Twin Souls and the dangers of looking

I seemed to have hit a nerve with yesterday’s posting on Ascension Symptoms.

I got hit with several private messages about wanting to know more about Twin Souls, so here it is. (BTW, by no means am I an authority on this, this is just my own interpretation of the idea)

What are Twin Souls?
Twins and soul mates are two entirely different things.

If you do believe in reincarnation and past lives, you could literally have thousands of soul mates out there, people you have bumped into constantly over your many, many lives along with the karma which comes with it.

But the Twin is different. It is literally your missing half from the beginning of Time. You can have 1000s of soul mates but there is only one Twin. The reunification of Twins is also a very, very holy event.

According to folklore, myths, stories through the ages, all of us are Divine sparks from the Source, eons ago, we were WHOLE, not separated, in a state of constant bliss. The Classical Greek philosopher Plato talks about it in the “Speech of Aristophanes” in his book “The Symposium”.  (Here’s a fun version of it interpreted by John Cameron Mitchell in that boisterous rock musical “Hedwig and the Angry Inch”. You can find Plato’s original “Speech of Aristophanes” on YouTube also.) You would need to watch this carefully and keep in mind that it’s not to be taken literally, but merely ideas expressed in highly symbolic form.

Twins are marked by several characteristics: parallel life stories, eery and insane coincidences, communication which borders on the telepathic and an overwhelming sense of familiarity between you, like you’ve known each other forever.

Various myths and traditions around the world describe when Twins became separated: In Christianity/Islam/Judaism, it is the Fall of Man, when Adam and Eve are cast out of Paradise. In Egyptian mythology, it is when Set angered the Sun God RA so deeply when he killed his brother Osiris and cut him into 14 pieces, forever separating him from his Twin, Isis.

If you’re not familiar with the myth of Osiris and Isis, and how Set killed his brother, here’s the short form: 4 brothers and sisters. Osiris, Isis, Set and Nephthys. brother and sister, husband and wife, Osiris—>Isis,  Set—> Nephthys. Osiris is given rule over the Nile, the fertile lands, while Set is given the barren desert. Set is jealous of Osiris and kills him not once, but twice. The first time, Isis, with her magic and being a powerful goddess, brings Osiris back to life. Set kills Osiris once more and hacks his body into 14 pieces and scatters them throughout the world. Isis retrieves 13 pieces except the phallus, which according to myth, fish ate in the Nile. Osiris is still broken and incomplete. Isis brings Osiris back to life a second time and conceives Horus magically without the phallus (this is the basis of the Immaculate Conception with Mary and Jesus and Joseph thousands of years later). Osiris now becomes Lord of the Underworld and Afterlife, balancing and judging souls against the Ma’at feather (truth and justice).

This awful event caused Twins to separate and the search of true love is really a search for the missing Twin. Their reunification is holy because it is literally the coming together of a PRIMARY energy from Source itself. Meaning, the energy Twins generate is of such a high frequency and so pure, that the work that Twins do together is of immense importance and usually helps inspire humankind to evolve to a higher state of consciousness, which is why Twins finding each other during this time of transition would go a long way.

All Twin relationships are a reflection of the most ancient and primary of Twins, Osiris and Isis, the first king and queen of Egypt. In Osiris first death, when Set caught him in a funeral casket and flung it into the sea, it was Isis who went looking for it and eventually found it in a tree in Byblos, Lebanon and revived him with magic back to life. The second time, when Set dis-membered Osiris, again it was Isis who set out to find the parts and heal him once more, and make him whole (except for that phallus). Isis and Osiris’ reign and their time together was not very long, Each time it was the female who had to heal the male. He could only be healed by her hand which was driven and motivated by her love. It is the female’s role to heal and make whole again. Probably a worthless and thankless task in the eyes of many, but not really if you really think about it.

Twinship is not about romance, candle lit dinners, great sex, buying a condo together and shared investments and retirement savings plans (Though it probably will include that later). It is about two souls coming together to be of benefit and service to humanity, usually by inspiring and leading others with the creative work they do together, whether that be the books they write together, the ideas they come up with together, the healing work they do together, the artistic and creative output they do together etc. The works they produce together usually live on, long after they have gone.
It is usually a male, female configuration, but not always. It may manifest itself as brother and sister  like in the case of Richard and Karen Carpenter

1970's brother and sister singing duo, The Carpenters.

