roads over remote mountains, ducking into motels when it became too cold, eating at diners or splurging on seafood feasts thanks to Oregon’s 350 mile wild seacoast, for years the area had been beckoning me and I finally made it there.
A few things sparked my interest about that part of the United States. After having visited New Age circuses like Sedona, Mount Shasta and California in general, I’m always on the lookout for those forgotten and overlooked magical spaces which have escaped the blight of commercialism and mainstream attention. I figured since I was going to be in Oregon, it would also give me a chance to visit Crater Lake and Orcas Island which I will write about in the next few days and weeks.

Still a big deal in the Pacific Northwest

Aside from Sasquatch/Bigfoot sightings which people still report, it was reading about the “Wheeler Moment” which happens regularly in the Nehalem Bay, an almost regular occurrence of synchronicity the people in the area seem to experience almost daily and how locals always tell people who visit here “to make a wish” particularly in sight of Neahkahnie Mountain. It is a mountain which Native tribes consider to be holy and  “the place of the Supreme deity” in their language. After doing some research, it seems there is a portal or vortex there, an extremely powerful and pure one which some local spiritualists work with as well. Another strange coincidence:  Robert M. Pirsig, the writer of the classic “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” has a teacher who also lives near the base of Neahkahnie Mountain. Practically everyone who visits the area or the closest village, Manzanita, seems to come away with some insight.
Nothing will prepare you for the temperate rainforests of the Pacific Northwest. It literally is like stepping into some primeval world straight out of a J.R.R Tolkien book. Shades of green that you can’t imagine, crystal-like waterfalls everywhere, canopied forests and lush ferns and wild mushrooms abound. Then there is the moss, which starts to cover tree trunks, drapes from the trees, covers rocks, bridges and the forest floor.
The sense of vitality and of the abundance of the life force  is almost overwhelming. The moss was so soft that I could hike barefoot on some trails. The only sad part was seeing how much of Oregon’s wilderness has been sacrificed to logging companies. One minute you’re driving through a fairy tale scene, the next you’re in some desolate post-Apocalyptic landscape.
Multnomah Falls, on the Columbia River Gorge scenic Highway, not far at all from Portland

I tried swimming in the water pool, the water is freezing cold.

Neahkahnie Mountain
Manzanita Beach with Neahkahnie Mountain in the background

Manzanita Beach with Neahkahnie Mountain in the background

Aside from the Wheeler Moment, Neahkahnie seems to be shrouded in mystery and stories of pirate treasure still keeps people coming. A rock formation called the Indian Maiden guards the base of the mountain and whales are usually spotted from the lookout point.
Indian Maiden Rock

Indian Maiden Rock

Neahkahnie Mountain dominates the skyline of Nehalem Bay, which includes the villages of Manzanita, Wheeler and Nehalem. It’s a small community comprised mostly of fisherman and given the abundance of seafood which is harvested from the bay, it’s easy to see why. I made my way to Neahkahnie Mountain, offered tobacco like I always do when I visit a holy place, and spent an amazing afternoon meditating on Manzanita Beach. I’m not going to share what I meditated on and what came to me only to say that I got my insights a bit later on after the trip and the experiences at Crater Lake and Orcas Island are also taken into consideration. The next day I stopped off in Wheeler to investigate a bit more while on my way to Cape Lookout State Park. As always, I asked for a sign that I had been heard.
Cape Lookout State Park:
Driving along Highway 1, along the coast is a “must”. Everyone goes on about California but honestly I found Oregon even better.  Samuel H. Boardman Scenic Corridor has my vote over Big Sur any day. With parts of the coast resembling Maine’s rocky shoreline, other seaside villages which would rival Italy’s Amalfi coast with homes dramatically sticking to cliffs (i.e Oceanside), the purest soft-sand beaches with haystack rock formations and arches which go on for miles, you can walk all by yourself for miles at a time and not encounter anyone else.
The little village of Oceanside.

The little village of Oceanside.

Number 1: No pretentious attitudes. Number 2: Oregon lawmakers and environmentalist had the foresight to keep their beaches public for the use of all in perpetuity and prohibited any kind of development. Meaning, you have the most stunning, remote beaches and they are open to exploration by anyone with nary an ugly condo development on the beach itself anywhere. Number 3) Dogs are allowed on the beaches and everyone picks up after them. Some towns have unfortunately become tourist traps like Seaside and Cannon Beach, but there are still amazing hidden gems there like Manzanita, Oceanside and Yachats.
Add to that, the mystical fog which seems to shroud everything in the early morning hours, coming in off the sea and hitting the coastal mountains and cliffs, families out on the beach investigating what the night tide brought into the tide pools like jelly fish, crabs and razor clams and just the sense of space the whole place gives you.
Trail heading out to the beach at Cape Lookout State Park

Trail heading out to the beach at Cape Lookout State Park

I came here to camp and after setting my tent up decided to walk along the long beach. I was blessed to hit it on an exceptionally bright sunny, cloudless but windy day. The water was an aquamarine blue and the sound of the thunderous waves would rejuvenate even most tired of souls. I eventually found a lonely spot, away from the families and dogs I could just sink into, lean against a piece of driftwood, read a book, take in the salty air and just take it easy. I was less than 50 meters away from the water when about 100 meters away from me, I suddenly saw a giant dark, black-grey dorsal fin pop out of the water.
I of course thought it was a shark but then a spout of water shot up through the air. Then a second, a third, fourth, fifth and sixth. It was a pod of whales sunning and feeding themselves. I spent the rest of that afternoon hanging out with them, silently communicating with them for hours until sunset, when one by one, I did not see any more water spouting every few seconds and they swam off.
In Native lore, when you have an unexpected animal encounter, it means you are being gifted with a certain medicine, that a certain animal totem-animal spirit is bringing you a message from the Spirit world. In my case I understood that whatever I had petitioned for back on Neahkahnie Mountain had been heard and second, I had been gifted with Whale Medicine.
The lesson here is: don’t ever pay any attention to what New Agers, channellers, UFO enthusiasts and the like tell you about what place is “powerful” and what isn’t. Always pay close attention to the old stories and myths of the original, indigenous people of any given area since they know that landmass better than anyone else because of their history in the area. I mean: First Nations tribes in the Americas, Aboriginals in Australia, Dravidian/Tamil Indians in India, the Ainu in Japan, Celts in Ireland and the old Druidic orders in Great Britain etc. There are still many magical places left on Earth, but you have to look for them and no stupid New Age huckster will ever tell you where they are. Never  forget that the natural world has all the answers we need. We just need to train ourselves to ask the right questions and understand that language better.
Categories: Ascension, Ch-ch-ch-changes, New Energy Centers, Raise your EQ, Those unseen things, Travels | Tags: , , , | 10 Comments

Following the Cosmic Breadcrumb Trail

“Centres of light must be established throughout the world, because they attract the inhabitants of higher realms who rejoice in them. The beams of light we project by means of our songs, our meditations and our prayers are seen from great distances by celestial, high-frequency entities. Perceiving these pure rays of light shining through the spiritual shadows and darkness surrounding the earth, they come to contemplate them and bestow their blessings on us.  We must establish these rivers of light throughout the world in order to form a link between heaven and earth. They are living, breathing conduits through which these divine blessings descend for all human beings, and. without them the earth would be prey to very dark and destructive forces. If you truly wish to help your family, your country and the entire world, you must do everything possible to create these pockets of light through which the earth enters into contact with heaven. All human beings benefit from your efforts, thanks to which they receive spiritual nourishment and joy. This is the greatest, most glorious work you can undertake. You must never forget this.”
– Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

This past July I went and spent a weekend at Blagoslovenie, the motherhouse of the Canadian chapter of the organization which looks after the dissemination of the teachings of the Bulgarian/French Gnostic spiritual master Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov.


Aivanhov, to the more recent readers of my blog, is one of  the spiritual master whose teachings I feel resonates the closest for me (you’ll see his quotes around here a lot)  and while I don’t want to classify myself as a “follower” (I find that word has really culty associations and asks people to suspend their critical thinking skills) I will say that Aivanhov’s teachings have inspired me immensely over the years and in many ways have played a huge part in how I look at things. What I like about him is that he has a very take-it-or-leave-it attitude. There’s no “come-follow-me-and-I-promise-you-riches” kind of talk.  May not work for everyone but it works for me.  (For anyone interested, the biography about him by the late yoga scholar and noted Indologist Georg Feuerstein is fantastic and gives an amazing understanding of Aivanhov’s work for beginners.)
Great read.

Great read.

The have chapters all over the world now but I’m quite lucky in that the Canadian headquarter is a 2 hour drive away from me in Quebec’s magical Eastern Townships, at the top of the Appalachian panhandle and not far at all from one of the only 7 crystal mines in the world. It’s a beautiful and often over-looked part of Canada which is blessed with an exceptional microclimate which allows for all sorts of organic farming, outdoor living and homesteading.
Eastern townships
My understanding is that the area was once a golf course back in the 1970s. The organization bought it in the early 1980s. Aivanhov visited the area several times before he passed on in 1986 and designated it the Canadian headquarter . The area is now transformed into a self-sustaining organic farm with 7 different lakes on the gigantic property which includes meadows, forests, orchards, fields, hills, greenhouses, streams and ponds all fed by underground springs. It is quite an impressive and incredibly peaceful and pure place to visit. Colorful birds and butterflies are everywhere, cute little chipmunks run around between the trees and you can hear birds singing all day long. In Aivanhov’s words, “Billions of the most extraordinary entities live here… Go, walk the land, explore it and put these entities to work.”
Eastern townships
It was this last quote alone which convinced me that I need to go experience the place and investigate it. Also, I had been due for a spiritual retreat for quite a while. Too many questions. Not enough answers. Not enough clarity. Needed to be around some like-minded people. Walking, doing some yoga and meditating in nature sounded like the antidote which I needed. And so I went.
For those persons who are unfamiliar with Aivanhov’s teachings, it might be a bumpy trip. After all, you’re saying prayers in the original Bulgarian or in French translation, singing songs in Bulgarian, eating vegetarian meals in silence, waking up super-early in the morning to watch the sunrise and greet the Sun in silent meditation followed by a session of sun-gazing and solar yoga (exercises below). I’ve been reading Aivanhov since 1996-97 so I understood what these spiritual exercises signified and what was going on and didn’t feel uncomfortable in the least while joining everyone else. Everyone there made me feel welcome and were exceptionally kind.

