A visit to Agharta

Watch this video:

I can’t help but shake off the feeling that this lady, Jessie Roestenberg, is speaking the truth. Here’s Jessie nowadays:

Jessie Roestenberg, with a depiction of what she saw.

Jessie Roestenberg, with a depiction of what she saw.

I post this video because while I don’t think she was lying, her description of the beings she saw jives with many accounts of Agharta/Shamballa/Shangri-La. I don’t think she saw something from Outer Space, rather I think she saw something from the Inner Earth.
Now before any of you accuse me of going off the deep-end for bringing up the Hollow Earth Theory, I just want to say that for all we really know about the entire nature of this universe, and given that the Initiates who have spoken about, written about and apparently in some cases have visited Agharta, they always stress it is a part of this Earth that exists on the astral level, not the physical one. 


What really intrigues me most about the Agharta story/legend is that it represents a form of government and economics based on genuine spiritual principles called Synarchy, not religious ones (which is in essence a theocracy like Tibet under the Dalai Lama or Vatican City under the Pope, neither of which are worth writing home about).  I should add, the two times I met with Hopi Elder, Grandfather Martin Gashweseoma, I asked him about the Inner Earth and he told me straight up that it was a true teaching since many Hopi origin myths claim they came out of a hole somewhere in the bottom of the Grand Canyon.

What's underneath all this?

What’s underneath all this?

Given what is happening these days in the United States and how this government shut-down is really causing financial jitters around the world, how the Chinese are calling for the replacement of the American dollar as a world currency in case the US does indeed default on its loans, I find it surprising that there seems to be a business-as-usual outlook among most people.

Don't allow these goons to dictate your life. I'm positive most of you are 100 times smarter than they ever will be.

Don’t allow these goons dictate your life. I’m positive most of you are 100 times smarter than they ever will be.

I mean there’s no real problem solving here. We may replace one currency by another, one super-power by another, but the larger issues remain and the system within which these problems exist remains the same; the inequality of men, the rich getter richer, the poor getting left out, the differences between men and women, the violence against women and children, the depletion of clean air and drinking water, the threats to biodiversity, the serious disrespect towards the natural world, the extinction many animal species face, the lack of real food security, a political and economic system which rewards dishonesty, nepotism, sexism and institutionalized racism, the horrific way the elderly are ignored and forgotten, the list of what’s wrong with the world and what’s getting worse can go on indefinitely.

The quote below is a longish one I got from Aivanhov. Many times towards the end of his life, he brought up the subject of Agharta in his lectures and the quote below is a collection of everything he said on the topic. It was because of Aivanhov, I looked up and read Ferdinand Ossendowski‘s book “Beasts, Men and Gods” (which was an amazing read). Ossendowski was a Polish scientist and explorer who tried to escape the Soviets via Siberia, central Asia and Mongolia. For many years he was one of the most popular Polish writers of his time but because the Soviets were after him,  his name and his works lay forgotten but there has been a resurgence of interest in Ossendowski’s work in recent years. Ossendowski’s chapters on the King of the World and Agharta are worth the book price alone.

Ferdinand Ossendowski

Ferdinand Ossendowski

The other reference, the Marquis Alexandre Saint-Yves d’Alveydre, is another fascinating character. He was a French Initiate, mystic and occultist and wrote many books on spiritualism, esoterica, the occult and white magick. In many ways he was the male, French version of Dion Fortune, a female, English occultist (The likes of d’Alveydre and Fortune were the antithesis of Aleister Crowley. I’ll be writing soon on psychic warfare and it would seem that Fortune and Crowley were indeed the Albus Dumbledore and Lord Voldemort of their time, especially during WWII in England when it was suspected that Nazis were using serious black magick in their war effort, particularly against Britain.)

Alexandre Saint-Yves, Marquess of Alveydre

Alexandre Saint-Yves, Marquess of Alveydre

In any case, here’s Aivanhov on Agharta and here’s to all of us striving for a better world and building a better mouse trap. And if Agartha and the Agarthans are real, have faith folks, we then have some very powerful allies on our side.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  “I have already spoken to you, many years ago, about the underground kingdom of Agharta and the fantastic civilization that has flourished there for thousands of years.  This hidden kingdom is in communication with the surface of the earth; there are openings in many different countries in the world: at the Poles, in South America, Mongolia and Tibet, and even in France, in the Pyrenees.  
The Cirque de Gavarnie in the French Pyrenees