1970’s brother and sister singing duo, The Carpenters.

or teacher and student from time to time  like Socrates and Plato,

Ancient Greek philosophers, Socrates and Plato

Ancient Greek philosophers, Socrates and Plato

Think of John Lennon and Yoko Ono ,

or Paul and Linda McCartney.

Paul and Linda McCartney back in the late 1960's/early 1970's

Paul and Linda McCartney back in the late 1960’s/early 1970’s

Or consider Joseph Campbell, the father of modern mythology and Jean Erdman Campbell, the two never had children, but instead, focused on their work. With his books like “Hero with a Thousand Faces”, Campbell influenced everyone from George Lucas and Star Wars to writers around the world. Jean, was a principal dancer for the Martha Graham Dance Company and revolutionized modern dance.

Other legendary Twins: St. Francis of Assisi and Claire of Assisi, St. Francis established the Franciscan Order of monks, Clare founded the Order of the Poor Ladies

Dante Alighieri and Beatrice Portinari: Dante’s “Divine Comedy” is considered to be a masterpiece of the Italian language and in world literature. Considered to be the father of the Italian language, Beatrice was his muse. Dante claims to have met her only twice, each time separated by nine years but was so affected by the meetings that he carried his love for her throughout his life.

Peter Abelard and Heloise: Medieval theologian, Peter Abelard was considered one of the greatest minds in Europe in the 12th century. For a time Abelard was Heloise’s tutor and eventually lover. When Heloise’s uncle tore them apart and had Abelard castrated, he ended up becoming a monk and Heloise became an abbess, one of the greatest in France. Their letters have survived the centuries and are a testament to the redemptive power of love.

Pierre and Marie Curie, the father and mother of radioactive theory and Nobel prize winners in chemistry and physics, the two were pioneers in the field.

Will and Ariel Durant, best known for The Story of Civilization, 11 volumes written in collaboration between 1935 and 1975, the Durants presented history to the common man and most of all made it interesting.  Durant was a gifted prose stylist and storyteller who won a large readership in great part because of the nature and excellence of his writing, which, in contrast to formal academic language, is lively, witty, charismatic, colourful, ornate, epigrammatic, in short, “humanized.”

Noam and Carol Chomsky: Noam Chomsky is considered the pre-eminent intellectual of our times. Described by some as the father of modern linguistics, as others as the conscience of the nation, Chomsky is ranked as the 8th most widely quoted intellectual of all time in the Social Sciences Index (and the only living one on the top 10 list, between Plato and Sigmund Freud). The two meet in pre-school, their families knew each other but did not marry until he was 21 and she was 19. Their 60+ year marriage lasted until her death in 2008.  A prolific academic, Chomsky decided in the early 1960’s that having a privileged position as a professor at M.I.T just wouldn’t do especially in light of the ongoing atrocities during the Vietnam War and that intellectuals had a moral duty to speak up. Knowing that if he kept his activism up and challenging state power, there was a very strong likelihood that he would end up in prison.  Given he had 3 small children at the time, it was decided at that point Carol Chomsky would go back to school and get her Ph.D in linguistics at Harvard. The 2 never looked back after that. Both of them are models of impassioned activism and how real change can be possible from the grassroots level.


Noam and Carol Chomsky

Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan and his queen Mumtaz Mahal, a heart-broken Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal, the most architecturally beautiful  building on Earth, as a tomb for his beloved Mumtaz. There were plans to build an identical building across the river in black marble for Shah Jahan’s own tomb but imprisoned by his own son, it was never materialized.

Mumtaz Mahal and the Emperor Shah Jahan

Katherine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy, considered the two most talented actors during Hollywood’s Golden Age, Tracy and Hepburn would spend 27 years together until his death, made 9 films together and went down as one of the most mythical love stories in Hollywood history.

Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward: With the record for the longest marriage in Hollywood history of 50+ years, their marriage withstood her Oscar win over him by over 20 years. Leaving the shallowness of Tinseltown, the two preferred working at summer stock productions and theatres near their Connecticut farm-house home where they raised their 6 kids and perfected his spaghetti sauce which raised over $300 million for camps for disadvantaged children.