One morning, another guest and I went walking through the forests and meadows and looking at the various lakes. I was looking for a good spot to do some yoga by myself but I also wanted a chance to investigate the extensive grounds and get a feel for the land there. My walking companion is a herbalist and wanted a chance to gather some fresh St. John’s Wort in the meadows. Eventually I found myself at one of the many lakes, liked what I saw and lay down my yoga mat.
Companion: “Can you keep a secret”
Me: “Yes, of course”
Companion: “This is the exact spot where the Master would meditate.”
I was elated. What were the odds? It was sign that I was at least on the right rack. Finally, a space where I could try to communicate with him. I returned the next day by myself to meditate, ask questions and ask for a sign which would give me an answer. One of the questions I wasn’t sure about was a reconnaissance trip to the Pacific Northwest of the US, to survey and investigate a few spiritual spots, namely Neahkahnie mountain, Nehalem Bay, Crater Lake and Orcas Island.
Almost as soon as I hit the highway while driving home back from the retreat, I saw an exit sign towards “Boulevard de Portland” in the town of Sherbrooke.
I got my answer.
(P.S It’s not possible for everyone to go out and create a spiritual retreat or compound. It’s really about creating a shared, common place of  pure intention, that’s how we become the the conduits between heaven and earth. You can do that in your back yard, front lawn or balcony.)
Categories: Ascension, Ch-ch-ch-changes, New Energy Centers, Raise your EQ, Travels, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , | 6 Comments

No Sleep till Brooklyn…sorta

The Brooklyn Bridge

The Brooklyn Bridge

Like I had posted last weekend, I attended the Brooklyn talk “New Directions in North American Yoga” which Carol Horton and Roseanne Harvey gave.
The talk was quite insightful and I pretty much agree with everything that Ivan Nahem wrote of the discussion over at Yoga Teacher Magazine. One point which was touched on in passing and I think would have been nice to discuss was the issue of the cultural appropriation of yoga but unfortunately time did not permit it. I also think it would have been interesting to see a wider discussion of yoga outside of North America but like the title indicated, it was a discussion of yoga within the North American context only. With global power and economic dynamics changing, this century will easily belong to Asia. New, emerging and insanely monied financial power centers are flexing their muscles and popping up like Singapore, Dubai, Shanghai and Mumbai and the other BRIC economies which leads me to believe that the days of North America setting the global “beat” on cultural issues are not indefinite…and that goes for yoga as well.
The old learning models are going.

The old learning models are going.

Towards the end of the talk Carol talked about the breakdown of the guru/disciple model of learning citing scandals like Osho, Bikram Choudhury and John Friend and instead suggested that maybe the next model will be one of networking, like a web, where disciples/students learn from various teachers depending on their specialty or focus. I would just add that the web of learning is now global as are the options and any discussion of a network of learning or idea-sharing needs to include that as well.
Learning different things from different teachers in a network.

Learning different things from different teachers in a network.

As for New York City itself, I have this strange relationship with that city.
On one hand NYC is everything you ever heard about and more. It really is senses working overtime to paraphrase that old XTC song. Bigger, faster, richer and just more (add adjective here)er  than you can imagine.
A pug dressed up as Scarlett O'Hara, at  the Tompkins Square Park Halloween Dog Parade

A pug dressed up as Scarlett O’Hara, at the Tompkins Square Park Halloween Dog Parade

I love to visit, my usual stomping grounds are the West Village, East Village especially around St. Mark’s/Tompkins Square Park and Morningside Heights. NYC along with San Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury neighborhood, is probably the best place on Earth for serious people-watching. It’s practically a microcosm of Planet Earth, people from all corners of the globe concentrated in this one city, all shapes, sizes, colors, political affiliations, spiritual affiliations, etc.  Just think of the most obscure category you can come up with like “Nestorian Christians” or “Yazidis” and I’ll bet money that they probably have their own neighborhood somewhere in the greater NYC area.
New Yorkers during their annual No Pants Subway ride

New Yorkers during their annual No Pants Subway ride

As much as I love the excitement, the vibrancy and the mind-boggling amount of things to take in, it’s not a place I don’t think I can ever live in. The stress of living there is just unbelievable and you see it quite clearly etched into the faces of the people there. Just because of the cost of living, you must have your game face on all the time, you have to be “ON” all the time and depending in what industry you work in, you have to be either assertive or flat-out aggressive, you have no choice or else you’re going to be flattened out.
I’m a real stickler for vibes and energetic interference and just because of the densely populated nature of NYC, you constantly have someone in your face all the time. It’s really not surprising why yoga studios and day spas offering massage therapy sit practically on every corner. You need them just to offset the insane amounts of stress which living in NYC generates.
I mean there are a few other equally frantic cities like London, Paris, Delhi and Istanbul but these are also very old, ancient cities. They have spots, usually of spiritual significance, which are linked to the far, distant past which you can easily escape to and it is very easy to slip into a deeper meditation or lose your sense of time and experience a deeper reality in those places.
The Roman Cistern in Istanbul

The underground Roman Cistern in Istanbul

New York, like Toronto or Sydney is a New World city. They are very young, they don’t have that link to our far past and quite often those spiritual spaces they create, in my experience, somehow feel synthetic and not nearly as grounded or organic as more ancient, older places do.
The Cloisters, part of the Met Museum.

The Cloisters, part of the Met Museum

I’m going to close off with a quote from Aivanhov and perfectly captures the conundrum of anyone who is faced with the choice of having a lot of money and accumulating things while losing their sense of joy or having little but remaining at peace despite it all. I’m sure everyone as well as New Yorkers deal with this all the time.

“Having a taste for things is so much more important than owning them – This is why, for those who lack nothing, it is better if money remains of secondary concern. You can see what life is like for so many business people – all that time they spend in the office and at meetings.  When they leave, it is so they can race around from one end of the globe to the other without seeing anything of the regions they pass through or of the people who live there. And that is how their sensitivity to what is beautiful and poetic in life eventually becomes dulled. So, what was the point of amassing a fortune? They cannot even enjoy the advantages it gives them, as they have destroyed that something in them that gives the most exquisite flavour to things, events and people. And that is what is sad: to have the possibility of acquiring anything you want but to feel no joy from it, except the vanity of owning it.  So if you have to choose between these two situations – owning a lot but no longer being able to appreciate it, or owning very little and keeping your taste for it – choose the latter, and the smallest thing will give you joy.”

– Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
Categories: Ascension, New Energy Centers, Pop culture, Raise your EQ, Travels, Yoga | Tags: , , , , | 3 Comments

Things are Heating up ….Again

Like I posted earlier, I had a feeling something was about to go down soon. Initially I thought it would involve the Olympics, but it turns out the event may have been wrong but the neighborhood is correct.

It's the gas pipeline, stupid

It’s the gas pipeline, Stupid

Unless you’ve been living under a rock it’s hard not to notice what is happening in the Ukraine these days. America and Russia’s Cold War antics have been resurrected…again. There are tons of websites, blogs and news outlets which are providing very insightful commentary on the situation but it should be obvious that the United States is trying to begin regime change…again. Putting in a bully leader of their choice in a different country…again. It certainly doesn’t help matters when the  US Assistant Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland, was caught saying on a recorded phone conversation “Fuck the EU” which Russian authorities promptly released to the world. It doesn’t help matters when it’s also come out that the US has invested over $5 billion dollars to start regime change in the Ukraine. (Look who is sponsoring the video event below as evidenced by the logo on the screen)

It should also come as no surprise, that drunkard, trigger-happy Senator John (Wayne) McCain has been pushing this “war” and is getting back at Vladimir Putin, most likely for not participating in the war against Syria and vetoing the motion at the United Nation Security Council and for providing amnesty to Edward Snowden. My personal opinion is that I think big-time NWO insiders,  Zbigniew Brzezinski and George Soros are behind it all. Brzezinski was President Jimmy Carter’s National Security Advisor. He’s also ethnically Polish and for many historical reasons, Poles have despised the Russians. Brzezinski’s family was also Polish nobility who lost everything when the Soviets took over Poland and made it communist and I think that would explain Brzezinski’s openly fanatical hatred of Russia going back decades now. 
Zbigniew Brzezinski

Zbigniew Brzezinski

George Soros

George Soros


Billionaire hedge-fund manager George Soros, of course is the financier of his Open Society Foundations, which have been behind nearly every “revolution” in most Eastern European countries. He plays the same playbook over and over again, namely creating NGOs, funding them, usually for marginalized groups,  whose causes are then “used” to challenge leadership of those countries where he would like to see regime change and funding these “Color Revolutions”
It was blatantly obvious in the lead-up to the Sochi Olympics when suddenly LGBT NGOs were crying foul about Russian discrimination against them. (To be perfectly clear, I have absolutely no issue with the LGBT cause, I have many friends who are gay, lesbian and bisexual whom I love dearly.) But if discrimination against the LGBT in Russia is so heinous, how come I never heard about it earlier before the Olympics? If it is as bad as the media have been depicting it, surly we would have heard about it years ago via Amnesty International or Human Rights Watch? Why didn’t I hear about it years ago? Why did the issue suddenly come to the forefront right before the Olympics?
Like I’ve written earlier, I don’t think Putin is an angel BUT he’s completely correct in classifying NGOs as “Foreign Agents”. (NGOs acting as intelligence-gathering apparatuses under the guise of international development  and international aid is nothing new. It’s not a coincidence that Sargent Shriver, President John F. Kennedy’s brother-in-law, founded the Peace Corps at the height of the Cold War to operate in countries which were part of the Non-Aligned Movement. That’s not to say they don’t do good work in impoverished areas and that’s not to say that all persons in international development are automatically agents or spies, but doing good humanitarian work is not their only raison d’etre…)
Ukraine is a big country. There are huge differences in the ethnic make-up and culture from East to West and North to South. The eastern and southern parts are more Russian in character while the northern and western feel more affinity towards Europe. The people there should decide who they want to align with. I don’t think the US or the EU should be telling other countries who to vote in and especially not those persons who they can pay off and install so they have access to key natural gas pipelines.
If you really want to have fun, watch CNN for 20 minutes on the Ukraine issue then switch over to RT and watch their coverage of the Ukraine issue for 20 minutes. Both sides have blatantly obvious biases. The truth is buried somewhere in between, I think.
Also, like I posted earlier, Britain has been hit with epic flooding in recent weeks and months. It would seem the flooding of Somerset County, where Glastonbury Tor is located, has been deliberate. The Tor is very literally the spiritual heart of Britain, and intimately tied in to the legends of the Druids, King Arthur, Merlin (who was a Druid), Avalon and even further back, to Atlantis. It would seem that if the Tor’s clean energy and its holy wells and springs are polluted, then Britain would follow.
I don’t think all hope is lost. I think the old Druids were smarter than that. They wouldn’t have placed all their eggs in one basket. I think there are places in the British Isles which are just as powerful energetically as the Tor only they are dormant…for now. Places where the energy needs to be re-activated by those people who are wise enough and sensitive enough to do it. Offhand, I couldn’t tell you all the places unless I walked all over the place there and did some serious investigation and research, but I can say, without doubt, that Alderley Edge is a potent spot where the energy can go either way, which ley line readers and dowsers would be smart to investigate.
The view of the village of Alderley from Castle Rock.

