How the Illuminati took over the Canadian political landscape and other disasters….

To international readers and those who do not pay any attention to the politics of this large-yet-small country called Canada, indulge me for a moment as we take a step away from spiritual and energetic travel and step back to domestic matters to see and understand a case study in Illuminati control, how they manipulate public perception and work in the realm of back room deals and give the Powers That Be (PTB) control…

Imagine you have a country, let’s call her Canada, left-of-center, socially progressive, marked by a population that believes in their national institutions strongly like national health care, accessible university education, social nets like welfare and unemployment insurance,  a strong public broadcaster. A country which believes all of the aforementioned are basic human rights, not economic privileges. This country has 3 major political parties called the Conservatives (right wing, pro-business, hates immigrants) the Liberals (left of center, follows a middle way, believes in consensus building) and the New Democratic Party, the NDP (Super left wing, socialist, the brains behind universal health care and education)

When I was growing up in the 1970’s and early 1980’s, Pierre Elliott Trudeau was (Liberal) Prime Minister of this country. He had been PM since 1968 but was around so long because, let’s face it, he was cool and had style. He was known to be quite a snazzy dresser, with a rose in his lapel most of the time…

Hung out with John Lennon and Yoko Ono…

Was best buddies with Fidel Castro (in fact they became friends when they found out they both had the same Jesuit priest as a teacher during their respective childhoods) …

Wasn’t crazy about Ronald Reagan..

And managed to piss off those two war mongers Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger by beating them to the chase and was the first Western leader to meet Chairman Mao Tse Tung of China

Did pirouettes behind the Queen’s back …

played Frisbee with the proletariat…

and he had a hot, young wife (younger by 33 years) by the name of Margaret Trudeau who he met on a Tahitian beach when she was 19 and in a bikini…

When she left him on election night for Ron Wood of the Rolling Stones, Trudeau then dated other notable beautiful women like Margot Kidder (aka Lois Lane in Superman) and Spanish guitarist Liona Boyd.

Pierre Trudeau with actress Margot Kidder

Pierre Trudeau with actress Margot Kidder

He also did yoga!

Pierre Elliott Trudeau in an advanced yoga pose known as Peacock pose.

Pierre Elliott Trudeau in an advanced yoga pose known as Peacock Pose.

In short, Trudeau was a very cool,  open-minded kind of guy who abolished the death penalty, decriminalized homosexuality, opened Canada to immigrants around the world and even considered decriminalizing marijuana.   Canada’s international reputation as peaceful, liberal country came in large part  to the kinds of policies Trudeau put into place.  People say Canada is boring but I guess that comes from being comfortable for so long. Trudeau’s legacy  also made Canada into a Liberal country with a capital “L” and it’s been that way ever since.

After Trudeau, we had a pro-Illuminati shill Prime Minister named Brian Mulroney, a guy  known for two things, besides his massive Jay Leno-like chin:

1) Started up NAFTA, the North-American Free Trade Agreement, which was the first step and set down the blue-print for globalization rules around the world and..

2) His chummy relationship with Ronald Reagan…

Thankfully Mulroney was only around for 8 years and Canada went back to becoming a Liberal country when Trudeau’s right hand man, Jean Chretien became PM.

While Chretien, didn’t have the style and polish of Trudeau, he was a scrappy fighter, rough around the edges, and even had no problems swearing in front of the Queen (when the Constitution was being signed by Trudeau and Chretien in 1982, Chretien’s fountain pen broke, making him mutter “Merde” (“shit” in French), under his breath which the Queen heard and smiled at)

Chretien was a real Liberal too, molded and taught by Trudeau. Chretien also had the balls to stand up to George W. Bush and say “NO”, when W. asked for Canadian troops to fight in Iraq. Chretien adamantly wanted proof of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) and wanted the UN’s green-light first before he made any decision and committed Canadian troops. Now we know of course that the whole WMD bait was a scam concocted by Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz. Chretien knew from the get-go it was a scam and was not willing to obey the Illuminati Masters. Little did he know that he would pay for this transgression and his disobedience…

Enter former Finance Minister, Illuminati shill, Paul Martin, an uppity, super-ambitious scion of a shipping dynasty who registers and keeps all his ships in Panama so he doesn’t have to pay taxes on them…

Martin basically stabbed Chretien in the back, forced Chretien out of power and then took over the Prime Minister’s office.