What should equally be emphasized is also the danger of the False Twin or the Dark Cupid Love Bite. Too many people have thought they have met a twin soul or soul mate and very often it turns out to be emotional co-dependency, Narcissistic Personality Disorder or psychic vampirism.

Many people think that by meeting your Twin, all your relationship woes will suddenly disappear. Not so. The Bulgarian mystic Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov had this to say about Twins:

“Even after several disasters and disappointments, how many of you insist on believing it is not your understanding of love that is defective; it is simply that you haven’t met your twin soul yet!  As if happiness were just about meeting someone… Unfortunately, that is not how things happen: a twin soul does not appear as a man or woman you meet by chance and it’s love at first sight. The meeting with your twin soul is, first and foremost, a psychic process, whereby the higher part of you attracts its complementary part. You need to have worked for a long time and shown yourself worthy of your divine half.  But when you have finally established the connection, you feel him or her there, living inside you. Do you truly wish to find your twin soul? Begin by not going looking for them. Concentrate on the light, and your twin soul will come of their own accord, attracted by the light they see shining from you. You may not know where your twin soul is, but they know where you are. Be content just to wait inwardly: they will come. Once a man or a woman has truly found their twin soul, that is, has found their complementary principle within, they keep feeling they are meeting this principle everywhere, in all creatures. They love all the women and all the men on earth; they love them spiritually, and they are happy, because they are fulfilled by their twin soul. They no longer experience the emptiness for which others constantly feel they have to find a cure. They feel enriched by every encounter they have. Yes, when you have achieved inner fulfillment, you find your complementary principle in every being. Such experiences cannot be explained or expressed. Only those who have had them can understand them. But what a long way there is to go until then! Always suffering and being disappointed, always looking for someone and not finding them! You think, “Ah, this is the one.” And then, after a while, you realize it isn’t. So, perhaps it’s someone else? And so it goes on, until you realize you have your twin soul within. But from then on, you find it everywhere. Now, do not misunderstand me. I am not advising against physical love, the physical union, or condemning it. I am simply explaining that if you want to find true fulfillment  you must unify the two principles within yourself first. 

Every human being has a twin-soul. When man leapt like a spark from the bosom of his Creator he was two-in-one, and these two parts complemented each other perfectly, each was the others twin. These two halves became separated, they took different directions, and they have evolved separately. If they come to recognize each other at any point in their evolution, it is because each carries the image of the other in the depth of his being, each has put his seal upon the other. Thus, each carries the image of his twin-soul within. The image may be blurred but it is there. For this reason, everyone who comes to Earth has a vague hope that he will find a soul who will be everything he needs, and that with this soul he will find indescribable harmony and perfect fusion. Twin-souls complete each other; no other person in the world can so complete them. Thus, all beings you have met since the beginning of your multiple incarnations, all the husbands and wives you’ve had, all the lovers or mistresses, have all left you, because they were not for you.  Perhaps you were together for a while, like a pot with a lid that doesn’t match. Wheras two Souls whom God has created together are absolutely made one for the other, and nothing can seperate them, truly, they have no fear of being separated. In a married couple, when one or the other is AFRAID that someone may ‘rob’ him of his partner, (and nothing can keep this from happening), it is because that partner is not truly the beloved, not the TRUE beloved, the twin-soul…Twin souls recognize each other with absolute certainty and can never truly leave one another. Two people may never have touched each other even with their fingertips, and yet they feel a powerful, indestructible link between them. Nothing and no one can separate them. Despite walls, mountains and oceans, they are together, because their love goes beyond the limitations of the physical plane. You will no doubt have noticed that when you feel the subtle presence of a loved one, you do not necessarily need their physical presence to feel you are with them. If you strongly feel that you need their physical presence, it means you are moving out of your inner world, and then you are likely to meet with great suffering. For who is to say circumstances will not some day deprive you of the person you love? But if you feel their presence inside, outer circumstances will have less hold over you. This is a criterion: if you feel as much joy thinking of the person as when you see them, you are free, and this joy will never leave you.