The view of the village of Alderley from Castle Rock.

These days, millionaire footballers and their vulgar wives make their homes there but in earlier times, legends of the Edge abounded.  English novelist Alan Garner immortalised the Edge in his fantasy books, particularly “The Weirdstone of Brisingamen”  but he based the stories largely on local myths and legends.  However, I’ve always believed some of these old myths and stories have a kernel of truth in them somewhere.  God knows, if I were in the UK right now, that’s where I’d make a beeline towards to do some work.
Categories: Ascension, Ch-ch-ch-changes, Conspirio, New Energy Centers, Politico, Pop culture, Think like the Illuminati, Those unseen things, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Egregores and Psychic Warfare


The past few weeks I’ve been knee-deep in studying the history of occultism in the 20th century and it’s been quite an interesting and eye-opening read.

Much of what we know and see today as either the New Age scene and the conspiracy theory scene actually have their roots in the various occult movements which were sweeping across Europe during the 1910s, 20s and 30s.
Aleister Crowley is probably the best-known example of one of these occultists from this period but I don’t want to focus on him too much since he belonged to a Black Lodge and that’s not something I dig.
Rather I want to focus on the White Lodges. 
My own theory is that after the horrors of WWI, interest in occultism literally exploded all over Europe because people couldn’t make sense of the violence they had witnessed or experienced and needed something which could help them come to terms with it. Europe was at the height of its culture, how could something so barbaric take place?
Fallen German soldier during the battle of Vimy Ridge, World War I

Fallen German soldier during the Battle of Vimy Ridge, World War I

This was a time when people did not understand mental illness as we do today, did not understand things like Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and simply dismissed people as “mad” or shell-shocked. Groups like the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the Rosicrucians, the Theosophical Society, the Anthroposophical Society, the Thule Society, the Vril Society sprung up and blossomed all over the continent and by extension, in their colonies as well.  Not that it helped very much because barely 30 years later,  WWII broke out with even more horrific consequences but it definitely laid the theoretical groundwork for New Agers, hippies, occultists (both black and white) later on.
The hippy and psychedelic movements did not come out of nowhere in the late 1960s.

The hippy and psychedelic movements did not come out of nowhere in the late 1960s.

 One occultist and psychic who interests me immensely is Dion Fortune. 
Not a lot of photographs of Dion Fortune exist.

Not a lot of photographs of Dion Fortune exist.

Born Violet Mary Firth, Fortune was a pre-eminent occultist, writer, psychologist, teacher and mystic who established the Society for Inner Light. She was also quite a pioneer in trans-personal psychology and was one of the first persons to introduce psycho-therapy and the teachings of Carl Jung and of the collective unconscious to Britain. She also incorporated these teachings with occultism, how certain personality types were susceptible to certain forms of hypnotism or psychic influence, something which was unheard of before. 
Fortune's old house is the one on the middle with the giant fir tree behind it.

Fortune’s old house is the one on the middle with the giant fir tree behind it.

Fortune had quite a storied life but one of the things which intrigues me most about her is how she  lived at the bottom of Glastonbury Tor for many years. Her old house is now a magical bed and breakfast. Fortune was quite a prolific writer and for many years her  books were out of print particularly her classic “Psychic Self-Defense” (a must-read in my humble opinion for anyone who is interested in the unseen world).Thankfully, her books are now being republished and there has been a resurgence of interest in her work, mostly because, I think, the stuff she wrote about are now being experienced by more and more people.
A very, very interesting read.

A very, very interesting read.

Because she lived at the base of the Tor for many years, the influence of that magical area no doubt exerted an influence on her. Fortune was convinced that the Tor and the Glastonbury area and countryside were intimately linked to the Arthurian legends, Merlin, the Holy Grail, the vale of Avalon, and that the Tor was the real, true heart of Britain and NOT the City of London, as the British Royal Family and British Establishment would like you to believe. Fortune also led an extraordinary early effort in mass psychic defense against psychic warfare.
The seven ridges of the Tor are considered a mystery but to anyone with even a tiny amount of spiritual knowledge can instantly see that the Tor is like a giant stupa. The seven ridges representing the seven chakras and seven levels of consciousness and the top representing the kundalini being released to through the crown chakra. Full credit to the ancient inhabitants of Britain for representing such a spiritual concept into the land itself which not even the the introduction of Christianity could eradicate.

The seven ridges of the Tor are considered a mystery but to anyone with even a tiny amount of spiritual knowledge can instantly see that the Tor is like a giant stupa. The seven ridges representing the seven chakras and seven levels of consciousness and the top representing the kundalini being released to through the crown chakra. Full credit to the ancient inhabitants of Britain for representing such a spiritual concept into the land itself which not even the the introduction of Christianity could eradicate.

The idea of the Egregore in occult literature is one which seems to have fallen out of fashion in the English-speaking world, but when I plow through some of the French occult writers like René Guénon or the Marquis Alexandre Saint-Yves d’Alveydre and even in Aivanhov, it’s still something quite current in their esoteric literature. The Egregore, put simply is a thought-form, 
” It is a symbolic, collective entity formed in the Invisible World by the collective thoughts and feelings of a country, religion or group representing the sum total of the will of the community. It is an autonomous psychic entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a group of people. The symbiotic relationship between an egregore and its group has been compared to the more recent, non-occult concepts of the corporation (as a legal entity) and the meme.(Wikipedia).
Cartoon from the English satirical magazine Punch, or The London Charivari showing up Egregores effectively. With the Russian Bear sitting on the tail of the Persian cat while the British Lion looks on, it represents a phase of The Great Game. The caption reads: "AS BETWEEN FRIENDS. British Lion (to Russian Bear). 'IF WE HADN'T SUCH A THOROUGH UNDERSTANDING I MIGHT ALMOST BE TEMPTED TO ASK WHAT YOU'RE DOING THERE WITH OUR LITTLE PLAYFELLOW.'"

Cartoon from the English satirical magazine Punch, or The London Charivari showing up Egregores effectively. With the Russian Bear sitting on the tail of the Persian cat while the British Lion looks on, it represents a phase of The Great Game. The caption reads: “AS BETWEEN FRIENDS. British Lion (to Russian Bear). ‘IF WE HADN’T SUCH A THOROUGH UNDERSTANDING I MIGHT ALMOST BE TEMPTED TO ASK WHAT YOU’RE DOING THERE WITH OUR LITTLE PLAYFELLOW.'”

Nations and culture have specific Egregores (don’t ask me how they come up with it and who is on the selection committee because I don’t know) though I imagine they are not all that different from totem animals which Native tribes use to identify their various sub-tribes and clans.  Russia’s Egregore is identified as a great Bear, India with the Bengal tiger, Japan with the Dragon, the US and Germany with the Eagle, Canada with the Beaver, France with the Rooster, Spain with the Bull, Turkey with the Wolf and Britain with the Lion. Each Egregore protects and helps the aggregate it belongs to and may even fight other Egregores. Aivanhov has written that the Egregore of the coming age will be one of peace, the Dove. 
I bring up the topic of Egregores because they played quite a key role in the Magical Battle of Britain and in no small part due to Dion Fortune. It’s a fascinating chapter in occult history and documented quite well in her book, “The Magical Battle for Britain”. Fortune knew on a psychic level that the Nazis were using black magick. The Rhineland was (and still is) full of occult groups and the stuff you saw in the early Indiana Jones films was not complete fiction and not entirely baseless. It would explain their meteoric rise and militaristic success in a mere 30 years from hyper-inflation, financial ruin and national shame right after defeat in WWI to suddenly becoming one of the most formidable armies in the world at the time. 
A typical German volkisch poster.

A typical German volkisch poster, complete with Christian and pagan symbolism.

German secret societies were able to utilize German folk culture and mythology and have it as something the general German population could strongly identify with and rally around. This energized the German population immensely on many different levels, especially on the psychic one. Many upper level Nazi SS officers were deeply involved in these groups, particularly Heinrich Himmler and Hitler was not dismissive of them in the least. Fortune was convinced after watching newsreels of the Nuremberg rallies and his various speeches that Hitler had some mediumship capacity, that he wasn’t completely clueless on these matters. Fortune also understood that Britain and in particular, the Glastonbury area had to be protected at all costs psychically during the air bombings since it was (and still is) considered by many following the Western esoteric tradition to be an area representing the heart chakra of this Earth. 
Map of Earth chakras. This is just one of many, many versions out there.

Map of Earth chakras. This is just one of many, many versions out there.

To do so, she sent out weekly newsletters detailing a mass meditation of the week, with particular visualizations, particular prayers which were do take place at a particular time and apparently hundreds if not thousands of people volunteered to be a part of it. She led a cadre of meditators at the Society for Inner Light’s headquarters. The visualizations became more complicated over time but one of them was where she asked people to envisage giant, red-robed benevolent entities/beings along the coast of Britain, traversing across the land, giant Egregores of protection. Another visualization involved King Arthur and Glastonbury Tor. The German Luftwaffe never conquered Britain.
A depiction of one of the visualizations.

A depiction of one of the visualizations.