He didn’t last long. All Paul Martin did was effectively kill the Liberal Party of Canada

In the next election, Martin’s unpopularity forced the Liberals out of office and handed the government to the Dark Side, Stephen Harper and the Conservatives, who had steadily been growing stronger in the shadows all these years. Harper, an Albertan with strong ties to the oil industry and a major anti-abortionist, anti-immigrant Bible thumper had been sharpening his fangs for years….

With Harper installed, that was all the Illuminati wanted and needed. They got their shill in office and now could undo every single piece of progressive legislation Canada had ever produced. Meaning, privatizing everything, budget cuts to all social programs including health care, environmental safety and regulation, post-secondary university education, international development aid. Harper was in with Bush and the Republicans and now the stage has been set to transform Canada into a New World Order lackey following Washington’s orders.

With the political right in charge, the political left had gone to pieces (Illuminati strategy #1 – Divide and conquer) . Martin stepped down as Liberal leader after his Illuminati orchestrated election defeat and the race was on for the Liberal leadership.

2 front runners emerged.

  1. Micheal Ignatieff, a Harvard human rights law professor, with tenure, who had not been in Canada for over 30 years. The press declared him to be Trudeau’s heir, both were erudite academics, both deemed as the thinking woman’s sex symbol (barf…)  To anyone with half a brain, it’s obvious Ignatieff was an Illuminati henchman and CIA implant. The guy was so…oily. NO ONE EVER GETS TENURE AT HARVARD, not even some Nobel prize winners! It’s almost impossible. It just doesn’t make any sense why anyone in their right mind would leave a plum job at Harvard to come back to a country he had not been in for over 30 years to suddenly take an interest in national politics and pursue the leadership race.

2. Stephane Dion, a former Minister of the Environment under Jean Chretien and key architect of the Kyoto Protocol. A bookish academic, didn’t have a lot of dynamic charisma, but he was a decent fellow and was known for being an all around class act, a very elegant, understated gentleman.

The odds were in favor of Ignatieff, “somehow” he got all the funding, campaign money and had the press behind him. Dion was considered a dark horse in the running.

But then something funny happened, Dion won the Liberal leadership race against all expectations. Dion, was known to have voiced opinions against the American invasion of Iraq and had serious reservations about committing Canadian troops to Afghanistan outside of humanitarian reasons and was a strong supporter of  environmental issues. This of course did not go down well with Harper and Ignatieff’s Illuminati controllers. Dion had to be taken out. And so he was…

Ignatieff, then basically walked into the job of Liberal Leader where the PTB wanted him, as an ineffective Liberal leader which would serve as no serious political threat to Stephen Harper and the Conservatives as they follow their Illuminati orders and undo everything that made Canada a half-decent country to begin with. And that is exactly what happened, Harper keeps winning election after election and can get away with anything he wants so long as the political left are in disarray. All of it orchestrated by the Illuminati of course…

The last election handed Stephen Harper the majority government he had been seeking all these years which means he is in for another 5 years and can ram down any kind of policy he wants without any interference whatsoever from Senate or Parliament. Stephen Harper is an Israeli agent and Zionist shill. With the Liberals completely decimated, Ignatieff “stepped down” as Liberal leader and went off to another plum academic job at the University of Toronto (how convenient…), handing the Liberal leadership over to his cronie Bob Rae.

As for the New Democrats, Thomas Mulcair has yet to show that he’s an effective opponent and dissenter. In fact he’s done exactly zero since he got in. Furthermore Mulcair is now cracking down on NDP members who are pro-Palestinian . Interesting fact: Thomas Mulcair, Bob Rae and Michael Ignatieff, have an annoying habit of never speaking up for the Palestinians and always come down soft on Israel.

So, boys and girls, the lesson of the day here is watch your politicians closely, watch their motivations, where they come from and why are they going for leadership. Most of all FOLLOW THE MONEY TRAIL.

P.S I just had to share this one last tid-bit. All hope is not lost. There is still some fight left in some Canadian leaders. Danny Williams, the former Premier of Newfoundland positively hates Stephen Harper. I may not agree with Williams on a lot of issues but he’s absolutely spot-on in his assessment of Harper.