You are all seeking this love of the so-called soul mate. Well, if you want to find your soul mate, above all, do not look for it. Concern yourself only with living a pure, intense, and luminous life. Simply live this life and let it take its course; it is this that will attract your soul mate to you. You do not yet know what such a life can do to bring you the beings who have an affinity with you. One day you will say: ‘I did not seek my soul mate, I did not go searching for my beloved, and yet she came…from the far reaches of the universe.’ To find this soul mate, many people put advertisements in the papers and go to all kinds of receptions and night-clubs, but what do they find? Is it so difficult to understand that it is by nourishing something vital and luminous within ourselves every day that we end by attracting this marvelous being we have hoped for? The whole adventure of man and woman can be summed up as the search for their lost half. Men seek women, and women seek men. They don’t even know why they seek one another, but that is what they do; it is instinctive – a voice tells them that is how they will regain their original unity. From time to time, for a few moments they taste an indescribable joy, and then come the disappointments and the sadness. But as they never lose hope, they keep searching. So, why is this? Why do human beings’ deepest aspirations never come to pass? Because it is not on the physical plane that the union of man and woman must first take place. What happens on the physical plane must only be the outcome of work previously carried out on the psychic and spiritual planes. Otherwise, they find at best only ephemeral pleasures and enjoyment. If a small number succeed in achieving lasting oneness by merging on the physical plane, it is because they have previously done a whole inner work. Human beings must first of all seek to bring the two principles together within themselves. Consciously or unconsciously, all men and women are looking for their twin soul. What they do not know is that, in reality, their twin soul is not a different entity from them but the other pole of their being, living on high with God in perfection and fulfilment. In all the ancient initiations, disciples were taught how to find this other pole of their being – their higher self. In India, Jnani yoga provides methods that enable the yogi to achieve union with their higher self, since through this union they become one with God. In Greece, we find the same idea expressed in the phrase carved into the pediment of the temple of Delphi: ‘Know yourself’. But we should not forget the rest of the sentence: ‘… and you will know the universe and the gods.’
True knowledge is the result of the fusion of the two principles, the masculine and the feminine. This is the meaning of the words in Genesis: ‘And Adam knew Eve’. So ‘Know yourself’ means ‘Find the other pole in yourself, find your complementary part and become one with it’. If you are a man, the other pole in you is the feminine principle; if you are a woman, it is the masculine principle, and you seek to merge with one or other principle in purity and light. When this fusion occurs, you meet your true twin soul.”

The late playwright Patricia Joudry wrote the book “Twin Souls: Finding Your True Spiritual Partner” and she likened it to a single person climbing a mountain by themselves, with the struggle, the pain, the difficulty. Suddenly you find yourself alone at the top and feel proud and happy of what you’ve accomplished. Suddenly the fog lifts and you see there is another mountaintop not far from you and your Twin is there, alone,  looking right back at you.

If you have no clue as to how to discern who is a twin soul or at the very least a soul mate, pay close attention to Madea’s wise words here about who in your life is a leaf, a branch and a root.


Letter of Gratitude

Twin Souls on Film

Part I: 11:11:11, Linda Goodman and a whole lotta shakin’ goin’ on

Part II: 11:11:11, Linda Goodman and a whole lotta shakin’ goin’ on

Part III: 11:11:11, Linda Goodman and a whole lotta shakin’ goin’ on

This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

Categories: Ascension, Shift of the Ages effects | Tags: , , , , | 33 Comments

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33 thoughts on “Twin Souls and the dangers of looking

  1. irt

    Read somewhere that we meet our twin soul when the Karmic balance has been cleared, which usually happens in the final reincarnation.

    Your article is lovely, love and light to you.

  2. Earth Energy Reader

    Thank you irt! I don’t know about the last incarnation bit but perhaps its the reward of hard work over many incarnations? Whatever the case, it just doesn’t happen because you want it to, internal preparation needs to take place. Once you’re ready inside, it manifests on the outside, I think.