The Cirque de Gavarnie in the French Pyrenees

From time immemorial, especially in the countries of the north, there have been legends that tell of a land beyond the icy wastes of the Pole in which it is always springtime.  And, according to a tradition known to Initiatic Science, the aurora borealis is produced by very highly evolved beings who dwell in that kingdom with the light from the center of the earth.
There have been people who were aware of the existence of Agharta.  There was even a film, “Lost Horizons”, which was about Shangri-La, the land of perpetual youth.  In every country the tradition has existed and, whether in Greece, India, Egypt or elsewhere, this mysterious subterranean kingdom has given rise to belief in a land of eternal youth and happiness which has been known, sometimes, as Agharta and sometimes as the Land of the Holy Grail, Shambala, Thule, or the Garden of the Hesperides.
Today, more is being said and written about Agharta but, not so many years ago, it was virtually unknown.  A Polish writer, Ferdinand Ossendowski, published a book called “Beasts, Men and Gods” in which he recounts what he learned about Agharta in the monasteries of Tibet and Mongolia.  But it was the Marquis Saint-Yves d’Alveydre who made the most striking revelations in his book, “The Mission to India”.  Saint-Yves d’Alveydre was a writer, a scholar and an Initiate; he was capable of out-of-body travel and, in his book, he tells of how he visited and saw Agharta for himself.  He gives many extraordinary details about this subterranean kingdom, about how it is lit by a kind of internal sun, about the trees and flowers growing there and about the animals and men who live there, just as on earth.  He describes the libraries and archives which stretch for miles and which contain the whole history of the human race.  Yes, there are some amazing books there, books written by great Initiates and containing great secrets.  These books were taken away from human beings but they are still there, in Agharta, and only for those who sufficiently evolved have the right to go and read them.
Everything that has happened in the world since its beginning is recorded and preserved in these archives.  All that has disappeared from the face of the earth and that we believe to be lost to us forever, is there, in those archives.  If you wonder what some historical figure was like, this is where you will find the answer.  And you, too, are there, in miniature.  For there is a copy of every one of us and it is kept there so that we can be studied.  Every single thing that happens here is reflected in miniature in Agharta; in fact, at this very moment, the Aghartans know that I am talking about them.
Some people, who have done some research in this connection, think that the first Gypsies (or Romanies) were banished from Agharta and that it is from there that they draw their special knowledge of the Tarot, for example, which they hand on from generation to generation.
 It is also believed that the Aghartans first came from Atlantis and Lemuria.  Before the continent began to submerge – some researchers put this at fifteen thousand years ago – they are said to have fled in their extraordinary machines and taken refuge in the bowels of the earth, where they built cities and settled down.
To be sure, there are all kinds of extravagant theories about Agharta, but I am not interested in knowing whether they are true or false.  What does interest me is the underlying philosophy, the principles on which this kingdom is founded and how to propagate this philosophy amongst human beings.  And what interests me above all is how to get human beings to understand that if they continue to follow their false philosophies, they will soon come to a bad end.
The kingdom of Agharta is organized and ruled with immense wisdom and its millions of inhabitants live in prosperity, peace and happiness, free from disease and old age.  Saint-Yves d’Alveydre describes this organization in detail.  At the top, he says, is a trinity of beings: the Brahâtma, the Mahâtma and the Mahanga (whom Ossendowski calls the Brahytma, Mahytma and the Mahynga).  Authority belongs to the Brahâtma, power belongs to the Mahâtma and the Mahanga is in charge of organization.  And, as the government of Agharta is patterned on that of the universe, below this supreme trinity is a group of twelve persons that reflect the twelve signs of the Zodiac; under them is a group of twenty-two, reflecting the twenty-two principles of the Logos with which God created the world, and finally, there is a group of three hundred and sixty-five, reflecting the three hundred and sixty-five days of the year, etc.
There is a tradition that after Râma had established the Golden Age on earth, he went to live in Agharta.  Many other great spirits such as Buddha, St John, even the famous alchemist, Nicholas Flamel, also went to Agharta when they left this world.  