Whenever Harper went to William’s office in St.John’s, Williams deliberately placed this photo on his desk and made sure Harper could see it.

Post-script: As I write, Justin Trudeau is now the leader of the Liberal Party of Canada and will be running against Stephen Harper in the next federal election in October 2015.

I’m against particular families forming concentrations of power. During the medieval ages that’s what royal families and dynasties used to do, swap and arrange their kids marriage among cousins and relatives so that they could keep power and wealth at close hand. The end result was excessive in-breeding and degeneration of ability and capability.
I’m seeing this now, in the way the Clintons are grooming Chelsea or the way the Bush family are grooming Jeb Bush’s half Latino son to eventually lead the Republican party (and get the Latino/Chicano vote). Or how the Gandhi/Nehru family have a firm lock on India’s Congress Party. Look at the Duvaliers in Haiti or the Marcos in the Philippines. No good can ever come of this in the long run and there should not be a place for this sort of thing in a real democracy

While I despise Stephen Harper  I normally would side with the NDP or the Green party from a policy perspective since they are the most leftist, but I can’t support anyone who is anti-Palestine. It’s just wrong.

So, I unfortunately think Justin has the best shot to get rid of that Albertan right-wing nut job once and for all. It also helps that Justin has a very tight-knit group of advisers around him, including Jean Chretien. If he can do a couple of things, namely decriminalize marijuana (or all drugs actually like Portugal has, view drug addiction as a mental illness and not a personality problem), tax it to death and make a fuck-ton of cash from it and put that cash back into our social programs like higher education, healthcare and public services (the arts, libraries, firemen, building decent roads and civil engineering, research and development, international development and aid etc.), become a peace negotiator like it used be back in the days of Lester B. Pearson and Pierre Elliott Trudeau, gain back its international reputation as a peace broker (our international reputation right now is in the gutter, no thanks to Stephen Harper ), kick-out all the right-wing, conservative American academics who have surreptitiously infiltrated practically all the political science, history and economics programs within the more prestigious Canadian universities along with the agendas they brought with them, keep a very close eye on party members with unusually close ties to right-wing think tanks like Canada’s Fraser Institute, C.D Howe Institute or American think tanks like the Hudson Institute, American Enterprise Institute or The Heritage Foundation, install Stephane Dion as ambassador to the UN, follow a policy of engagement and dialogue rather than bombing, instead of acting like Washington’s lackey, build closer political and economic ties to the BRICIT countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, Indonesia and Turkey), understand the changing dynamics of world economic  power, multiculturalism, and global citizenship instead of being a “meat and potatoes” boring, mediocre country run by bland, generic looking and sounding WASPs from rural Canada, torpedo the Trans-Pacific Partnership, stop the Keystone Pipeline project completely in it’s tracks, and undo all the damage that Brian Mulroney, Paul Martin and Stephen Harper did, then Canada stands to enter it’s Golden Age as Sri Aurobindo once prophesied it would.


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Categories: Politico, Think like the Illuminati | Tags: , , , , , | 23 Comments

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23 thoughts on “How the Illuminati took over the Canadian political landscape and other disasters….

  1. Pingback: In-Spiral-ed Living « The Shift Has Hit The Fan

  2. silver bullet

    interesting article.

    I agree with a lot you say, but strongly disagree when you talk about health care and education. Just because a government reduces public services doesn’t make them into the illuminati. I would actually argue the other way, the more the government does for you and makes you dependent on them, the more power/control the government has. I am a libertarian and don’t want these services. I don’t use the public education system, went to a private school, now sending my children there. I want to opt out, but can’t. Other then that good article

    • Hi silver bullet,
      Thanks for commenting, but I would respectfully disagree with you. If you’re a libertarian, then you’re coming from the right end of the spectrum, while I am a confirmed lefty with social anarchist leanings.
      As someone who has studied health economics, private systems are far and away the worst health systems in the world, with the American one being one of the worst and most inefficient, particularly with respect the the amount of stakeholders and players with vested financial interests.

      If you want to see what I mean, I strongly recommend anyone to give “The Spirit Level” by Tom Wilkenson a good read. Written by epidemiologists, it demonstrates unequivocally that more egalitarian and equal societies come out ahead in the long term. From crime, to teen pregnancies, to education and to health care.