  3. Pingback: This is why the world is screwed up – Part I « The Shift Has Hit The Fan

  4. Pingback: Twin Souls on Film « The Shift Has Hit The Fan

  5. Great post EER.

  6. Thanks Lesli :-)!

  7. So good to see many wonderful people out there starting to grasp the truth! There is a whole book about generally this things, twin souls, black magic in mainstream media attacking twin souls etc, in “THE SPIRITUAL SIDE OF ROCK”

  8. Pingback: The most comprehensive list of Ascension Symptoms « The Shift Has Hit The Fan

  9. Pingback: Part I: 11:11:11, Linda Goodman and a whole lotta shakin’ goin’ on « The Shift Has Hit The Fan

  10. Old Cuff

    Thank you so very, very much for this Posting about Twin-Souls! My Twin Spirit and I have recently re-discovered each other after being “lost” for god knows how long… We have been struggling to figure our the intense Energy and Passion we are experiencing together, even though we have not met in person this lifetime and live 6,000 miles apart! This post explains exactly what we have been experiencing. The overwhelming Joy of our reunion is beyond anything possible in the physical universe!! It is truly a very, very HOLY experience for both of us!!

  11. I did enjoy this reading. I am specifically trying to get more information and come to an understanding of Soulmates and Twins–are the concepts mythology or reality? I will reference this piece in an appropriate way in a future post at my blog.

    In my quest to learn more I am interested in being in touch with anyone who has experience or research in this area.

    By the way, I have not studied and do not know what “ascension” means. Is there a short way to introduce me to the concept?

  12. Pingback: Rock and Redemption – Dave Gahan of Depeche Mode | The Shift Has Hit The Fan

  13. Pingback: What “The Flintstones” shows up about Hollywood | The Shift Has Hit The Fan

  14. g

    Yes, there is this beautiful divine love, but many people choose not to want it.
    There are men and (woman) who can have sex, feel good, then have sex with someone else they fancy, then feel good. They can attain this full amount of endless pleasure in life, without having to commit to a relationship of any kind. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong about pleasure…but what I am trying to say is… Life these days is compartmentalised. A man can have a job, friends, money, hobbies and then when they feel like it, have an abundance of sex from woman without being in a relationship and being each others best friend love etc. The woman is just an accessory. Even if it is cool and fun etc. When they see another attractive woman they just go to them instead. They get so much love and fun and sex from their female accessories.

    But sometimes I feel this is like a great big deliberate fog…a never ending abundance of pleasure….it is so one sided. A type of pleasure fog. It gets so bad that even when a man hurts a woman, it is ok because they do not have to think about it, as they get someone else to have sex and have a joke with. The man drifts over time to something dark. They feel good about themselves despite all the hurt they cause because people around them boost their ego and they look like a success and they have a new woman kissing and hugging them. Yet the real job is to find tenderness. To look at the woman they have hurt in the past and to seek tender reconciliation, give apology and to say something like I never meant ever to hurt you.

    You are a special and beautiful woman. This is the job that needs to be done. But why would a man who feels good in life, boosted by ego etc. ever even think of this? This is the real danger in our world, the fact that it would never even cross their mind so seek repair and to even feel responsible for hurting others. And so it goes on.

    • g

      So how does what I have written relate to your article?
      To know that another person has a heart inside them and to treat and water that heart like a beautiful garden – that is a source of real happiness. This is the type of love which plants and grows. Two people doing this…wow! If you find your heart you see the heart in others.

      But if in our society we are as a majority in a pleasure fog, learn quickly it is ok to hurt and break someone’s heart, actually learn not even to be aware that another person is hurting….this leads us further from twin flame union. One’s actions fill another’s heart with glass instead of beauty. And they wake oblivious and blind to the shattering of anothers life.

      • I once heard that the man’s role is to be the energy creator, the mover of energy while the woman’s role is to hold that energy…

        I don’t think only men are to blame here.
        I think there are far too many women settle for less just for the sake of the security of “being in a relationship” or of the feeling of being wanted and desired and so pair themselves up with less-than-ideal partners. This runs into conspiracy-theory territory but I also think there is a concerted effort within the general culture to make people forget about their spiritual dimension. I’m not talking about New Age bullshit but rather trying to create a mindset and culture which is based on genuine compassion and treating other people how you would like them to treat you and finding fulfillment in yourself first and foremost. The “real” partner just adds to that. There’s just no money in it.