People might say that repeated experiments in mass meditation are flukes at best and delusions at worst but I would respectfully disagree. Fortune’s campaign was highly organized, focused, efficiently executed and methodically thought through. Most mass meditations I’ve seen or read about are nowhere nearly as organized, it’s usually willy-nilly all over the place, not disciplined in the least and quite disjointed and that’s why I think many of them don’t work. Targeted and aggressive marketing campaigns, cultural memes, clichés are all forms of repeating a certain idea over and over again until they become internalized. True, they exist in 3D reality, you can see it, touch it, point at it, but once it’s in your head, it’s in your head. So why can’t we create targeted aggressive marketing campaigns of our own with visuals and meanings and symbols of our own choosing towards positive and collective ends of our choice?
Categories: Ascension, Ch-ch-ch-changes, Conspirio, New Energy Centers, Pop culture, Raise your EQ, Shift of the Ages effects, Think like the Illuminati, Those unseen things, Travels | Tags: , , , , , | 11 Comments

The Magic of Trees

The bamboo forest at Sagano, Japan

The bamboo forest at Sagano, Japan

“What riches, what a blessing trees are! Particularly if you can sense that all that solid, compact matter is in fact condensed light. Yes, trunks, branches and foliage all feed on light and are condensed sunlight. How could we not be filled with wonder at the thought that the sun’s love is there in abundance? And trees are also our benefactors, as they purify the atmosphere with the oxygen they release, so those who live near a forest are truly privileged. A forest is a place naturally full of presences. As soon as I begin to walk through the trees, I sense presences. And so I speak to them. I know how to address them, how to commune with their soul, and they understand me. These trees are all inhabited, and humans would be happier if they were aware of this and tried to establish real relationships with them. What is an oak? What is a fir tree? What is a eucalyptus? You have to spend many hours with them to discover their soul and commune with it.  When you go into a forest, remember there is a multitude of creatures there, coming and going, busy doing different things, and that they can see you. Try to relate to them, and even speak to them to show them you appreciate their work.  Go up to an oak tree or a fir tree, rest your hand against its trunk, and say to it, ‘How beautiful you are! How strong you are! Give me some of your robustness and stamina… Also, I entrust a message to you for all the other trees in the forest. Tell them they are magnificent and that I love them. Say hello to each one from me; kiss them for me’, and then hug the tree. The entities living in it will then rush to give your love to the whole forest, and while you carry on walking the other entities that have received your message come out from the trees to say hello and dance as you go by. When you return home you will be happy, as if you had just met some friends. A tree is a reservoir of energies which come from the earth and the sun. And it is possible to capture these energies that constantly circulate between the roots and the tips of the branches. When you are in a garden or a forest, choose a tree – the biggest and most beautiful – and lean your back against it, placing your left hand against your back, with the palm against the trunk, and the palm of your right hand on your solar plexus. Then, concentrate and ask the tree to give you its strength… You receive this strength through your left hand and pour it out into your solar plexus through your right hand. It is a sort of energy transfusion, as if the tree was giving you some of its sap. And when you feel recharged, thank it. You may be wondering how a tree can really help you. It will help you if you think of it as a living, intelligent being and if you love it. Your understanding and your love allow you to create a harmonious relationship with it, and gradually you will feel that this relationship revitalizes you and brings you joy.”
-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov 
Have you ever stepped into a forest and suddenly felt a sense of serenity overtake you? 
Have you ever walked around your neighborhood and suddenly found yourself attracted to a particular tree or grove? 
Have you ever had the feeling while hiking by yourself in the woods that you’re not alone, but somehow feel a gentle presence is watching you or is with you?
For me, check, check and check. 
I’m fairly certain that I had a former life as a forest guide or tracker. It’s a place which I have always felt safe and have spent hours happily hiking and never felt alone in the least. When I was younger I always wanted a treehouse and admittedly it was after hearing about Olympos, in southern Turkey, a backpacker’s haven where people stay in tree houses , which pulled me there. 
The "treehouses" of Olympos.

The “tree houses” of Olympos.


As a tomboy, I spent many hours climbing trees and reaching the top of the local linden tree and having a bird’s-eye view of the entire neighborhood. At an even earlier age, in Bangladesh, I recall playing hide and go seek with other cousins around a gigantic Banyan tree which seemed to be a house in itself.
A very typical Asian Banyan tree.

A very typical Asian Banyan tree.

I will never forget the sense of awe I had when I entered an old-growth redwood forest in Northern California. It was like entering a natural cathedral. Lately, I’ve found myself drawn to a magnificent, ancient willow tree in my neighborhood, which has a perfect place to sit and lean against and is near-perfect for climbing as well as having great branches for quietly sitting on and meditating.
Not "my" willow tree but you get the idea.

Not “my” willow tree but you get the idea.

I wouldn’t mind in the least, even now, living in one. Just have a look at some of the designs out there these days.
Not bad, eh?

If you want to check out even more amazing tree houses, have a look at this article.

If you want to check out even more amazing tree houses, have a look at this article.

Tree worship is nothing new. The fact that they are revered almost universally and have a prominent place in the mythologies of various cultures around the world are also a testament to their ability to calm us and even heal us.
Yggdrasil, the Tree of Life in Norse mythology

Yggdrasil, the Tree of Life in Norse mythology

The Celts, ancient Druids and modern-day Pagans have a very rich and comprehensive understanding of trees and the properties of their wood as well as magical exercises for working with the them.
Africans have a very rich connection to the weird and wonderful Baobab tree.
The Baobabs of Madagascar

The Baobabs of Madagascar

Indians have a myriad of stories around the Banyan tree.
Buddhists of course revere the Bodhi tree under which Buddha achieved enlightenment.
Buddha's original Bodhi tree is long gone but it's descendant is now a shrine.

Buddha’s original Bodhi tree is long gone but it’s descendant is now a Buddhist shrine.

Japanese Shinto worshippers usually tie pieces of cloth to specific tree shrines, with each cloth-tie signifying specific prayers.
I love the Aivanhov quote because it reminds me of the dryads in C.S Lewis Narnia tales, where trees had specific spirits attached to them and that they showed themselves to us when we were ready.
Lucy Pevensie seeing a dryad for the first time in the film version of "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe"

Lucy Pevensie seeing a dryad for the first time in the film version of “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”

There was a recent article about how actual tree hugging has been scientifically proven to be good for you and that it’s not some leftover idea by the hippies. I can believe it. (I recall watching an NFB film years ago in a “Women and Religion” college course called “Goddess Remembered” and there was a speaker in the film who mentioned an old pagan practice of standing against a tree, with your back against it, in order to alleviate menstrual cramps. It works.)
Go hug a tree!

Go hug a tree!

In the meantime, if you find yourself in a concrete urban area with little chance of getting yourself to a huge tree, have a listen to this song, called “Sky Trees” by Swedish electronic artist Solar Fields aka Magnus Birgersson. It’ll get you into the right state of mind :).
Categories: Ascension, New Energy Centers, Raise your EQ, Those unseen things | Tags: , , , , , | 3 Comments

Those Healing Places and Spaces

A typical scene in Vermont.

A typical scene in Vermont.

I seriously love Vermont.


Not only is it a mere 60 minute car ride from Montreal, (a fact which seems to freak out some of my geographically challenged American friends who seem to think Canada is some distant far-away place closer to the North Pole. Newsflash: Burlington, Vermont is a 90 minute drive away from Montreal, Boston and NYC are about 5 hours of driving away from Montreal, Vancouver is less than 2 hours away from Seattle and Windsor is literally over the bridge from Detroit.) but Vermont is one of the most independent and progressive states within the union, with strict environmental laws, which are the envy of most of the industrialized West and a political movement within the state which is pushing to jail George W. Bush and  Dick Cheney (and rightly so I think…). Vermont was one of the last states to join the union and if there ever is another civil war in that country, will probably be one of the first states to leave as well, I suspect. It regularly produces very independently minded politicians like Jim Jeffords and Bernie Sanders, who until a few years ago was the only sitting socialist in the House of Representatives. Anarchist theorist Murray Bookchin lived there for many years as well.


It’s known as the Green Mountain State, in reference to the fact that the Appalachians roll through the entire state, with meandering rivers cutting through bucolic verdant, green valleys in the summer. Autumn here means that the hills are literally alive with color.

A typical Vermont farm scene.

A typical Vermont farm scene.

Three Nobel prize winners of literature, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Sinclair Lewis and Rudyard Kipling have all lived, at one point or another in the tiny town of Brattleboro. “Catcher in the Rye” author J.D Salinger lived as a recluse for many years here as well. With family farms sitting beside tiny New England villages, it’s easy to see why artists, writers and other creative types come here in droves to just be left alone, think and be inspired.

Naulakha, the old Kipling house in Brattleboro.

Naulakha, the old Kipling house in Brattleboro.

It’s the kind of place where if you need to decompress or get your bearings, you can and not be worried about distractions of any sort. Not surprisingly, it is a place, like Hawaii, that New World Order-types have also targeted to ruin. The latest attempt is the new air force base near Burlington which often has eardrum-exploding F-35 fighter jets screaming across the sky practically every hour.

Water springs at the House of the Virgin Mary, Ephesus, Turkey

Water springs at the House of the Virgin Mary, Ephesus, Turkey

People the world over have always expressed certain springs or certain geographical land features as “healing”. Catholics have places like Lourdes, Fatima or even the House of the Virgin Mary at Ephesus, and swear that the waters from the springs there have healing properties. The Incas had the Urubamba River in Peru, far below Machu Picchu. The Irish have hundreds of holy wells dotting their countryside, each one attributed to some saint or other. Every religion and/or faith tradition has its own spot or place of healing power. I went to the House of the Virgin Mary and had the water there. I also fell into the Urubamba River while rafting. Nothing special happened to me physically at all at either of those places, unfortunately.

Many of the holy wells in the Celtic world predate Christianity by thousands of years and were places of worship in pagan times. Introduce Christianity + rename the place = Voila, a new holy well!

Many of the holy wells in the Celtic world predate Christianity by thousands of years and were places of worship in pagan times. Introduce Christianity + rename the place = Voila, a new holy well!

Native and First Nations people however have a different take on healing spots. When I visited Mount Shasta, California in 2005, I spent time with the spiritual leader of the tribe who are the real guardians of that mountain, the Winnemem Wintu. Unfortunately  they are a tribe who are not nationally recognized and not on the register for the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Nonetheless, I was lucky enough to spend time with Caleen Sisk-Franco their leader, and her family during their annual Coonrod Ceremony in August, to honor the salmon. The meeting also meant smudging everyone before they jumped into the lower McCloud River Falls. A member of Caleen’s family described it to me in this way: “We consider a site or place holy mostly if there is something unusual about a place, geographically. See these falls, how it is almost perfectly round, like an arena or amphitheater? To us, that means something. It means Spirit has been at work here in a special way”.

members of the winnemem Wintu jumping into the lower McCloud River falls during the Coonrod ceremony.

Members of the Winnemem Wintu jumping into the lower McCloud River falls during the Coonrod ceremony.

I have this “thing” about swimming in natural settings, preferably in rushing streams, gorges, rivers or the ocean. Negative ions in the air which comes from the water’s constant movement and splashing or churning probably has something to do with it. It just makes you feel better.

One of my favorite swimming holes, Les Cascades Rawdon, where the Oureau river changes elevation dramatically through a  series of rock ledges and rock pools.

One of my favorite swimming holes, Les Cascades Rawdon, where the Oureau river changes elevation dramatically through a series of rock ledges and rock pools.

I’m literally the type to carry my bathing suit with me when I go hiking, just in case I come across the perfect spot to jump into, to cool off in. That would explain why I hate swimming pools, artificial beaches and why I find lakes revolting (especially when you walk into a patch of “warm” water and there’s tons of little kids everywhere…). I found this excellent site which lists natural swimming holes all over the US and decided since I was going to be in Vermont for a few days, I was going to explore some of the places listed, particularly around Stowe. I decided to visit and explore Bingham Falls, Sterling Falls Gorge and Moss Glen Falls.