      Governments were alright once upon a time when they were there to keep the checks and balances in place with respect to corporations and private power, but the moment globalization happened, these private entities became, supernational, borders meant nothing, they became more powerful than governments, rendering them as meaningless, so governemnts had no choice but to pay service to them. It’s up to citizens to challenge governments and corporations and take their rights and communities back.

      Also, public education works if the community is behind it in the first place. I went through the public system all the way through and made it into one of the Top 20 universities in the world, no problem, ditto my brother and some of my classmates in high school made it into Yale, Harvard and MIT. Meanwhile the kids I knew in private school were wealthy basketcases with “issues” around sexual promiscuity, drug use and awkward social skills because they had no idea on how to relate to “other people” and heavily insulated and ignorant to the realities of their own society and the developing world at large.

      So if governments are not run by corporations, they can work, When public services like education and and healthcare are viewed as basic human rights and not private privileges, unlike feudalist medieval Europe and the the present day US, it can work, you have only to look at countries like Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Japan, Switzerland, France and Japan to see how it’s done right.

      The idea is that the government is there to raise the basic quality of life of it’s citizenry and when the government has done it’s job, the society can evolve to the point where the government won’t be needed anymore and it is exactly this why the nation-state model is outdated, unneccessary and ultimately violent.

    • Robert

      “I would actually argue the other way, the more the government does for you and makes you dependent on them, the more power/control the government has.”

      No …think about it …they (the rich) get government runned organizations to privatize then take over the company … and its easier to control that way . NASA, the Federal Reserve , private banks, etc. are easier to obtain by buying into them Also private firms do not have to answer to ATIPS (access to information enquiries) or the governemnt and therefore can and do what they want… more and more govt departments are going private … see where we are hrading !!!

    • Robert

      reread the above article … their goal is divide and conquer … divide the govt by privatizing and having your foot in the private firms and run the show … the Federal Reserve is private, Monsanto is private,
      NASA is private, all the major arms company are private, Dom Chemical is private … etc.

  3. Jakan

    Great article!

  4. the one

    I feel shammed. Not too into this whole illuminati idea, but I voted for this guy twice. All he is doing is selling off our resources. FIPA locks us in for 30 years. With how much we got screwed with the Nexen take over, $15,000,000,000 is a slap in the face. You know the chinese will just turn it around and make hundreds of billions which is the only reason these deals should even be made in the first place, we need to be making that kind of money, not letting someone else do it and get the one up on us. The Chinese want oil in our Country? then eliminate this national debt of 603 billion dollars. Seems reasonable since we have the second largest reserves in the world. With the profit these foreign companies will make, they can whipe their ass with 15 billion. These conservative fucks do NOTHING for business. Make deals that are worth making.

  5. Jacky

    Illuminati is nothing but Satan worshippers and planted into government to create the new world order. Who runs the US and Canada, Illuminati.

    They offer you money, fame, all you want in return for your soul.

    Well, there are only two choices in life, your way or God’s way. These Satan worshippers know the fate of their soul when they leave this world we call Earth. They will fry for eternity.

    Is it worth it? Fame and glory? No, because it’s all controlled anyhow by, you guessed it, Illuminati.

    I’m fortunate to have left Canada a decade ago and live in a different part of the world which is somewhat more peaceful and more freedom than in Canada or the US. It’s best to have two passports these days so you can renounce being a Canadian anytime before trouble starts. and that trouble is coming closer everyday.

    • I’m hoping to leave Canada as soon as possible. It’s not the same country that I grew up in. Yeah, people go on about not worrying that there aren’t bombs going off on your street but somehow I think all this comfort, trappings of affluence and false security has also deadened and anesthetized people as well. The zombie invasion isn’t a Hollywood construct, get on the subway any day of the week and watch how people really are.

    • karl

      if you dont mind me asking which country did you choose to move to they always say the grass is greener on the other side you believe this is it really wise to leave everything your job house etc… to move somewhere elsewhere>

      • I would suggest you read a recent book called “No Ordinary Disruption” by McKinsey Consulting – the next 50 years doesn’t look good for Canada or Northern Europe for that matter.