        On the other hand, there’s billions to be made by preying on the insecurities of men and women alike. Fashion, cosmetics, weight loss, fitness, “status” objects. It’s all a giant distraction to finding the real truth about yourself. The whole point is to make people forget to look within first and instead make them look outside. No matter how many “toys” you end up collecting, the real hunger never is satiated because you’re not feeding it the right food…

      • Her Dark Prince

        What you observe maybe true. But I believe you’re not looking deeply enough. Obviously we can’t, we can’t look into other people’s hearts. All I would like to add to your observation is this. As content as some people might *seem* with their “toys”. How can you say they are truly happy with their lifes? We only see the outside, the glamour of those people’s lifes. But who is to say those people don’t simply feel dead inside? Who’s to say those people feel happy at all?

        Another thing is, our culture. And I am talking about North America and Western Europe now. Our culture is one of superficiality, not one of dept. Not one of the spirit, but one of following the herd. Why do we want most of the things we want? Because someone or someones we know have it. Not because WE want it ourselves. The same way some men as you describe seem to have it all. We call all the trinkets, all the posessions, all the different women they can have… we (as a culture) call that success. Especially monetary wealth. We call those people succesfull.

        Personally, I believe strongly I have found my Twinsoul. Yes, the atlantic seperates us for now. But we’ll overcome that sooner or later. Given a choice, I rather have her with me and “poor” to the cultural standard of not having much money or many posessions. Than to be “succesfull” without her.For I know, I am rich beyond any measure for having her love and being able to love her.

        But the focus of success in today’s culture, has been tainted. and this goes for both men and women alike. I don’t know about evil forces causing this. As more we have become poor as a culture. And deny our true existance. As a result, we only raise our childer in the same way. To believe that money is wealth, because it is what we have been led to believe.

        But I also believe, that when we’re ready on the inside. Our focus will shift and we’ll realize the truth. Even through this culture we’re being brought up in…

  15. g

    Thank you…yes it’s a 2 way thing. Didn’t want to malign one one or the other, just saying what I see 😦

    Sometimes though, it’s hard to believe when I see the smiles and rewards on the people with the toys and the image they convey, that they have an empty hunger inside. It’s something I worry about and also feel angry about, I can’t help it. I just wish things could be different.

    “You ain’t gonna build no Taj Mahal if you spit and don’t care about the ground you walk upon”.

  16. Pingback: Some Mysticism in Some Films | The Shift Has Hit The Fan

  17. Pingback: My First Post | Love — The Final Destination

  18. Pingback: Twin Flame, Red Tantra, Power Over, and True Power … by Alice | Ascending with Planet Earth

  19. Pingback: Twin Flames | We Let Go

  20. Pingback: Twin Souls and the dangers of looking | The Shift Has Hit The Fan | Joe Eigo Enlightened Warrior VORTEX

  21. Pingback: November 2015 Astrology: Synchronicity and 11:11 All Over Again | The Shift Has Hit The Fan

  22. Interestingly, I just came across this article as I celebrate my birthday this week in the serenity of the SO Cal mountains. Plenty of positive personal shifts are currently happening and starting to rediscover my inner strength and creating space again.

    Thank you for posting this article about “Twin Souls”, It definitely resonates with me.

  23. Pingback: Twin Souls Part Deux – The Dark Cupid Love Bite | The Shift Has Hit The Fan

  24. Pingback: Twin Flame, Red Tantra, Power Over, and True Power … by Alice .. | I Am of the Stars

  25. that clip of Madea is simply wonderful. So much truth. What a great way to sum up the rest of your article! 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

  26. Pingback: A Comprehensive List of Ascension Symptoms – my divinely guided revolution

  27. Pingback: I See 11:11, So Where the Heck’s My Twin Flame? 3 Reasons to Relax – Psychic Readings by Sarah Yip – The Numbers Queen

  28. Warrior of Love

    Randomly stumbled upon this piece today and I think it is the BEST information and explanation of the topic I have found in the last 1.5 years of exploring this while going through the journey. The video clip in the end is especially great. A HUGE thank you friend!Sending you loads of love and light ❤

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