A White Wizard, a Seeress and the Nature Spirits they played with

Benjamin Hoff, is the author of the much-celebrated “Tao of Pooh” and the accompanying “Te of Piglet”, books which, against every publisher’s expectation and next to no marketing or promotion, became sensations in the publishing industry, bringing the basic principles of Taoism via “Winnie the Pooh “into the mainstream. Even today, both books continue to sell well nearly 30 years after they came out. Practically every person I’ve ever visited who was even remotely interested in spirituality or religion has at least the “Tao of Pooh” sitting on their self. Copies are found easily in the second-hand bookstore networks and are often grabbed up quickly.
Hoff wrote another, less well-known but equally fascinating book called “The Singing Creek, Where the Willows Grow” a biography of the enigmatic Opal Whitely. Much has been written and discussed about Whitely, a child prodigy naturalist who has been described as a genius or a fraud, depending on what side of the fence you sit on.  The controversy around Whitely sits around her book, “The Fairyland Around Us” where Whitely basically was able to communicate with Nature and nature spirits directly and she described these interactions in detail.
Opal led a very unconventional life, being able to memorize huge tracts of writing on plants and animals and grew up to be a charismatic lecturer and speaker on the natural world. She was in demand everywhere she went. She even spent time in India as the guest of the Maharaja of Udaipur. Suffering a head injury during the London bombings during World War II, Opal eventually was committed to the Napsbury Psychiatric Hospital where she died penniless and nearly forgotten in 1992. She is buried at Highgate Cemetery and her gravestone reads, “I spake as a child.” Nowadays, there are online memorials, a 2009 film, YouTube videos of tours through her stomping grounds in the Oregon wilderness, and even a hiking trail and bike path which follows the sites where some of the events in her books took place.

Opal Whitely as a young woman

Personally, after reading “The Singing Creek”, my own impression is that the diary is true. Diverse cultures around the world attest to the existence of nature spirits, whether they are called devas in India, the Little People among Native tribes, the Fairies of the Celtic world, the Sidhe of Scotland or the Djinn of the Islamic faith. There are books and volumes written on their characteristics, their organization, their different classes, (gnomes, sylphs, salamanders, spirits of air etc.), their areas of habitation, their manners and so on.

“Twilight Fantasy” By Edward Robert Hughes

“Midsummer Eve” by Edward Robert Hughes


My own thinking follows this: if we believe in a multi-dimensional world and we now know scientists have proven that up to 14 dimensions exist mathematically in theory (we just don’t experience all of them), then what is there to say that just because we can’t quantify something with our crude instruments (which are based on 4 dimensional mathematics and physics), that it doesn’t exist in a dimension we can neither quantify nor record in….yet? I also have to admit a small part of me would love these things to be true since I still have a fondness for fairy tales and I think, a belief in these beings helps to reinforce a worldview which is open, innocent, fluid and still full of wonder.

The Scottish mathematician and scientist Robert Ogilvie Crombie (1899-1975), better known as Roc, led a life of scientific inquiry until illness forced him out of a career in academia.  Roc is probably best known as one of the founders of the Findhorn Foundation, an intentional community and eco-village in northern Scotland. He was the elderly Scottish gentleman who claimed he spoke with nature spirits.  As a scientist, hermetic magician, and a researcher of the psychic realms, he was in many ways a key figure in the history of esotericism (white magic) in the twentieth century. He is not as famous as his darker counterparts like Aleister Crowley because he worked in solitude and privacy. He did not write books or manuals and he did not take students or attempt to found a group or an esoteric school. Imagine a modern-day Gandalf wearing tweeds and corduroy, walking through the Scottish Highlands with his walking stick. His friend, David Spangler had this to say about him:“Roc was a loving and gentle man, a wondrous story-teller, a musician, and an embodiment of the best of Scottish charm. He was the wise old man, the grandfatherly figure children adore and the magician who guides heroes and heroines on their paths to accomplishment. He was a man of culture who had one foot in this world and one foot in the world of spirits and mystery”

ROC, from the Findhorn page

At the age of 63 according to his book “The Gentleman and the Faun” (which is a delightful read incidentally), Roc had an encounter with Pan, the nature spirit of old Greek mythology at the Edinburgh Botanical Gardens. The book chronicles how Pan and the nature spirits went on to teach Roc about ley lines, power spots in the British Isles, both known (Isle of Iona) and unknown (The Falls of Rogie) which affect the natural balance of forces in this world and how man’s relationship to nature is of paramount importance.  

Robert Ogilvie Crombie

Pan explained that the reason why fewer and fewer people actually see or experience either the sight or presence of Nature spirits now is that they have simply retreated and are in deep anger towards mankind for what we’ve done to their world with all our man-made pollution, subdivisions, landfills, logging, deforestation, oil spills and mining (can’t say I blame them). That mankind needs to rebuild that trust by respecting nature again instead of exploiting it and needs to reverse the hierarchy of Man over Nature to Nature over Man.