I can tell you about how the Aghartans live, how they are bom and how they understand love.  They know how precious sexual energy is, for instance, so, instead of squandering it, they use it to rise to greater heights of perfection and become divinities.  As a matter of fact, the true doctrine of Tantra-yoga, which is so widely known in Tibet and India, comes from Agharta.  Very few Westerners understand – still less practise – this form of yoga correctly.  Many of those who have tried it, in fact, have only succeeded in making themselves ill and destroying their emotional balance.  Be careful, therefore: I don’t advise you to embark on experiences in this area.  Study well, prepare yourselves, purify yourselves and, when you are ready, the extraordinary science that these beings possess will be revealed to you.
The science of the Aghartans also includes the most advanced discoveries of physics.  They are capable of seeing and controlling all that happens on earth.  In fact, if they wanted to, they could unleash the power of the four elements and wipe out the whole of humanity.  Fortunately, they are too peace-loving and much too highly evolved to do so.  It is also very likely that flying saucers, whose existence is no longer in doubt, come not from other planets but from the center of the earth via the North or South Pole.  Many observers in the Arctic and Antarctic regions have seen flying saucers coming or going in the direction of the Poles.
In any case, the Aghartans have some extraordinary means of transport and it is particularly interesting to note that it was in 1945, after the atomic bomb that wiped out Hiroshima, that they began to manifest themselves more frequently.  They come to keep an eye on us; they are concerned because they know that human beings are quite capable, in their folly, of wiping out humanity and, of course, if this happened it would also affect them.  It is possible that, within the next few years, they decide to show themselves and give human beings some messages, some warnings.  And it is also quite possible that they will take some of you back with them so that you can see the splendour of their land for yourselves before coming back to earth.  So far, none of those who have visited Agharta have ever come back.  But the Aghartans are very, very kind and generous: you need have absolutely no fear of them.  They have overcome all human weaknesses.
To be sure, quite a number of pilots have tried to pursue their flying saucers but they are surrounded by a magnetic field that makes them invulnerable: if they are pursued by a plane, they can throw out rays that make its engines cut out.  They always work with light.  Their source of power is light, and it is with this that they neutralize all hostile forces.  They apply the Initiatic rule that it is light that must be our protection against harmful elements.  Before very long, human beings will begin to discover many of their secrets.
By Zohra Kalinkowitz

By Zohra Kalinkowitz

 Instead of sensing their authenticity inwardly, instead of touching them, as it were, with their soul and spirit, human beings are so over-intellectual that they prefer to wait for the verdict of science before believing even the greatest truths.  But, I repeat: sooner or later, all that I reveal to you in my lectures will be scientifically proved.  Human beings don’t trust the instruments placed in them by the Creator: they ignore them completely, preferring to wait for the verdict of an external instrument, whereas it should be just the other way round.

These people will never help you spiritually

These people will never help you spiritually

As I have said, I am interested in Agharta from a philosophical point of view, because of the pattern of organization, government and life it presents.  We, too, should work for the collectivity with the same disinterestedness and the same tireless love as the Aghartans so as to form a single family on earth, so that there shall be no more boundaries, no more war, no more poverty.  
One Earth, one family, one race, one people. Oneness.

One Earth, one family, one race, one people. Oneness.

When this is achieved, the interests of individuals will be protected.  In a prosperous, healthy collectivity, each individual member also thrives, whereas, if only a handful of individuals prosper within a collectivity riddled by poverty and dissension, they will always be at risk, for their prosperity is not built on anything firm and lasting.  This is why, when we see that every individual is interested only in his own well-being and cares nothing for that of others, we can be sure, in advance, that is an unstable situation.  If human beings would only make effort to forget about themselves a little more and devote themselves to the good of the collectivity, the interests of every individual would be protected.  For the good of the individual is in the good of the whole.  This is why I keep telling you that you don’t know where your own best interest lies; your behavior proves this and, sooner or later, it will be your downfall.
There is no reason why on God's good Earth, this should even happen.

There is no reason why on God’s good Earth, this should even happen.