The last thing I had on my mind was healing as I hiked through the woods and clambered down the wet rocks and boulders and made my way towards Bingham Falls. It’s at least a 400 feet drop along one side of a hill, on round boulders, and requires your complete attention lest you slip on these wet rocks on your way down. (Do NOT do this with flip-flops). I was too busy enjoying the beauty of the place, the fresh mountain and forest air, hearing the roar of the water as it rushed through rock pools and small gorges. When I finally got to the bottom and saw the falls and watched boys jump from the top of the falls into the pool below, all I could really do was take in the wonder of the place and realize that these are the hidden places of the world, the real places, where I’m sure the little folk meet on full moon nights, far from the gaze of humans, far from the gaze of civilization. This is where real magic takes place. I just felt happy to be there. I offered some tobacco to the place, in gratitude.

Vermont also has a strong tradition of skinney-dipping but I think  Bingham Falls is way too well-known a spot for that sort of thing.

Vermont also has a strong tradition of skinny-dipping but I think Bingham Falls is way too well-known a spot for that sort of thing.

I took my time and went swimming in the pool, clambered over rocks, investigated pools downstream and watched how the water formed a gorge upstream. Talked to people there, some were Hell’s Angels bikers but if you leave them alone, they leave you alone. Most were teens on holiday with their parents from places like New Jersey or Maryland (Stowe valley is a bit of a resort area). Finally it was time to leave and I was not looking forward to climbing up those 400 feet back to the main trail. Mostly because I have always had some inflexibility in my left hip and no matter how much yoga or massage therapy I do, it never gets better. (I made the mistake of taking the stairs up to Machu Picchu and what normally takes most people 45 minutes to do, took me 90 minutes, to give you an idea).

Stairs to Machu Picchu. Never again.

Stairs to Machu Picchu. Never again.

I made the slow climb up the boulders, pacing myself mostly because I didn’t want to get all hot and sweaty again especially after such a refreshing swim, I walked slowly along the uphill trail back to the road and then made it back to my tent. That’s when I realized that there was no pain at all in my hip. In fact, ever since Bingham Falls, I have not felt any pain at all in that hip even after exploring steeper places.

The pain is gone.

Categories: New Energy Centers, Raise your EQ, Those unseen things, Travels, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , | 3 Comments

The Journey to the Centre

A far-reaching science and a vast body of philosophy is contained in this figure monad The circle symbolizes the universe and the dot represents Cosmic Intelligence who sustains and animates it. Look at it and you will see that the central point is at exactly the same distance from every point on the circumference; and it is this that enables it to maintain the circle in perfect equilibrium. A ceaseless ebb and flow that exists between the centre and the periphery, communicating life to the whole area enclosed by the circle. The fullness of life is there: vibrating, palpitating, digesting and eliminating, breathing and thinking…Astrologers have always used the circle with a dot in the centre to represent the sun and this figure   monad  can be seen in every sphere of nature from the solar system to the atom. The dot represents the spirit, the prime mover, the space between the dot and the circumference represents the soul where currents between the spirit and physical are exchanged and the circumference represents the body, the physical limit. And now if you look at the structure of an eye, the inside of fruit or a tree, you will recognize the same pattern, these same three divisions: the spirit, the soul and the body.

– Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, “The Symbolic Languages of Geometrical Figures

Ramadan starts tomorrow (pending if the crescent moon is sighted tonight of course) marking the holiest month for Muslims worldwide.

Ramadan crescent moon as seen over Bahrain.

Ramadan crescent moon as seen over Bahrain, near top right hand corner

When Ramadan ends, the Islamic calendar then celebrates one of it’s most important holidays of Eid al-Fitr, the breaking of the fast. When I was growing up, the fast was explained to me as a spiritual exercise in which we need to forget about mundane matters for a little while and think about deeper spiritual matters in that time instead. I was also told that the fasting was also to help us feel and understand what those who are less fortunate than us must feel when they are hungry and this is to instill a sense of brotherhood and sisterhood which is to extend to all members of the human family, that we have a duty to be each others keepers and feed those who are hungry and share with others what we have (hence the insane amounts of food which are distributed at mosques and street vendors every evening during Ramadan around the world when the fast breaks at sunset to anyone who shows up, Muslim or not).

Ramadan food stalls in the streets of Kuala Lampur.

Ramadan food stalls in the streets of Kuala Lampur.

It made me think about the other Pillars of Faith within Islam. For several years now, my brother and I have been asking my dad if he wants to do the Hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina all Muslims are supposed to undertake if they have the means. He keeps saying no. Mostly because my dad is not super-religious at all but keeps his spirituality private but I also suspect being alone in Saudi Arabia wouldn’t be fun for him either at his advanced age. I wouldn’t be against accompanying him for the pilgrimage to see first-hand what the experience would be like.

Some of my elder relatives have done the Hajj. When I asked one of my great-aunts about it, she would always inevitably tear up and say that she never felt closer to God than during the Hajj, that the whole experience shifted her perception of life and creation, that she really felt that sense of brotherhood and sisterhood with the rest of humanity, with everyone dressed the same in the white shroud (again to stress the equality of each human life and to signify no rank, no hierarchy, no caste, no chosen tribe, no separateness, that we are all in this together), everyone doing the same rituals (like the throwing of the stones to the devil), and the 7 rotations around the Kaaba, the centre of Islam, everyone coming together in unity irrespective of color, culture, race and gender and the overwhelming sense of peace it brought her.


In Islam, the Kaaba is the centre.

I bring up the Aivanhov quote because that’s what the centrality of the Kaaba and Mecca reminds me of, as well as the rotations around it and the way that Muslims around the world, regardless of location need to pray towards Mecca. To me it’s symbolic, not literal.

Indian Muslims near the Taj Mahal, praying in the direction of Mecca.

Indian Muslims near the Taj Mahal, praying in the direction of Mecca.

I do however find the idea of pilgrimages to be a beautiful one, whether it’s the more established one like the Hajj or Hindus making their way to Varanasi,

Hindu pilgrims at Varanasi

Hindu pilgrims at Varanasi

…or Christians going to Rome, Jerusalem or doing the Camino in northern Spain or other holy sites like Medjugorje, Fatima or Lourdes.

Pilgrims walking along Santiago de Compostela.

Pilgrims walking along Santiago de Compostela.

Some people need to do the Pow-wow circuit which is in full swing now among First Nations communities with the Sun Dance happening out west later this summer.

Getting ready to do the pow-wow

Getting ready to do the pow-wow

I know at some point I need to make my way towards the Rila Mountains in Bulgaria for the August full-moon sessions of Paneurhythmy, a form of dance and solar yoga which the followers of Aivanhov and Peter Deunov follow. It takes place near the Seven Lakes of Rila.

Followers of the teachings of Aivanhov and Deunov doing the Paneurhythmy dance in the Rila mountains.

Followers of the teachings of Aivanhov and Deunov doing the Paneurhythmy dance in the Rila mountains.

Not a lot of people know about Paneurhythmy but several years ago but each year, more and more YouTube videos are going up. I have no idea when I’ll go but one of my contacts there once told me, “Don’t worry about when you come, Rila is always here for you.”

Other pilgrimages follow no rule-book or formula but instead are highly personal, simply places that they are compelled to go to, rituals they need to do for whatever reason, places which may very well be in the middle of nowhere and have no meaning to anyone else. To me it’s all good. Like anything else in life, it’s intention here which counts. It’s not the idea of going through the motions of certain rituals but rather what you bring to them which changes everything and your experience of it.

It’s the journey which got you there which counts, not the end destination.

Categories: Ascension, New Energy Centers, Raise your EQ, Those unseen things, Travels | Tags: , , , , , | 3 Comments

An experiment in Earth Healing

This enchanting house is located on an island called Elliðaey near Vestmannaeyjar, a small archipelago off the south coast of Iceland. In 2000 the house was given to singer, Bjork from her motherland as a “Thank You” for putting Iceland on the international map.

This enchanting house is located on an island called Elliðaey near Vestmannaeyjar, a small archipelago off the south coast of Iceland. In 2000 the house was given to singer, Bjork from her motherland as a “Thank You” for putting Iceland on the international map.

I have seen signs. The end of the world as we know it has begun. Don’t panic. It might look terrifying on the surface, but inside every human being is a choice to act out of fear or love. Earth is calling. God is calling. Sky is calling. Creation is calling. Wake up. Wake up now. Generate the capacity for love, for compassion in your heart. Now is the time to yield to the call of growth, to the call of action. You, you are the change makers. Sleepers of all ages, wake up. Wake up now.

– Poem by Icelandic Parliamentarian and WikiLeaks representative, Birgitta Jónsdóttir, on “Democracy Now!” (at 14:58)
Like I posted in one of my very first blog-posts  Iceland is indeed proving itself to be a high-frequency consciousness country over and over again. This is a country that had the foresight to jail their bankers who created the financial meltdown of 2008, then forgave every one of their debt. The result that they are now one of the most financially robust economies in the world. More recently, Iceland has decided to push legislation against internet pornography because of the damaging effects it has on women in the industry as well as the scarring if little-understood effects it has on children who are exposed to this material before they are ready to handle it.
Then I watched the recent interview with   Birgitta Jónsdóttir on “Democracy Now!” linked above and I thought to myself “*THIS* is the kind of politician we need everywhere folks. Now.”
Birgitta Jónsdóttir - Class Act

Birgitta Jónsdóttir – Class Act

Can you ever imagine you local politician ever writing something like her poem and then reading it out loud in front of a political prisoner’s jail? None around my neck of the woods, that’s for sure…One of the things I’ve always admired about the Nordic and Scandinavian countries is this very pragmatic outlook they have on things. They don’t give a rat’s ass about politics or stepping on some billionaire or politician’s toes but rather ask “Does this work?” and if it does, employ it and get rid of whatever doesn’t.
Did you know that Iceland grows it's own bananas in their greenhouses because it's cheaper to do so than to import them from overseas?  Also the fact that the island is volcanic and geothermally active ensures they have all the cheap heat they need. (Do you see any agro-business or oil companies having a fit now?)

Did you know that Iceland grow their own bananas in their greenhouses because it’s cheaper to do so than to import them from overseas? Also the fact that the island is volcanic and geothermally active ensures they have all the cheap heat they need. (Do you see any agro-business or oil companies having a fit now?)