Because of his involvement in the founding of the Findhorn community, he was also briefly highlighted in Louis Malle’s film “My Dinner with Andre” (from 3:38 onwards in the clip below ). Findhorn is especially known for their gardens, in a sandy, rocky and cold pocket of Scotland. They were able to produce vegetables and fruits in large sizes and quantities which normally should never grow in such a climate but did because the Findhorn community took their gardening and planting directions from the devas, the nature spirits themselves.
Roc wrote that Pan told him that the nature spirits are responsible for whether a plant produces something or not, that if the spirit was ill or angry, the plant it was attached to  would not thrive and fail to produce anything.
 (It’s enough to make you look at your trees, garden and houseplants in a completely different way….)
I’ll leave the last word to Roc….
“To anyone who may have expressed a wish to see and talk to nature spirits, whether or not they dropped a penny into a wishing well, remember it took sixty three years for my wish to be granted – so don’t lose hope.”
This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

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7 thoughts on “A White Wizard, a Seeress and the Nature Spirits they played with

  1. Yet another fascinating blog. I apologise for dominating your comments sections, but can’t help it once again.
    Some may feel a calling to share what they know, come what may. Others prefer obscurity.
    We have so much to learn.

    • earthenergyreader

      Rob, not at all. I welcome all commentary here, so post as much as you wish. You’re not dominating the board in any way 🙂

      Indeed, we have much to learn about the invisible world and I have no doubt that there are genuine people in this world who have an ability to connect to those realms. But they keep to themselves as they should, I think. The real types aren’t on Facebook boasting about how this vision they saw turned out to be right or how the Fairy Queen visited them last night. I think if you need to toot your own horn on social media sites or on neon billboards (like in L.A) and advertise your ability, it’s a red flag to walk away.

      The people who are keeping it real, usually work in humility and are intensely private about these matters. They may or may not offer their services to humanity to help, they simply may be immersed in their own journey and intense study and these abilities are merely side-effects to their own development of their spiritual faculties. I don’t know. Either way, they have nothing to prove. I think deep down inside, we all want to believe in these things or wish to have the ability to connect with them, perhaps based on maybe a memory , a remnant from a long ago life or history when we all could. I just find that based in that willingness to believe, unfortunately there are too many unscrupulous types and fakes who are willing to take advantage of it, clairvoyants, psychics etc. When I started my journey, I too came across some of these fakes, got burned more than once and finally had to walk away. It was a valuable lesson in discernment.

  2. searchingforfernando

    Besides Opal’s stomping grounds in Oregon, there’s another place in the Pacific Northwest that, according to Dora Van Gelder (THE REAL WORLD OF FAIRIES) is teeming with fairy life. Orcas Island is one of the San Juan Islands that straddle the U.S./Canadian border. I’ve been there many times and the vibe is very peaceful. The crystal hawkers and the tarot readers have discovered the place, but it’s no Sedona yet.

    Dora Van Gelder grew up on the island of Java and could see and speak with fairies as long as she could remember. Van Gelder writes of Mt. Constitution on Orcas Island: “The angel in charge is one of special power. He has both power and dignity, and is of a steady, slow temperment, but especially marked by kindliness and wisdom. He takes a remarkable interest in human beings and has, indeed, a real fondness for them. He wants to maintain a special atmosphere throughout the islands, and his fairies are influenced by this. The peculiary lovely combination of sea and mountain and lakes and forest reserve, creates a slendid place, and the powerful personality of the angel draws these beings. He always makes a special effort to help human beings who come to the mountain, along their own line of growth, and I think many people feel his benign presence even if they do not know of his existence.”

    Twice I have made the trek to Mt. Constitution to ask for help with PTSD and something similar. I did get the help I asked for. I’m sure many people would say that I got results because I was expecting results, but there have been hundreds of times I’ve had much greater expectations that were not at all fulfilled. If, however, someone hangs up a shingle advertising: ANGEL HEALING TOURS $150. Visa and Mastercard accepted, he will probably get disgusted and stop helping.

  3. There seems to be something special going on in the Oregon wilderness. It’s still relatively unspoilt unlike California and Arizona. In fact, it will probably be my next investigative trip. I’ve also heard of Wheeler and Oceanside as having special “vibes”.

  4. searchingforfernando

    As a child I used to beg to go to Neahkahnie Mountain (the Nehalem/Wheeler area). I didn’t know about “energy areas” then, I just knew I loved the place. There’s a wonderful old pirate treasure story about a chest of Spanish treasure buried on Neahkahnie. I used to go to Oceanside a lot in the 80’s but it started to get ruined by popularity, so I haven’t gone in many years. If you have not yet been to Orcas Island, I urge you to go.

    • The Pacific North-West is virgin territory for me. Oregon and Washington state. When I go, I will keep Orcas Island in mind, it’s exactly places like these, off the beaten path and below the radar screen, which intrigue me far more than some circus like the Mayan pyramids.

  5. I was trying to find where you posted this photo of Jane Roberts. Do you recall?

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