  6. Lee Houstin

    I don’t mean to be a real pisser… but wasn’t it Chretien who ordered the troops into Afganistan? Historically, Harper did “bring the troops home”.

    • Chretien did send troops there, but it wasn’t about busting Al Queda but rather aid and development. If you talk to folks over at CIDA, Harper made it into a more militaristic mission and changed the focus completely. Harper only brought troops home because it was proving to be too expensive financially and in terms of loss of life. I would bet money he’d send troops into Syria in an instant if a Republican president green-lighted him to do it.

  7. io

    Great article! It is currently election day 2015. If you can provide any further updates and insight on Canadian politics and the influence of the Illuminati in light of this current campaign and the eventual result, I would be very interested in reading your opinion/commentary.

  8. io

    I’d like to add, regarding support for Israel, Trudeau is against the BDS movement and hired a Jewish billionaire’s son to assist with fundraising and winning over the Jewish community. Thomas Mulcair defends and supports Israel but claims to also support a Palestinian state …it doesn’t appear that any party leader is ever going to be publicly (or privately) outspoken against Israel, but Justin Trudeau doesn’t gain any points on this issue.

    • I think Elizabeth May of the Green Party came out strong against Israel when they went on another crazy offensive last year against Gaza, but you are correct. None of the main political parties are speaking up effectively in support of a Palestinian State which has 1967 borders as per UN resolutions. I don’t think they will either until the US and UK set in motion a change in policy which gives the Palestinians an equal say and equal weight in the matter and policy-makers stop taking money from the deep-pocketed Zionist lobbyists like Izzy Asper and the Bronfmans in Canada and Sheldon Adelson and AIPAC in the US.
      As for this election, it is now 5:04PM EST as I write this and I can tell you that Justin will win tonight. It was decided last year by the Scottish Mafia (who pretty much control Canada, the Scottish Rites of Freemasonry) that Justin would win. By how much, I’m not sure.

  9. io

    I do like the ideas of the Green party and it’s good to know that Elizabeth May has spoken out against Israel’s tactics against Gaza. I do wonder though, if someone who is aware of the “hidden hand” behind politics, should even bother to vote considering the result has already been predetermined by the elites? One interesting note regarding the Scottish Mafia: it appears that Justin Trudeau, (via his mother’s side,) is related to the Freemason/Knight’s Templar Scottish Sinclair family…

    I look forward to your further insight on this thread!

    • Also via his paternal grandmother, Grace Elliott.
      As for voting, do it anyway. They may manipulate some numbers but they can’t get away with everything. Case in point, the National Post editor, Andrew Coyne quit today and endorsed an NDP candidate over Postmedia’s endorsement of the Conservatives. Postmedia which own the National Post newspaper were pressurizing Coyne to write pro-Conservative columns and op-ed pieces and he just wouldn’t do it. THAT’S how rigged the media, big business and politics are in this country.

      • io

        Wow, those familial connections sure are intriguing. I wonder what family line our dear Harper belongs to (if any)…

        Thank you for your point made with regards to voting. You sure have helped me out tonight :).

  10. From a bigoted internet troll, not surprisingly, from out West:

    The author is obviously completely oblivious to both Trudeau’s Illuminati/Jesuit ties. Not to mention Justin’s links to groups radical Islam. This guy is a puppet that has been molded for years for this position. Pierre was a disaster, his son is going to be so much worse. You wanna see Canada go straight down the toilet, just wait and see what the next four years have in store. He’s already off to a terrific start. Just a few things I can think of that he’s doing just off the top of my head so far. Spending Tens of millions of taxpayer dollars to renovate Sussex into a more modern place to live. Changing laws so Canadians with dual citizenship who are terrorists cannot be deported. Allowing 25,000 Syrian refugees into Canada without proper screening for Muslim radicals extremists and terrorists. Allowing the Mexican drug cartels into Canada without a visa…and it’s only been a month or so!?!? We will be in the same boat European countries like the UK, Germany, Norway and Sweden are in, in no time. Thanks to people who lack education and actually vote for these criminals.


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    • Don

      FYI:Both Norway and Germany’ have thriving economies so if Canada is in the “same boat in no time” great!

  11. Pingback: Pierre Trudeau and the establishment of Canada’s diplomatic relation with China | frankwaterloo

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