 A few weeks ago Waking Times posted a very interesting article on “How We Create Reality”. Normally, I have a hard time digesting magical thinking and can’t tolerate stuff like “The Secret” or books like those by Og Mandino.
No. Just no.

No. Just no.

However this article was a little different in that it addressed how to actually negate poor self-image and also the fact that what other people think of us does end up affecting us, which is why it’s important to drop those frenemies and surround yourself with people who really do have your best interests at heart, an important point which many of these New Age pot boilers fail to mention.
Gwynnie-poo and Madonna, classic frenemies, any wonder why they don't hang together anymore?

Gwynnie-poo and Madonna, classic frenemies, any wonder why they don’t hang together anymore?

I then thought about  Birgitta’s  poem and what effect , if any, there could be if indeed many people, instead of focusing on complicated systems and complicated daydream scenarios or visions lasting 20 minutes, instead repeatedly focused on one simple image, like the article suggests.
Would it really change anything?
So Shifters, here’s a simple experiment for you, should you want to join in (if you don’t, that’s cool too).
Here’s an innocent image below, all it is a vision of a Tibetan Mandala. Specifically, the Mandala of Auspicious Beginnings . In Mahayana Buddhism, the ideal is the Bodhisattva, one who has taken the vow to become a Buddha, an enlightened one. The maṇḍala, a symbol of the universe in Buddhist cultures, depicts the three great Bodhisattvas who represent the power, wisdom, and compassion of the Buddhas. This maṇḍala was  to invoke the blessings of the Bodhisattvas.
Don’t think about how-tos, wherefores, whys or what-ifs  or any of the rest. Just commit the image to memory and remember it as vividly as you can and remember it several times a day, even for a second or two.  Share it with as many people as you want.
It’s just an experiment, let’s just see where this goes, shall we 🙂 ?
Categories: Ascension, Ch-ch-ch-changes, New Energy Centers, Politico, Pop culture, Raise your EQ, Shift of the Ages effects, This is why the planet is screwed up, Those unseen things, Travels, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , | 3 Comments

APB Alert: All Points Bulletin to all light workers, solo spiritual seekers and earth healers

Two weekends ago, I left Montreal and the stupid F1 madness and accompanying vulgarian circus and went to Toronto instead to attend a sweat lodge, conducted by a good friend, a Sun Dancer, who will shortly be leaving Turtle Island (North America) and taking the teachings of the lodge with him to Albion (the Druidic name for Britain) as he starts a new phase of his journey to build a community there around the lodge teachings.

The thing with sweat lodges, the Native teachings always say to watch the 4 days and 4 nights after doing a lodge, to watch your dreams, animal medicines which show up in the form of animals which may cross your path since they carry messages, to monitor your intuition and so forth. It’s always an interesting and introspective time. Since the lodge, I’ve been visited by an eagle, a skunk and a frog and have been dutifully looking up the meanings of those medicines and totems and how they apply to me specifically.  It’s different for each person and it’s different each time you do a lodge (If any of you are interested to know more about Animal Medicines and totems, Ted Andrew’s book “Animal Speak” as well as Jamie Sams “Medicine Cards” are a good beginning. There are also lots of resources online.)



In the last few days, as I have been observing the craziness which has been happening in London with the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and the upcoming ZION Olympics, I can’t help but side with the many conspiracy theorists around the world, that *something* off is going to go down in London this summer.

Official London 2012 Olympics logo – do you see the word ZION in it?

Some people are saying a false-flag alien invasion (Spock, where are you when we need you?) , others are saying that some sort of fake terrorist thing will happen, hurting many. I don’t know. All I get is a dark feeling when I think about London this summer. What I also find interesting is that apparently many tourists have also picked up on the negative Olympic vibe. Tourists bookings into the UK this summer have gone down because many people don’t want to be around the Olympics craziness.

Why: While thinking about all this, it sort of came to me that while there are many, bad people in this world doing horrific rituals to gain worldly power and influence, things that you and I would never engage in because it makes our stomach turn, I can’t help but think about that chapter in the Bible when Jesus went out to the desert and the devil tempted him with the glory, honor and beauty of the world (literally) and said all this could be his if he just bowed down to Satan and JC’s response was that he wasn’t interested and literally took the piss out of the devil.

Bohemian Grove

I think it’s time we ALL take the piss out of this devil energy. I am asking that everyone who reads this blog, to please pass on this message to others, we need to start doing ceremonies of our own to counter the negative energy released in those evil rituals. We only work with light, we only give good medicines back to the earth. Whether it means offering medicines or a sacrifice we are joyfully and lovingly willing to part with (no killing, no harm, it means giving up maybe something which means a lot to you, an item, a habit but you imbue it with prayer and blessings.).

Even 1 person doing ceremony is better than nothing.

Where: Scope out your local area, find a place which you know has a concentration of either good or bad power there (i.e City of London, Wall Street, local megachurch, posh area with homes of the rich and famous, ancient stone circle, site of ruins etc.) It could be anywhere, it could be a glade, a forest, a remote part of the beach, a park, even a small green space. Figure out where you’ll do this first. Target where you think these negative things are happening. Look at maps, walk around and then feel the energy of the place and then decide.

City of London : This place has to seriously be cleaned out.

What: Then you need to start to meditate on what medicines you want to offer back to the earth in defense against this harm which is being released continuously. A good place where I started was the Native medicine wheel.

The Native medicine wheel, many versions out there and what the 4 directions represent

The 4 colors, the 4 races, the 4 directions, the 4 elements, the 4 holy plants associated with each direction. Your medicine mix could be these plus whatever else comes to you like Thunderbeing Ash (wood from a tree hit by lightening), grains or herbs holy to your tribe or people or ancestors.

Feathers and the medicine associated with that bird are considered holy items to Natives.

Then you need to meditate on items you want to give back to the earth, crystals, rocks, feathers etc. All these things have to individually be prayed over and blessed, that’s when they become potent and most importantly, with LOVE, that is the one “ingredient” which the dark side can’t fight against. They just can’t deal with it because they don’t have any and they try to make you fearful and crazy so you don’t have any either. It’s a ruse. See it for what it is. Keep your medicines in cloth or leather bags only. Never plastic or metal coverings or containers.

Medicine pouch, keep your medicines separate.

Who: Then you need to figure out who you’ll do this with . You can do this alone or if you find a person or two who is on the exact same wavelength that you are on, even better. Be careful who you want to share this ceremony with. Better to keep it under wraps and tell no one. The less people who know, the better. Plus you don’t want people who don’t believe in this stuff affecting you with their negativity. Secrecy is a power in itself.

Find a spot where you can be left alone or undetected.

When: Look at a farmer’s almanac and astrological ephemeris. Check out the phases of the moon. Are there any upcoming solar eclipses, lunar eclipses or strange or positive astrological configurations taking place soon? What is the significance of them? Figure out what resonates with you and time yourself accordingly.

A good ephemeris is a great place to figure out your timing.

How: You’ve figured out your medicines, your ceremonial partners, your location and the time you’ll do your ceremony. It’s the big day. What do you do? First of all you always have to keep in mind that THIS  IS NOT ABOUT YOU. This is not about personal gain, becoming famous, getting that new job or getting that girl you want or winning the lottery. That’s what the Dark side does. Anything related to sensual or egocentric, individual gratification is related to devil energy. Don’t go there.

White magick is about helping EVERYONE, no exceptions.

When we do ceremony it’s about healing for the community (and that can mean your family, your neighborhood, your school or the world) and that eventually peters down to us as individuals. When you pray or meditate, it is for everyone. The ceremony is to benefit everyone.
Keep a shovel and flashlight on you (if you’re doing this at night or at dawn). You offer tobacco to the land first and ask the land’s permission to do this ceremony. Lay down the tobacco.
Go to the spot or spots you already chose, find where the land is soft enough to dig. Encircle the area you will be working in with salt. This will protect you from attachments and elementals. Once you have put down the circle, you stay inside of it and don’t leave until after you’ve finished your ceremony. The circle cannot be broken.

Salt circles protect you.

Dig where you need to dig and then sit with the medicines a long, long time, pray with them, pray and mediate on what you want to help achieve with this ceremony. Put the medicine mix into the ground, then put the item into the ground, pray the whole time you are doing this. Cover it up with the earth so that it looks normal again and undisturbed so that no one can guess there is something there. Go to the next spot and repeat if necessary.
If I had the time and the money, I’d go all over the world to do this but I can’t so I’m putting this out there in the hopes that some like-minded individuals can do this, where ever they are. I can see from my stats page that I have readers from all over the world visiting this blog so feel free to translate this page, share it with your friends and get out there and do it. Trust me. the more you do this kind of stuff, the more trans-formative your life becomes in a  good way.

A thousand points of light around the world

Message to David Icke and Stuart Wilde:
Gentlemen, I know you’re both visiting my blog. I’m gratified and very happy and humbled that such great writers and visionaries like the both of you have decided to visit my small corner of the internet. These are just suggestions of course, I’m just sharing with you what “came” to me.
David: I got the impression that you need to go to the Cirque de Gavarnie in the French Pyrenees and do ceremony there, ideally in August sometime and then the Seven Rila lakes in Bulgaria. Both are Gnostic areas (Pyrenees–> Cathars, Bulgaria—>Bogomils),

Cirque de Gavarnie, a very, very high-frequency power point on earth.

Seven Rila Lakes in Bulgaria, each lake is shaped like an organ in the body which corresponds to a specific chakra

Stuart:  got the impression that you need to go to Malta and do something at the Hypogeum of Paola, then on to the Isle of Iona in Scotland.

The megalithic underground temple in Malta, the Hypogeum

Isle of Iona, another extremely powerful site on the earth grid.

Someone needs to go to Göbekli Tepe in Turkey. That’s ground zero.

Gobekli Tepe is now the oldest known human made site on earth, going back 12 000 years BCE. It was a ceremonial site which was then deliberately buried up and was only rediscovered recently.

Good luck to everyone who decides to accept their “mission” 🙂

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Categories: Ascension, New Energy Centers, Shift of the Ages effects, Those unseen things, Travels, Uncategorized | 16 Comments

Part II: 11:11:11, Linda Goodman and a whole lotta shakin’ goin’ on

Preparation and Build-up

Denver itself is nothing special. What I liked was that the Rocky Mountains are right there against the city skyline but other than that, it’s not all that different than any other city in North America. Colorado is a very, very wealthy state. Lots of military installations everywhere, Masonic symbolism everywhere especially in that crazy airport and the Air Force base is there as well as NORAD. I got a creepy feeling the whole time I was driving in the city.

Why would anyone in their right mind have entire wall mural of this at the airport?