The life of the collectivity surrounds, dominates and rules us.  We can never be free and independent of it.  This means that you must stop trying to find a comfortable little niche for yourself because it can never be anything more than a stop-gap.  Unfortunately, human beings are still a long way from this expanded consciousness.  They are like insects: as soon as something goes wrong they scuttle off into their little hiding places thinking that they will be safe there.  Well, that is fine, it is something that we have inherited from the insects, but surely we are capable of changing just a little.  
The solutions men need must be sought on a higher level, in the spirit, in light.  As long as they keep trying to solve their problems without that light, even the most far-reaching political and social transformations will never be truly effective for they will always contain the germ of a personal interest which runs contrary to the collective interest and which will end by contaminating all the rest.  Men must consult that eternal wisdom that the Aghartans consult and that I myself always consult, and it will show them what to do.  
As it is, even the Church doesn’t consult this higher wisdom; it has substituted its own interests for the interests of the Lord.  This is why the prophecies of Fatima are so terrible for the Church.  But people no longer believe in anything; self-interest and money have priority over everything else.
In a few years from now some very important discoveries will be made.  The only question is whether there will be enough human beings capable of understanding and feeling them and putting them into effect in their lives.  It says in the Bible that everything will be revealed at the end of time.  And this time is near.  Of course, when it says ‘the end of time’, we must not imagine that it means the end of the world.  The end of the world has already been announced time and again – even the date has been specified – and people have been struck with terror and prepared to die.  And then the fateful day arrived and passed … and the world went on as usual.  Occasionally some minor upheaval occurred, but the world continued to go round.  Mankind will never completely disappear.  Human beings are tough, don’t worry!  They can survive anything.  
But there is no doubt that there will soon be all kinds of upheavals and changes and that it will be the end of an era.  In his book, “Beasts, Men and Gods”, Ossendowski tells of how, one evening, he was with a caravan of camels, crossing a great plain in Mongolia when, all of a sudden, everything fell silent (Saint-Yves d’Alveydre mentions the same phenomenon): men and beasts stood still, even the birds did not fly.  His guide explained that this awed silence fell over all things in nature whenever the King of the World (Melchizedek) entered the sanctuary in his subterranean palace in Agharta to pray.  Very few human beings have ever seen the King of the World but, every now and then, he has appeared on the occasion of a religious holiday and his appearance is always accompanied by great prodigies.  He has also made certain prophecies, some of which have already been realized and others of which are still to come.  Yes, the King of the World does exist and he is waiting for the right moment to manifest himself.  Also, as I have already told you, some beings from Agharta have incarnated in the world today in order to carry out the plans of the Invisible World.  Many of them are working, even now, for a true, noble world government.
Try to understand what I am telling you: above is the New Jerusalem, the Ierouschalaïm Hadascha of which St John speaks, and below is Agharta whilst we, human beings, are between the two.  When the New Jerusalem descends and Agharta rises from below, the Kingdom of God will be established amongst men.  Agharta, like the New Jerusalem, denotes the inner life.  It was to Agharta that the alchemists referred when they used the word VITRIOLUM, each letter of which is the initial letter of a word in the Latin sentence: ‘Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem Veram Medicinam’, which means, ‘Visit the bowels of the earth; rectifying you will find the hidden stone, the true medicine.’ Agharta is also this inner earth into which we must penetrate’, for man is made in the image of the universe and all that exists outside him exists, also, inside him.”
Categories: Ascension, Ch-ch-ch-changes, Prophecy, Raise your EQ, Shift of the Ages effects, This is why the planet is screwed up, Those unseen things | Tags: , , , , , | 12 Comments

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12 thoughts on “A visit to Agharta

  1. Pingback: A Mind Blowing Blog — the Shift has Hit the Fan - A Cookbook of Consciousness

  2. MJ

    Hey there,
    I’m here because someone posted a link on the Hollow Earth FB page. Thanks for posting this, I never saw that video before of that British woman but I get the feeling she’s not lying. Never heard of Avanhov before either I don’t know how to describe it but there’s something about how he words things that just makes me feel better.
    Thank you for this.

    • Hi MJ,
      Even if Agartha is symbolic, I think there are some ideas behind it which we can try to pilfer for our own use here. Let’s face it, everything we’ve tried till now has gotten us deeper and deeper into a quagmire with no exit sign in sight. I say let’s entertain some of these ideas even if they are utopic, wouldn’t hurt to try if you ask me.

  3. Pingback: Meetings with Remarkable People: Q & A with Hopi Elder, Grandfather Martin Gashweseoma | The Shift Has Hit The Fan

  4. Pingback: A Vision of Things to Come | The Shift Has Hit The Fan

  5. Pingback: The New Energetic Centers of the World Part III | The Shift Has Hit The Fan

  6. Pingback: The End-Posts Have Shifted | The Shift Has Hit The Fan

  7. Pingback: Earth 2.0, Part II – The Pyramid of Light | The Shift Has Hit The Fan

  8. Pingback: Shamballa: A visit to Agharta | 2012 The Awakening

  9. Pingback: Earth 2.0 – Part III, Baba Vanga, the Messengers and the Black President | The Shift Has Hit The Fan

  10. Pingback: The Immortal Ones | The Shift Has Hit The Fan

  11. Corey

    If Shambhala or Agharta or Valhalla were infact real places, we would have a Sandals Resort there. Stories of these places are works of fiction, im not sure why people would go into so much detail describing a place that doesn’t exist but that is the conclusion we are lead to because of the lack of evidence. I however, do believe in an ancient civilization that all cultures believe they came from although they develop different names and attach spiritual traits to this one location and civilization. That civilization is better known as Atlantis. In my search for an understanding of the past through non biased logical research i have concluded that ALL evidence points to Atlantis as a civilization that had thousands of years to develop before being dispersed and demolished by a meteor impact of the North America ice sheets and consequential flooding of the earth. As i would love to give more info on my reasoning, i will not because of a book i am currently writing in an attempt to correct all of mankinds historical mistakes which would optimistically destroy religion and spiritualistic beliefs and propel mankind into a future filled with innovation and an idea of everyone is on this earth to try to help better mankind rather than hinder it. Its alot to hope for and i realize alot of people dont care but im a dreamer and i get alot of criticism for my faith in humanity but i know there are people with similar ideas there just needs to be some sort of catalyst that can inspire people and correct the corruption that has been put forth into the world. I hope to be a part of the change the world needs.

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