Cripple Creek, Colorado
Cripple Creek is indeed a beautiful area, very rural and very remote, the gold mining operation in next door Victor have resumed and the way some of the mountains are now bare is very very sad. Cripple Creek really is not much nowadays, a bit of a disappointment. The casinos have completely ruined it. Lots of day-trippers from Colorado Springs or Denver who come in to play the slot machines and then leave. Not a lot of people living there anymore. The old hotels are now casinos, it’s all really tacky and loud. Not much of the money however is being put back into the town. It is an economically depressed part of Colorado despite the gold underneath them.  Beautiful Victorian houses and mansions sitting neglected, abandoned and dilapidated. There’s just no money there. Artists come and go. They can’t develop any skiing because the snow doesn’t stay long enough. But if you get out of Cripple Creek and investigate other parts of Teller County, it is a very beautiful and great place to visit. I think LG did “dress” it up a bit. I mean it’s a great place if you want to be left alone and based on what Ruth told me, LG would get people bugging her all the time, like some of these “knowflakes” types, someone even showed up at her doorstep while she was still in her bathrobe and demanded a reading! Many of her fans somehow felt entitled to LG and her time. My impression of the locals is that they are actually a bit red-neckish.

Cripple Creek, Colorado in the Gold Bowl

Even then, there is still gold underneath those mountains, the sunny mornings and the clear blue skies and air are absolutely breathtaking, driving around Teller County is indeed a beautiful place. And the snowcapped mountains in the distance does lend an air of exoticism to the valley. Easy to see why she called it a microcosm Tibet. One thing I did notice was that many of the mountains there are pyramidal in shape, not jagged like the Himalayas or rounded like the Appalachians, but with a distinct pyramid in shape. I kept seeing them everywhere. Who knows what’s underneath some of those valleys and mountains, but one thing LG got right, you DO get the sense there is some secret lurking in that area. I just don’t know what exactly. You do feel something in the air there.

Mount Pisgah, Cripple Creek, CO

I ended up staying at the Cripple Creek Motel for most of the time and after looking at the Last Dollar Inn (LG’s old house which is now an Inn) and after speaking to Ruth (Ruth Cook was one of LG’s best friends), I cancelled my stay at the Last Dollar Inn. I had a look in and it’s red velvet everywhere. I got a creepy vibe from the place, even standing at the door. I also didn’t see a point to staying there given that I got into LG’s other house on Hayden Street.

Last Dollar Inn, Linda Goodman’s first home in Cripple Creek, CO

I went and had a look at the house on Hayden Street. The one with the indoor pool and St.Francis chapel. The place is deserted now and when I went out back to take some picture, I found that the back door had been jammed open. Someone had busted the lock a long time ago. The timing of the whole thing was too strange so I took it as a sign, I went in and took pictures and here they are. The house on Hayden Street is a beautiful piece of property, my guess is that there are no buyers which is why it’s been abandoned for so long. Why would you buy a multi-million dollar home which also needs a few hundred thousand dollars worth of work and upkeep in a tiny village in the middle of nowhere? I don’t think there are many buyers with that criteria. That house is totally abandoned now and has been since she died and will probably take millions to bring it back to what it was. Water damage everywhere. Even then, the energy there was much cleaner and nicer, you can see LG’s touch everywhere. Fireplaces in practically all the rooms. Someone had even left flowers at her chapel where she has a stained glass of St.Francis and another one of Mary Magdalene. I went back there a few times and “talked” to LG and explained what the ceremony was about and what I wanted to do in LA. I don’t know why, but I felt protected in that house.

Entrance into house on Hayden Street

The indoor pool area

Water damage in basement room

Stairwell to basement and pool area

The old pool

Front living room area and fireplace

Entrance into chapel area

The stained glass chapel of St.Francis of Assisi and Clare of Assisi

On adjoining wall in chapel, the stained glass window of Mary Magdalene waiting for Christ outside of his tomb.

Detail of Magdalene stained glass, “And the wolf will dwell with the lamb, And the leopard will lie down with the kid, And the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; And a little boy will lead them.” Isaiah 11:6

In Linda Goodman’s old kitchen. ‘expect a Miracle” was one of her most favorite sayings.

Stained glass window in the kitchen, of the Holy family

Isis, detail of holy family stained glass

Osiris, detail of holy family stained glass

The starship “RA”, LG’s allusion to Brewers work as a marine biologist, I think.

I went to the Last Dollar Inn and despite it showing up as “booked” solid online, I saw no one there. Looking into the windows and walking around, I didn’t see anyone staying there or running the place. I think the owners only show up if someone is there. Anyway, looking into the windows, I didn’t have a good feeling about the place. And it turned out my intuition was right after speaking to Ruth.  The new owners bought the place in 1995 and literally want nothing to do with LG and her story, unlike the previous owner who Ruth told me as a great guy. They got rid of a lot of LG’s furniture and antiques which were there when LG lived there, hardly anything of the original is there anymore, besides name only. When I peeped in it was all crushed red velvet sofas and tacky paintings. It looked more like a bordello.

Ruth Cook
Ruth Cook was one of LG’s best friends, Ruth who-rhymed-with-Truth (so help you God) I drove down to Colorado Springs and met her at her home which she shares with her family. She was a very gracious and welcoming lady and pointed out to me that she’s been contacted by 100s of LG’s readers over the years but I was the only one she’s allowed into her home mostly because of the letter I sent her years ago and the follow-up phone calls since then. She said LG would have liked me. Quoting Ruth, “She would have liked your attitude”.

And meeting with her and hearing her stories about LG was indeed an eye-opener. LG was a very generous, but a very difficult woman to be around for long periods of time. Very demanding and at times even delusional. Much of LG’s writing was artistic licence. She almost had a split personality, one side of her was very benevolent, and generous to a fault and full of wisdom and was able to tap into some of these wonderful sources of inspiration, but there was another part of her which was very difficult. She was a diva and expected to have people serve her day and night, hand and foot. She was extremely demanding and from what Ruth told me, would have been happy to see Ruth leave her husband and kids to become her full time personal assistant. Ruth and Lowell Cook basically raised LG’s kids, because LG was hardly ever in Cripple Creek during the 70’s while they were teens. She was always off to NYC or LA. She just could not accept death. She was forever promising people percentages from sales of her books and many many people around her took advantage of her. Very few ever stood up to her (like Ruth). Her enablers would basically say what LG wanted to hear, including these detectives and whatnot who helped “search” for Sally. They knew LG was in denial and used it to their advantage to line their pockets.

As for Brewer, they were only together for a few months. She was still married to Sam Goodman at the time, but their marriage had evolved more into a friendship. Bill Snyder had long died in the 50’s. She married Sam but it was always more friendly than anything else. According to Ruth, the passion and sexual excitement was never really there, but she found that with Brewer. Brewer left her because he just could take her bossiness and demands any more. There was like a 25 year difference between them in age. Ruth liked him, Jill and Michael liked him, but Sally and William were a bit indifferent towards him. He didn’t leave LG because of the other woman, he left her because she was just to difficult for him to live with after a while. Here is a sketch of Robert Brewer.


Ruth had a box full of letters LG had sent her over the years including newspaper articles about Sally and a pencil sketch Jill did of Brewer. She’s been sitting on them for 40 years and her kids don’t want them and neither do LG’s kids, so she gave them to me. It’s a sad story. There were letters to her various lawyers stating percentages of her books she wanted to give to so and so. Charles Muses got 15%, Steve McQueen and Ali McGraw were to get a few thousand dollars, 1% was supposed to go to her kids. Some of her anagrams of her name and with Brewer were also just as sad to look at. She was a lonely lady grasping at straws trying to find meaning in something that did not work out and with results she refused to accept. Ruth even gave me a copy of the program from LG’s funeral. LG couldn’t accept death,  she couldn’t accept things not going her way. There’s a lesson here somewhere which I still need to figure out.

After examining her manuscripts and hearing Ruth’s stories, a large part of Goorbez was artistic liscence, made up including some of those conversations within the book towards the end. Linda *wanted* to see Bill in Robert since she was unfillfilled and unhappy in her marriage to Sam. She drove Bill away after the death of Melissa, their first daughter, he wanted to come closer to her including sexually as a way to bond and heal over the death weeks after it happened and LG wouldn’t have it, in her mind how dare he even think about sex at such a time, when he should be at the gravesite beating his chest and sobbing his eyes out everyday. In the end she regretted driving him out and eventually losing him. She ended up doing the exact same thing 20 years later with Brewer.

I did tell Ruth about the ceremony and what LG thought was beneath that cross in LA. She was behind me 100% and Ruth even said she would stay up and try to connect with me while I was on that hill. I told her I was on the way to Hopiland and that I would ask Martin to bless the medicines. Really, she’s a wonderful lady.

Don’t get me wrong, LG did a lot of good too, she enormously helped a lot in the spiritual consciousness of the planet with her books becoming bestsellers. She did a lot with things like offering up the purple plates, the sense of hope she gave people and her generousity which unfortunately was her undoing. If anything, it’s her own humanness which makes her writing so accessible and likable because you feel that she understands where we’re all coming from. But like light going through glass and being filtered, a lot of her channeled material was also filtered through the prism of her personality and the impossible task at hand is figuring out what was inspired from an otherworldy source and what was much more earthly in inspiration. Even Ruth was stumped in some spots there and perhaps no one will know and maybe we’re not really meant to know. I understand why her kids now deliberately live in obscurity and want nothing to do with their mother’s legacy anymore. They got sick of the lies and opportunists and just want to remember their mom as Mom.

Hopi Elder, Grandfather Martin
Went to Hopiland and connected with Grandfather Martin and his daughter Jo Anne. I put the artifacts out in front of him along with the medicine mix and a chart drawing of what everything represented as a medicine wheel. He took one look at the chart and because it looked like a medicine where, he immediately understood what I was doing. He stood up and blessed all the medicines in the Hopi language, I didn’t understand a word, and he also gave me medicine to use in the ceremony, to add to the medicine mix. When he stood up to bless the medicines, everyone else in the room did also (they were all Hopi), including a visiting Japanese Shinto monk. While he was praying and chanting over the medicines, some people even started to cry. He also did something rather significant. Martin reversed the polarity and the emphasis has been switched. What was big and had primary importance as the phallus, is now smaller and will have secondary importance. What was small and had secondary importance as the heart is now bigger and will have primary importance.

Afterwards, his daughter Jo Anne invited me to join them for lunch and I spent a few hours with him asking questions and he’s verified quite a bit. The ancient Egyptians were in the Americas once, they did not leave anything behind but they were here. The inner earth is hollow and those dwellers will only come up to teach us when we are ready, when we learn to forgive. Twins are very real.

Part III coming up, LA and the ceremony….

and from the beginning, Part I

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Categories: Ascension, New Energy Centers, Pop culture, Travels, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , | 11 Comments

The New Energetic Centers of the World Part III

5) Iceland

Watch this film:

Iceland literally straddles two continental plates and sits atop the mid-Atlantic Rift. This gives this island an unusual amount of energy coming straight from the center of the Earth, in the form of earthquakes, volcanoes, geysers, hot springs and the like. (Did you know that the old Vikings in order to fool people named Greenland as Greenland and Iceland as Iceland when in fact Iceland is actually very green and Greenland is nothing but ice, rock and water? Gotta hand it to them…)

But what really makes a place at the end of the day are the people and Icelanders are a high-frequency group, probably no doubt because of the amount of raw, clean earth energy they are exposed to. Practically everyone here believes in the invisible world and show due respect, that might explain why despite the amount of “destructive” natural forces here, people here seem very level-headed and take everything in stride. Iceland, like most of Scandinavia is also one of the most socially progressive countries on Earth. The world’s oldest university and parliament, many women in leadership positions and a highly educated and literate country which produces 100 000 new titles per year for a population of only 317 000,  this country of staggering natural beauty and very little bloodshed in it’s history has something to teach everyone.



6) Altai and Ural Mountains – Russia

The beloved mystic, Edgar Cayce predicted that Russia was destined to be the most spiritual country on Earth and I have no reason to doubt it. While Western scientists continue to mock subjects like ESP and telepathy, the Russian and former Soviet scientists were always open to the possibility of researching these topics in a scientific fashion and continue to do so. The success of the “Ringing Cedars” books by Vladimir Megre (now 9 books in total) all over the world, whether you believe in them or not, only shows how truly hungry the world still is for guidance in living with harmony with nature, based on the teachings of Anastasia.

Furthermore, Russia has always had a strong tradition of mystics like Nicholas Roerich, and the Russian Orthodox Church were among those to establish the teachings of  Sophiology, the study of Sophia, as in Mother Sophia, Wisdom, the feminine side to the Holy Spirit as written about in the works of  Vladimir SolovyovPavel Florensky,Nikolai Berdyaev, and Sergei Bulgakov whose book Sophia: The Wisdom of God is in many ways the apotheosis of Sophiology. With shamans in Siberia, all the way to Mongolia, a shared and sacred friendship with India, a strong belief in Shambala and a resurgence in spiritual groups and renewed interest in the spiritual history and heritage of pagan Russia, more and more European new thinkers, clairvoyants and Truthers are moving to these areas in rural Russia.







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Categories: New Energy Centers, Travels | 5 Comments

The New Energetic Centers of the World, Part II

Continuing on with the series….

3) Chiloé Island, Chile – The Other Fairy Isle

Chiloé is rich in folkloric belief  and it runs strong here. The island’s mythology is full of stories populated by strange trolls, sea monsters, eerie ghost ships, sorcerers and sirens. This rich mythology is a mark of Chiloé’s singular history, not unlike Western Ireland or the Isle of Iona in Scotland.  An island off the coast of Chile, Chiloé has always been marked by isolation, rich and verdant flora and fauna, a temperate climate, and dollhouse-like, colorful Jesuit wooden churches, of which only 9 are left and are considered UNESCO World Heritage sites now.

Energetically, this is virgin territory, with the veils between our dimension the higher ones still quite thin. The land is still clean. The people are still kind and many believe in the Old Ways and show deference to the other forms of life we share this world with, both seen and unseen. More recently the New York Times has declared Chiloé to be one of the new must-visit places in the world. Go before everyone else does and ruins it.



Image   Image

4) Vilcabamba, Ecuador – The Valley of Longevity

A valley at the foot of the sacred Mandango, the Sleeping Incan, whose presence is said to protect the area from earthquakes and other natural disasters.

According to Wikipedia: Located in a historical and scenic valley, it is a common destination for tourists, in part because it is widely believed that its inhabitants grow to a very old age. Locals assert that it is not uncommon to see a person reach 100 years of age and it is claimed that many have gotten to 120, even up to 135, which would make it an area with the oldest inhabitants in the world. It is often called the Valley of Longevity.

The reasons for this claimed longevity are not very clear. French studies have shown that the diet and lifestyle of the inhabitants may be a factor. Dr. Richard Laurnce Millingtob Synge, a Nobel Chemistry Prize winner and the man who discovered amino acids, claims that there are remarkable medicinal qualities to be found in the plant-life in certain places near the Equator …. with the valley of Vilcabamba being one of these areas. Due to scientific chemical assay techniques, analysis has now shown that the fruit, roots and herbs of this particular Equatorial sub-area offer some of the strongest anti-oxidant protection in the world. In 1973, Dr. Alexander Leaf of Harvard Medical School introduced these remarkable people to the world for the first time in his cover story for National Geographic Magazine.

In 1981, the Ecuadorian government hired medical journalist Dr. Morton Walker to study these people in depth. In his book, “The Secret to a Youthful Long Life”, Dr. Walker reported that his research showed the mineral rich water that the Vilcabambans drank was key to their long lives and health. Laboratory analysis of the Vilcabamba water determined that the unique balance of enriched colloidal minerals in the local drinking water was ideal for promoting optimum human health. Medical researchers have confirmed that the retinas of 100 year-old residents are often comparable with those of 45 year-old city-dwellers.Others suggest that the climate in the region, which is reasonably steady without much variation, or the mineral content of its drinking water is particularly healthful and explains the advanced age of its inhabitants.”

Read: NO FLOURIDATED WATER HERE. The purity of the local resources like water, farming soil and climatic conditions are a reflection of it’s energetic frequency and the frequency of this valley is very high. With more and more people moving here by the year because of cheap real estate, organic locally grown food, excellent climate, friendly locals and low crime rate, Vilcabamba is rapidly becoming the New Hawaii.





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Categories: New Energy Centers, Travels | 2 Comments

The New Energetic Centers of the World, Part I

So we all know about these power points around the world, usually spots where a high concentration of ley lines intersect and spots where the Illuminatii and Powers That Be (PTB) usually perform rituals and ceremony to emit vast amounts of negative energy into the Earth energy grid, which then in turn keeps most of us enslaved. I won’t go into the nitty-gritty of these ceremonies but suffice to say that researchers like David Icke have written, talked and documented it enough that you can easily find information about it at his website or various YouTube videos.

Cathedral Rock, Sedona, Arizona

From personal experience, after having visited some of these “hot spots” I can say that the energy at most of these so-called spiritual places is absolutely ugly now. Machu Picchu is a New Age circus as is Mount Shasta, California and Sedona, Arizona. It seems every other recently-divorced suburban housewife suddenly “finds” herself and decides to become some Wiccan High Priestess or wants to follow a shamanistic path and inevitably sets up shop at these places and then offers you the same path. For a fee of course…

Having been to these places, the tourist energy and the financial energy has completley ruined and drained these places, and I mean totally. I literally felt sick at Machu Picchu (and it wasn’t altitude sickness either), walking through Mount Shasta town, every second shop had a violet/purple storefront and had pictures of angels and tarot card decks on display in their front windows. The main drag of Sedona, AZ was lined with smallish strip-malls, every other establishment was offering Vortex tours or yoga retreats, none of it came cheap either. In fact, I found Sedona to be full of New Age – Republicans, with the worst possible qualities of both groups. People who essentially use the New Age movement and human potential movement to fill their coffers and line their pockets even more. It’s very unfortunate since these places do possess great natural beauty.

At the same time, I have experienced beautiful, lovely energies in many places around the world which are completely off the beaten path and do not figure largely in these movements….yet. Places where the energy is extremely pure, powerful and largely dormant for now.

It is common knowledge that the poles are now shifting. YouTube has tons of videos about this. It would then follow reason that the Earth grid and the associated ley lines would also be shifting. For me anyway, it would explain why these so-called power points felt empty to me and why other places, while not well-known, were simply brimming over with positive, powerful energy.

Here’s my list of some of these “new” power centers:

1) Cappadocia, Turkey – The Land of the Fairy Chimneys

A typical “feminine”-in-energy valley in Cappadocia

A place still steeped in history and spiritual energy, of fantastic rock formations, lovely valleys, underground cities from the beginning of civilization. Cappadocia was home to the ancient Hittites, a parallel civilization to the ancient Egyptians. We still know very little about them. They built the underground cities of Derinkuyu and Kaymakli. I spent 3 years in Turkey and much time in this area and still barely scratched the surface of this other-worldly place. They say there are even more undiscovered underground cities in the area and Turkish government are keeping many of them secret. These places were built literally thousands of years ago and is as strong and intact today as the day they were built.

On top of that, you have the amazing landscape of Cappadocia itself. Even walking through the magical valleys, every rock-scape, every view, will say something to you and speak to you differently. If you listen closely, Mother Nature will speak to you directly here. It’s not a coincidence that the early Church fathers, like Basil the Great and Gregory of Nyssa as well as hermits like St.Simeon  and ancient Greek Hermetic mages like Apollonius of Tyana set up shop here. The hermits of Cappadocia distanced themselves from the world by cutting into fairy chimneys, the phallic and strange rock formations of the area, rather than living on top of columns. They hollowed out the chimneys from bottom to top creating rooms at 10-15m high. Their spiritual imprint and those energies of centuries of monks, sages, holy men and hermits meditating in caves and remote valleys is still there and undisturbed.


Homes and caves dug out of the rock formations.

2) The Eastern Townships, Quebec, Canada – The Land of the Gentle Hills
A beautiful corner of Canada, 60 km south-east of Montreal, where the Appalachian Mountains begin, the oldest mountain range on the planet, bordered by Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine, the region is known for the high quality foods it produces, cheeses, wines, organic farms as well as hundreds of lakes, streams and rivers, any outdoor enthusiast’s dream.  The old, unused train tracks were converted into bike paths a few years ago and they now intersect across the countryside, allowing anyone to discover the land in an easy and gentle way. In recent years many progressive thinkers, writers, creative types, retreat centers and monasteries have been moving here and setting up homes and workshops. The people here are known to be quieter than Montreal’s other playground, the Laurentians.
A crystal mine, one of only 7 in the entire world is also located here.
Many folks here have claimed to have had run-ins with the Little People in this area and old-timer’s tales with contact with otherworldly forces and creatures are rife in the picturesque villages with interesting names like Mystic and Magog.
Quebec’ s own version of Nessie, the Loch Ness monster, resides in Lake Champlain, only they call him Champ.

An alleged photo of Champ.

Driving through this area on a beautiful summer’s day, the place positively gives off a golden, healing energy.
The Townsips in the Fall
This is just the beginning, much more to come.
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